Invincible God of War

Chapter 1256: Eye of Thor!

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And now.

Qin Feiyang stood on the hillside, his brows screwed tightly together.


Hearing Lei Bao ’s words, the national teacher ’s eyes were even cold, shouting: “Hurry, why are you here? Was Qin Feiyang sent you?”

"Who is Qin Feiyang?"

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Lei Bao pretended to be calm, looked at the national teacher in a puzzled manner, and impatiently filled with fierce eyes.

"Don't you say it?"

The National Teacher smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will take the initiative to speak immediately."

Words fall!

The master's hands seal.

"Blood Soul!"

Leopard changed color.

Although in the ancient pagoda, even the Great Valley Lord did not dare to provoke it, but as the emperor of all the fierce beasts of the ancient pagoda, the blood soul knew it.

It turns and escapes!

But the Master of the Kingdom released a ray of divine power, and directly confined it to the void.

Follow closely.

The Blood Soul technique plundered into Leopard's body.

All this happened in a flash, and Qin Feiyang was too late to rescue Leibao.

When Lei Leopard fell into the void, howling painfully.

I regret it in my heart!

Why don't you listen to Qin Feiyang, and run to death!


After counting the interest, the Master's body shuddered, and a spit of blood burst into his mouth!


The middle-aged man, the old man with crane hair, and others immediately went up, his face full of tension and concern.

"good chance!"

At the same time that the national teacher vomited blood, Lei Bao felt the pain in his body suddenly disappeared, and then turned into a thunder light, and he fled without looking back.

"Stop it!"

Guo Shi snarled.

A group of old Hefa people immediately chased towards Leibao.

"Just like you old men who want to catch up with the emperor, it's really beyond our control!"

Lei Bao's disdainful laughter resounded through the sky.

"Why do you vomit blood suddenly?"

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang looked at the master of the country in a puzzled manner, and he was ready to enter the castle to meet Lei Bao.

But at this moment.

The national teacher suddenly took out the image spar.


Qin Feiyang was stunned for a moment, and then looked up, and then he saw the national teacher looking down at the crystal spar and frowning slightly.

The middle-aged man next to him looked at the spar and asked, "Ancestor, who will talk to you at this time?"

"do not know."

"You back away."


"it is good."

The middle-aged man nodded and quickly retreated.

The National Master looked up at Leibao, who was running away, took a deep breath, the power of the false gods surged, and the image spar recovered.


A ghost appeared.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a dazzling dragon robe, wearing a gorgeous dragon crown, and an amazing emperor's power was revealed all over his body!

no doubt.

This person is the current emperor!

"Have seen your majesty!"

The pupil of the national teacher shrank and bowed quickly to salute.


The emperor asked.

Guoshi said: "Handle a few things in the sea of ​​reincarnation."

"Qin Feiyang?"

The emperor asked.

The national teacher nodded.

The emperor said with a blank expression: "Qin Feiyang put it down in advance and immediately returned to the imperial palace."

"What's so anxious?"

The national teacher was suspicious.

The emperor said: "The second grandfather of the Lu family is here, and the named surname wants to see you."


The Master's face changed, and he said, "What is he doing here?"

The emperor shook his head and said: "I don't know. In short, you will come back soon."

After all, the emperor's phantom disappeared.

The National Teacher put away the image spar and twisted his eyebrows into a rope.

The middle-aged man walked to the front of the national teacher and whispered: "Ancestor, we are dealing with Qin Feiyang. That old thing will go to the imperial palace to find you. This should not be a coincidence!"

"How can there be so many coincidences in the world? He must have received the wind and wanted to help Qin Feiyang secretly."

Guo Shi sneered.

The middle-aged man asked, "Are you going or not?"

The state teacher Shen said: "Your Majesty has spoken, do you dare not go?"

"So here ..."

Middle-aged man said.

"There must be a problem with Leibao."

"You call everyone back immediately, and then take Wang Yishan back."

"Remember, don't act rashly before I come back. This person, Qin Feiyang, is not something you can handle."

The state teacher said nothing, he opened a portal and strode in.

The middle-aged man glanced at the back of the master of the country and shouted: "Old Wu, old ancestor has orders, don't chase, come back soon."

The words landed.

The portal dissipated.

"Grandma ..."

Qin Feiyang's eyes shone brightly.

It turned out that Lu Zheng really went back to find someone to help.

"Cousin, thank you."

Qin Feiyang murmured, then entered the old castle, driving the old castle, looting towards the top of the mountain Wang Yishan.

Woo! ! !


Along with the sound of breaking the sky, a group of old Hefa people pierced the sky and landed in lightning in front of a middle-aged man.

"Homeowner, what's going on?"

"Why didn't you chase it suddenly?"

"What about ancestors?"

"Why are you missing?"

Eleven people looked at the middle-aged man in surprise.

The middle-aged man said: "The second grandfather of the Lu family went to the imperial palace, and the ancestor was called back by His Majesty."


"Has the Lu family started to act?"

He Fa old man exclaimed.


