Invincible God of War

Chapter 3829: It's gone!

"When have I been stingy?"

Qin Feiyang stared at the lunatic in dissatisfaction, and snorted coldly, "Isn't the inheritance of the law of thunder given to you directly?"


The madman grinned, and also grabbed the inheritance of the law of killing, ran into the castle without looking back, and opened the retreat mode.

Li Feng glanced at the old castle and frowned, "Brother Qin, you are a bit too generous!"

He is naturally more inclined to Qin Feiyang than a lunatic.

Qin Feiyang put away the inheritance of the Law of Light and said with a smile: "They are all brothers, there is nothing to fight for, besides, I have realized the supreme meaning of the law of birth and death."

The supreme profundity of the law of life and death is enough to compete with the ultimate profundity of the strongest law, and the ultimate profundity of common laws such as the law of killing is definitely a crushing crush.

However, it wasn't because he didn't look down on the ultimate meaning of the law of killing.

after all.

Even if it is not as good as the law of life and death, it is also a powerful method.

The reason for giving it to lunatics is entirely because of the future battle with the kingdom of God.

The lunatic has now mastered the ultimate secrets of the law of thunder and the laws of time and space, and coupled with the ultimate secret of the law of killing, the lunatic will naturally have more self-protection power when facing the power of the kingdom of God.

Li Feng said: "Anyway, no matter what, people like you who consider everything for their friends are almost extinct in this world."

The blood ancestor smiled and said, "Isn't it because of this that you worship him so much?"

Hear the words.

Li Feng held his head and smiled.

"You don't need to worship me, you can."

"Because I always believe that only if you give your sincerity first, others will return you with your sincerity."

"Moreover, your current strength is not weak. The law of time and space and the law of killing have reached the ultimate righteousness. From now on, you can help me if you can help the human race."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

"I will."

Li Feng nodded.

Seeing Li Feng's attitude, Qin Feiyang had a sincere smile on his face.

No matter what Li Feng has done, as long as he swears to protect the human race in the future, he can ignore it.



The image spar sounded.

"What a long-lost voice!"

Qin Feiyang took out the sound-transmitting sacred stone and looked at the blood ancestor and Li Feng and shook his head, feeling the sound of the sound-transmitting sacred stone in Tianzhong Shenzang.


When he checked, his brows suddenly frowned.


The blood ancestor is suspicious.

"It's Princess Huofeng."

Qin Fei said.

The blood ancestor was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Didn't she just return to the Phoenix Nest? Why did she send us a message?"

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and revived the sound transmission **** stone.

The figure of Princess Huofeng immediately appeared, and her expression seemed anxious.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Princess Huofeng panicked: "I don't even have a member of the clan in Fengchao now."


Qin Feiyang and the three were surprised, how could this be possible?

Princess Huofeng said in a deep voice, "Not only the clansmen, but also a spiritual vein and soul vein."

"How could this be?"

Qin Feiyang's eyes sank.

There is no one in the Feng Clan. This is too weird. It is impossible for the world to evaporate. He asked, "Are there traces of fighting?"


Princess Huofeng shook her head.

Qin Feiyang said: "Don't worry, there is no trace of battle, then there should be no danger. You immediately go to the other restricted areas to check, and by the way inform Long Chen and the others, I will also go to the four continents to check immediately."


Princess Huofeng nodded, and the phantom disappeared immediately.

Qin Feiyang put away the sound transmission sacred stone, looked at the blood ancestor and Li Feng and said solemnly: "It seems that something really happened in the Heavenly Cloud Realm."

"Then we split up."

"Li Feng, you go to the North Continent."

"Feiyang, you go to the Eastern Continent."

"My ancestor went to the Western Continent himself."

"Then we met in the southern continent."

Blood Ancestor Road.


Qin Feiyang and Li Feng nodded.

"Young Master, do you need our help?"

Brother Pei Dasen asked quickly.

They were in the Xuanwu Realm, so naturally they followed Qin Feiyang to the Tianzhong Shenzang, so they didn't know anything about the current situation in the Tianyun Realm.


All the people in Fengchao had disappeared, and there was no need to think about it. Something must have happened.

"No, you can help me manage the basalt world."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and was about to leave with the blood ancestor and Li Feng, but suddenly he slapped his head and said, "Flame Devil Sword, come out."

Fragments of the flame sword appeared.

Over the years, although there is no place of origin, the body has also been restored.

"Boy, come out."

Qin Feiyang looked to the sky again.


The little kid fell from the sky.

"It's an intermediate dominating magic weapon."

"You take it to the place of origin and repair the body."

Qin Feiyang pointed to the fragment of the Flame Demon Sword.

The flame sword will be of great use in the future.

Let's not talk about the mysterious kingdom of God, let's talk about Long Chen. It is estimated that only the flame sword can compete with the **** sword.

"And us!"

Jin Yang Divine Sword roared excitedly.

The little kid looked at the Flame Demon Sword, and then at the Golden Sun Excalibur and other dominating magical weapons. How many dominating magical weapons were actually gained?

