Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2055: Angel puzzle

   "Is there anything funny?"

  Rhode, who was puzzled in his heart, asked the broken-wing angel, wondering why she could show such a smile when she saw the dispute between Rezer and the devil. Does she like such disputes? Rod felt a little puzzled.

   "How many years have passed, the methods of those Elasias have not changed at all." She shook her head slightly, and said unhurriedly.

"Means?" Rod thought about what she said, and then looked at Farese in the field. "You mean his methods to subdue those demons, the temptation and coercion, and the final threat of death. ?"

   The angel glanced at Rod faintly: "I think, what you said to me is not the same. I mean his method of splitting the demons and leaving the opponent in an isolated and helpless situation."

   "Isn't that just the same thing?" Rod curled his lips and asked with some doubts.

   The angel did not answer, but just glanced at Rhode contemptuously, and then looked towards the field: "Do you know how the angel manages the Elasias?"

   "Angel..." Rod took a deep look at her, and didn't understand why she was willing to say this to herself, but this was a rare opportunity. Perhaps he could learn some secrets from the mouth of the once arrogant king.

At this moment, Rhodes’s mind is running fast under the blessing of legendary wisdom, thinking about the relationship between those angels and the Elasias: "The angels reached an agreement with Elasia’s royal family, and they will be in Elasia. Help out when you are in danger, and save the Erasian people who are in difficulty, as to how to manage..."

After Rhodes thought for a while, he said, "I think it should be through the royal family. The angel gave the order to tell the Griffin Heart King of Elasia, and then the Griffin Heart King will spread your order throughout the entire Elasia, you don’t even need to appear in front of people, the royal family of Elasia will do this for you."

In Rhodes’s impression, not only Elasia, but also in many places. Take Rhodes’s most familiar Diya, the lich there is just like this, and informs the Royal Diya of their orders. It is up to the Diya royal family to accomplish all this. If it is said how angels manage the people of Elasia, then the royal family of Elasia cannot be avoided.

   Listening to what Rod said, she sighed slightly: "I mean, it's not management in this area."

Seeing that his answer was denied by the angel, Rod was slightly puzzled and did not understand what she meant. Just as Rod was about to ask her further, the Angel of Winged Wing turned his head and looked towards The location of Karl and Farese.

"The general you chose is repeating the usual practice of the Elasias. He clearly rewards and punishes, trying to establish order in the legion, but he forgot a very important point, that is their thought, or will. ."

   Listening to the angel's narration, Rod seemed to feel something for a while. He looked at the broken-wing angel, followed her sight, and looked in the direction of the Undead Army.

"You mean, they need a certain will to obey Farese's orders?" Recalling the angel's earlier words about Elasia, Rhodes felt a little bit in his heart and blurted out, "Will... …I remember, you asked the angels how to manage the Elasias? I remember a long time ago, they did not rely solely on the Elasias royal family to manage the rules, but with the help of the Holy See to manage the people’s will."

At this moment, Rhodes remembered various rumors about Elasia long ago. It is said that in Elasia’s strongest period, in addition to the royal family, the authority in the territory also has the same powerful Holy See. The power of the Holy See is not even weaker than that. Royal family.

Before that, Rhodes would still be puzzled about the various situations in Elasia. He did not understand why Elasia, who already had a royal family, set up an institution like the Holy See. Only now did he realize that the Holy See’s The establishment is precisely to satisfy what the Angel of Wings said before, to achieve the management of will.

If the Holy See has brought anything to people’s will, it must be people’s reverence for God and a unified will. This is something that the Elasia royal family cannot do anyway. The reason why Elasia was so strong.

Seeing his understanding, the angel nodded in satisfaction: "You are right, it seems you have realized it. Those angels manage the Elasias, just like the Elasias manage the flock. The leader Responsible for leading the flock, but the direction of the flock is determined by the shepherd."

   said, she stretched out a slender finger and pointed at the undead legion which was still arguing not far away.

"Those demons' habitual thinking is no longer applicable in your legion, and is not what you need. In hell, they need chaos and battle, but in the legion, do you still want to see them like this? You specify The commanders of Japan only know to formulate a series of systems, but they don’t know that they still have many differences in their thinking."

   Her words also changed Lord's face slightly, asking for advice: "Then please tell me, what should he do?"

"Inculcate them with new ideas or a kind of will, infect and inspire all legion members, unify their thoughts and actions, that is the general direction your legion strives for, command In addition to the tactical arrangement, the official has to do daily maintenance under the guidance of the general direction." She replied slowly.

   "Will..." The existence of the legendary wisdom technique immediately made Rohde understand a lot of things. In terms of comprehension ability, he was much stronger than other creatures.

Of course, the legendary wisdom technique is also not omnipotent. In addition to the ability to quickly learn all kinds of fifth-order magic, if there is no prior knowledge, the legendary wisdom technique itself is rarely incidental, and only after being reminded by other creatures, or learning Later, Rhode was able to master it.

   "This is your legion. Your commander can set up a daily system, but he can't replace you and determine the core will for your legion." The Angel of Wings put his hand behind him and said lightly.

   Luode was taken aback, and the look in the eyes of the broken-wing angel was also different. Judging from her taking the initiative to speak and pointing to herself, her tone was still arrogant, but her heart was not as cold as her appearance. Rhode knew that she would become an arrogant king in the future, and he didn't know what she had experienced.

   After listening to the story of the Winged Angel, Rod looked at the legion members not far away, and many new ideas appeared in his mind.


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