Invincible God of War

Chapter 1943: Baoge!

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A blink of an eye, the day outside.

A whole year has passed in the castle.

The dozens of soul stones, Qin Feiyang had long been refined, and he was slowly condensing his mind by himself.


He still wanted to keep closed, but Gao Xiaolong woke up.

In the lobby.

Gao Xiaolong was sitting on the table and chairs in front of the coffee table, looking around, and there was a trace of weakness between his eyebrows.

The man was awake, but the injury was not healed.

Gao Xiaohui took good care of him next to him.

Fire Lotus, sitting quietly aside.


Qin Feiyang appeared in the hall out of thin air.

Gao Xiaolong immediately got up and arched his hand: "It must be Jiang Haotian that Xiongtai must be!"


Qin Feiyang nodded and sat on the main seat, laughing: "Sit down and say."

Gao Xiaolong returned to the seat, his face full of gratitude, said: "Everything, Xiaohui told me before, thank brother Jiang."

"You're welcome."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and asked, "What do you plan to do next?"

Gao Xiaolong clenched his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Naturally, Guo Guo revenge and hate!"

"It really is a **** man, and I can help you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Help me?"

Gao Xiaolong was stunned and said suspiciously: "Brother Jiang, don't blame the younger brother for thinking too much. Why are you helping us with this?"

"Helping you is not without conditions."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"What conditions?"

Gao Xiaolong asked.

Qin Feiyang said: "I need to enter Jiutian Palace."

"Enter the Jiutian Temple?"

Gao Xiaolong was stunned and frowned, "Isn't it difficult to enter the Jiutian Palace with the power of Brother Jiang?"

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "It's not easy to say, what if there is an accident? And I am afraid of trouble, so someone needs to do something."

"I understand."

Gao Xiaolong nodded.

"Brother Gao really is an understanding person."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"Ashamed. Ashamed."

Gao Xiaolong waved his hands repeatedly and smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I am just a very ordinary disciple in Jiutian Temple. I really can't help you. What can I do? I can only give you some information so that you can best prepare in advance.

"that's enough."

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Yes, is there a mystery hidden in the ladder leading to Jiutian Palace?"

"Brother Jiang asked why?"

Gao Xiaolong is suspicious.

"Brother Gao told me that I once disguised myself and wanted to get into the Jiutian Temple, but I only stepped on the first step of the ladder that day, and the ladder raised an alarm to warn me."

Qin Feiyang said.


Gao Xiaolong's face was stunned and speechless: "Brother Jiang, you are so brave enough. Since ancient times, people who dare to sneak into the Jiutian Palace are like you."

Qin Feiyang spoke up and laughed.

Gao Xiaolong glanced at the courtyard outside and whispered: "Brother Jiang, is it convenient to speak here?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Relax, there is no safer place than this."

Gao Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief and said in a small voice: "Do not hide Brother Jiang, this ladder really has mystery."

"What mystery?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Fire Lotus and Gao Xiaohui also looked at Gao Xiaolong curiously.

Gao Xiaolong said: "The ladder is actually an artifact."

"Artifact ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

Gao Xiaohui wondered: "Brother, what level of artifact is this ladder?"

"do not know."

"It's not just that I don't know, except for a few big figures in Jiutian Palace, nobody knows."

"However, there are rumors that our Jiutian Palace can stand in the north without falling down because of the ladder."

Gao Xiaolong Road.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

If the rumors are true, then this ladder is definitely an anti-sky artifact.

"No one knows how powerful the ladder is, but one thing is clear to all disciples of Jiutian Temple."

"That is, being able to distinguish between true and false and peeping into falsehood, so no matter how you hide it, as long as you step on the ladder, it will be revealed.

Gao Xiaolong laughed.

"It turns out so."

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized.

Gao Xiaolong said again: "And, the ladder also has another ability to identify the disciples of Jiutian Temple."

"How to identify?"

Gao Xiaohui is suspicious.

"Every disciple who enters Jiutian Palace must distill a drop of essence blood into the ladder before entering Jiutian Palace."

"This essence blood is equivalent to a medium."

"And the ladder is to use the blood to determine whether the other party is a person in Jiutian Palace."

"And the entire Jiutian Palace is covered with a layer of divine enchantment, only the entrance of the ladder."

"And, above the ladder, it can't fly, so I can only walk up step by step."

"So, it is impossible to mix into Jiutian Temple."

Gao Xiaolong Road.

"Can't fly yet?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly. The defense of the Nine Heavens Palace was really terrible!

Fire Lotus said: "So, if you want to enter the Jiutian Palace, the only way to participate in the assessment?"


Gao Xiaolong nodded.

"What kind of assessment will that be?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Each assessment is different, so now I can't tell you anything?"

"But one thing is the same every time, it is cruel and bloody."

Gao Xiaolong said in a deep voice, his eyes dignified.

"How cruel? How bloody?"

Gao Xiaohui is curious.

"It's hard to imagine."

