Invincible God of War

Chapter 3626: Qi Shaoyun's determination!


Tan Wu nodded.

"Yiyi, this little Nizi, is really not authentic, and he didn't tell us."

White-eyed wolf annoyed.

"I told her not to tell you."

"For one thing, I don't want you to be distracted by us."

"Secondly, I don't want to drag you down."

"After entering the Hades of Hades, we also knew that we did not participate in the battle between you and the great ancestor dragons."

"But after you entered the forest of gods and demons, we met Li Feng and the blood ancestor, and the blood ancestor said that there is still a fourth level of miracles, and they are also preparing to enter the fourth level."

"I discuss with the Hell Dog, or on the fourth floor, I can find a way to deal with the dragon clan."

"So, we entered Li Feng's space fetish and followed them to the Heavenly Cloud Realm. When we arrived in the Heavenly Cloud Realm, we knew how small we were, and we could destroy the Dragon Race by just one person."

Tan Wu shook his head and laughed.

The white-eyed wolf asked in surprise: "You only came to the Sky Cloud Realm to deal with the dragons of the ancient world?"


"Because I learned from Master Yiyi that the Dragon Clan ruled the magic weapon, and Qin Feiyang's castle was sealed again at that time, so we wanted to go to the fourth floor to find a way to deal with the Dragon Clan."

"But before we go back, you have also come to the Sky Cloud Realm."

Tan Wu smiled bitterly.

"Then how much do you know about Li Feng and Blood Ancestor?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"I don't understand."

"When we enter the Heavenly Cloud Realm, we will part ways."

"Later, I also entered the Death Glacier experience, and I met the uncle of the beast, and then came to the Kylin Holy Land with him."

After Tan Wu finished speaking, he asked, "By the way, did you meet Li Feng and others?"


"We met them before we came to Death Glacier."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Then how are they doing now?"

Tan Wudao.

Qin Feiyang briefly explained what Li Feng had done in the North Continent over the years.


Tan Wu sighed and shook his head: "I should have stayed with them back then, maybe I can stop the murders he made."

"Even if you follow them, they will do the same."

Qin Feiyang shook his head, then looked at Tan Wu and Hell Dog, and said, "Speaking of which, you don't know Li Feng!"

"I didn't know each other at first."

"When we met them in Hades, they still wanted to kill us!"

"Later, when we accidentally mentioned you, we only knew that they were all related to you."

"It's also a kind of fate!"

Tan Wuyi smiled.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and sighed.

The white-eyed wolf said: "Almost all old friends have been found now, except for the gray castle. Where is it now? What are you planning?"


When they entered the Celestial Cloud Realm, Fire Anaconda once said that the youth and the snow python, Li Feng and the Blood Ancestor, and the Gray Castle have entered the Celestial Cloud Realm one after another.

right now.

Youth, Snow Python, Li Feng, Blood Ancestor, and even Tan Wu and Hellshen Dog have been found, and this gray castle alone is missing.

"Not in a hurry."

"When it's time to show up, it will show up naturally."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

The blood blade, the snowflake, the gray castle, and the fire beads that were sealed in the Sealed Soul Valley all existed at the same time.

They all have a common enemy, ice dragons and small beasts.

Even if he is planning something, it must be aimed at the ice dragon and the little beast.

Therefore, he does not have to worry about it at all.


"No matter what, just stay alive."

The white-eyed wolf laughed.

A smile appeared on Tan Wu and others' faces.

"what's next?"

"Would you like to go with us?"

White-eyed wolf looked at Tan Wu and the others and asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Fire Qilin shook his head.


"Can't bear your identity as the son of a unicorn?"

The white-eyed wolf jokingly laughed.

"It's not."

"The Lord of Kylin is my master after all."

"Besides, if I stay in the Kylin Holy Land, it will definitely help you."

The fire unicorn smiled.

"All right, don't force it."

The white-eyed wolf nodded, looked at Tan Wu, the uncle of the beast, the dog of hell, and asked: "What about you?"

Tan Wu smiled and said: "We also plan to stay in the Kylin Holy Land. After all, the Lord of the Kylin has taken care of us all these years, and by staying here, we and Huo Qilin can take care of each other."

The uncle of the beast and the dog of **** also nodded.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said: "However, the battle between the Qilin clan and us will break out sooner or later. I am worried that they will be against you at that time, and now Qi Xiong and the patriarch of the nine clans hate us deeply and will definitely find a chance to retaliate against you. "

"With the relationship of the Kylin Lord, they don't have the guts yet."

"Say it."

"We are not stupid either."

"Seeing the situation is not good, don't we know how to run?"

Tan Wu chuckled.


Qin Feiyang groaned a little, nodded and smiled: "Okay, when there is danger, you will notify me, even if I am at the end of the world, I will come as soon as I get a notice."


Tan Wu nodded.

After everyone took out the sound transmission sacred stone and established the contract bridge, Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf took them to appreciate the current scenery of the basalt world.


The next three days.

It can be said that Qin Feiyang had the easiest three days to come to the Sky Cloud Realm.

Qi Shaoyun, Qin Feiyang also admired more and more, just like an outsider.

It's easy to get along with him.

Three days passed in a flash!

"Qi Xiong, it's time to fulfill your promise now!"

The clamor of the white-eyed wolf resounded above the fire Qilin clan ground.


Qi Zhi, the old man with white beard, and many people from the fire unicorn clans appeared one after another.


