Invincible God of War

Chapter 3830: Fighting breath

The Phoenix Nest, the Sea of ​​Heavenly Clouds, and the Demon Hall were all empty.

What does this show?

Explain that other places may also be the same.

To know.

Even the sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Clouds cannot be estimated by numbers, let alone the creatures of the four continents.

So many creatures have all disappeared without leaving any traces, it seems that the world suddenly evaporated, such a strange thing, I can't help my scalp tingling even thinking about it!

"Trouble the two seniors, go to the four major cities again."

Qin Feiyang looked at the Sea Lion Emperor and said.

"it is good."

The two nodded.

They could all clearly feel that Qin Feiyang's heart at this time was brewing a monstrous anger.

With the departure of the sea lion emperor, Qin Feiyang's sound transmission divine stone sounded again.

When he took out the Divine Sound Transmission Stone, several phantoms appeared.

It was Tan Wu, Fire Qilin, Hell Dog, Qi Shaoyun, the old man with white beard.

"Brother Qin, something is not good!"

Tan Wu saw Qin Feiyang and immediately spoke.

Qin Feiyang's heart sank and asked, "Are all the people in the Kylin Holy Land disappeared?"

"how do you know?"

This time, Tan Wu and others were surprised.

"The people in the Phoenix Nest, the sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Clouds, and the people in the Demon Temple... all disappeared."

"I am the Demon Temple now."

Qin Feiyang turned the sound-transmitting divine stone, facing the magic hall below.

Looking at the deserted, empty Demon Temple, the faces of the five people also sank.

what happened?

Where did everyone go?

So many creatures can't disappear for no reason!

Qin Feiyang said: "I'm afraid this matter, only Tianzhong knows about it, but it's a pity that it has already left."

"Then what shall we do now?"

Fire Qilin asked.

Qin Feiyang said: "You go directly to the Southern Continent, and we will meet in the Southern Continent."

"it is good."

Tan Wu and others nodded, and then the phantom disappeared quickly.

It seems no surprise that the Dragon Nest, the God Burial Land, the Western Continent, the Northern Continent, and the Southern Continent should have been empty.


Qin Feiyang didn't believe that all the creatures on the entire continent had disappeared, leaving no clue.

He let go of his spiritual thoughts, enveloped the magic temple, carefully searching every place.

He didn't understand other people, but Huo Lao, he knew very well.

If there is any emergency, Huo Lao will definitely leave him some clues.


Finally a trace of disappointment appeared on his face.

Searched the entire Demon Temple, and found no letters or the like.


The two sea lion kings returned, their faces extremely heavy, and they shook their heads and said: "There is no one, not even a fierce beast."


"What exactly is going on?"

Qin Feiyang clenched his hands, suppressing the anger in his heart, and finally couldn't help but burst out.

The Sea Lion King looked at each other, their hands clenched tightly.


South Continent!

The blood ancestor, Li Feng, and the big beast emperors entered the southern continent one after another.

Finally, everyone converged above the temple, and everyone's expressions were extremely heavy.

When Qin Feiyang brought the two sea lion kings to the sky above the temple, the blood ancestors and others immediately greeted them.

Looking at each other's expressions, it goes without saying that the creatures on the four continents have all disappeared.

Tan Wu and others also followed.

Finally, Long Chen also contacted Qin Feiyang and others and came to the sky above the temple.

Sure enough, as expected.

The people in the dragon's nest are just as evaporating from the world.

The mother and daughter of the dragon also disappeared with the dragon.

It was the first time for Qin Feiyang to see Long Chen who was in chaos after spending so long with Long Chen.

The whole person is completely at a loss.


How worried he is about Long Zun mother and daughter.

But think about it, Long Chen's relatives in this world, apart from the Ice Dragon, are also the only mother and daughter of Long Zun.

Now that the mother and daughter are all missing, there is no clue to the point, how can he not worry?

Tan Wu suddenly looked at Long Chen and asked, "Can you find your father and ask him to help you find it?"

"I can't reach him at all."

Long Chen shook his head.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help showing a trace of sympathy.

As a son, he couldn't get in touch with his biological father, which is a sadness to say.

The blood ancestor looked at everyone in a flustered look, and said in a deep voice: "I know that you are all anxious now. The original ancestor is actually the same, but at this time, we must not be confused and must remain calm!"

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen looked at the blood ancestor.

"Especially you two."

"You must keep a cool head at all times and make suggestions for everyone."

Blood Ancestor looked at Qin Feiyang and said.

The two of them took a deep breath, worked hard to calm down their anxiety, bowed their heads and started to ponder.


Qin Feiyang looked down at the temple and frowned, "Even the soul veins, crystal veins, and medicinal materials are not left. This seems a bit like transfer?"


Everyone was taken aback.


"They should just transfer early."

"It should be that if they are really in danger, they can't be so clean."

Long Chen nodded and looked up to the sky, his eyes flickering.

Is it because of the kingdom of God?

Because only when the kingdom of God came, could it bring such a big crisis to the Heavenly Cloud Realm.

"The masters of the Heavenly Cloud Realm are all taken by us to the Heavenly Bell and God Treasure. Therefore, facing the powerhouses of the Kingdom of God, such as Yuhuang, Dragon King, Phoenix Queen, Qilin Lord, and Little Rabbit, they have no confidence."

