Invincible God of War

Chapter 1944: Hunyuan magic formula

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"It's really impressive. Even the guards guarding the gate are the great perfect **** of war."

Fire lotus.


"The backstage of this pavilion is definitely not simple."

Qin Feiyang secretly said.

The two walked towards the gate side by side.

But suddenly.

Qin Feiyang stiffened, stopped, and turned to scan the pedestrians on the street.


Fire Lotus asked secretly.

Qin Feiyang said: "I feel a familiar breath."

"Familiar breath?"

Fire Lotus was stunned and glanced suspiciously around him, secretly asking: "Don't they Dong Zhengyang?"

"Do not."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


His eyes were locked a dozen meters away, and there was a look of surprise in his expression.

There stood a young man.

It's about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Her height is more than one meter and eight meters, and she is wearing a prosperous long dress.

A long hair, also red hot.

It seemed that the whole person was like a flame.

The man in the firecoat stood among the crowd, also looking at the door of Baoge, silently.

"Who is he?"

Fire Lotus followed Qin Feiyang's eyes and asked secretly.

"never seen it."

"But for some reason, it gave me a feeling of deja vu."

"And his breath, although it makes me feel familiar, is a bit strange."

Qin Feiyang secretly said.


The man in the fire suit seemed to feel something, and also looked at Qin Feiyang.

Those eyes, like the flame condensed, gave a burning sensation.

"what happened?"

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

At the moment when he looked at the man in fire clothes, there was a throbbing movement in his heart.

Have you seen it before?


The man in the fire suit didn't show any emotion to Qin Feiyang. He was very indifferent. After only a little glance, he withdrew his gaze and stepped into the pavilion.

Watching the men in the Huoyi enter the Baoge, Huolian asked in a low voice: "Is it an illusion?"


Qin Feiyang shook his head, his eyes flashing, and followed his stride into the Baoge.

Fire Lotus immediately followed him.

The first floor of Baoge is magnificent, and the space is huge. The transparent counters are arranged neatly, and various iron boxes and jade boxes are placed in it.

These iron boxes and jade boxes, large and small, are made from the best equipment, and the workmanship is very beautiful.

And there is no doubt.

The things in these boxes must be the items Baoge wants to sell.

Although these boxes are tightly closed, I can't see what is inside. But next to each box, there is a label.

It records relevant information inside the box.

For example, the label beside one of the jade boxes is marked on it; the flying dragon sword tactic, the next **** tactic, and one hundred thousand **** crystals.

There is also a label next to the iron box, which is marked; Wannian Blood Ginseng, One Thousand God Crystal.

In the counter on the other side, there is a long metal box with a label on the side; the blazing sword, the inferior artifact, one hundred thousand **** crystals.

In short.

Everything here is at a clear price.

Qin Feiyang led the fire lotus, looking at the label inside the counter curiously, while paying attention to the man in the fire suit.

Huo Yi Men look here, look there, also seem to wander aimlessly.

Fire Lotus said: "Brother Qin, you look at these inferior artifacts, the next skill, how are they so cheap?"

Every kind of inferior skill, every inferior artifact, as long as one hundred thousand **** crystals.

To know.

These artifacts, placed in Daqin and the forgotten mainland, are invaluable treasures.

But here, it was openly sold.

And it's still so cheap.

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly: "After all, it is the ancient world. Such low-level artifacts and magic tactics are not valuable at all."

"What about these herbs?"

"Look at the red fire glazed tree recorded above, it is still a ten thousand years old, but it only needs five hundred **** crystals?"

"The ten thousand-year-old blood ginseng that I saw just now only sells a thousand **** crystals."

Fire Lotus Road.

"The things here are really cheaper than you think."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

For example, Wannian Blood Ginseng, Wannian Red Fire Ruri Tree, in Daqin and Forgotten Continent, are all valuable medicinal herbs of great value.


Qin Feiyang looked at a jade box, marked on the label next to it; Qian Kun, 10 million **** crystals.


Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

Fire Lotus is also dumbfounded.

A Qiankun ring, actually want ten million **** crystals?

Oh my God.

No kidding!

The value of a Qiankun ring is actually a hundred times the inferior artifact?

It is no wonder that even the Gao and Guo families, who have satisfactorily sat the **** of war, are so rare.

"Fire Lotus."

Qin Feiyang murmured.


Fire Lotus looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the green Qiankun ring of Huo Lin's fingers and whispered: "Can you return this Qiankun ring to me?"

The thought of sending ten million Shenjing out, he could not help the pain.

Huo Lian froze for a moment, immediately guarding the Qiankun ring, and sneered, "Don't even think about it!"

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly and secretly said: "I'm kidding, but you'd better put away the Qiankun ring first, don't be too noticeable."

This Qiankun ring is simply a symbol of identity.