Qi Xiong and his son were not seen for a long time.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you really running away?"

The white-eyed wolf standing high in the sky frowned.

"Qi Xiong?"

Qi Zhi couldn't help but frowned, looked at the other courtyard below, and shouted.

But there was still no response.

Qi Zhi let out his spiritual thoughts and walked away in all directions, his face suddenly sank, and he didn't find Qi Xiong and his son.

The white-eyed wolf looked at Qi Zhi, raised his eyebrows and said, "My patriarch, what do you say now?"

Qi Zhi clenched his hands, turned around to look at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, and said in a deep voice: "My seat counts, now I will kneel for him and kowtow to you!"

After that, he knelt towards the void.

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and stopped Qi Zhi.

Qi Zhi raised his head and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

"Injustice and debt are in charge."

"This is our grievance with Qi Xiong, and it has nothing to do with you, senior."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.


Qi Zhi also seemed to feel a bit wrong, his face was full of apologies.

"It's okay."

"It will be long in Japan!"

"Can you hide for a lifetime?"

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.


Qi Zhi sighed deeply.

It seems that this grievance cannot be resolved.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Thank you, senior, for your care during this period. We will have a period later."

Qi Zhi waved his hand and turned on a time-space teleportation artifact, apologizing again: "I'm really sorry."

Qin Feiyang smiled and was about to step into the space-time teleportation artifact.

"Master Qin, wait a moment."

At this time.

Xiaoying flew up from below, holding a palm-sized jade box in her hand, walked to Qin Feiyang, and said, "This is a gift from the son."

Qin Feiyang took the jade box suspiciously, opened the lid, and looked at him for a moment, actually filled with a box of ancient dragon tea.

This is a great gift!

When he recovered, Qin Feiyang looked down at the courtyard, and saw Qi Shaoyun standing in front of the tea garden, looking up at them, with a smile on his face.

"Brother Qi, thank you very much, we will meet again in the coming day."

Qin Feiyang put away the jade box, thanked him, turned around and entered the legendary artifact of time and space without looking back.

The four white-eyed wolves and Princess Huofeng also followed one after another.


After watching a group of people leave, the old man with white beard looked at Qi Zhi and asked, "Patriarch, what do you think of them?"

"In the future, it will become a great weapon."

Qi Zhi nodded.

The old white beard smiled and said, "I'm afraid the scarlet wolf summoned by the Golden Winged Wolf King is what you care most about!"

"Don't you care?"

Qi Zhi asked back.

"What should come will always come."

"It's like a saying that humans often say, whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided."

The old white beard smiled hoarsely.

"Father, mentor."

Qi Shaoyun was silent for a little bit below, and flew high up, looking at Qi Zhi and the old man with white beard.


The two were suspicious.

Qi Shaoyun bowed and said, "Please allow me to go to the Lei Punishment Ladder."


Qi Zhi, Xiaoying, including the nearby Huoqilin tribe, all changed their colors.

Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, and Uncle Beast were all ready to leave, but when they heard this, they couldn't help but look at Qi Shaoyun in surprise.

It seems that he has already understood what Qin Feiyang said.

As for the old man with white beard.

In his eyes, there was a trace of relief.

Xiaoying returned to her senses and said angrily: "My son, are you crazy? Lei Fen Ladder is where you can go? Besides, what is your identity? What is Qin Feiyang and the Golden Wing Wolf King? They compare?"

"Xiaoying, this is not a comparison."

Qi Shaoyun shook his head.

"Not a comparison, what is it?"

Xiaoying frowned.

"There are some things that you won't understand if you say it."

"Actually, I don't even understand myself now, but I think I should give it a try."

Qi Shaoyun smiled.

"I don't allow it!"

Qi Zhi finally spoke.

Are you kidding me?

Run to Thunder Punishment Ladder, isn't that looking for death?

Qi Shaoyun said helplessly: "Father, don't you always say that I am not self-motivated? Now I want to be self-motivated, how can you stop it?"

Qi Zhi said angrily: "You are obviously going to die, what does it have to do with your progress?"

"Even if it is really going to die, I want to try it."

Qi Shaoyun smiled faintly, turned to look at the old man with white beard, and asked, "Master, what do you think?"

Qi Zhi looked at the old man with white beard and said, "Old Bai, you absolutely can't agree!"

The old man with white beard smiled hoarsely at Qi Zhi, then looked at Qi Shaoyun, and said, "Do whatever you want, don't let yourself leave regrets."

"Old Bai!"

Qi Zhi glared at the old white beard.

"He is no longer a child."

The old white beard smiled.


What else Qi Zhi wanted to say, Qi Shaoyun bowed to the old man with white beard, bowed and said gratefully, "Thank you, teacher."

Having said that, he swept towards Thunder Punishment Ladder without looking back.

"This silly boy, why doesn't he listen to advice?"

"And you, Lao Bai, let him do everything. Sooner or later you will have to kill him. I think you want to **** me off."

Qi Zhi cursed angrily, then chased Qi Shaoyun.

Xiaoying also chased up anxiously.

The old man with white beard shook his head and smiled, turned his head to look at Huo Qilin and Tan Wuji, and said, "If you have time, say thank you to Qin Feiyang for me."

Had it not been for Qin Feiyang's point, he would not know when Qi Shaoyun would understand the true meaning of the existence of Lei Punishment Ladder.

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