"So, facing the advent of the kingdom of God, they decisively transferred."

"But where can you hide in the major restricted areas of the Sky Cloud Realm, four continents, and the Sea of ​​Sky Clouds?"

"It doesn't seem to be."

"Could it be that……"


Qin Feiyang turned his head and looked at the direction of the sea of ​​sky clouds.


"Hell of Hades!"

Long Chen halted every word.

"Hell of Hades!"

The eyes of the Sea Lion King and others also trembled suddenly.


"The powerhouses who want to avoid the kingdom of God have to retreat to the underworld hell."

Long Chen nodded.


"If they really retreat to Hades Hell, then the powerhouses of God's Kingdom can also kill Hades."

"In this way, not only will they not be able to run away, even the creatures of Hades in Hell will be affected."

"The dragon king, the phoenix queen, the master of the unicorn, the ancestor dare not say, but based on the ancestor's understanding of the feather emperor, he will never take this risk."

The blood ancestor shook his head.

Long Chen said solemnly: "But now, the only place they can go is Hell of Hades."

"If they really go to the underworld hell, then maybe even the first and second levels of miracles, even the ancient world and Daqin, may be in danger."

Tan Wu looked at Qin Feiyang and said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang's eyes trembled.

That's right!

Daqin, the entrance to the ancient world, are miraculous.

And he still remembered that Blood Ancestor once said that the Blood Demon King died because of the powerhouse of the Kingdom of God who went to intercept and went to the underworld hell.

If the power of the kingdom of God does come, then they must be in Hades **** now!

If this is the case, as Tan Wu said, the first and second levels of miracles, the ancient world, and even Daqin, are really dangerous!

Thought of this.

Qin Feiyang immediately looked at Li Feng and shouted, "Go back to Tianyun Island!"

Da Qin naturally goes without saying, that is his home, and his roots will never allow anyone to harm Da Qin, and nothing will do.

The ancient world is also his second home.

There are countless old people.

Such as Ye Zhong, Shangguan Qiu, Beast Emperor, Huo Yi and so on.

If something unexpected happens, he will suffer for a lifetime.



As Li Feng opened the space-time channel, Qin Feiyang's sound transmission divine stone sounded again.

Qin Feiyang was about to step into the space-time channel, and when he heard the movement of the sound transmission divine stone, his brows wrinkled slightly and he immediately took it out.

Two figures appeared.

Princess Huofeng and Dafu again.


Qin Feiyang asked.

Princess Huofeng said: "Come to the entrance of the God Burial Land."

"What is the entrance to the God Burial Ground?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Long Chen and the others also looked at the two princess Huofeng in puzzle.

"I just came here, but as soon as I came here, I felt a strong wave of battle. I think it was Yun Ziyang and others who were fighting."

Princess Huofeng said solemnly.


Qin Feiyang and the others trembled.


Princess Huofeng urged, she turned off the sound transmission sacred stone and looked up at the core area of ​​the burial ground, her eyes full of worry.


Over the temple.

Li Feng looked at Qin Feiyang and asked, "Big Brother Qin, now?"

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Qin Feiyang's mind, and he looked at Long Chen and said, "I will go to the place of the burial of the gods. You will take everyone to the **** of Hades, and I will leave it to you."

"rest assured."

Long Chen nodded.

This is their first real cooperation.

As for the cooperation in Tianzhong Shenzang, it is purely a joke.


Although it is the first real cooperation, there is an unconditional trust between each other, which is very practical and reliable.

Li Feng said: "Brother Qin, let me be with you. I have the law of time and space, which is more convenient."

"My ancestor also went to the place where the gods were buried."

The blood of the blood ancestors' eyes was surging.

If Yun Ziyang and others are really fighting against people, then this person is very likely to be a strong man in the kingdom of God.

He has never had a good impression of the kingdom of God!

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Li Feng immediately opened a space-time channel.

"No matter what you encounter, don't be impulsive!"

The Sea Lion King urged.

"I know."

Qin Feiyang nodded, turned around and took Li Feng and Blood Ancestor into the passage of time and space.

"Let's go too!"

"This time, I also sincerely hope that everyone can abandon their previous suspicions and face this catastrophe together!"

After Long Chen said, he resolutely stepped into the passage of time and space.

The Sea Lion King and the others looked at each other and followed.


The entrance to the burial land!

Although less than five breaths have passed, Princess Huofeng and Dafu are already impatient.


at last.

Qin Feiyang and the three descended.

"What about the rest?"

The two immediately ran in front of the three.

"They went to Hades in Hell."

Qin Feiyang looked up at the place where the **** was buried.



Can faintly feel the aura of terror.

But because the distance is too far, it is impossible to clearly judge who is fighting.

"Go to Hades?"

Princess Huofeng was taken aback for a while, and said in surprise: "What are they doing to the Hell of Hades?"

After spending so long with Qin Feiyang and others, the two of them already knew the existence of Pluto hell.

"To confirm some of our guesses."

"Leave them alone, let's quickly enter the core area."

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

Now, is the Princess of the Kingdom of God still there?

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