Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2404: Thieves Covenant

Remember [New] for a second,! "I heard about your plan. You are going to attack the mages of Bracada."

Just as Rhode was feeling the power of the magic hand crossbow, Sally's words suddenly reached his ears.

Rhodes glanced at her, and in the darkness, his eyes sank faintly: "Where did you hear that?"

"Have you forgotten who I am? You can't hide your every move from me." Sally glanced at him lightly.

Rhodes thought that this was indeed the case. Under the operation of the Thieves Guild, no information could be concealed from the leader of the thieves in front of her. Even if the war to conquer Bracada was still in the preparation stage, she had already received the news. She called herself over this time, obviously not to teach herself how to use the crossbow machine.

"I do have this plan." Rhodes didn't hide anything and directly admitted it, "I wonder if you, the leader of the thieves, can give me any advice?"

"It's not a suggestion, what I brought you is a covenant, and my thieves and I will also join this war."

Listening to Sally's story, Rhodes also showed an interested look. He never thought that the thieves' guild, which has always been biased towards neutrality, would be willing to join this war.

The strength of the Thieves Guild should not be underestimated. If Rhodes fights against her, even if he uses all his strength and uses all his moves such as mirror self-destruction, he will only be able to tie Sally, who is traveling in the Shadow Realm. She is always in danger of being killed by her in one blow. In addition, the thieves scattered all over the continent have provided an incomparably huge intelligence network. There is nothing that the thieves guild does not know.

After hearing that the Thieves Guild was willing to participate in the war, Rhodes couldn't help but be a little puzzled, and then asked, "Is there anything that appeals to you in Bracada? Why did you do this?"

Sally stretched out her hand, slid her fingers across Rhode's palm, and finally stopped on the magic crossbow. She picked up this unique thing.

"Have you seen it, Rhodes? In this crossbow machine, there is a technology that can change the world, a magical ritual that converts mana into actual power. power."

Listening to Sally's story, Rhode raised his eyebrows: "Does it matter?"

"Those mages don't know what technology they have developed. They combined this technology with traditional alchemy and used it to develop dragon hunting weapons. In the beginning, it was just a ballista and a ballista. Now, it has appeared. A variety of mana-powered melee weapons."

Sally looked at Rhode and told him patiently: "But this is not where this technology should really work. Mana is exchanged for actual power. If it is applied to the golem factory in Brakada, The speed of those mages transporting and assembling golems will be improved dozens of times, not only that, but many traditional manual labor will also be replaced by magical rituals. You can imagine that ordinary people who just meditate for a while can be in magic With the help of the ceremony, can you exert the power of a fifth-order or even sixth-order professional?"

From Sally's story, Rhodes seemed to understand something: "You want to take away this technology?"

Sally gave him an approving look: "The source of this technology comes from the dragon-slaying warrior family of Brakada. The hero Durken has the full picture of this technology. Now those mages are studying only what he revealed. tip of the iceberg.”

"Derken..." Rhode nodded, he was no stranger to this name.

"This technology is the reason why the Thieves Guild participated in the war. Of course, you can also think that I am worried about your safety, so I joined this war and dealt with those mages with you. What would you think?" Sally approached Rhodes whispered in his ear.

"Let's talk about alliances." Rhode thought for a while and said, "I'm not interested in that technology. Although it can enable ordinary creatures to exert the power of sixth-order creatures, I can directly transform them into Sixth-order creatures, I don't need to use that technology to create weapons, I have the best swordsmiths under my command. This technology is all yours, I only need the corpses and land of those mages, and the treasures on them are not counted. "

With a satisfied look, Sally reached out and clasped Rhodes' palm: "Then it's settled, my thief will provide you with accurate information, Rhodes, I look forward to participating in the battle of kings with you."

Listening to the special words in Sally's words, Rhode seemed to realize something. In the prophecies of the human prophets on the Doomsday War, it was mentioned that the kings would conduct their final battle at that time, and Sally obviously knew the prophecy.

"I have another question." After a moment of silence, Rhode finally asked, "The mages of Brakada are an important force against the end of the world. When the mages empire falls, the power of the surface world will be greatly affected. Weakening, you may even lose the chance to compete with the demons of hell, don't you worry that doing so will lead to the complete destruction of the main plane by the demons?"

This is also a question in Rhodes' mind. It stands to reason that the Thieves Guild, which is based on the main plane, should not be willing to watch this happen.

Sally showed a meaningful look: "What about you? Rhodes, aren't you worried that this kind of thing will happen?"

After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

From Sally's Rhode also felt her attitude. In a way, she is very similar to herself, and she doesn't pay attention to the life and death of other creatures on the main plane, let alone the end of the world. The end of the war, but as kings, in the doomsday sweeping the world, to get the most benefit.

With enough strength, Rhode is not worried about the end of the world. Even if the entire main plane is destroyed, it will not be destroyed on his head. On the contrary, when that moment comes, his undead creatures will become terrifying that even the devil fears. Strength, Sally, too.

From this point of view, Sally wants to obtain the technology belonging to the master of Bracada, and the purpose is probably not so pure. Take this opportunity to achieve a monopoly.

Looking at Sally in the dark, Rhode felt a wordless tacit understanding from her. It was an evil without any disguise. She was like a flower blooming in the dark abyss, beautiful and full of danger. .

"You are welcome to join this war, Lady Shadow." Looking at Sally in front of him, Rhode said slowly. Rhode believed that with her joining and the information provided by the thieves, the war would become much smoother.

"Didn't I tell you? Just call me Sally." After hearing Rhode's words, Sally rolled his eyes at him, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

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