Invincible God of War

Chapter 3484: He Chenggang's anger

South Continent, the central area.

There are two cities located here, namely Yun Han City and Seven Star City.

The two cities are similar in size, only a million miles apart, occupying the entire central area of ​​the southern continent.

In the southern continent, these two cities are also places that countless people yearn for.

Because Yun Han City and Seven Star City are the largest and most prosperous cities in the entire southern continent.

The reason lies in the masters of the two cities.

The owner of Yun Seoul City is the Yun Family!

The master of Seven Star City is the He Family!

The two of them alone occupy almost half of the resources of the Southern Continent.

and so.

Many people are born with these two cities as their goals. If they can step into these two cities, it will be a great honor. If they can live in these two cities for a long time, they will be superior to others.

Seven Star City.

A tall and majestic city wall surrounds the city like a giant python.

There are four gates in the entire city.

The east city gate, the west city gate, the north city gate, and the south city gate are divided into five urban areas, four urban areas in the southeast, northwest, and inner cities.

The inner city is also the central city, and the family land of the He family is in the inner city.

Simply put.

The entire inner city is He's private garden.

Although the population of Seven Star City is as high as hundreds of millions, only the people of He family are eligible to enter the inner city.

The others, no matter how strong they were, no matter how high they were, without the permission of the He family, they all stopped outside the gate of the inner city.


at this time.

Outside the inner city gate, under a lush tree by the side of the street, stood an old man with white hair wearing linen.

The old man was skinny, seemingly weak, and his eyes looked dim.

Under his feet, there was a big gray fat cat lying on his stomach, yawning lazily, and his hair was messy.

"There are still guards here?"

The big fat cat grumbled.

There are four guards in front of the city gate, wearing battle armor and holding a long spear, with streaks of amazing sharpness in their eyes.

And the cultivation base is very powerful!

All Dzogchen dominates the realm.

Not only that, but the sky above the inner city can vaguely sense the fluctuation of the power of law.


Like the Sanxiu Alliance, the inner city was shrouded in an invisible barrier.

In other words, it is impossible to sneak in sneakily.

The big fat cat stretched out, looked at the old man in linen next to him, and asked, "What should I do?"

The old man Mabu glanced at the city gate and smiled lightly: "You don't have to go in. When I came here just now, I saw a restaurant, let's go there first!"

Talk about it.

The old man of Azabu turned and hobbled away.


The big fat cat was taken aback, and suddenly came to his spirits, chasing the old man in linen.

Turning a bend and entering the main street, it becomes lively.

The shops on both sides of the street are full of dazzling arrays, and people come in and out in an endless stream.

The old man Abu did not appreciate anything else, and went straight to a restaurant a hundred meters away.

The restaurant has ten floors in total.


On the gate, there are three eye-catching characters, Guanyulou!

The old man in Mabu brought the big fat cat into the restaurant, and a guy greeted him immediately and smiled: "Old man, do you want to eat or stay in a restaurant?"

"Stay in."

"Help the old man arrange a quieter room."

The old man in linen smiled hoarsely.

"No problem, but our consumption at Guanyu Building is not cheap."

While talking, the guy looked at the old man in Burlap.

His clothes were shabby and his breath was imperceptible. Obviously he was not a strong one.

"Don't worry, you won't fall back on the bill. Besides the old bone, I dare not come to eat the king's meal."

The old man of Burlap chuckled.

"That's different."

"Is there anyone in this world?"

"Especially some old men and old ladies."

"Relying on one's old age, relying on the old to sell the old, the key is that others dare not fight or scold, otherwise it will depend on you for a lifetime.

The dude smiled contemptuously, then looked at the old man Mabu, and said: "Old man, don't blame it. I'm not targeting you, or a little worried."

The old man of Burlap shook his head and smiled. He waved his hand directly. A bunch of crystals appeared in front of the man, like a hill, almost occupying the entire aisle, and asked: "Can these last a day?"

The buddy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded quickly and said: "Enough is enough."

The old man Mabu said, "Then these are just tips for you. Put money in, wine, and money in addition, and lead the way."


"Thank you, old man."

The dude was overjoyed and never expected to meet such a generous old man. After putting away the crystal, he immediately ran to the front and led the old man in linen upstairs.

After a while.

The two went up to the eighth floor, and the man took the old man with linen into a corner room.

The rooms are not big and the decorations are average, but they are neat and clean, and there is a separate tea room, which is what Qin Feiyang is most satisfied with.

The guy arranged everything and asked, "Old man, what do you need to eat?"

"Ask it."

The old man in linen pointed at the big fat cat next to him and said something, then walked to the window alone, opened the window, his expression was a little surprised.

