Invincible God of War

Chapter 3485: Be enlightened!

"I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, father, please save me first!"

He Tian said.

If this continues, he will collapse.

I originally hoped that my father could comfort him, so that I would feel a little better, but I never wanted to usher in the beating, scolding, or asking for crime.

"Impossible rebellious son!"

He Chenggang snorted coldly, muttered a little, and took out the sound transmission **** stone.

After a while.

A ghost of a crane-haired old man appeared, wearing a black long dress. Although he was seven and eighty, his body was tough, and his brows showed the oppression of the king.

"Old ancestors."

He Chenggang saluted respectfully.


The old man Hefa looked at He Chenggang lightly.

He Chenggang respectfully said: "Old ancestor, there is an urgent matter that needs you to deal with it. It is best to come right away. This matter is related to Qin Feiyang."

The ancestors of the He family didn't pay much attention at first, but when he heard the name Qin Feiyang, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Follow closely.

He got up, opened a space-time transmission channel, and directly descended in front of He Chenggang.

Looking at He Tian, ​​who was kneeling on the side, the ancestors of the He family raised his eyebrows, then put away the sound transmission sacred stone, looked at He Chenggang and asked, "What is the urgent matter?"

He Chenggang sighed and explained what He Tian had encountered in a simple and clear way.


The old ancestor of the He family changed his face and looked at He Tian angrily: "Are you crazy? You actually told Qin Feiyang about those adults?"

"Old ancestor, sorry!"

"But I can't help it. If I don't say it, he will kill me."

He Tian said flusteredly.

The old ancestors of the He family trembled with anger and glared at He Chenggang and shouted: "This is the good son you taught. The whole plan has been disrupted by him!"

"The ancestor calms down, he is a child after all."

"Furthermore, he is facing Qin Feiyang. We all know this Qin Feiyang's method. We are even in awe of three points, let alone a child."

"This is also his bad luck."

He Chenggang sighed.

Tiger poison does not eat children, so facing the anger of his ancestors, he still pleaded for He Tian.

"Is he still a child?"

"He Chenggang, why do you still have the face to say this?"

"Look at Qin Feiyang, and then at Mo lunatic. Which one of them is not younger than your son? But if you look at their current achievements, can your son match it?"

"You incompetent son, don't even deserve to give them shoes!"

The ancestors of the He family were full of anger.

"Yes Yes Yes."

He Chenggang nodded.

The old ancestor has obviously become a real fire, and he can no longer continue to work against him, otherwise even the current head of the He family, he cannot bear the anger of the old ancestor.

Not to mention He Tian, ​​who was so scared that he huddled there, not daring to move.


The old ancestor of the He family sighed and looked at He Chenggang and said: "I don't want my He family's descendants to be compared with Qin Feiyang and Mo lunatic, but at least it won't be too stupid!"

He Chenggang said: "I will try to teach them in the future."

"Forget it, the children and grandchildren below us have a few kilograms, the old man knows better than you."

The old ancestor of the He family waved his hand, turned his head to look at He Tian, ​​pondered a little, and shook his head: "Even if the old man has the ability to release Qin Feiyang's control over him, he cannot help him release it now."


He Chenggang was suspicious.

He Tian was also puzzled.

The old ancestor of the He family said: "Because once you help him release control, it is equivalent to admitting to Qin Feiyang that we have joined forces with those mysterious people."

He Chenggang said: "But now he already knows that we are teaming up with these mysterious people?"

"He knows, but we can still defend it."

"Because he doesn't know, are we willing to join them or are we forced to join them?"

The ancestors of the He family sneered and continued: "Whether it is voluntary, only we know in our hearts, Qin Feiyang can only rely on guessing, so you can find someone to find Qin Feiyang, and after you find him, tell him that we are forced to be helpless. Teamed up with these mysterious people."

"Does it make sense?"

He Tian grumbled.

"What do you know?"

"This is called a postponement strategy!"

"First comfort Qin Feiyang."

"If you let him know that we are willing to cooperate with those people, we will definitely attack our He family. Are you capable of fighting Qin Feiyang's two masters?"

The ancestors of the He family shouted.

He Tian's neck shrank, and he fell silent immediately, not daring to speak again.

He Chenggang groaned a little, gave a thumbs up, and smiled: "The ancestors are clever, first hold Qin Feiyang, and when those people recover from the injury, we will set another deadlock to attract Qin Feiyang, and then we will be able to cut the grass and remove the roots. Endangered!"


"If you can find him, you can tell him this way, we are willing to cooperate with him, and we should work together inside and outside to get rid of those mysterious people."

"As long as he can gain his trust, it will be much easier to set up a game to kill him in the future."

The ancestors of the He family smiled coldly, looking scheming.

"it is good."

He Chenggang nodded, then looked at He Tian, ​​and asked: "You just said, what is Qin Feiyang asking you to bring us?"


At this time, He Tian lowered his head and said nothing, his eyes looked very strange.