Fire Lotus glanced around and quietly took the Qiankun ring and put it in his arms while nobody noticed.

"Fire Lotus, that man is going to the second floor, we will keep up."

Qin Feiyang suddenly pulled Huo Lin and walked towards the stairs of the second floor.

And the man in the suit has already gone up the stairs.

The second floor.

It is also a wide hall.

Rows of transparent counters are arranged and arranged.

Inside the counter, large and small iron boxes and jade boxes were also placed.

And like the first floor, every item is clearly priced.

Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus walked up to the second floor.

Compared with the overcrowded, the first floor is full of vocals, the second floor is much quieter.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the hall.

There are about a thousand people in the whole hall.

There are still a lot of people, but there is no one, noisy.


Qin Feiyang saw the man in fire clothes in front of a counter on the left.

It's still the same as before. Looking east and west, it feels as if you are here for fun.

"Brother Qin, a person I don't know, is it necessary to care so much?"

Fire Lotus frowned.

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment and couldn't help laughing, saying, "You are right, I am too persistent."

Why did you come to Baoge this time?

It is for collecting Yinshenmu, Grim Reaper, Jiuyang Thunderfire.

But now, he was actually a stranger, and he was ashamed to forget his purpose.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, and then separated from Huolian to find.

Compared with the first floor, both the quality and value of the second floor should be improved by one grade.

The first-floor sales are basically the lowest-level magic formulas and artifacts, as well as some common herbs.

But on the second floor, there are middle-grade artifacts and middle-grade artifacts.

The doors of herbal medicine rooms, such as sacred infant fruit, artificial fruit, mysterious grass, etc., are also commonplace.


Looking for the entire hall, I didn't find Yinhunmu, Jiuyang Thunderfire, and Bleach Fruit.

And not only the medicinal materials of the Undead Breaking Pill, Divine Soul Pill, Divine Power Pill, Life Divine Pill, Sky Dust Divine Pill, Four Elephant Promise Pill, Dragon Soul to Yuanshen Pill, these six kinds of pill medicines have not been seen.

"Brother Qin, come here."

Fire Lotus' voice suddenly sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

Qin Feiyang glanced around his eyes, and he saw in an obscure corner. Huolian stood in front of a counter and beckoned to him.

"Did you find it?"

Qin Feiyang thought so far and quickly strode over.

Fire Lotus pointed at a jade box inside the counter and smiled: "This thing should be very helpful to you."

Qin Feiyang looked down, the jade box had a big slap, the whole body was dull and dull, and there was a layer of dust.

"Actually gray?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Gray means that this jade box hasn't been touched in a long time.

And even the staff of Baoge Pavilion didn't care much, or they would definitely clean it every three minutes.

What can be good in a jade box that even the staff does not care about?

Qin Feiyang had some doubts.

But why did Huolian say that the things inside were very helpful to him?

Qin Feiyang looked suspiciously at the label beside the jade box.

The label is also covered with a layer of ash.


When he saw the content on the label, he immediately froze there, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Hunyuan Divine Skills, a legendary secret technique, has the power of anti-tian, so that the deity and the devil can be combined into one, and the strength is doubled."

"This mystery is indeed extraordinary, but in this world, no one can practice at all, it is a pity."

A sigh suddenly sounded beside Qin Feiyang and Fire Lotus.

The two were startled and turned to look. They saw the man in suit, who was standing behind them at some time. He was looking at the label beside the jade box, shaking his head.

"Good two."

The man in the firecoat also withdrew his gaze and looked at them and smiled.

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Huoyi asked: "Where do you want to buy this Hunyuan magic formula?"

"It means that."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Indeed, as Huo Yi Men said before, this Hunyuan Divine Secret belongs to the legendary secret technique, and has the ability to make the deity and the demon into one.

And after the fusion, the combat power will soar several times.

It can be said.

This is a supreme secret technique.

But there are restrictions.

This Hunyuan magic formula can only be practiced by someone who possesses a demon.

on the contrary.

If there is no heart demon, even if you get this Hunyuan magic formula, it doesn't make any sense, just like waste paper.

Hearing the promise from Qin Feiyang, the Huoyi man asked with a slight expression on his face and asked in a low voice: "Is there a demon in Xiongtai?"

"Fantasy ..."

Qin Feiyang heard this and looked down at the jade box, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Fire Lotus sighed secretly and said: "Brother Qin, this person came to talk for no reason, the purpose is definitely not simple, don't expose the flaws."


Qin Feiyang responded secretly, condensed his emotions, turned his head to look at the men in Huo Yi, shook his head and smiled, "There is no demon below."


"People with demons can't become gods at all."

"And Xiongtai's cultivation practice is Xiaocheng God of War, and naturally it is impossible to possess a demon."

"However, since there is no demon, then why does Xiongtai want to buy this Hunyuan magic formula?"

The man in the suit is curious.

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