Invincible God of War

Chapter 3860: Explore the evil moon again!

Qi Shaoyun's body trembled slightly and hurriedly said, "Old ancestor, please calm down your anger. Actually, I have a headache for this matter."

He does have a headache.

It could have been easy and carefree.

But Qin Feiyang had to push him to the forefront.


When the Qilin Lord heard this, he suddenly wanted to laugh. He looked at Qi Shaoyun and said lightly: "Isn't it a good thing that the masters of the gods serve you as the master? How many people dream of it?"

"Old ancestor, can you not laugh at me?"

"What kind of personality do you know about me? I'm not interested in these at all."

Qi Shaoyun sighed.

It's okay to drink tea, stroll around, isn't it fragrant?

Looking at Qi Shaoyun, the lord of the unicorns couldn't help but feel helpless. This descendant is good at everything, but the only drawback is that he has nothing to do with the world and is too indifferent to fame and wealth.

"Old ancestors, to tell you, this is purely Qin Feiyang forced."

"He asked Qilin Divine Sword, these masters, to swear blood oaths and honor me as their master."

"Do you think he was kind?"

"Do not!"

"He is cheating me, forcing me to make a choice on behalf of the unicorn family at a critical moment."

Qi Shaoyun shook his head.

This matter, the more I think about it, the more angry.

After hearing these words, the Kylin Lord remained silent, as it was.


"Although I was also forced to go to Liangshan, Shaoyun is willing to take the punishment if my ancestors must blame."

Qi Shaoyun sighed.

"Don't pretend to be here with me."

The Kylin Lord rolled his eyes.

Qi Shaoyun chuckled.

After indulging for a moment, the Kylin Lord shook his head and sighed, "It seems that Qin Feiyang's heart recognizes your ability, otherwise he would not place the bet on you."

"What can I have?"

Qi Shaoyun smiled dryly.

"It's a good thing to be humble, but to be too modest is hypocrisy."

"Your ability, others don't know, is the deity still not clear?"

"Even if there is no such thing, the burden of the unicorn family in the future will eventually fall on your shoulders."

The Kylin Lord smiled.


Qi Shaoyun looked up at the Kylin Lord, and asked, "Aren't you very angry? Why do you still say such things?"

"I am angry because you are hiding it from me."

"If you confess as soon as you come back, will I blame you?"

The Qilin Lord stared at him irritably.

"Sure enough, the ancestors are clear-cut, much better than the Phoenix Queen."

Qi Shaoyun said with a smile.

"Stop flattering."

The Kylin Lord couldn't help feeling weak.

to be frank.

Faced with such a thing, who can sit still?

But it's done, and all the masters and soldiers have already served this kid as the master, what else can he do?


Fortunately, this kid is nostalgic for him or his tribe.

In layman's terms, there is no dissent.

He controls the ruling army, and it doesn't matter much.

In short.

As long as he is not as selfish as the Phoenix Queen, as long as their Qilin clan members are not as unreasonable as the Feng clan members, these dominating magical soldiers are still their Qilin clan.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Qin Feiyang."

The unicorn family laughed.

"thank him?"

Qi Shaoyun was taken aback.


"If he didn't force you, I don't know when you can stand up and resist this responsibility."

"Work hard!"

"Regardless of our future relationship with Qin Feiyang, at least from this point, we can see that he has regarded you as a respectable opponent."

"Actually, this is also good."

"After all, the future is your young people's world, and we old guys should also give up the stage."

The Qilin Lord smiled hoarsely.

Qi Shaoyun was deeply moved when he heard these words.


There is a wise elder, that is different.

If Empress Feng was so reasonable, then Princess Huofeng would betray the Feng clan? Will the Feng Clan fall to where it is now?

This is the difference of one thought!

"But actually... I don't want to."

Qi Shaoyun was helpless, and still yearned for the life of the past, like a wild crane with idle clouds, carefree, relaxed and comfortable, how good.

"Everyone has to grow up."

"You are no exception."

"And compared to ordinary people, you have more things on your shoulders, because you were born in such an environment, and you are destined to be born."

The Kylin Lord smiled.

"Isn't there a father and patriarchs!"

"Actually, even if it is in my hands, the control of the gods and soldiers will not have much influence."

Qi Shaoyun said.

"Their ability can compare with yours?"

"Besides, now, you have integrated the ultimate meaning of the law of destruction."

"And also get the epitome of other laws."

"Future achievements must be above them."

The Kylin Lord smiled confidently.

"All right, I will work hard."

Qi Shaoyun nodded, knowing he could not run away.

"That's right!"

"Men, there must be a man's responsibility."

The Kylin Lord laughed.

Qi Shaoyun smiled bitterly, and asked, "What about Saint Qilin Son?"

