Invincible God of War

Chapter 3340: Alliance, big earning loose repair alliance!

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"Continued cooperation?"

The people on both sides were shocked and looked at Qin Feiyang one after another.

"Yes, you continue to cooperate."

"To be precise, it is an alliance between the Sanxu Alliance and the Demon Temple."

"Although the Sanxu Alliance does not dominate the Divine Soldiers, and the Alliance with the Demon Temple will suffer some losses, but the Sanxu Alliance now rules this western continent, and it will certainly be beneficial to the Demon Temple."

"As for the Sanxue Alliance, after forming an alliance with the Demon Temple, there is a Demon Temple to take care of it. Even if the temple and the temple want to suppress the Sanxue Alliance, they have to think about it."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The Allied Master moved his heart and nodded, "If this is the case, you can try it, but what if the temple and the temple join forces? After all, the demon temple has only one master soldier."

"Isn't there still me and Brother Madman?"

"Senior man and I are close disciples of the deputy confederate and hall of fame hall. Before they can do it, we have to weigh it."

"As for the ice dragon's revenge..."

"To be honest, based on our understanding of it, we should not do such a naive thing, because the Blood Palace is in its eyes, but it is just a chess piece. If it is gone, it is gone, it does not matter."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

"It makes sense."

The leader nodded and said with a smile: "Then you and the little madman, I am disrespectful?"


"We haven't expressed our position yet!"

"Allied, must it be a win-win situation?"

Chu Yun said with a cold face.

Qin Feiyang looked at Chu Yun and said with a smile: "Then what conditions do you have?

"I only have one condition, I won't force you too much."

"Let the Magic House enter the Western Continent."

Chu Yun said.


"Let the Magic House enter the Western Continent, isn't it to **** the Western Continental resources with us?"

The deputy leader raised an eyebrow.

Chu Yun said: "We only do business and do not interfere with anything in the western mainland."

"Good to say, who knows whether it will be in the future?"

"Besides, isn't it to grab resources when doing business in Molou?"

The couple of **** pythons sneered.

"As the deputy lord of the devil's palace, I must say a word, if it violates this rule, without you rushing, I will let the devil evacuate from the western continent myself."

"As for robbing resources, it is even more nonsense. We do business with integrity."

"Besides, you used to occupy all the cities in the East Continent, and do you still have less resources to grab our devil palace?"

Chu Yun sneered.

I used to **** resources and sites in the East Continent. I felt that it was justified. Now that I am ready, I am ready to rule a continent, but I am not even willing to give Magic House a place?

How can there be such a selfish person?

Hearing this, the couple and the deputy leader had nothing to say.

The old **** of the Hall of Fame is present, and he is not interested in these things at all. His job is to train the disciples of the Hall of Fame and make these disciples the pillars of the future of the Alliance.

The allied leader pondered a little, watching Chu Yun nodded and said, "Yes, I promise you, but I also have a condition that the profit from the operation of the devil building in the Western Continent must score part of our loose repair alliance."

"Also share you?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows.


"Good, let's share it together!"

"And only in this way can we believe and see with our own eyes that your devil will not interfere in the West Continent."

"If possible, we will form an alliance now."

"If it doesn't work, we will discuss it again."

The leader looked at Chu Yun and said.


Chu Yun looked at Huolao and Demon Hall Master.

"The old man doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Huo Lao smiled faintly.

Chu Yun immediately rolled his eyes, and then looked at the Lord of the Demon Palace.

The Lord of the Demon Palace pondered for a moment, looked up at the Allied Lord, and nodded, "Just as you wish."


The leader laughed.

"Then how the profits of our demonic building in the western mainland will be distributed to you?"

Chu Yun frowned.

"This matter is not in a hurry. When we are free, we will sit down and discuss slowly. We must not delay Qin Feiyang and the lunatics because of this little thing!"

"In short."

"I sincerely hope that our loose repair alliance and your demon temple can always get along so friendly."

The leader smiled slightly.

"As long as you don't stab a knife in the back of the alliance, my devil will not do anything that is untrustworthy."

The demon hall master said lightly.

The leader looked stiff.

The Lord of the Demon Palace was obviously implying that the deputy lord had bought the Eight Elders. Anyway, the implication was that they did not repair the alliance.

But it really can't blame them.

Because in the past, the alliance and the demon palace were originally a hostile relationship.

The deputy leader can buy the eight elders, which is still a good thing for the loose repair alliance. After all, an elder-level figure contains far more weight than ordinary people.

Say again.

This matter was put in the past, it is also very common.

The people who bought the Devil's Palace in the Sanxue Alliance and those who bought the Alliance in the Devil's Palace almost happened all the time, so I really have no complaints about this kind of thing.

"Now that we have negotiated, I sincerely wish you a happy cooperation."

Qin Feiyang looked at the people on both sides and smiled, then looked at the madman and asked, "Brother, how many disciples in the Blood Palace?"

