Invincible God of War

Chapter 1255: moron!

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On the island.

On top of a mountain, a red-haired old man stood on the edge of a cliff.

He sometimes looked into the distant waters, and sometimes swept the surrounding mountains and rivers, with a trace of hesitation hidden in his eyes.

That's right!

He is Wang Yishan.

The huge mountain top seems to be the only one, but it actually hides the killer.

In the woods behind him, eleven stood at the moment.

Headed by an old crane-haired man, wearing a black robe, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were filled with an amazing anger.

The rest of the ten people, old and young, stood behind the old man with crane hair, hiding their breath, just like a viper that was ready to go, firmly locking Wang Yishan.

Apart from these eleven people, there are two others.

The two stood in tandem, standing on a hill opposite.

The former is an old man with white hair, which looks like a fairy bone, but there is a ruthless color in his eyes.

It is the national teacher!

The latter is a middle-aged man.

He stood behind the national teacher, wearing a purple gold long coat, his face was cold and unsmiling, and there was a coercion of the superior from all over him.

The two also stood on the cliff, surrounded by bushes and weeds, not only can they hide the figure, but also clearly see the situation of Wang Yishan opposite.

The time passed.

The middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and looked at the master of the country, saying, "Ancestor, this day has passed. Why hasn't he come yet?"

Guo Shi shook his head.

At that time, when Wang Yishan sent messages to Qin Feiyang and Wang Yangfeng, he stood aside.

Therefore, he heard Qin Feiyang say that he would come immediately.

But this has been waiting for a day, and has not yet appeared.

What the **** is this little beast doing?

The middle-aged man seemed to think of something, his face slightly changed, and he whispered: "Will he see through our plan?"

"see through?"

"Do you think he is really a fairy? It can be counted if you pinch your fingers."

The national teacher glared at him.

The middle-aged man smiled.

"We did it so secretly that even if he was smart, he couldn't think of it."

"Furthermore, when Wang Yishan sent messages to them, we were all watching next to each other. It can be said that Wang Yishan's every move was seamless, how could he see it.

"According to the old man's guess, he should be temporarily delayed by something."

The master of the country thought.

"Ancestor made sense, but I can't figure out, what is more important than his mother?"

Middle-aged man said.

He could not directly refute the words of the National Teacher, so he had to use this method to imply.

This means that for Qin Feiyang, nothing is more important than the safety of his mother.

Under normal circumstances, after receiving the news, Qin Feiyang will definitely come immediately.

But now, I haven't come all day, so there must be something stupid hiding inside.

But the National Teacher did not listen.

Because this time the plan was carefully arranged by him, interlocking, even if Qin Feiyang could see through the first ring, then there is the second ring, the third ring.

So he has full confidence in this plan, and he has full confidence.


And at this time.

Qin Feiyang and Lei Leopard have entered the island.

Qin Feiyang looked at ease, not a little nervous, but Lei Bao was extremely uneasy.

Because it didn't know yet, Qin Feiyang had opened the secret formula.

Therefore, in its view, it is now equivalent to breaking into the island with no cover.

What is the difference with finding death?

If there were no enslavement marks, it would have slipped away.


The giant peak where Wang Yishan is located entered Lei Bao's sight.

It stopped in the void and preached: "The person you are looking for is on the top of the mountain, but I advise you to think about it again. Do you really want to go?"

"Crap, hurry up."

Qin Feiyang sipped.

Lei Leopard was so excited that he could only fly past daringly, but he was muttering in his heart, he couldn't see me, he couldn't see me ...

at last!

One person and one beast came to the top of the mountain.

"What happened? Really can't see the emperor?"

Lei Bao froze.

Wang Yishan was directly below, but they didn't notice them at all.

"Where are the others?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Lei Baodao said: "There are a batch in the woods behind, and there are two on the opposite mountain."

Qin Feiyang looked up at the top of the mountain opposite him and preached: "Let's go to the woods first."

"it is good."

Lei Bao nodded and looked at Wang Yishan, is this old man blind? They can't even see it on it?

It flew into the woods with doubts.

A group of elderly Hefa people, even when they come into sight.

Qin Feiyang's pupils contracted. This lineup is really terrible. All eleven are nine-star warlords.


"I didn't find it? Are you blind?"

Lei Bao was stunned.

Finally, it gathered courage and carefully flew to the old man in Hefa.


It is even more surprised!

He and Qin Feiyang stood in front of Hefa Old Man, but the old Hefa didn't even notice it.

It is not just the elderly of Hefa, but the other ten also seem to ignore them as if they were air.

"Why is this happening?"

Lei Bao was puzzled, and suddenly thought of Qin Feiyang, and said: "Are you doing any magic?"


Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, looking at Lei Bao's puzzled look, and couldn't help laughing.

But he did not explain, secretly said: "Let's go to the opposite mountain to see."

"it is good."

Lei Leopard did not **** as before, and boldly flew towards the opposite mountain.