"Kirin Son..."

The Kylin Lord pondered a little, and smiled: "You can handle these things by yourself!"

"I'll deal with it?"

Qi Shaoyun was surprised.

So quickly start to be the shopkeeper?

Old ancestor, you are not authentic, you have to give me a process of adapting first!


"Leaving the fire unicorn is to let it integrate into our unicorn family."

"But in the end I found out that I far underestimated the friendship between him and Qin Feiyang."

"If he is allowed to choose, he will definitely choose Qin Feiyang without hesitation."

"Never mind!"

"Some things cannot be forced."

The Kylin Master shook his head and sighed.

"Then why do you want to keep it in our Qilin clan so much?"

Qi Shaoyun was suspicious.

The unicorn family does not seem to be such a fire unicorn!

"An intuition."

"This fire unicorn is different from us."

The main way of the unicorn.


Qi Shaoyun frowned.

He also had contact with Huo Qilin. Frankly speaking, he really didn't notice any difference.



Several years passed.

This evening.

Two terrifying auras erupted in the land of the devil in the basalt world.

It is the lunatic and Qin Feiyang.

They merge the law of light and the law of killing, so they are faster than the white-eyed wolf and the fire-phoenix.

It was on the same day.


In a cave, a terrifying killing aura also broke out.

It is Long Chen!

He also successfully integrated the inheritance of the law of killing.


"The three ultimate secrets, who else is Lao Tzu's opponent now!"

The madman went out, arrogant laughter resounded over the entire Devil's Land.

"Don't worry."

"As far as your current strength is, it's not as good as Feng Empress and the others."

Qin Feiyang walked out and glared at him angrily.


"It's not that I don't have any other means. After I transform, I will open the blood eyes and crush them casually."

The madman was full of disdain.

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

Can't it be low-key?


Now that he has come to the **** of Hades, shouldn't the mystery of the madman's life experience be thoroughly investigated?

But how do you check?


Qin Feiyang's mind flashed, and he looked at the lunatic and said, "Brother, why don't you go to Evil Moon again?"

"What are you looking at?"

The lunatic is suspicious.

Qin Feiyang asked: "When you touched the blood bead in the evil moon before, wouldn't you have a picture in your mind?"


"But you can't see clearly."

The madman nodded.

"I couldn't see clearly before, it may have something to do with your cultivation."

"And now, you have mastered the three ultimate meanings, maybe... it will change."

Qin Feiyang was not sure.

After all, this kind of thing is not within his scope of understanding.

"is it?"

The madman frowned.

"Whether you have gained or not, it's always right to try!"

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The madman pondered a little, nodded and said, "Okay, go and try."

The two hit it off, found the fire python, and left the basalt world.

The fire python has merged in miniature.

And has been in the Xuanwu world for a long time.

Looking at this vast land, his heart has been in a state of shock.

Of course the fire python knows in the basalt world.

Because back then, the Xuanwu world was on the first level of miracles.

To put it bluntly, the Xuanwu world at that time was simply a small place, not worth mentioning.

But how long is this?

It has actually become such a big world, full of energy, rich in products, and there are countless creatures living here.

What makes him most envious is the atmosphere here.

Calm and peaceful.

Although there are countless creatures, killings are extremely rare, like a paradise without any dispute.



at this time.

It was night.

The evil moon hung high in the sky, exuding hazy blood.

The mountains and rivers at night are quiet.

People from all forces are in retreat.

"In the middle of the night, what do you want to do?"

Long Chen walked out of the cave and walked towards the three with a smile.

"Is it related to you?"

The madman rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so indifferent, maybe I can help!"

Long Chen chuckled.

"No need."

The madman snorted coldly, looking up at the evil moon, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Long Chen walked to the side of the three of them, followed the lunatic's gaze, with a trace of suspiciousness on his face, what did the lunatic look at Evil Moon?


Qin Feiyang patted the lunatic on the shoulder encouragingly.


The madman took a deep breath, and immediately turned into a streamer and swept towards the evil moon.

The fire python looked at the back of the lunatic, and smiled: "If the mystery of his life experience can be solved, I guess that the **** of Hades may also change as a result.


Qin Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Is the power of rules here related to the Blood Demon?"

"Not really."

"The rules of Hades in Hell have been in existence since ancient times."


When the fire python said this, he couldn't help frowning.

"But what?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Since I became the guardian of Pluto's hell, I have been investigating the situation of Pluto's hell. From some clues, I have judged that, although there are rules and restrictions on Pluto's **** before the catastrophe, other directions are actually different from others. The world is not much different."

Fire Python said.

Like the immortal **** of war, please collect it: ( The literature of the immortal war is the fastest to update.

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