"Let's say 10 million less."

The lunatic is open.

If it is placed in the lower realm, only this 10 million disciples will be enough to sweep across all continents.

"so much?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

"What do you think?"

The lunatic is helpless.

Qin Feiyang said silently: "There are so many disciples, and many of them are talented disciples. If they stay in the Xuanwu world, we don't have so many resources for them!"

"This is not the point, the point is that you have to work hard to cultivate it."

The lunatic shook his head.

Don't look at the huge momentum of these more than ten million people, but it is actually a trouble.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, looked at the lunatic decisively, and said, "Throw them all to your Master."


The Hall of Fame was stunned.

The lunatic heard that he immediately took out the thirteen space artifacts and threw all his brain to the Hall of Fame.


The hall of fame hall was ignorant.

This tens of millions of blood temple disciples, and among them there are still many core disciples, as well as demon disciples who have learned the strongest law, just gave him all this?

To know.

Once these people are trained, it can definitely change an era.

But these two guys were good, just like holding a hot potato, as far as they can throw.

"It's all for you, how to domesticate them, you can do it yourself."

The madman smiled.

The Hall of Fame Hall Master couldn't help but smile bitterly, domesticated? Dare to treat these disciples of the Blood Palace as beasts?

But in my heart, I was very excited.

With so many disciples all joining the Bulk Repair Union at once, it can be said that the quality of the young generation of the Bulk Repair Union was instantly improved by leaps and bounds.

The contests between the forces of all parties are not entirely of the older generation, the most important thing is the younger generation of disciples.

It can be said.

The better the younger disciples, the stronger this force will be in the future.

Although the major giants of the loose repair alliance are similar to those of the super power giants such as the Devil Palace, the people underneath are still very different.

Just like the ten elders.

The elders of the demon palace have the highest connotation of the strongest rule, and the nine elders also have the supreme connotation of the common rule.

However, the top ten elders of the loose repair alliance, even the grandfather elder of the green-clothed woman, and the supreme upright, are only just getting started.

That is to say.

So far, none of the top ten elders of the Alliance has truly mastered the Supreme Profound Truth.

Let's talk about the following disciples.

From the last exchange meeting, it is impossible to judge whether it is quality or quantity, and the disciples of the Alliance Hall of Fame are far inferior to the core disciples of the Magic Temple.

Therefore, the ten million disciples in the Blood Palace joined the Sanxue Alliance, which is definitely a qualitative transformation.

As for tame.

These people were originally disciples of the Blood Palace, and now suddenly join the Sanxue Alliance, there will be some resistance, but as a giant in the Tianyun Realm, the Hall of Fame Hall Master has some ways to tame them.

Not to mention that he has always been an image of a good old man. If he really started, it would definitely make people feel discouraged.


The deputy leader, the leader, and the couple of God Python are also secretly overjoyed.

They ruled the Western Continent, formed an alliance with the Demon Temple, and also took over all the disciples of the Blood Temple. It can be said that this time the destruction of the Blood Temple, they benefited most from the alliance.

The Demon Temple feels as if it is working for them.

of course.

In fact, Qin Feiyang's profit is the biggest.

After all, harvest a master soldier, blood palace, nine deacons, Wang Changyuan, and a group of managers and more than five thousand dark guards.

In other words.

Now under Qin Feiyang, he is already a strong man.

"Then you are busy first, we have to go to Xuanwu Realm to deal with the aftermath."

Qin Feiyang looked at the people on both sides and smiled.

"it is good."

The deputy leader nodded, then seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "When you leave, don't be silent again."

"Will not."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, and then took the madman and others, whisk, and a group of blood palace lords, and disappeared instantly without a trace.

"Wait, wait, our master soldier..."

The Lord of the Demon Hall shouted quickly.

"Not in a hurry."

"When the repair is completed, he will naturally return it to us."

Huo Huo laughed.

"I am afraid that only you will trust him so much."

Chu Yun rolled his eyes.

"This makes it unnecessary for people to use it."

"I think the old man passed you the position of the deputy hall master, didn't it?"

Huo Lao laughed.


"Hurry up and take it back. I haven't wanted to do it for a long time. I'm so annoyed."

Chu Yun said.


"What time is this? Slow down, girl."

Huo Lao shook his head and chuckled, looking at the leader a few words: "Then let's go back to the East Mainland to prepare for the migration, and let's talk about the matter of our alliance again in more detail."

"it is good."

The leader nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a spatiotemporal channel appeared.

On the understanding and attainment of the laws of time and space, the leader said the second, no one in the sky cloud world dared to say the first, even Chu Yun and Hai Lao could not compare.

"What about him?"

Chu Yun pointed to the eight elders standing aside.

Everyone looked at the eight elders, their eyes dazzled.

The eight elders tightened their mind and body, and immediately looked at a group of people with vigilance, and said, "I used to say yes in Xuanwu Realm. I will let me go when I catch Hai Lao."

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