Invincible God of War

Chapter 3859: The anger of the Kylin Lord!

"Brother Qin, I don't understand that."

"It's my old sister and wolf boss who are in love with each other, what do you say?"

Huo Zihui was holding his head next to him, looking at Qin Feiyang, his face was full of puzzlement.

Qin Feiyang couldn't help being amused, and said, "I changed my name to uncle, and White-eyed wolf changed my name to father-in-law. Can this be the same? Besides, it has been called the senior senior, that's so much!"


Huo Zihui was taken aback, too!

Princess Huofeng sighed helplessly, looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Don't talk nonsense with this fool, lower your IQ."

"Sister, you are too much!"

"How can you say that to your brother?"

"Women who are in love, don't all six relatives recognize them?"

Huo Zihui said angrily.

The princess Huofeng jumped with blue veins and shouted: "You try nonsense!"

Seeing the tigress go crazy, Huo Zihui's neck shrank and said with a smile: "Don't dare, you continue, I'll take a stroll."

After that, he turned and disappeared.

For this younger brother, Princess Huofeng was really helpless.

Huo Wenchang was also extremely helpless, looking at Qin Feiyang apologetically and saying, "Brother Qin, my son is a little confused. I hope to forgive me."

"got used to."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

"got used to?"

Huo Wenchang was taken aback.

"The patriarch doesn't know anything. His Royal Highness used to be in the Xuanwu Realm, so everyone is not surprised."

"Moreover, Qin Feiyang and the others are also relatively casual people, and don't care about so many."

Dafu smiled.

"It turned out to be so."

Huo Wenchang suddenly realized.

"Father, this..."

"From now on, you still don't call him Brother Qin,'s a bit messy."

Princess Huofeng lowered her head and sneered.


Huo Wenchang looked at Princess Huofeng, stunned for a moment, shook his head and smiled: "What's the matter? You are in love with the Golden Winged Wolf King, and you are not in a relationship with Brother Qin."

"But they are brothers. Then one will be you... son-in-law and the other will be your brother. What does this look like?"

Princess Huofeng was dissatisfied.

"son in law?"

"You haven't got married yet, you can't wait?"

"Daughter, she was born with someone else's family, and she started to look at someone else before she got married."

Huo Wenchang shook his head sadly.

"Where am I?"

Princess Huofeng flushed.

Huo Wenchang shook his head and burst into laughter, he muttered a little, and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Or else, I will call you a nephew from now on!"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Just a title, it doesn't matter.

Huo Wenchang looked at the Dafu brothers again and sighed, "Dafu, Xiaofu, don't call me the patriarch in the future. I am no longer the patriarch."


"Then we will call you Patriarch!"

"As for the two princes, then the son and the young lady."

Dafu smiled slightly.

"no need."

"From now on, you can just call my name."

"After all, I never treat you as outsiders."

"And you, I have been watching Wu'er and Zihui for your love and care. I used to be in the Feng Clan. There was no way. You had to follow the rules. But now it's different. I'm alone, and I'll be a family in the future. "

"Wu'er and Zihui, you can just call them by their nicknames."

"Besides, if you really want to talk about age, I have to call you two brothers."

Huo Wenchang waved his hand and smiled.


Dafu glanced at Huo Wenchang and then at Princess Huofeng. Seeing Princess Huofeng also nodded slightly and said with a smile: "All right!"

Huo Wenchang turned his head to look at Qin Feiyang, and said, "Xian Nephew, can the Golden Winged Wolf King come out now? Don't worry, I won't embarrass him."

"This one……"

Qin Feiyang glanced at the old castle, shook his head and said: "He is currently in retreat and inheriting, so don't disturb him."

"Integration and inheritance?"

Huo Wenchang was taken aback, and suddenly he patted his head, remembering that Dafu said that the blood ancestor gave the Golden Wing Wolf King an ultimate inheritance, nodded and said: "I was negligent, so let's talk about it when he leaves."

Dafu looked at Princess Huofeng and said, "Wu'er, or you should go to retreat and merge inheritance first. As for your father, we will take care of it."


Princess Huofeng glanced at Brother Dafu, nodded and said, "Well, then I will trouble you."

"It's okay."

The two smiled.

Qin Feiyang said: "Uncle, I have to go to retreat too, so I can't receive you personally."

"It's ok."

Huo Wenchang waved his hand.

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at Dafu, and smiled: "You are also familiar with the Xuanwu world, so take your uncle and go around. As for your residence, the yard over there, you can pick one. Also, tea garden There are also a lot of good teas. If your uncle is bored, you can go to the tea garden to drink tea. In short, don’t be cautious."


Huo Wenchang and Dafu nodded.

Qin Feiyang looked at Huo Python again and smiled: "Brother Huo, I don't need to tell you more, everything is arbitrary."


"Wait when I integrate the law in miniature, I will also go to other places in the Xuanwu world to have a good stroll."

Fire python smiled.

Qin Feiyang smiled and looked at Bing Ruoning again.

"What do you want to do?"

