Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2054: Command military order

   Soon, Karl was drowned in the flames of fire all over him.

As a member of the Undead Legion, he did not dare to escape to other places in flames without getting the master’s order. It was undoubtedly a betrayal to the Undead Legion, and more importantly, after leaving the master’s side, He no longer has an immortal body.

   "Damn it!" Under the encirclement of many great demons, Karl gritted his teeth and let out a roar. He suddenly grabbed an attacking great demon and shouted, "Blood blocked!"

   Following Carl's roar, the big demon he caught instantly stiffened, and it felt as if he had lost some power, but before Karl was happy, the giant sickles of the other big demon swept over his body.

"Don't try to kill him. Under the glory of the master, he won't die like this. If you kill him, he will be reborn under the power of the master. At that time, the previous efforts will be no more. It's in vain, try to catch him alive."

   Not far away, Valezer watched the battle between the big devil, while secretly admiring in his heart, he also ordered in his mouth.

Regarding the field of death, after Rhode’s narration, Valeze also has a deep understanding. While the field of death brings great power to the members of the legion, it also makes the original simple punishment more difficult. It seems like a demon like Carl. , Fareze couldn't even kill him, and could only find a way to capture him.

   After receiving Farese's order, the nearby big demon suddenly changed the way of fighting. Originally, he used an offensive against Karl's fatal weakness, but now he also aimed at his limbs.

   In terms of blood, Carl may be deeper than the ordinary great demon. Even so, he cannot withstand the siege of nearly the entire large demon. The demon who supported Carl at this moment saw the situation not good, and there was no voice.

Soon, when a big demon saw the right time and cut off Carl's left foot, things became simple. Carl, who was unable to maintain balance, even slowed down the speed of the flame escape, and it took a while. Only one torso is left.

   Although the physique is strong and tough, the great demon is not good at recovering from injuries and regenerating the body. It takes a week to slowly recover from the injury of the lost limbs and the blood in Karl's body. If it is replaced by the Behemoth, as long as it is not completely dead, no matter what kind of damage it receives, it can be restored within a day.

   "Do you think this can scare me? When I recover from my injury, I will definitely let you **** power!"

  Even though there was only a bare torso, Carl still said reluctantly. He looked at Farezer and the eyes of the other demons were full of resentment.

   Seeing that Carl lost his resistance, a great demon was going forward and grabbing him, but Carl's figure shuttled through the flames and appeared in another position.

   "You can't block my bloodline. Unless you kill me, you can't catch me! Someone will kill me!"

Upon seeing this, a great demon took the initiative to remind Farese: "Commander, the blood flowing in Karl is the most powerful of us demons. We can't block his blood. Unless he can be blocked. Blood, otherwise he can keep fleeing with flames, and it is almost impossible to catch him alive."

  Farezer showed unexpected eyes: "Is there no way to block his ability to shuttle through the flames?"

   The nearby big demons shook their heads one after another: "Swiping through the flames, this is the instinct of the big devil. Except for the big devil with stronger blood, which can block the blood of other big demons, there is almost no way to restrain it."

   Hearing the words, looking at the loss of his limbs, even though his whole body was in intense pain, but still rebellious, Valeze also looked a little unmanageable.

It stands to reason that if such a situation were placed on the Erasian, he would have given up and surrendered. However, Carl did not have the slightest idea of ​​this. He was unwilling to wait until the injury recovered and retaliated again. In the realm of death, Valeze couldn't kill him, so he would only restore his power.

   shook his head, even though the great demon had been given a chance, there was only one last way to choose from.

   He looked at the other great demons nearby, and ordered: "Send him outside of the master's domain, and put him to death."

As the order was given, Carl was about to laugh at a few words, but looking at the indifferent eyes of the nearby great demon, he was a little flustered for a while: "You don't really want to do this, are you? He is just a human, he is not qualified to order you."

   "Carl, are you still questioning the master's order now?" Nunes, who was holding a giant sickle, asked slowly beside him.

   "I obeyed my master's orders, not this human being. What qualifications does he have to order me? If I really let me obey his orders, it would be better to let me die!"

   Carl glared at the approaching big demon, and his words also expressed the aspirations of some demons in the Undead Legion. Many demons saw that their master had acquiesced to what Valeze had done, and did not help Carl, but at this moment, their eyes on Valeze were full of repulsion and hostility.


   Just when Valeze rectified the army, UU Read www.uuká Rod did not intervene, he was looking at the commander.

   The rebellious demons in front of me are just the current undead legion. As the legion expands, creatures of other races will also be mixed in. For this reason, the commander's ability is particularly important.

   Being able to conquer the demons in those legions is Rhode’s test of Farrezer. If he can’t even do it, how can he become the commander-in-chief of the undead legion in the future?

At the beginning, Valeze’s actions achieved certain results, but Rod still miscalculated the devil’s importance to blood and the resistance to human command. A great demon with pure blood, like Karl, would rather die. Unwilling to accept the command of Farese.

   Just when Rod felt so helpless, thinking about how to change the situation, when he was going to transform Valeze into a demon, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter in his ear.

   The sudden burst of laughter amidst the quarrel of the demons was undoubtedly very different, which also attracted the attention of Rod for the first time.

  Following the reputation, Rod noticed that the one who laughed was the broken-winged angel who came to **** with him.

Everything that happened in the field, whether it was the internal disputes of the legion, the command of Valeze, or the resistance of Karl, was seen by her. Her eyes revealed the disdain in her heart, and her mouth also made a mocking chuckle. .


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