It seems that this kid has made a lot of money on this trip to Tianzhong Shenzang!

But follow closely.

The kid frowned.

With so many dominating magical soldiers rushing to the source of cultivation, how will the basalt world grow in the future?

The growth of the basalt world also requires a lot of source power!

Besides, the land of the origin now has many god-defying artifacts, which are undergoing transformation.

"Take care of the Flame Sword first."

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Golden Sun Divine Sword and other masters, and looked at the kid.


"We will follow you from birth to death in Tianzhong Shenzang!"

"And what has it done for you?"

Jinyang Excalibur was dissatisfied.

"Why? Of course the deity is stronger than you."

Flame Demon Sword smiled proudly.

At the same time, I was extremely shocked, this kid actually has an independent world.

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead and soothed: "Don't worry, this little kid will let you in when you can enter the land of the origin. Also, you have to take a correct attitude because you want to enter the land of the origin. , It’s not that I have the final say, it’s this little kid."

"Little kid?"

Jinyang Divine Sword, these master soldiers, looked at the little kid standing in the sky.

"give it to you."

Qin Feiyang left the mess directly, said something to the little kid, and brought the blood ancestor and Li Feng to the sky above Tianyun Island.

Because if you get entangled with these masters and soldiers, it will definitely be endless.


The blood ancestor glanced around, looked at a place in the mountains of Tianyun Island, and said: "Wait first, my ancestor will go to the little rabbit's cave."


Qin Feiyang nodded their heads.

The blood ancestor cut through a stream of light immediately and sank into the Tianyun Island below.

Qin Feiyang scanned the surrounding sea, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Feng was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang was silent.

But suddenly.

His eyes trembled.


Too quiet!

Except for the sound of waves and wind, there is no other sound.

Isn't it strange?

You know, here is the sea of ​​sky clouds, with countless sea beasts.

Usually, the roar of sea beasts can be heard at any time around here, but now there is no movement at all.


He released his spiritual thoughts, flooding the surrounding waters.


His eyes sank slightly.


Li Feng was surprised.

"How could this be?"

"Not even a sea beast?"

Qin Feiyang murmured, his face full of disbelief.


When Li Feng heard this, he immediately let go of his mind and searched for the surrounding sea beasts.

Within the scope of the divine mind, there was really no trace of a sea beast.

Feng's nest is empty.

The sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Sky Clouds are gone.

Why is this?

Where did they go?


The blood ancestor flew up at this time, his face was rather gloomy.

"Do you have?"

Qin Feiyang asked hurriedly.

Because the mermaid princess and others are now in the little rabbit's cave.


"Even the cave is gone, there is only an empty cave."

The blood ancestor said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang's face changed.

Li Feng said: "We also found a problem. The sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Sky Clouds are gone."

"No way!"

The blood ancestor was shocked, and he quickly released his spiritual thoughts. When he witnessed this empty sea, his expression also went dull on the spot.

Whoosh! !

At this time.

Several figures fell in the void ahead.

Qin Feiyang and the three looked at it, and it turned out that it was the Sea Lion Emperor and a group of animal kings.

At this moment, the faces of a group of beast kings were also full of anxiety.

The blood ancestor frowned and said: "You haven't found the sea beast?"

"Did you find out?"

Sea Lion King Road.


Qin Feiyang nodded their heads.

One of the beast emperors said solemnly: "We have searched the entire sea of ​​clouds, not to mention the sea beasts, there is not even a ghost shadow, even the soul and crystal veins."

"It's not just the sea of ​​sky and clouds. Just now Princess Huofeng gave us the phoenix nest, and the phoenix nest was empty."

Blood Ancestor Road.

"The Phoenix Nest is also empty?"

The Sea Lion King and others looked at each other, their faces were full of surprise, what is going on?

"Don't panic, go to a few continents first."

After Qin Feiyang said, he asked Li Feng to open several time and space channels.

"Let's go too."

Sea Lion King Road.


Qin Feiyang nodded and stepped into the space-time passage leading to the Eastern Continent.

The Sea Lion Emperor and another Beast Emperor followed Qin Feiyang.


A piece of majestic mountains, located somewhere in the eastern continent, piles of mountains, on top of each mountain, majestic halls can be seen everywhere.

This is the Holy Land of the Eastern Continent, the Demon Temple!

The lively and noisy Demon Temple with countless disciples was actually deadly still at this moment.

When Qin Feiyang and the three descended above the Demon Hall, their heart sank as they watched this scene.

Because in the Demon Temple, no one's breath was sensed either.

Another beast emperor released his divine mind, enveloped the entire demon hall, and said in a deep voice: "Like our situation, not only the people are gone, but the soul veins and crystal veins, and even the medicinal materials are gone."

The beast emperor is a strong man, eight feet tall, looks quite sturdy, and at this time, his eyes are full of hostility.

"Old cow, don't worry."

"At least for now, we have not seen any traces of the battle."

Sea Lion King comforted.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two sea lion emperors and looked down at the Demon Temple. Although the surface was still calm, his heart was actually panicked.

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