Bing Ruoning looked at Qin Feiyang nervously.

"Isn't it what I'm going to do to you? It's him."

Qin Feiyang pointed to the Demon Ancestor on the side.

Bing Ruoning immediately looked at the Demon Ancestor.

The blood ancestor did not speak and smiled, but this smile fell into Bing Ruo Ning's eyes, it was as if a demon was smiling at her, making her shudder.

"You can handle it yourself!"

Qin Feiyang looked at the Demon Ancestor and smiled.


The Demon Ancestor twisted Bing Ruoning and left the Devil's Land without looking back.

"Nephew, is he?"

Huo Wenchang looked suspiciously at the back of Mozu.

"A powerful enemy once."

"It will be long in Japan, uncle, take your time to understand!"

Qin Feiyang smiled, and led Princess Huofeng towards the old castle, and Huofengjian and other dominating magical soldiers also disappeared into Princess Huofeng.

"thank you!"

Princess Huofeng looked at Qin Feiyang gratefully.

"Thank me for what?"

"I have to thank you!"

"With your joining, the strength of our basalt world will be stronger."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

When Princess Huofeng heard this, she was silent for a while, and sighed: "Although I have left the Feng Clan now, if I really let me kill the Feng Clan, I might not be able to do it."


"Don't worry, I won't let you do such a thing."

"Besides, as for the Feng Clan today, do you still need your help?"

Qin Feiyang said domineeringly.

Princess Huofeng was taken aback and couldn't help laughing.


With Qin Feiyang's current methods, let alone a Phoenix clan, even the Feng clan, Qilin clan, and Dragon clan could not threaten him.


"I don't know your name yet!"

Qin Feiyang looked at Princess Huofeng.

"Finally remembered to ask?"

Princess Huofeng also shook her head speechlessly. After getting along for so long, she never asked her name. This attitude is really ok, and said, "Huo Wu."

"Huo Wu..."

Qin Feiyang murmured and smiled: "From then on, I will hand the White-eyed Wolf to you. Although the White-eyed Wolf was not reliable before, since I was with you, I can clearly feel his changes. But you can't be careless, you must put a tightrope spell on him and beat him all the time."

"If he hears this, I'm afraid he will turn your face on the spot!"

Princess Huofeng covered her mouth and laughed.

"Turn your face?"


"Don't look at us often bickering."

"But no one can shake the friendship between us."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"I believe it."

Huo Wu nodded.

Because the white-eyed wolf had long told her about him and Qin Feiyang.

Growing up together, no matter what difficulties they encountered, they never left each other behind. This love, even her lover, cannot be replaced.


"Wait, send them your father, Xiaofu, and the microcosm of the rules your brother needs."

Qin Feiyang said again.

"Thank you."

Princess Huofeng was taken aback for a moment, and smiled again with gratitude.

"Sooner or later, I will be a family, what thanks?"

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and entered the old castle. He walked to the entrance of the training room, pointed to the training room next to him, and said, "This is the training room of the white-eyed wolf. You can go to his practice room to close up later!"

"it is good."

Princess Huofeng blushed and nodded in response.

After Qin Feiyang gave the miniature to Princess Fire and Phoenix, he closed the stone door of the training room and began to concentrate on the ultimate meaning of the law of light.

The Queen of Phoenix also holds the three ultimate profound meanings.

As for Qin Feiyang, although he now masters the ultimate secret of the law of cause and effect, the ultimate secret of the law of life and death is enough to compete with the ultimate secret of the strongest law.

and so.

As long as he integrates the inheritance of the Law of Light, he will not open the eyes of God, and his strength will not be weaker than that of the Phoenix Queen.



The Feng clan is gone, and I don’t know where to hide and cry secretly?

People from several other forces have also returned to their respective Dongfu, and this matter will inevitably become a topic of interest.

The unicorn family.

Mountain top, in the hall!

Standing in the center of the hall, Qi Shaoyun glanced at the Kylin Lord sitting on it, lowered his head, his expression was quite nervous.

"What are you nervous about?"

The Qilin Lord observed Qi Shaoyun for a moment, and then asked suddenly.

Qi Shaoyun's eyes trembled, and then he bit his teeth, always facing what he should face, raised his head to look at the Kylin Lord, and said: "Old ancestor, I'll confess."

"Frankly what?"

Asked the Kylin Lord.

Qi Shaoyun smiled bitterly: "Don't the ancestors already have a hunch?"

"In that case, the dominating magical soldiers of the Qilin Divine Sword are indeed the same as those of the Feng Clan. They have already entrusted you as their master?"

The main way of the unicorn.

Qi Shaoyun could obviously feel a trace of anger in the Kylin Lord, biting his head and nodding: "Yes."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Wait until I take the initiative to ask?"

The Kylin Lord said angrily.

Qi Shaoyun sighed and said, "I dare not, because this matter is too serious. I'm afraid to make you angry."

"But I am even more angry now!"

The Kylin Lord slapped his palm on the armrest, and a terrible breath emerged.

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