"Tell you this!"

"Every time Jiu Tiangong recruits disciples, at least hundreds of thousands of people come to participate, but in the end, no more than a thousand people survive."

Gao Xiaolong Road.


Gao Xiaohui Huo Ran got up, his face full of horror.

Hundreds of thousands of people, but not a thousand survived?

What is this concept?

It's too scary!

"Actually, Jiutian Temple is not as beautiful as you think."

"Although entering the Jiutian Palace, you can get a lot of resources, but the cruelty inside is even more terrible than it was during the assessment."

"If you don't pay attention, you will lose your life."

Gao Xiaolong sighed.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "This is normal, it's the same everywhere."

Gao Xiaolong stunned and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang can still make his face unchanged, it seems that he has seen the world too!"

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, his thoughts moved, and an old figure appeared in the hall.

"It's him!"

Gao Xiaolong got up suddenly, his eyes full of hate.

That's right!

The person who appeared suddenly was the old patriarch.

"Don't worry, he is now my puppet."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Gao Xiaolong nodded suddenly, relieved.

Qin Feiyang said: "I let him accompany you to Guo's house. If he helps you, there should be no problem."

"Let the patriarch go kill the Guo family?"

Gao Xiaolong froze for a moment, and laughed with laughter: "Brother Jiang, you are such a good move, but I like it."

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "As for the old patriarch, wait for your revenge, don't let him come back."

Gao Xiaolong looked at Qin Feiyang in amazement.

Qin Feiyang said: "Doesn't Brother Gao understand this?"

"Understand, of course."

Gao Xiaolong, an excited spirit, nodded quickly and said again: "However, he is a complete **** of war. Isn't it a pity to kill him?"

"What about the perfect God of War?"

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Gao Xiaolong couldn't help raising waves.

Even a perfect God of War is so disdainful, what is this man's origin?

at the same time.

Qin Feiyang controlled the Xuanwu Realm and drove out of the restaurant. Then he found a place where no one was, and sent Gao Xiaolong, Gao Xiaohui, and the old patriarch out.

In this way, only Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus were left in the hall.

Huo Lian laughed: "Brother Qin, I thought, would you solve Guo Zixiong personally?"

"People who do great things don't have to do everything by themselves, they need to plan things, not to mention a clown who jumps on the beam, and I don't need to do it myself."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Really narcissistic."

Fire Lotus mumbles.

"But your business must be done quickly."

Qin Feiyang said again.

"What's up with me?"

Fire Lotus is suspicious.

"Undead Breaking Pill."

"Now that the Undead Flower is available, it's still like the Soul Wood, the Bleach Fruit, and the Nine Yang Thunderfire. After dawn, let's go around the city and see if we can do these three things?

Qin Feiyang said.

"Thank you, Brother Qin, you are such a nice person."

Fire Lotus looked at Qin Feiyang gratefully.

"Haha ..."

Qin Feiyang laughed loudly.

I am afraid that only in the eyes of this woman is he a good person!


Tianlong City in the early morning seemed very quiet.

A man and a woman walked slowly on a street, looking around, with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

It is Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus!

Fire Lotus is still wearing a mask as always. Although he can't see the true face, the tall and hot figure is constantly attracting strange eyes.

Qin Feiyang didn't pretend to be dressed anymore, wearing a white long coat with a tall figure, long hair shawl, and a faint smile on his face, giving a gentle and intimate feeling.

As the sun rose, the streets gradually became lively.

"Xiongtai, may I ask if there is any trading place in Tianlong City?"

Qin Feiyang was at a crossroads, grabbing a middle-aged man in a hurry, and asked with a smile.

"Where is the transaction?"

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus and said, "This is the first time you have come to the Dragon City?"

"Xiongtai is really good eyesight."

"Our brothers and sisters, who have just arrived at the first visit, know nothing about the Dragon City, so they also hope that Xiongtai will give us some advice."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Don't dare to point me."

"In this Dragon City, there is only one trading place, that is Baoge, what you need, you can go to Baoge."

"How does that treasure pavilion go?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Along this road, go straight for about five hundred miles. When you get there, you can ask someone to know where you are."

Middle-aged man.

"Thank you."

Qin Feiyang grinned and smiled.

"No need to."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and hurried away.

"The distance of more than five hundred miles, it should be in the center of Tianlong City, let's go quickly!"

Qin Feiyang smiled and walked down the street with fire lilies.

Five hundred miles, for a mortal, even non-stop, it will take several days.

But for Qin Feiyang, this distance is nothing.


They entered the city center.

The central area is more lively and bustling.

The restaurants are extremely stylish and luxurious.

Qin Feiyang asked someone to inquire, and soon stopped in front of a huge building.

It was an ancient hall with a dozen floors.

The gate is magnificent.

There are guards on both sides, and the two guards are still the great God of War!

The people who come in and go out are endless.

Just above the gate, the two big characters, like dragons and phoenixes, exude a breath of shock.


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