Invincible God of War

Chapter 3339: Arrangement of Qin Feiyang and Madman

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"Don't you know?"

Wang Changyuan looked at the two suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang was stunned with the madman and asked, "Should we know anything?"

Wang Changyuan was also stunned. He could not help turning his head to look at the deputy ally and the Hall of Fame.

The deputy leader said: "Their talents are just fine, there is no need to go to the major restricted areas to take risks, so I have not told them about the specific situation of the few restricted areas."

"That's it!"

Wang Changyuan nodded suddenly.

"What's the specific situation?"

Qin Feiyang became more puzzled.

"Is such that."

"The four forbidden areas in Tianyun Realm, although very dangerous, are also hiding great fortunes."

"Such as artifacts, magic formulas, immortals, the power of the law, and the profound meaning of the law."

"In short, there are certain opportunities in the four forbidden areas, which will allow you to realize the power of the law, and even hide the supremacy of the creation."

"So in our Tianyun Realm, a lot of Dzogchen dominates the territory, even if you know that the four restricted areas are dangerous, but you want to enter and try your luck."

"However, these things are also secret in Tianyun Realm. Before the Dharma Realm dominates, no one will tell them."

The deputy leader smiled slightly.

"The creation of the Supreme Profound Truth!"

Qin Feiyang and the madman looked at each other.

Such an important thing, actually did not tell them.

If you tell them early, it is estimated that you have already gone to the four major restricted areas.

"Your cultivation is too weak, and with your talents, there is no need to take risks, so we did not tell you, but it seems that it is impossible to stop you now."

The Hall of Fame shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The attitude of the two has been very firm before. In order to find the fire dragon, you must go to the Devil's Land.

The lunatic smiled and said: "Old man, I know you are our good, but we are such people. It's not dangerous. Let's not go!"

The Hall of Fame smiled helplessly.

"Am I in trouble?"

Wang Changyuan glanced at the deputy ally and the hall of fame hall, and then at Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, murmured.

"just got it?"

The deputy ally and the Hall of Fame stared at him fiercely. There was nothing to mention about the fire dragon, no one said no one when you were dumb.

Wang Changyuan spoke up and smiled.

"No worries, rest assured."

"On the contrary, I am very satisfied with your performance today."

The lunatic patted Wang Changyuan's shoulder and laughed.


From the beginning to the present, Wang Changyuan has been working hard. Although he deliberately, he can not deny his credit.

Had he not recognized Li Chenghai, the lunatic could not have known Hai Hai’s whereabouts.

If he didn't suppress the senior managers of the Blood Palace, and those dark guards, it would certainly not be so smooth.

all in all!

This time Wang Changyuan's credit is not small.

"You are satisfied."

Wang Changyuan nodded his head and bowed his waist, it was really a flattering spirit.


The madman Yang Tian smiled and looked at Qin Feiyang: "Lao Qin, since it has been resolved, then we will kill the Yin Devil Land now!"

"So fast?"

"Just after such a hard battle, let's cultivate first!"

"Besides, the mess in the Western Continent is still waiting for you to clean it up!"

The deputy leader quickly said.

In fact, he really didn't want Qin Feiyang and lunatics to go to the Devil's Land.

"We will not clean up this mess!"

The lunatic shook his head.

"You don't clean up, who will clean up?"

The hall of fame hall frowned.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the madman, and at the same time looked at the deputy lord and hall of fame hall and smiled: "Of course you are."


The two were shocked.

Both the lord and the **** python are suspicious.

Let the two deputy leaders clean up. What does that mean?

"Actually, Lao Qin and I had discussed privately before the war."

"If this time can successfully destroy the Hall of Blood, then the Western Continent will be handed over to the Sanxue Alliance to rule."

Said the lunatic.


"Leave it to us?"

The three main leaders and the couple of Shen Python looked at each other.

This is too sudden, there is no psychological preparation.

And at the same time!

The demon hall master, Chu Yun, and the elders of the demon hall looked at each other, but they raised their eyebrows without trace.

The western continent is a big cake, so it was all given to the loose repair alliance?

What about their magic hall?

After I tried my best, I didn't get anything?

Qin Feiyang noticed the anomaly of the demon hall master and others, and smiled: "Don't worry, we do this, in fact, we are not going to the loose repair alliance, but also consider the devil hall."

"What do you think."

The main hall of the demon palace.

"I handed over the Western Continent to the Bulk Repair Union, and the Bulk Repair Union would naturally not be able to stay in the Eastern Continent.

"After the Sanxue Alliance is withdrawn, can you not dominate the Eastern Continent?"

"In this way, you won't have to grab resources, occupy a lot of land as you used to, and save your time and effort. How good is it?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Hearing these words, it seemed true that a group of giants in the Devil's Palace looked at each other.

