Invincible God of War

Chapter 3858: There must be something hateful!

"what happened?"

Patriarch Huofeng looked at Princess Huofeng suspiciously.


"I was just a little surprised."

Princess Huofeng recovered, shook her head and said.

Hearing this, the Huofeng patriarch looked at Feng and the others, and looked at Princess Huofeng with a smile: "If it were before, I would definitely not leave the Feng clan, but after experiencing this, I finally understand, no matter what status. In fact, power is not as important as relatives."

Upon hearing these words, Princess Huofeng felt warm.

"In the past, my father restrained you too much, you must be under a lot of pressure, but in the future, my father will no longer care, let go and do what you like to do!"

"And I am tired and old, and now I want to find a place to take care of my life."

"As for the patriarch of the Huofeng clan, whoever loves to do it, do it!"

The Huofeng patriarch smiled slightly and took out a space god. With a wave of his hand, two figures appeared immediately, it was Huo Zihui and Xiaofu.

"Old sister!"


When they saw Princess Huofeng, their faces were full of joy.

Because the fire python shields the power of the rules here, no matter who it is, they can freely enter and exit the space gods.

"You all know the outside matter!"

Patriarch Huofeng looked at the two and asked.


The two nodded.

Although they have always been in the space fetish, in the **** of Hades, inside the space fetish, they can hear the movements outside.

"Then what do you think?"

Patriarch Huofeng asked.

"Does this still need to be thought?"

"Where you and the old sister go, I will go."

Huo Zihui said.

"me too."

Xiaofu nodded.

The Huofeng patriarch smiled and waved his hand, and the space fetish slid in front of Feng's back and said, "The Huofeng clan people and resources are here. Now I'll give it all to you, so do it yourself!"

After that, he led a pair of children and Dafu brothers, and flew towards the opposite mountain.

"Huo Wenchang, you also want to betray the Feng Clan?"

Huo Dahong immediately roared furiously.

"It's not that I want to betray, it's that the Feng Clan can't tolerate us."

"Father, you can do it yourself!"

Patriarch Huofeng shook his head and said something without looking back.

When Huo Zihui looked at Huo Dahong, his face was also full of disappointment.

Never thought that this pro-grandfather was such a heartless person.


"Queen Feng, save me!"

At the same time.

Bing Ruo Ning, who was confined by the Phoenix Bell, struggled desperately while calling for help.

Although I don't know what Qin Feiyang is going to do? But because of her grievances with Qin Feiyang, I can think of it, once it falls into Qin Feiyang's hands, it will definitely not end well.


Faced with her call for help, a group of Feng Clan members dare not speak.

Now, they don't even have a dominating magic weapon, and the Dragon and Qilin races are watching the fire from the other side, and there is no capital to compete.

The Fire Phoenix Sword group sighed deeply, and then left with Princess Huo Feng.


"Brother Qin, thank God Zang in Tianzhong for taking care of the little girl."

Huo Wenchang fell in front of Qin Feiyang and said with a smile.

"It should be."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"What are your plans?"

"In terms of strength, it is not as good as you young people, and in terms of wisdom, it is far inferior to you."

"And these years, for the Feng Clan, I haven't had a good day of rest, so now, I want to find a quiet place to stay for a while and relax."

Huo Wenchang shook his head and smiled.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, then smiled: "It's better to go to the Xuanwu Realm with the younger generation!"

"Go to Xuanwu Realm?"

Huo Wenchang was taken aback.


"If the strength of the Xuanwu Realm is not as good as that of the Sky Cloud Realm, but the people in the Xuanwu Realm are simple and hospitable. Even if you want to intrigue, you will not find an opponent."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.


"Does it fit?"

Huo Wenchang hesitated.

"What's wrong, let's go!"

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, and took a few people and a group of dominating magical soldiers, disappearing without a trace in an instant.


"I really envy them."

"Follow Qin Feiyang to enjoy a spicy drink."

The old white bearded man shook his head.

Qi Shaoyun was taken aback, and ridiculed: "My teacher, if you want to go, you can go anytime, and I will never stop you."

"You brat."

The old man with white beard laughed and scolded, looked at a group of Feng Clan, and sighed: "The fate of the Feng Clan has changed since then."


Qi Shaoyun nodded.

"She asked for this."

The Qilin Master gave a cold snort, turned and returned to the hall without looking back.

Qi Shaoyun looked at the back of the Kylin Lord, and transmitted the voice: "Master, you said, if I hadn't been in the Heavenly Clock, and integrated the inheritance of this law of destruction, would the same thing happen?"

"do not know."

The old white bearded man shook his head.


"Human hearts!"

"It's really hard to guess."

Qi Shaoyun sighed and was about to leave.

"Shaoyun, come in."

But this time.

The voice of the Kylin Lord rang in the hall.

Qi Shaoyun stunned and looked at the old man with white beard.

"do not worry."

"Compared to the Queen of Phoenix, your ancestor is quite reasonable."

The old white beard smiled comfortingly.

