Invincible God of War

Chapter 3667: Humanoid skeleton with complete consciousness!

The dilapidated castle and the incomplete magic soldier seem to be telling sadness.

The war is most ruthless.

I believe that no one in this world will yearn for war.

But sometimes, it cannot be avoided.

Unconsciously, Qin Feiyang led Li Feng to the center of the ancient city.

Here, it is also full of holes.

There are countless magic weapons scattered on the ground, but without exception, there is no weapon spirit, and many of them are already rusty.

"Brother Qin, there are human bones here."

Standing in a corner, Li Feng shouted to Qin Feiyang not far away.

"Human bones?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback and walked over quickly.

Two days after I came to Tianzhong Shenzang, I have seen many bones of fierce beasts, but I have never seen human bones.

When he walked to Li Feng, Qin Feiyang looked towards the corner of the wall. There really was a skeleton with his back leaning against the wall, lying on the ground, with a sharp arrow stuck in the center of his head.

This sharp arrow is also a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact.

But under the erosion of the years, it is already rusty.


This skeleton was pierced through its head by this sharp arrow before it was alive, crushing its soul to death.

"From the distribution of bones, it's a woman."

Li Feng squatted in front of the skeleton, looked at the skeleton carefully, and suddenly looked at the abdomen and pelvis of the skeleton, and said in surprise: "And he is still a pregnant woman."

Qin Feiyang also looked at the abdomen of the skeleton. In the pelvis of his abdomen, there was indeed a baby's skeleton. Although it was decayed, it was not difficult to distinguish it.

"War really is ruthless."

Li Feng sighed, grabbed the sharp arrow on his head, and gently pulled it out, but because the skeleton had already decayed, it turned into dust with a light move.

"For us, this is a place full of opportunities and good luck."

"But for the creatures who once lived here, this is undoubtedly a purgatory that will never be recalled."

"People in the world, why can't they let go of their private grievances and let the war stop?"

"The outbreak of war will not only hurt others, but also hurt ourselves, and even make a prosperous civilization disappear."

"Is this price worth it?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and sighed.

Seeing this scene before him, Qin Feiyang seemed to have a sense of understanding, and pictures flashed in his mind.

The body and mind have gradually entered a wonderful state.

A will to war, quietly diffused out.

Li Feng soon noticed Qin Feiyang's abnormality, and looked up at Qin Feiyang, his eyes flashing with envy.


Sure enough, he deserves to be Brother Qin, and he has entered a state of epiphany.

"Don't let people bother Brother Qin!"


Li Feng looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly realize this wonderful state, most afraid of being disturbed.

Once people are awakened in the middle, no matter how much they understand, they will lose all their previous efforts.

I thought that there should be no accidents.

After all, I have been in the ancient city for so long, and I haven't seen a skeleton.

But shortly afterwards, on the east side outside the ancient city, a wave of terrifying ferocity suddenly emerged.


Li Feng was shocked, he rose into the sky like lightning, looked up to the east outside the city, his expression suddenly changed.

Outside the city, there are a large number of skeletons!

Bai Sensen one piece.

All the bones of beasts!

Each one is as huge as a mountain.

There are five or six hundred, covering the world!

They have hunted many skeletons in the past two days after entering the Tianzhong Shenzang, but it was the first time they saw so many skeletons coming in groups.


Before Li Feng could return to his senses, terrible ferocity emerged from the west outside the city.

Li Feng turned his head and looked, his face couldn't help turning pale.

To the west outside the city, a large number of skeletons also swarmed, no matter in number or strength, they were no worse than those from the east.

"what happened?"

Li Feng looked at the skeletons on both sides back and forth, why are there so many all at once?

boom! !

From the south and north, there was also a wave of fierce power at this time.


Li Feng looked up and found that there was a large group of skeletons in the south and north outside the city.

Mighty, fierce!

"What the **** is this?"

Li Feng frowned.

There are so many skeletons in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest at the same time. Adding up, it is estimated that there will be at least 3000!

Did you encounter the skull tide?

Isn't that right, the blood ancestor has never said that there will be a tide of skeletons in Tianzhong Shenzang?

The so-called skeleton tide is like a beast tide.

Li Feng observed a little and found that the skeletons in all directions seemed to have rushed out of the ancient city. They acted decisively to unlock the law of power, the law of killing, the law of time and space, the law of death, and the law of devouring.

The power of the five laws emerged, condensing into five enchantments, layer after layer to protect Qin Feiyang.

Five barriers, five layers of protection.

And these five enchantments all have the effect of sound insulation.

"Human, blood..."

Thousands of skeletons were pouring into the ancient city, and their eyes instantly locked on Li Feng who was standing in the sky. The flames in his eyes exuded a strong desire.


The next moment.

All the skeletons rushed towards Li Feng like a pack of hungry wolves.

"court death!"

Li Feng looked cold.