"What's your question?"

He Chenggang shouted.

He Tian slowly raised his head and looked at the two of them. There was no longer the fear on his face, but a mocking expression on his face.


He Chenggang looked at each other, and it seemed that something was wrong.

He Tian laughed and said, "The ancestor is indeed an ancestor. It is easy to calculate the tricks of others."

"He Tian, ​​what are you talking about?"

He Chenggang quickly shouted.

But He Tian turned a deaf ear, looked at the ancestors of the He family, and smiled: "Those mysterious people are scary, but I am not easy to provoke. The Blood Palace is a **** example. It seems that your He family wants to follow in the footsteps of the Blood Palace. !"

The pupils of the ancestors of the He family shrank.

He Chenggang is also surprised, what is going on?

Why does this child suddenly seem to be a different person?

"It's just the beginning now, and the good show will be on stage slowly, so let's realize it!"

He Tian said, a devastating aura burst out of his body, and his whole person exploded directly in the hall.

This scene made He Chenggang two people never expected.

The entire hall was destroyed in an instant, and horrible waves rolled in all directions. The guards guarding outside were all turned on their backs, and their eyes were full of surprise. What's going on?

Fortunately, their cultivation bases are relatively strong, otherwise He Tian's self-destruction would be enough to kill them instantly.

Even the people in the four major cities outside heard this loud noise and the devastating self-detonation wave.


At this time.

Qin Feiyang, who was sitting at the coffee table, slowly opened his eyes, with a smile in his eyes.

The white-eyed wolf was drinking and eating meat, and heard the blew sound, looked out the window, looked at Qin Feiyang walking out of the tea room, and asked, "Did you?"

"if not?"

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, walked across to the white-eyed wolf, twisted a hip flask, and took a sip.

"This puppet technique is really convenient."

The white-eyed wolf barked his teeth and asked, "What is the attitude of the He family?"

"This is already obvious!"

Qin Feiyang looked at it helplessly, walked to the window, and looked at the chaotic inner city.

in fact.

Even if the He family's position is not to help each other, he would not do it.

But a pity.

The He family chose the Dragon Clan and even planned to set up a game to kill him, so of course he would not be polite.


the other side.

Yun Seoul!

It is also in a hall.

Yun Zifeng and the five Lao Hei people stood in the middle of the hall, bowed their heads, they all dared not come out.

Above, a middle-aged person in white clothes sits on it, his body is slender and thin, his temperament is refined, but there is also a trace of anger on his face at the moment.


Yunzi let out a dry cough and couldn't help it anymore. He looked up at the middle-aged in white and said, "Father, you can scold if you want. I'm mentally prepared."

Hearing this, the face of the middle-aged in white suddenly turned dark.

Yun Zifeng said again: "Why don't you beat me to relieve your anger."

"Bastard, I really want to smoke you!"

The middle-aged in white robed angrily and said, "Look at you. Anyway, I'm Yun Guanghui's son. He was actually played around by a woman. Tell yourself, are you awkward?"

"Father, you don't slap someone in the face, and you don't expose one's shortcomings. You are too hurting like this."

Yun Zifeng annoyed.

"Afraid of being said, don't give anyone a handle."

"I am ashamed to hang them in the central square. Do you think you are humiliating them by doing this? This is humiliating yourself."

Yun Guanghui glared at Yun Zifeng, and looked at Old Hei and said, "You guys, go to the square and kill them right away. Find a place to bury them by the way."


Several people responded respectfully, then turned and walked away quickly.

"I haven't vented my breath yet?"

Yun Zifeng looked at Yun Guanghui dissatisfied.


"Immediately, immediately, roll as far as possible."

Yun Guanghui pointed at the door and shouted.

Yunzi squeezed his mouth, turned around and walked outside, while muttering: "Get out of the way, but don't say anything when that happens. I didn't tell you about Qin Feiyang in advance."

"Qin Feiyang?"

Yun Guanghui was taken aback for a moment, and quickly shouted, "Stop, what did you just say?"

Yun Zifeng stopped, looked at Yun Guanghui and said, "Didn't you let me go?"

"Boy, are you really itchy?"

Yun Guanghui fell in front of Yun Zifeng with one step, and said viciously.

Yun Zifeng smiled and sighed, "Father, don't you know that Qin Feiyang's contribution to the child's escape this time?"

"say clearly."

Yun Guanghui looked at him with a heavy face.

"You don't need to be so nervous, Qin Feiyang is actually a very good person."

Yun Zifeng also explained the situation at that time in detail.


"He Jiaran wants to take action against our Yun family?"

Yun Guanghui was taken aback.

"Although the child is not a weapon, he has never told you a lie."

"It is said that the He family received help from a group of mysterious people. Qin Feiyang first mentioned that it seemed to be a dragon clan."

"I guess it should be the mysterious force that chased Qin Feiyang and the others in the East Continent and the West Continent recently."

Yunzi Fengdao.

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