Standing in front of the window, one could clearly see the gate of the inner city.

not bad.

at the same time.

The guy looked at the big fat cat with a stunned expression. He didn't notice that there was another pet. Then he smiled and said, "That...kitty, what do you want to eat?"

"Of course it's good wine and good food."

"Remember, you must have the best wine."

The big fat cat beamed his eyes and said expectantly.


The man nodded and yelled, then turned and strode away.

At this time, the old man of Burlap turned his head to look at the big fat cat, and said: "I will go to He's house to see, don't disturb me."


The big fat cat was taken aback.

"I don't have to go by myself, someone will go for me."

The old man in Azabu chuckled, then walked into the tea room, sat at the coffee table, and slowly closed his eyes, as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

"Someone will go for us?"

The big fat cat looked at the old man in linen in astonishment, what does it mean?


It slapped its head and cursed: "It's really a pig brain, isn't it puppetry?"

That's right!

This person is a cat, Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf.

For their current cultivation base, it is not difficult to find out the location of the He family, so after learning about the situation in Seven Star City, they went straight to this place.


Inner city!

Like Daqin's imperial palace, the main hall is numerous and magnificent.

Do not.

To be precise, it is bigger and more magnificent than the imperial palace of Daqin.

A small intestine path.

A purple-clothed youth walked alone with his head down, his face full of distress.

This person is He Tian.

I was thinking of plotting Yun Zifeng, but I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin. Not only did he not get rid of this mortal enemy, but his life fell into the hands of others.

Even more frightening is that this person is still the fierce Qin Feiyang!

What to do To get rid of control.

It is impossible to be controlled by the other party forever!

As a child of the He family, he firmly did not allow such things.

"Go to father, father should have a way!"

He Tian quickened his pace and walked toward a magnificent hall in the depths.

and many more!

Didn’t Qin Feiyang let me bring words to my ancestors? It seems that he didn't say what to bring?


Let's release the control first.

About Bai Xi passed.

He Tian walked to the main hall.

The gate of the temple is half covered, and there are four guards outside the gate.

"I have seen the little boy."

The four guards saw He Tian and quickly saluted them respectfully.


He Tian asked.

"Patriarch is inside."

One of the guards pointed to the main hall.

He Tian took a deep breath, strode into the hall, and immediately saw a middle-aged man sitting in front of a coffee table, turning a blind eye to the tea already brewed on the table, frowning, as if thinking about something?


He Tian walked to the opposite of the middle-aged man and bowed to salute.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, raised his head to look at He Tian, ​​a spoiled smile appeared on his face, and asked: "You are not in the temple to practice well, what do you do when you come back?"

"This one……"

He Tian hesitated a little, suddenly knelt on the ground, and shouted, "Father, help!"

The middle-aged man was taken aback, got up and asked, "What's the situation?"

"I'm controlled by someone."

He Tiandao.


The middle-aged man's face changed and he said angrily: "Who is so brave to control my He Chenggang's son?"


He Tian hesitated, his face full of fear.

"Say, who is it?"

He Chenggang said angrily.

"He is... he is Qin Feiyang!"

He Tian gritted his teeth, plucked up the courage, and shouted at He Chenggang.

"Qin Feiyang?"

He Chenggang's expression froze, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart, and he asked: "Aren't you in the temple? How did you meet him? And why does he want to control you? My He family has never had a dispute with him, you are Didn't you do something to offend him?"


He Tian's face was pale and panicked.

Even his father was so jealous of Qin Feiyang.


According to his father's character, if he was replaced by someone else and dared to control his son, he would definitely lead someone to seek justice immediately.

But now.

The father's first reaction was not to avenge him, but to blame him.

What does this show?

It shows that his father is also afraid of Qin Feiyang.

"Say it!"

"Otherwise I will kill you!"

He Chenggang roared.

"Is such that……"

He Tian trembled in body and mind, and quickly explained what happened.


After listening to this, instead of comforting He Tian, ​​He Chenggang became even more angry. He slapped his hand and slapped He Tian's face fiercely.

He Tian flew out at the beginning, the teeth in his mouth were all broken, mixed with blood and splashed on the ground. "Father, spare my life!"

Regardless of the pain, He Tian got up and knelt on the ground begging.


"Do you know how much trouble you brought to my He family?"

"Although the mysterious big figures did promise to help us deal with the Yun family, they haven't recovered from their injuries. Now you run to provoke Yun Zifeng, you are so proud of yourself!"

"The most hateful thing is that you actually told Qin Feiyang all these things!"

"Do you know what disaster this will bring to our He family?"

He Chenggang's face was full of anger.

If it wasn't for his own life, I would really want to slap to death.

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