Invincible God of War

Chapter 3625: Mysterious Man Reappears


The Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan have made a thousand-year agreement, which means that at present, it is not necessary to consider these two races for the time being.

The only thing to watch out for is the dragons.

Just facing a dragon clan, their pressure is undoubtedly much less.


A thousand years is not long.

For people of their level, a retreat is more than this time, so you can't take it lightly and you have to quickly enhance your own strength.

If both Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf can realize the ultimate meaning within this thousand years, then facing the three major restricted areas in the future, there will naturally be an extra guarantee.

But is the ultimate profound meaning so easy to understand?

The old man with white beard spent 100,000 years to reach the level of the first glimpse of the doorway.

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead.

I can’t think about it, I get a headache.


The white-eyed wolf looked at Qi Shaoyun and said suspiciously: "Why does your second uncle also have a super forbidden technique?"

"It's because of my father."

Qi Shaoyun shook his head and smiled.

"Your father?"

The white-eyed wolf was taken aback.


"My second uncle, selfishness and jealousy are more serious."

"However, his strength is still quite strong, compared to the other patriarchs of the nine clans, only strong but not weak."

"But because of my father, he couldn't become the patriarch of the Fire Qilin clan, and he couldn't become the patriarch, so naturally he was not qualified to control the dominating gods and super forbidden techniques.

"So the second uncle has always been dissatisfied with my father."

"He felt that my father was pressing him down."

"My father is a person who pays more attention to brotherhood, especially his brothers, so he has always tolerated."

"Also, my father feels a bit sorry for this younger brother."

"So at the beginning, my father went to the ancestors and begged the ancestors to make an exception and let the second uncle inherit the super forbidden technique of our Kylin clan."

Qi Shaoyun smiled.

"It turned out to be so."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Apart from other things, Qi Zhi Qixiong's younger brother is really good.

But as Qi Shaoyun said, Qi Xiong's selfishness and jealousy are too strong.

Such a person, no matter how powerful, is at best a hero, unable to become a side overlord.

Princess Huofeng smiled: "Qi Xiong is selfish, but Big Brother Shaoyun, you are too indifferent to fame and fortune. Uncle has repeatedly told us, let us persuade you to spend more time on cultivation."


Qi Shaoyun smiled, shook his head and said: "I am a person who likes to live a relaxed life. In my opinion, it is a waste of good time."

"But now, if you don't fight, you will gradually be eliminated."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

"Even if you fight, what can you fight for in the end?"

"Fame and fortune? Vanity?"

"All of these are just a passing moment. It's not as comfortable as my current day."

Qi Shaoyun smiled.

"Brother Qi's life is indeed desirable, but in this world, how many people can be as unrestrained as Brother Qi?"

"In fact, in a word, it's good to enjoy the cool under the big tree."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

Qi Shaoyun said, "Brother Qin is alluding that he is a second generation ancestor?"

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "But Brother Qi also needs to know that in this world, not everyone can be the second generation ancestor?"


"I will treat it as a compliment from Brother Qin to me!"

"If Brother Qin doesn't dislike him, he will stay with me in the future, and we will talk about life with joy."

Qi Shaoyun laughed heartily.

"Can't ask for it."

"But for drinking, forget it!"

"I still like Brother Qi's ancient dragon tea."

A smile appeared on Qin Feiyang's face.

In fact, he didn't have any malice in the previous words.

in contrast.

He envied Qi Shaoyun very much.

Because Qi Shaoyun's life is exactly the life he has been pursuing.

But for him, it seems to be a luxury.


Although Qi Shaoyun had an identity and background, he couldn't find the slightest arrogance of a dude in him.

Treat people kindly and courteously.


In the evening.

Everyone sits together.

Drinking tea, drinking tea, drinking, talking about late night.

After it was over, Qin Feiyang took the white-eyed wolf, the fire unicorn, Tan Wu, the uncle of the beast, and the dog of **** into the basalt world.

One is to help them open the door to potential.

Second, let’s learn about their experiences over the years.

The Xuanwu world is now five thousand years a day, and naturally does not care about the passage of time.

After opening the door of potential, everyone sat around in the tea garden. After Huo Qilin talked about it, Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf finally knew that Huo Qilin and Uncle Divine Beast came to the Sky Cloud Realm together.


In order to find the ancestors, the uncle of the beast lifted the seal in the body and stepped into the **** of the third layer of the miracle.

But because from the second floor into the underworld hell, the place where it appeared was in the temple, the forest of gods and demons outside the temple, with countless powerful beasts.

Faced with such a situation, Uncle Mythical Beast couldn't go out at all.


Fire Qilin also entered the third layer.

The two met.

But at that time, Huo Qilin's strength was not strong.

Looking at the terrible forest of gods and demons, they almost fell into despair.

But at a critical moment.

A mysterious person appeared, not only to save them, but also to send them to the Heavenly Cloud Realm.