Hear the words.

Qi Shaoyun took a deep breath and turned to enter the hall.

"It's a pity!"

"Obviously, the opportunity is here, but I don't want to cherish it."

"A little bit smarter, the Feng Clan will not suffer such a big loss, and it is even possible to surpass the Dragon and Qilin clan."

A sigh sounded.

It is Long Chen.

He shook his head and sighed, then led the dragon prince to turn and leave.

"Long Chen, what do you mean by this?"

Someone from the Feng clan heard him and asked immediately.

Long Chen stopped, turned his head to look at a group of people, and said suspiciously: "Don't you understand? The relationship between your princess and the Golden Winged Wolf King is enough to make you profitable?"

"Her relationship with the Golden Winged Wolf King?"

"What is their relationship?"

The people of the Feng clan were surprised.

"You don't know yet?"

Long Chen was surprised.

But when I thought about it, I was relieved.

Regarding the Feng Clan's attitude towards Qin Feiyang and others, Princess Huofeng would definitely not dare to speak out directly.

"Satisfy your curiosity!"

"You princess, has come together with the Golden Winged Wolf King."

"Simply put it all here, let's understand it by yourself!"

Long Chen smiled faintly, and left without looking back.


"She actually got together with the Golden Winged Wolf King?"

"Sure enough, it was premeditated!"

"She wanted to betray our Feng Clan a long time ago!"

"damn it!"

A group of Feng people was furious.

Long Chen had not entered the cave at this time, and heard the roar of a group of people, he could not help shaking his head and sighing, he was indeed a group of hopeless idiots.

If Princess Huofeng really has a heart of betrayal, will her inheritance and mastering the gods be handed over to the Queen of Phoenix?

If I don't reflect on myself, I blindly blame others.

Youdao is.

Poor people must have something to hate, this is true!


Xuanwu world!

Except for Qin Feiyang and Huomeng, everyone is still in retreat.

Compared to the intriguing and smoky world outside, there is a quiet atmosphere here.

"This is the Xuanwu Realm?"

Huo Wenchang looked at everything in front of him in awe.

Bing Ruoning was also here for the first time, but at this moment, she had no mood to care about anything else, and her entire face was pale.

Huo Zihui has been to the Xuanwu realm a long time ago, so there is nothing new. The thief glanced at the Devil's Land and asked: "Big Brother Qin, where is the madman brother and the wolf boss?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Huo Zihui, and jokingly said, "You miss them so much?"

"That is it."

"After all, they are the two big brothers!"

Huo Zihui's face was not red and heartbeat.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and said, "Do you miss them, or do you miss God Brew?"


Huo Zihui looked at Qin Feiyang in surprise.

Thinking carefully at this point, you can't escape the eyes of this person?

Princess Huofeng's face went dark, she knocked on Huo Zihui's forehead fiercely, and said angrily: "When is it now, still thinking about drinking?"

"No, this is all nonsense by Brother Qin, do you really believe it?"

Huo Zihui was wronged.

"Just your careful thinking, who can you hide?"

Princess Huofeng cast a blank look at him.

Huo Wenchang watched this scene with a smile on his face. It seems that this baby girl and baby boy are getting along with Qin Feiyang's group more harmoniously than imagined!


Huo Wenchang seemed to think of something, and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Can the Golden Winged Wolf King come out for a while? I want to talk to him."


Qin Feiyang, Princess Huofeng, immediately looked at Huo Wenchang.

Why are you looking for a white-eyed wolf suddenly?


Dafu gave a dry cough and looked at the two and said, "I have told the patriarch about the princess and the Golden Winged Wolf King."

"Already said it?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

Princess Huofeng was also taken aback, a trace of worry suddenly appeared on her face, and said in secret: "Dafu, why do you have so many mouths?"

"Sooner or later, I will know."

Dafu chuckled.

Princess Huofeng glared at Dafu and looked at Huo Wenchang and said, "Father, listen to me to explain..."

"Nothing to explain."

"As long as you are happy."

Huo Wenchang shook his head.


Princess Huofeng was stunned again.

Today my father has become too easy to talk!

Huo Zihui shouted vigorously next to him: "Sister, is this true? The wolf boss has become my brother-in-law?"

"go away!"

Princess Huofeng kicked her feet, causing Huo Zihui to yell in pain. Then she looked at Huo Wenchang and asked carefully, "You really don't object?"

"Dafu has said that you are happy and like each other, what am I against doing?"

Huo Wenchang shook his head.

"Thank you father."

Princess Huofeng was overjoyed and finally passed her father's level.

Now, she only needs to pass the father's level.

If it was before, in addition to her father, there are Huo Dahong, the patriarch, and the Queen of Phoenix... I feel a headache when I think about it.

Don't say it.

It's good to leave the Feng Clan, because there is no burden, and there is no need to worry about anything. Do whatever you want?

"In that case, I should change my call to uncle."

Qin Feiyang chuckled, feeling happy for the two from the bottom of his heart.

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