Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2405: free again

Remember [New] for a second,! With a flash of fire, Rhode's figure appeared on the magic plain.

It was not his real body, and there was another Rhode beside him. They have one thing in common, that is, they are all composed of mirror images.

Strong fluctuations are coming from Rhode's feet, shaking one after another, causing everything in the vicinity to start shaking, as if there is some kind of regularity.

"You are late. After I got the news here, I rushed over from Krulord as soon as possible." Rhode said slowly.

Another Rhodes shrugged: "It took me a lot of effort to divert Inota's attention, so that I had a chance to get here. Tell me, what did you discover when you arrived early?"

Although the mirror and the body share consciousness, the memory between the mirror and the mirror cannot be synchronized at all times, and only the situation of the self and the body is known.

"I'm looking for Vala, and it's not clear if the shaking was caused by Inota's awakening, or the man's approach, or all of that. Vala remains on the Magic Plains. , he should know something, but his breath is very confused now."

The other Rhode nodded, and according to the signal in his perception, dodged away in the direction of the spiritual imprint.

"My heart……"

At the source of the shock, Vera was still digging hard, and the familiar words that came from his ears made him understand that his efforts were not in vain, and he was moving towards his original goal.

On the ground aside, a girl was sleeping. In order to ensure her safety, she fell asleep with just one sentence, which also allowed Vera to give up all her worries.

Finally, when the hard ground in front was broken under the vibration of the ground, Vera couldn't help but look at the things in it, and what was buried under the magic plain was a beating heart. With it, the mouth can untie all restraints on him.

Looking at the fiery heart, his mouth flew straight up, and under Vera's gaze, the mouth stretched abruptly and swallowed the heart in one bite.

The strong vibration stopped, and Vera hurriedly got up and looked. Due to the previous spell, the sleeping girl was only covered with dust and was not hurt. Seeing this situation, Vera felt relieved.

"How do you feel now?"

Vera seemed to have thought of something, and asked her motionless mouth after she swallowed her heart. At the same time, she was a little worried in her heart. After she swallowed her heart, she wouldn't admit it, right?

"I remember something..." Mouth said vaguely, with a bit of uncertainty in his tone, "Anyway, we have achieved a lot this time, the heart is the center connecting all organs, with it, I can find all the broken bodies, I have felt their existence, thank you for bringing me here, and all the shackles that bind you and her will be completely broken."

As the words fell from his mouth, there was a broken sound in Vera's ear. At this moment, he felt that he was different from before, as if the burden on his back had finally been lifted, the spiritual imprint that bound him, and Returning to nothingness so slowly, he could no longer feel the breath of that terrifying necromancer.

With the help of her mouth, Vera finally got what she desperately wanted and was free from control. Not only Vera herself, but also Jane on the side is the same at this moment. Vera didn't know what power that was, but the mouth did exactly what it promised.

"Do you have a place you want to go?" He asked slowly after releasing Vera's restraint.

Vera shook his head and was a little confused for a while. Although he was no longer controlled by Rhodes, he could not find a suitable shelter. The elemental monarch, there is no place to go.

"Since this is the case, you can go with me to find the rest of my body, and I will protect your safety. I can feel that a part of my body has also awakened, and it has also come to this vicinity, that is The hand that represents the execution, fortunately, we are faster." Referring to the other body, he let out a sneer, and then invited Vera beside him.

Vera showed a hesitant look. He looked at the girl beside him, wanting to no longer be controlled by Rhodes and live safely. This seemed to be his only choice at the moment, and he finally agreed to the invitation.


Not far away, the mirror image of Rhodes who came quickly seemed to have found something, and his face showed doubts. At this moment, no matter how much he tried, he could not feel the breath of Death Knight Vera.

"Vera has been killed."

The two mirror images of Rhodes looked at each other, and soon came to the same conclusion. The disappearance of the mental imprint often means that the control object is completely dead, and there are almost no other possibilities.

The disappearance of the spiritual imprint belonging to Vera also complicates the situation. Because it is only a mirror image, facing a truly powerful enemy, they cannot exert the full power of their main body.

After thinking for a while, since Vera, who stayed here, was dead, thinking of the warning given by the prophet, Rhode's mirror image made the same choice, that is, stay away from the original shock center for a while, and wait until everything calms down. After that, go look for the remains that belonged to Vera, and see if he can be reborn with the help of the power that belongs to the body.


Outside the Snow Mountain The man who was walking on the icy ridge suddenly showed a puzzled look.

"What's the matter? We're almost there." Beside him, an elderly elf reminded him aloud.

"You don't have to move on. My body has already been taken by other creatures." The man shook his head and said slowly.

"It belongs to your body. Even if other people take it, they can't show its true power. At most, they only think about how to make it into a unique treasure. You still have a chance to get it back." The elf reluctantly said that after walking a long way, she did not accept this kind of takeover.

"You are talking about other people, but if the one who took my body is another part of me?" The man shook his head and took the initiative to correct the error in the elf's words.

"It's impossible..." The elf was stunned for a moment, and murmured in disbelief. Before that, she didn't believe that such a thing would happen, but since it was said by the person in front of her, there must be no falsehood.

"That's the mouth that represents power." Looking into the distance, the man also showed a somewhat different expression.

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