Invincible God of War

Chapter 1254: The emperor forgives you innocence!

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"and many more."

Qin Feiyang shouted.

"What are you doing?"

Lei Bao looked at him impatiently.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "I haven't finished explaining, what are you in a hurry?"

"Then say!"

Lei Bao shouted.

Qin Feiyang glanced at it coldly, entered the castle, and asked the fat man for an unused image spar, and threw it to Lei Bao, saying, "This is for you, so that we can contact us."

"What is this?"

Lei Bao played with curiosity.

"Don't even know the crystal spar?"

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead and looked at Wang Yang Feng said: "Wang Lao, please explain it to him, and tell it how to use it."

"it is good."

Mr. Wang nodded, walked to Lei Leopard and introduced it in detail.

"It turned out to be for communication."

Lei Bao suddenly realized.

After establishing the contract bridge, it looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Is there any other explanation?"

Qin Feiyang said: "You want to play, I don't care about you, you can play whatever you want, but the premise is, do the tasks I gave you first."

"You know, it's wordy."

Lei Bao waved his paw impatiently, and then turned and ran into the sea without looking back.

Wang Yangfeng looked at Lei Bao's back and frowned, "Young Master, is it really appropriate to let it go?"

"No one is more suitable than it."

"First, its strength is strong enough to dominate in this sea area, you certainly don't have this confidence!"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

A group of people shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

In terms of strength, I am afraid that all of them may not add up to Lei Bao's opponents.

"Second, fierce beasts and fierce beasts, communicate better and get along better than fierce beasts and humans."

"Third, it is controlled by the **** seal, and I know what it is thinking about, so do n’t worry about betraying me."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

"What is the seal of slavery?"

Wang Yangfeng curiously said.

Qin Feiyang said: "A kind of magical trick that can control the soul."

"Magic trick!"

A group of people were dumbfounded.

Casually speaking is a kind of magic formula. How many magic formulas are there in this young master?

Qin Feiyang laughed: "You go to the ancient pagoda first, and build the village as soon as possible."


"Something, just call us out."

Wang Yang wind said.

Qin Fei waved his hand, sent a group of people to the ancient tower, and then entered the ancient castle.

The fat man looked at Qin Feiyang and said with a smile: "Boss, look at your mood a lot better!"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Now he is also connected, anxious or not, as long as he knows that his mother is fine.

Before killing him, the national teacher did not dare to hurt his mother, because now, only his mother can threaten his chips.


The fat man hesitated and said, "Even if Lei Bao finds the island, with our strength, he can't fight the national master!"

"So I'm waiting."

Qin Feiyang said.


The fat man was surprised.

"Wait for Lu Zheng."

"His departure, you don't have to think about it, you must return to the Lu's house to find someone to help."

"With the background of the Lu family, it should still be possible to kill the state teacher and contain him."

Qin Feiyang said.

The fat man smiled and said: "It seems that this guy is also an enthusiastic person!"

"He is the kind of cynical person, but his heart is very righteous. Besides, as he said, my mother is his dear aunt. He can't ignore it."

Qin Feiyang said.

The fat man smiled, then closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

Qin Feiyang also opened the six-character magic formula and began to write a grammatical formula.

Ten days in the castle, one day outside, you can no longer waste your time.


Time shook.

Ten days passed in the old castle.

However, Qin Feiyang only wrote one-tenth of the first stroke of Xingzi Jue.

Fortunately, the rules of time in the old castle have changed. Otherwise, it will not continue at this speed, and I don't know how long it will take to control the tactics.

Ten days inside the castle, only one day passed outside.

"Lei Leopard shouldn't get it so quickly ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted, ready to continue to write.

But at this moment, the image spar sounded.

Qin Feiyang looked amazed, took out the image spar, and a virtual image emerged.

It was actually Leopard!


Qin Feiyang asked.

"I found it."

Leopard said.

"So fast?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

"Nonsense, don't look at who the emperor is?"

Lei Bao smiled proudly and gave Qin Feiyang a coordinate, saying: "The Emperor is waiting for you here, come here quickly."

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded, quickly put away the image spar, left the castle, opened a portal and walked in.

next moment!

He landed over an island.

The island is small, only about half a mile in diameter, and you can get a glimpse of it at a glance.

"The emperor is here!"

Lei Bao stood on a boulder in the middle of the island and waved his paw at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang looked down, but he saw Lei Bao beside him, and he was still standing on a seahorse.

The hippocampus was only more than two meters high. Among the ranks of the beasts, it was not tall, but Qin Feiyang felt uneasy with his breath.


Qin Feiyang flickered and landed in front of Boulder Leibao, asking: "Is it?"

Lei Bao proudly said: "It is the second brother of the emperor."

"Second brother?"

Qin Feiyang wondered.

This is only one day, why is there one more brother?