Once the loose repair alliance is gone, there is no need to compete with the loose repair alliance anymore. It does save a lot of trouble and trouble.

"of course."

"Compared to the entire continent obtained by the Sanxue Alliance, you really didn't get much, so I discussed it with Brother Mad and we promised you a promise."

"No matter what you let us do, as long as it does not violate morals and ethics and does not hurt the truth, we will agree."

"And this promise is valid forever."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"A promise..."

The master of the demon palace looked at each other, and his heart suddenly pondered.

"Princess, Xiaoyun, I think this works!"

Huo Lao took the lead to react.

"You keep talking."

The Lord of the Demon Palace secretly said.

"You all have seen the details of Qin Feiyang and the lunatics. Two of them dominated the militia, there were killing domains, and now there are the blood palace hall masters. We will not say the future, only the present, they also Enough to dominate Tianyun Realm."

"So, we can't just look at their personal behavior."

"If you only look at their personal cultivation, then one of their promises is really worthless."

"But if you look at the overall picture, then their promise has extraordinary value."

"Especially in the future, when they grow up completely, then their commitment can directly affect the future of our demon palace."

"So, in the long run, this sale is absolutely cost-effective."

"Besides, do you think it's really a good thing to take over the Western Continent?"

"just in case……"

"I'll just say that if the ice dragon comes to retaliate when it arrives, then the western continent will be catastrophic, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we can just guard the eastern continent."

Huo Laohua has clearly analyzed the pros and cons.

"It makes sense."

The demon lord whispered.

Chu Yun also agreed.

"Well, just do it."

The Lord of the Demon Palace finally nodded, looking at Qin Feiyang and the madman, and said with a smile: "Then you have to remember it, don't pay when we come to you!"

"how is this possible?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled. He said sincerely: "Thank you, and we also attached a promise, whether it is now or in the future, we are all disciples of the devil's palace. Where are we, absolutely back in the first place!"


The Lord of the Demon Palace nodded.

This commitment made her more emotional and more gratified. Sure enough, she did not look away. She was a good little guy.

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, looked at the three deputy lords, and said with a smile: "Can you accept the proposal of Master, Confederate, Hall Master, and disciple?"

"Of course it is acceptable!"

The deputy leader nodded and smiled without even thinking.

Compared to fighting with the Devil Palace in the Eastern Continent, fighting for and ruling a complete continent, that's so many times better!

It can be said.

They dreamed of encountering such good deeds. Now that good deeds are falling from the sky, fools will refuse!

The Hall of Fame is also delighted.

From now on, the loose repair alliance can really be regarded as the super strength of the Tianyun Realm.

However, the main leader frowned.

"what happened to you?"

"Why does it look so unhappy that such a good thing?"

The couple of God Python looked suspiciously at the leader.

Qin Feiyang, the lunatic, the deputy leader, and others, all looked towards the leader.

"Do you really think this is a good thing?"

The main leader looked at the couple of eyes and python and the deputy main leader, and smiled bitterly.

"Isn't it?"

Two people and two beasts are suspicious.

"First of all, the Ice Dragon is behind the Ice Dragon. What if the Ice Dragon comes to us when it is in trouble? With the strength of the Ice Dragon, we have no chance to rebel in the scattered repair alliance."

"It's different in the Eastern Continent. Although our situation in the Eastern Continent is a bit elusive, it's a ten thousand second son, but fortunately it's a ten thousand second son, because they have something to do. ."

"In other words, if we are on the eastern continent, even if the ice dragon comes to take revenge, there will be a demon temple on top."

The main road.

"Your old thing is really insidious enough to actually use our devil's house as a shield."

Chu Yun said with a black face.

"Who makes you the big brother of the Eastern Continent?"

The Allied Master smiled faintly, and then said: "Second, you all know that the gap between our alliance and the four forces is what we do is to dominate the Divine Soldiers, so even if we take over the Western Continent, it will be difficult for the Divine Soldiers to dominate. Hold on to these mountains and rivers, because if both the temple and the temple come in, we will only be beaten."

"It seems to make sense."

The deputy lord and hall of fame nodded.

The leader smiled bitterly: "I used to dream about being the boss, but now the opportunity is in front of me, but I feel that being a ten thousand second child is actually quite comfortable."

Qin Feiyang and the madman couldn't help laughing.

This ally, really thoughtful!

Not to mention, after listening to the leader’s remarks, Ten Thousand Years Older Two did indeed live a more comfortable life.

"How about this!"

Qin Feiyang suddenly moved, looked at the lord of the alliance and the master of the demon palace, and smiled: "Since the Sanxue Alliance and the demon palace have already cooperated, then this cooperation will continue!"

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