Invincible God of War

Chapter 3666: Li Feng's horror secret technique!

I saw that the two gloomy lights engulfed by the **** vortex turned into a pure energy that merged into Li Feng's dark law.

That's right!

It is to blend into Li Feng's dark law!

After the fusion of this energy, the strength of Li Feng's Dark Law seemed to increase at once.


Qin Feiyang was full of disbelief.

The power of the law can grow by swallowing other laws?

It was the first time I encountered it.

He suspected this was an illusion in his eyes, but after repeated confirmation, Li Feng's dark law was indeed a little stronger.

"Brother Qin?"

When Qin Feiyang opened the eyes of life and death, Li Feng felt the familiar feeling before and immediately opened his eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang in surprise.

The eye of life and death disappeared, Qin Feiyang looked at Li Feng and said, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?"

Li Feng was suspicious and looked a little flustered.

"Still playing stupid?"

"You swallowed those two clusters of ghost fires and merged with the Law of Darkness to make the Law of Darkness stronger. Isn't there a reason for this?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.

Li Feng's eyes trembled, why couldn't even this escape Big Brother Qin's eyes? Hurriedly said: "Brother Qin, it's not a living person, it's just a soul of the undead, it's nothing big!"

"The soul of the undead?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.


"According to the blood ancestor, the creatures here are all skeletons."

"And these skeletons are born with spiritual wisdom, called the soul of the undead."

Li Feng nodded.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Then why do you devour the soul of the undead, make the law of darkness stronger?"

"Because the undead souls of these skeletons contain the power of the law, as long as they swallow these laws, they can merge with the power of my law."

"In this way, there is no need to understand the profound meaning of the law, and the strength of the law can be continuously improved."

Li Feng explained.

"Can you do this?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"This is a supreme secret technique."

"What the blood ancestor taught me is the same as before I devoured the flesh and blood of creatures and improved my cultivation."

Speaking of this, Li Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said: "But don't be angry, I have never swallowed other people's laws in the Sky Cloud Realm."

Qin Feiyang was silent for a little while shaking his head and sighed, "As long as you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, it doesn't matter even if you swallow other people's laws."

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and said, "In fact, even if I have this idea, I can't do it."

"Can't do it?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.


"The skeletons here are different from the creatures outside."

"The people outside and the fierce beasts have the power of law alone, so even if they swallow their souls, I won't get the power of the power of law."

"The skeletons here are different."

"Their laws are fused with the souls of the undead, and consuming their souls is equivalent to consuming their laws."

"This is why the blood ancestor asked me to come to Tianzhong Shenzang."

"Here, I can quickly become stronger and master the supreme profound meanings, and even according to him, to a certain point, I can also master the ultimate profound meanings."

Li Feng explained.

"In other words, you can only swallow the soul? And can't swallow the law alone?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


"To be precise, this supreme secret technique can only allow me to devour the soul of the undead."

Li Feng said.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said, "According to you, isn't this secret technique tailor-made for Tianzhong Shenzang?"

Although this secret technique is very powerful, it is useless outside, only effective in Tianzhong Shenzang.

Because only Tianzhong Shenzang has the soul of the undead.

"This was taught to me by the blood ancestor, and I don't know."

Li Feng shook his head.

"Are there any sequelae?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Such a terrible secret technique should not be so simple!

"I don't know that."

Li Feng shook his head again.

"If you don't know anything, you dare to practice?"

"If there is any fatal sequelae, who will you turn to to make sense?"

When Qin Feiyang heard this, he immediately became furious.

"As long as you can become stronger, as long as you can master the ultimate meaning, it doesn't matter if you have sequelae."

Li Feng clenched his hands, his attitude was quite determined.

Seeing Li Feng's appearance at the moment, Qin Feiyang really didn't know what to say?

In order to become stronger, in order to seek revenge from the Dragon Clan, he has been completely lost.

"Brother Qin, I know that you are worried about me, but I don't regret it. It's the same sentence. When the dragon clan is destroyed, if you say a word, I will immediately judge myself in front of you.

Li Feng looked at Qin Feiyang and said.

"It's up to you!"

Qin Feiyang sighed.

The current Li Feng can't persuade him to come back. I just hope that the blood ancestor is really not harmful!

"Big Brother Xie Qin."

Li Feng bowed.

Whenever Qin Feiyang is concerned, he is grateful and awed.

He could slaughter thousands of people, and let a continent flow a long river of blood, but he would never be able to do anything that hurt Qin Feiyang.

"Since you want to devour the soul of the undead, then I will complete you and let you step into the Dzogchen dominance. Anyway, I also want to know, what truth is hidden in the blood ancestor?"