The law of killing was turned on and turned into a wave of blood, carrying the aura of ruining the world, rushing towards the skeletons in all directions.


These thousands of skeletons did not stop at all, and the power of a law emerged from them.

Except for the strongest law, there are almost all other laws.

Such as the law of gold, the law of sword, the law of soil and so on.

Coupled with their hard bodies, the blood waves caused by Li Feng's law of killing were unable to cause any actual damage to them, and they were crushed and crushed.

"So strong?"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows, and his blood-red eyes were full of evil spirits. He didn't hesitate anymore, the supreme meaning of the law of killing was opened.

-Killing hell!

The sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, and a terrifying murderous spirit enveloped the world.


The next moment.

Countless blood-colored thunder and lightning poured down from the sea of ​​blood, and the world became a purgatory.

One by one, the skeletons are constantly crushed!

After all, this is the highest meaning.

Although the cultivation base is weak by a small realm, the power of the Supreme Profound Truth can completely bridge the gap between realms.

at the same time!

The **** vortex between Li Feng's eyebrows appeared again.

A big scarlet hand stretched out from the whirlpool, grabbing the fleeing soul of the undead, and swallowing it all.

These skeletons, for him, are instead a great tonic.

There were dozens of skeletons, suddenly noticed Qin Feiyang below, and immediately chose to rush towards Qin Feiyang.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Li Feng shouted violently.

The endless **** thunder and lightning, carrying the aura of ruining the world, blasted away.

Dozens of skeletons were crushed on the spot, and the souls of the undead were all grabbed by the blood hand.

"It happens to use you to break through the dominance of Dzogchen!"

Li Feng Jiejie smiled, killing him madly.

Qin Feiyang in the barrier didn't know the situation outside.

With the protection of the five enchantments and the sound insulation effect, he now seemed to be in a closed space, surrounded by extremely quiet.


The world covered by the **** of the killing field is full of blood and murderous aura!

Except where Qin Feiyang was, the entire ancient city was almost destroyed.

Li Feng slaughtered like a **** and demon.

But suddenly!

A terrifying breath emerged from the ground below.

Follow closely.

A **** long sword, tearing the ground, carrying the power of destroying the world, slashed towards Li Feng.

Can't quench it!

A wound appeared on Li Feng's body immediately, with blood flowing.


This sword awakened him from the killing, and quickly retreated violently, looking at the Scarlet Longsword.

This long sword, as if stained with blood, exudes a strong smell of blood.

A trace of shock appeared on Li Feng's face, it turned out to be a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact!


The scarlet sword revived, and a sword slashed towards the barrier where Qin Feiyang was located.

"you dare!"

Following Li Feng's thoughts, the supreme-level heaven-defying artifact lurking in his body was immediately killed. It was also a long sword, and it was also bloody, like a magic soldier from hell.

"Blooddrinking Devil Sword, stop it!"

Li Feng shouted angrily.

With a loud clang, the blood-drinking magic sword revived, its sharp edge tore the world and the earth, and it instantly ran across the enchantment, killing the blood-colored long sword.


The two heaven-defying artifacts fought together.

Li Feng also killed the surrounding skeletons again.

After the previous massacre, only half of the skeletons remained.

With the undead souls absorbing these skeletons, his dark law is also advancing rapidly towards the Fifth Profound Truth.

But at this moment!

A powerful breath emerged from the ground below.

Li Feng was taken aback, looked down, and saw a blood shadow, rushing out from the ground with a whistling speed, and appeared in front of Li Feng in the blink of an eye.

Follow closely.

A blood-red bone claw leaned towards Li Feng's abdomen!

"Is this a coincidence?"

Li Feng's hair stood upright and retreated without hesitation.

Actually directly attacked his lower abdomen?

To know.

The sea of ​​qi is in the lower abdomen.

Usually when fighting an enemy, they usually seize the opportunity to abolish the opponent's anger.

But now!

The opponent he faced was not a living person, but a skeleton after death.

The skeleton after death is incomplete.

For example, the fierce beasts and skeletons around them are fighting instinctively.

Since he is fighting by instinct, how can he know to abolish the opponent's qi sea?

"Unexpectedly, your reaction was quite fast."

A grinning laugh sounded.

Li Feng was surprised.

This tone seems to be no different from a living person?

He quickly raised his head and looked at the blood shadow standing on the opposite side. He didn't know it, but he was startled.

The blood shadow standing on the opposite side is indeed a skeleton.

But the difference is that the skeleton is blood-red, and the soul of the undead in its eye sockets is also beating like a blood-colored flame.

The key is.

This skeleton is not a beast, but a person!

Humanoid skeletons still exist?

And it seems that a complete consciousness has been born.

"Hand over your body obediently, as long as you absorb your vitality, maybe I can condense the blood!"

The human skeleton smiled, looked at the beast skeletons around, and shouted: "Kill!"



The fierce beasts and skeletons all around rushed towards Li Feng frantically, completely ignoring his own life and death.

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