Flying to the top of the mountain, Qin Feiyang glanced down, and immediately saw the two teachers in the bush.

"Sure enough, ambush here."

Qin Fei's eyes flashed coldly.

"Strange, why can't you even see the National Teacher ..."

Lei Bao was completely ignorant.

The national teacher is a false god!

Sensitivity, insight, can't be so bad!

What's going on?

Qin Feiyang said: "Is these people on this island?"


Lei Bao nodded.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

More than a thousand Emperors of War have lost contact, but here is Wang Yishan alone, what about the rest? Where is it now?

and also.

Now it is the national teacher who controls everyone, or the descendants of the national teacher?

If it is the latter, then it is relatively easy to solve, kill it.

But if the national teacher controls Wang Yishan and others, it will be troublesome.

Because the Guoshi is a false god, with his current strength, it is not enough to kill the Guoshi.

It seems that we have to find a helper.

That question is coming again.

Who are you looking for?

And this time, killing the national master, you must get a death, otherwise, the national master can abolish the blood of Wang Yishan and others at any time.

But who has this ability and can be killed?

Lu Xingchen?

Qin Lao?

It doesn't seem to work.

In today's world, what can be done is estimated to be only the snow python of Yuan Bo and the Forgotten Continent.

But Yuan Bo has left.

And that snow python has no reason to help him.

Time flies.

Seeing that half an hour is about to pass.

As soon as half an hour arrives, the hidden secret will automatically disappear.

However, Qin Feiyang didn't think of a way.

Qin Feiyang sighed helplessly and preached: "Retreat first."

Lei Bao secretly said: "Why do you withdraw? Anyway, they are blind and can't see us."


Qin Feiyang sneered and said: "I tell you, if you don't retreat, you will die here immediately."

"so serious?"

Lei Bao was shocked in his heart and quickly turned around and skimmed down the mountain stream into a dense forest.

As soon as he entered the jungle, the time to hide the secret arrived.

Qin Feiyang jumped down and stood on a small hillside, covering the figure with dense leaves, looking at the tops of the two giant peaks, and was very upset.


Lei Bao looked at the two mountains, his eyes flickering.


It turned into a stream of light, swept out of the dense forest, and flew towards the mountain top where the national division was located again.

"Asshole, come back!"

Qin Feiyang was startled and quickly shouted secretly.


Lei Bao turned a deaf ear, with eyes full of curiosity, flew up to the top of the mountain and landed in front of the two teachers.

It did not know that curiosity would kill the cat.


The two teachers looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Actually there are fierce beasts dare to come close?

"Why can't you see the emperor?"

Lei Bao didn't even realize it, wandering around the two of them.

"Is the brain sick?"

The two looked at each other.

Seeing them not actually running? This guy is very brave!


"It doesn't look blind!"

Lei Leopard wandered around, looked suspiciously at the two masters of the country, then stood up, raised his paws, and shook in front of them.


Qin Feiyang looked at this scene and immediately rolled his eyes.


The middle-aged man looked cold and stared at Lei Bao, shouting, "Are you looking for death?"

"I depend!"

"Can you see the emperor?"

Lei Bao was scared to retreat a few steps quickly.

"You're right in front of me, and I said I can't see you? Is your" it "mom insulting my IQ?"

Middle-aged man is furious.


Lei Leopard's eyelids jumped, and immediately turned to flee. Ten thousand doubts arose in his heart. Why couldn't he see it before, but now he can see it?


The middle-aged man smiled coldly and shouted: "Slave me the beast immediately!"

The old man Nahefa and others hiding in the opposite woods immediately rushed out, carrying the mighty Diwei, and surrounded the Leopards.

"what the **** is it?"

Lei Bao couldn't figure it out.

No one could see it before, but now they can all see it?

It also panicked.

It was not in the eyes of the others, but the pseudo-god of the master of the country was like a towering great Yue, and before he even started, he was overwhelmed by it.

"and many more!"

Just as a group of elderly Hefa people were preparing to shoot, the national teacher said.

Eleven people immediately closed their hands and retreated to the side respectfully.

"The emperor has gone the wrong way, so you should not see the emperor and leave."

Lei Bao threw a word in a panic, and fled without looking back.

But at the same time, the elderly Hefa and others took a step forward, all in front of it, their eyes cold as a sword.

"This emperor really has no intention of offending ..."

Lei Bao panic completely.

The National Teacher stepped forward and looked at Lei Lei for a while, and said with a smile: "If the old man remembers correctly, you should be the Lei Leopard in the ancient tower?"

"What ancient tower?"

Lei Leopard looked confused and smiled: "Old man, you must admit the wrong person."

"is it?"

The national teacher gave a smile.

"Yes, yes, what ancient pagoda, the emperor has never heard of it."

Lei Bao nodded again and again, but he was desperately calling for help. Qin Feiyang was about to save his life!

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