This answer surprised Qin Feiyang.

Why did a mysterious person appear again?

I remember that my ancestors also said that in the forest of Gods and Demons, I also met a mysterious person. Not only did they save them, they also invited them to the ancient world.


Qin Feiyang wondered whether it was the God of Creation?

Because they can travel freely within the miracle, only ice dragons and little beasts, as well as the **** of creation.

But now.

As he entered the realm of Dzogchen dominance, as he understood the profound meaning of the law, as he understood the world, he felt that there should be other means to interfere with the rules of miracles.

After all, at that time, when Hai Lao and Pei Wanli went to Daqin, they interfered with the miracle rules.

In other words.

The person who helped the ancestors may not be the **** of creation.

Qin Feiyang asked, "What does this person help you look like?"

Huo Qilin shook his head and said, "I can't see his true face. I only remember that it is white hair. Judging from his voice, he should be a young man."

"White hair, youth..."

Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf looked at each other. Wasn't it also a white-haired youth who saved their ancestors back then?

Is it the same person?

Fire Qilin looked at them suspiciously and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"do not know."

"But back then, the ancestors and the others were forced to flee into the **** of Hades, and they also faced the same situation as you. In the end, a gray-haired young man saved them.

Qin Fei said.


Tan Wu and others looked at each other.

Actually saved Qin Batian and others?

"The time when the ancestors entered the third level is far from the time when you entered."

"That is to say."

"This mysterious person should always be on the third floor!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

"But on the third floor, we also know everything well, and we haven't seen this person."


"The blood demon clan ruled the underworld hell. If this person really exists, then you should know his existence, but the blood demon clan has not mentioned this person."

The white-eyed wolf frowned.

"Do you know what?"

"you sure?"

Qin Feiyang glanced at the white-eyed wolf.


White-eyed wolf suspicious.

"The Hell of Hades is so big, we only visited a few places back then."

"As for the Blood Demon Race."

"Although he is the ruler of the underworld hell, there is a place that even they dare not enter."

"This place is the Forest of Gods and Demons!"

Qin Fei said.

The white-eyed wolf trembled and asked, "You mean, this person has been hiding in the forest of gods and demons?"

"do not know."

"It stands to reason that as the guardian of the third layer, no one should escape its eyes, but it has not even mentioned this person."

"Could this man really interfere with the rules of miracles?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

What a big mystery.

The white-eyed wolf rubbed his forehead, shook his head and said, "Why don't you talk about this person, Uncle Mythical Beast, where is your seal?"

Uncle Shen Beast smiled and said: "My seal has been lifted."

"Who helped you lift it?"

The white-eyed wolf is curious.

"It's also the mysterious man."

"At that time, he saw that there was a seal in my body at a glance, and he helped me lift the seal with a wave of his hand."

"Later, with the help of the mysterious man, Fire Qilin and I entered the Heavenly Cloud Realm. By chance, we ran to the Death Glacier to experience it. As a result, the Lord of Qilin sensed the breath of Fire Qilin."

"So, we were brought to the Kylin Holy Land."

Uncle Shen Beast explained.

The white-eyed wolf nodded suddenly, pointing at Huo Qilin and wondering: "Then why is it canonized as the son of Qilin?"

"I don't know about it either."

Uncle Shen Beast shook his head.

The white-eyed wolf looked at Huo Qilin again.

"Don't look at me, I don't know."

The fire unicorn smiled bitterly.

The white-eyed wolf was surprised, and said suspiciously: "Is it because you are more handsome?"


Fire Qilin nodded.


The white-eyed wolf contemptuously looked at Tan Wu and the Hell Dog and asked, "What about you? Not to mention that it was also sent by a mysterious person. You entered the ancient world with us."


"That's a long story."

"I entered the ancient world back then. After we separated, the Hell Dog and I have been practicing in the ancient world."

Tan Wu said with a smile.

The white-eyed wolf said dissatisfied: "Always in the ancient world? Then why don't you come to us? At that time we thought that you were already dead!"

"Why are you looking for?"

"Back then, you mixed up so well in the ancient world. We ran away. Wouldn't it be argued that we were seeking asylum?"

The Hell Dog smiled contemptuously.

The white-eyed wolf bared its teeth.

Self-esteem is quite strong!

"In fact, we also know that you have been looking for us, but we really don't want to cause you trouble."

"of course."

"The main reason is that we want to rely on our own abilities."

"Later Pluto Hell opened. With the help of an expert, we entered Divine State, mixed in the crowd, and went to Pluto Hell."

Tan Wuyi smiled.

"What an expert?"

Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf were suspicious.

Tan Wu smiled and said, "It's Yiyi's master, the guardian of the Northern Territory, and the scruffy old man."

"So, you have seen Yiyi a long time ago?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

[Ps; thank you very much (nine in January) for your 20,000 rewards! 】

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