The hippocampus looked at Qin Feiyang and proudly said: "This emperor is the emperor here, and he controls 100,000 miles of sea."


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

So quickly and brother-in-law in this sea area, this guy can not bear it!

Haima glanced at Qin Feiyang and asked in a low voice: "Brother, is he your master?"


Lei Bao nodded reluctantly.

"He is a one-star war emperor, which is worse than a weak chicken. The emperor breathed and could send him to thousands of miles away. How could you lose to him?"

The hippocampus can't figure it out.

"Weak chicken?"

Qin Feiyang coughed and said with a black face: "Don't forget that I'm still standing here."

"so what?"

Haima didn't take him in his eyes at all and looked at Lei Bao said: "Big Brother, as long as you say a word, I will help you destroy him immediately."


Lei Leopard had choked, and quickly laid his paws, saying: "This little thing is not too much for the second brother to start. Brother can solve it."


Its present life is still held in Qin Feiyang's hands, dare to make it?


The hippocampus nodded.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the hippocampus and looked at Lei Bao said: "Who did you find?"

Thunder Leopard's paws waved, and a red-haired old man condensed out, just in case Mountain.

Qin Feiyang said: "Where is he?"


Lei Bao pointed to the sea in the distance.

Qin Feiyang looked up and saw that there were dozens of miles away, and there was a huge island, like a continent, floating on the sea.

On the island, the mountains overlap and the vegetation is lush.

Can even sense the breath of Emperor Beast.

Lei Bao said: "He is on the island, but according to the investigation of the second brother of the emperor, there are other people on the island."

Qin Feiyang withdrew his eyes, looked at the hippocampus, and asked, "How many people are there?"


"The cultivation of ten of them, like this emperor, are all nine-star war emperors."

"The strength of the remaining man is unfathomable."

"The sea beasts sent by the emperor were killed before he approached him."

Hippocampus, with fierce light in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "That's right, he is the national teacher."

"Which root is the onion?"

Haima asked.


Qin Feiyang was stunned and smiled helplessly. Ignorance was really terrible!

If this word is heard by the national teacher, this hippocampus will definitely be unable to survive.

"say something!"

The hippocampus looked at him impatiently.

Qin Feiyang said: "Guo Shi is a false god."

"False God!"

The hippocampus shuddered, and there was an inexhaustible horror in his eyes, looking at Lei Bao said: "Brother, you are not authentic, such an important thing, you actually hide from me."

"I do not have it!"

"I've seen him before, but I don't know that he is a false god."

Leopard said.


Hippocampus doubts.

Lei Baodao said: "Everybody brother, will I lie to you?"


"It's still too dangerous. The emperor will withdraw first and wait for you to get together before you are busy."

The sea horse glanced at the island, plunged into the sea, and disappeared instantly.


"Say brother, this is running away? It's too unjust."

Lei Bao scolded.

"You don't look at it, how long have you known it?"

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

It is only one day, how can friendship be generated?

"What do you know?"

"There is a relationship in this world called, at first sight, deliberately throwing in."

Lei Bao sneered.

"I think it's about the same smell."

Qin Feiyang glanced at it contemptuously.

"You cruel human beings will not understand."

Lei Bao scorned.

"Am I cruel?"

Qin Feiyang stared at it angrily and said, "If I were cruel, you would have seen the king of the earth already, and you still have a chance to stand here and talk to me nonsense?"

"That's my cleverness, I didn't provoke you."

Lei Bao smiled triumphantly.

Qin Feiyang, helpless, jumped up, sat on Leibao's back, looked at the island, and said, "Let's go!"

"Do you really regard the emperor as a mount? Roll off immediately and the emperor will forgive you."

Lei Bao said angrily.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows and ran into the **** seal.


Lei Bao roared in pain.

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "It is better not to challenge my patience."

"Good, the emperor will take you, take you ..."

Lei Bao quickly asked for mercy.

Qin Feiyang stopped running the slavery seal, and the pain in Lei Bao's mind disappeared immediately.

"What a shame!"

Lei Bao let out a lingering breath, and said: "Finally, one more sentence, are you sure you want to go? Then there is a pseudo-god on it. We run like this, it's no different from death."

"Despite going, they won't find us."

Qin Feiyang said.

"You think they are blind?"

Thunder Leopard secretly grumbled, only to bite the bullet and take off, flying towards the island.

The sea breeze roared and the waves rushed.

Qin Feiyang stared at the island, his eyes flashing murderously.

"Aura of convergence!"


Qin Feiyang spoke.

While opening his mouth, his breath instantly converged to the extreme.

Lei Leopard was taken aback for a while, and he also gathered his fierce prestige.

"No matter what happens, don't let yourself go, let alone speak, if anything, tell me."

Qin Feiyang cried, and then he thought about it, opened the secret tactics, and one person and one animal immediately disappeared over the sea.

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