Qin Feiyang swept all directions, looking for the skeleton.

Li Feng was very moved.

The big brother's concern for him has never changed.


He found a dozen skeletons in the surrounding mountains and rivers.

These are the bones of fierce beasts, and each one is as huge as a mountain.

"Only absorb the law of darkness?"

Qin Feiyang retracted his gaze and asked.


Li Feng said.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


"After devouring the soul of the undead, no matter what law power the other party has, it will become pure law energy."

"The six laws I have mastered can absorb these energy."

Li Feng explained.

"So, it looks a bit similar to the law of swallowing."

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly, and asked, "That is to say, the six laws you currently master are all based on your own ability to understand?"

"The law of death and the law of time and space are inherited, the others are my own comprehension, and the supreme meaning of the law of killing is also my own comprehension."

Li Feng said.

"That's it!"

"But it's amazing."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Being able to realize the laws of time and space and the supreme meaning of the laws of killing before Dacheng's dominance has far surpassed the evil spirits of the Heavenly Cloud Realm.

Do not!

The evildoers of the dragon, phoenix, and qilin clan are far inferior to this kid.

Not talking about other things, just talking about this, it didn't disappoint him.

"Then where did you get the inheritance?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"This one……"

Li Feng hesitated.

"I don't want to say it."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand lightly.

In fact, it is not difficult to think that apart from the four forbidden areas in the Sky Cloud Realm, where else can the strongest law be inherited?

and so.

It must be a restricted area.

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Qin Feiyang led Li Feng to start a hunt in this area.

Two days later.

The skeletons within a radius of 100 million li were all eliminated.

There are five or six hundred in total.

Li Feng swallowed the undead souls of these skeletons, and really raised the strength of the law of darkness to the fourth profound meaning.

And naturally mastered the profound meaning of the law.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qin Feiyang wouldn't believe that there was such an outrageous thing in the world.


When he thought of the supernatural power of the white-eyed wolf, he was relieved.

Because compared to the white-eyed wolf's ability to defend against the sky, Li Feng's secret technique is still far behind.

at this time.

The two stood in front of a city.

The city occupies thousands of miles, it is dilapidated, and there is no single figure, exuding a cold breath.

But in the city, both of them felt a lot of powerful aura.

Qin Feiyang scanned the ancient city and tried to contact the Xuanwu Realm, but couldn't make contact, as if there was an invisible force in the middle.


Things in the illusion cannot be taken seriously.

"Let's go!"

Qin Fei raised his head and said without turning his head, he stepped into the ancient city and walked to the dilapidated street, looking at the devastated houses around him.

Although this ancient city has been in bad shape, it is not difficult to see from the tall and majestic buildings that once there was an extremely prosperous civilization.

I just don’t know what caused this civilization to disappear?

"Is there ever a **** battle here?"

Li Feng was suspicious.

"Where there are creatures, there must be battle."

"Perhaps after many years, the Sky Cloud Realm will become like this, becoming a **** hidden in the eyes of future generations."

Qin Feiyang sighed.

This is the cruelty of war.

Wars can gradually destroy a world.


Li Feng pointed to a building on the left and said in surprise, "Brother Qin, look, there seems to be a sword there?"

Qin Feiyang looked up and saw that the building on the left was a tall palace, which was also ruined and dilapidated.

On one wall, a black long sword was ‘plugged’ impressively.

The two walked over and looked closely.

The black long sword is three feet long and has four fingers wide. The whole body is dark, with mysterious patterns engraved on it.

After confirming that there was no danger, Li Feng grabbed the long sword and drew it out with a clang, only to see cracks on the body of the sword, and the blade was also incomplete and dull.

"It's still a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact!"

Li Feng was surprised.

"Unfortunately, the tool spirit has been annihilated."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The sword is indeed a supreme-level god-defying artifact, but the spirit of the weapon has dissipated.

The god-defying artifacts without the spirits have no value at all.

Li Feng checked it and found that there was indeed no tool, so he threw it away angrily, and looked around again.

As soon as I entered the ancient city, I encountered a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact. Then, what treasure can I find in this city?


Li Feng saw many magic weapons around.

But when he ran to check them one by one, his face was full of disappointment, and there was no magical tool.

"You don't need to look at it specially."

"A magical tool with a spirit will automatically repair its body."

"So, as long as it is a divine weapon that is incomplete and damaged, the spirit of the weapon must have been destroyed."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

"Yes indeed!"

Li Feng slapped his head.

"It's unbelievable that so many heaven-defying artifacts have fallen. What kind of earth-shattering battle happened here?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head in general.

In just one street, they saw no less than a hundred anti-sky artifacts, and most of them were supreme-level anti-sky artifacts.

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