"Huh, do they have the courage now?"

"Just a bunch of beaming clowns."

The middle-aged man smiled disdainfully and said, "Bring Wang Yishan back first. As for dealing with Qin Feiyang, I will discuss it later."

Eleven people nodded.

Woo! ! !

A group of twelve people flew towards Wang Yishan immediately.


But at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yishan standing on the cliff!


A group of people stopped at the moment and looked in amazement. When they saw the face clearly, they suddenly changed color.

"Qin Feiyang!"

The middle-aged man had a word-for-word meal, with a murderous surge in his eyes.

"Yes, it's me!"

Qin Feiyang looked at a group of people, and his eyes were filled with biting murderous opportunities.

"when did you come?"

Middle-aged man said sullenly.

"Come with Leibao."

Qin Feiyang said nothing and waved his hand. Wang Yangfeng and seventeen nine-star war emperors appeared behind him.

Seeing so many people, a group of middle-aged men suddenly panicked.

"You used Wang Yishan to lay down a killing game here and lure me to come and think you are seamless, but in fact, I have already seen through."

Qin Feiyang looked at a group of people with a sneer.

A middle-aged man's heart sighed.

Sure enough, as the ancestor said, this son is not comparable to ordinary people.

Qin Feiyang turned suddenly, looked at Wang Yangfeng and others, and said: "Guo Shi has gone, here is your home court, although let go and kill!"


Seventeen people responded respectfully.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man turned pale and shouted, "Run away!"


Twelve people spread out and fled in different directions!

"No one stays!"

Qin Feiyang shouted.


Wang Yangfeng and others screamed loudly and shocked the world, and then immediately dispersed, carrying a monstrous murderous opportunity, chasing toward middle-aged men and others.

"Haha ..."

"Did you just kill Ben Huangshuang?"

Just then.

A loud laughter sounded.

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look, and he saw Lei Bao go back.

Exactly, the direction of the old man with crane hair fled, which is the direction of Leibao.

The enemies were very jealous when they met!

Without saying anything, Lei Bao directly urged the power of Thunder and rushed towards the old man!

But the old Hefa dare not touch it hard.

Because of the rear, Wang Yangfeng is chasing and killing him.

There are tigers in front and wolves in the back. U-turn directly and escape in the other direction.

"Want to escape in front of the emperor?"

"Eye of Thor!"

Lei Bao smiled contemptuously, and a bright purple thunder gleamed behind his back.

Inside the purple thunder, there was an eye suspended!

Those eyes can have the fist of an adult, and the huge eyeballs are like the condensing of thunder, and the electric light flashes, exuding a great pressure!


When that eye appeared, whether it was the old man with crane hair or Wang Yangfeng, he felt a great crisis.

Wang Yangfeng retreated directly.

"Old mixed hair, see if you are escaping fast, or the imperial war spirit is fast."

The Lei Bao people stood up, their eyes full of contempt, their thick claws waved, and the Thunder God's eyes shuddered at high altitude, turning into a divine light, and looting towards the old man with crane hair.

"So fast!"

Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

With his current practice, he could not capture the trace of the eye of Thor in the void!

How can this speed be described by the word "fast"?

It has never been seen before.

But in the blink of an eye, the eyes of the Thunder God catch up with the old man with crane hair, and the surging power of the thunder radiates a world-like atmosphere!

The old man in Hefa was terrified!

This animal is too ridiculously strong!


He did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately opened the soul of war.

His soul of war is a black tiger, which is large enough to be hundreds of meters long, like a big mountain.


Under the bombardment of the thunder power, the black tiger had no resistance at all, and instantly wailed and collapsed.



The eye of Thor was like an arrow, and it didn't enter the eyebrow of the old man, the old man's head burst on the spot, and the blood splashed into the sky!

"So strong!"

Looking at this scene, Wang Yangfeng's eyes shivered, and his old face was full of horror.

A nine-star war emperor, was actually killed by Lei Bao in seconds?

Qin Feiyang was also dumbfounded.

This guy's power is far beyond his imagination.

Now recalling the battle in the ancient tower at that time, he couldn't help but cold sweat.

If at that time, Lei Leopard did not suppress the practice, or suddenly gave up suppressing the practice, the consequences were really unimaginable.

"Such a deflated three dare to run to chase down the emperor, really do not know life and death."

Lei Bao looked at the corpse of the old man He He contemptuously, then looked at Wang Yangfeng and said, "What do you do froze? Are you not going to help?"

"it is good."

Wang Yangfeng was excited, nodded quickly, and chased toward others.


"Just chasing down the emperor, now the emperor wants you to despair!"

Lei Leopard glanced around, grinning, and then killed an old woman.

See you.

There was a trace of panic immediately on the old woman's face, because when Lei Lei killed the old man, he saw it with her own eyes.

"and many more."

But this time.

Qin Feiyang spoke.

"Why? Didn't you see that the emperor was busy?"

Lei Bao stopped in the void and turned to look at Qin Feiyang impatiently.

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