Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2423: Research records

"In the autumn of Erathian calendar 568, my research has made a breakthrough. The golem puppet made from Alpha rough stone has a magic resistance of 98%, which has surpassed the highest quality diamond man in the golem factory. I will publish the results, and I will definitely make Bracada famous!"

"Nevertheless, this is still not the limit of the original Alpha stone. After improvement, the resistance of the golem can be further improved. What an amazing discovery, I can't imagine that such a treasure is hidden under the desert of Krulord. , the only regret is that when the original Alpha stone leaves the mine, it will quickly lose its original effect, even if it is put into the space ring, it is useless. The value of the rough will be greatly reduced.”

Seeing this, Deken couldn't help but pick up the parchment in the wooden box, which recorded a new type of golem puppet. I think this is Hoyde's lifelong research. Besides, those are dull in color and look lost. The stone that has all the power is exactly the Alpha Rough Stone he mentioned.

"I wrote to Ms. Elney about my discovery, and she congratulated me in her reply, which is really exciting news, along with the master-level alchemy tome, that It's something I've always dreamed of, and when my research is published, I'm going to put Ms. Ernie's name on her and share the honor with me..."

Durken glanced at Ernie who was not far away, skipped this passage, and continued to read. Soon, Durken's eyes changed slightly.

"Winter in Erathia calendar 568, it's getting colder and colder recently. Every time it rains, my left knee hurts for half a day. It's strange, I've never felt so cold on a snowy mountain, so I'd better finish my research as soon as possible, Get out of this hell. The barbarian slaves also froze to death a lot. I can almost smell the stench of their corpses. I heard that the slaves are very dissatisfied with this, complaining constantly, and they don't even work hard, really It's ridiculous, I haven't complained about the smell of their corpses, and next time there are slaves who are lazy in digging ore, I will definitely make him look good!"

"After this period of research, I have gained a new understanding of the properties of Alpha Rough Stone. According to the guidance of master-level alchemy, maybe I can condense a large amount of Alpha Rough Stone to create some kind of powerful treasure. Let the effect of Alpha Rough Stone take effect permanently, but it also needs the assistance of other materials, preferably something with supreme will..."

"I need the assistance of the apprentice Danny, but I haven't seen him recently. I heard that he is trying to use magic to improve the living environment of those slaves. What is he thinking? Could it be that his original intention of learning fire magic is to Help those slaves to cook the fire? How can I use magic to do such a lowly thing? Forget it, I can complete the refining myself."

The handwriting on the classics was suddenly scribbled, as if something unusual had happened.

Deken carefully identified it, and only then did he identify the last record of the classics.

"...I never thought it would turn out like this. Those barbarian slaves took my apprentice hostage, deceived the guards of the mine, and launched a rebellion. I clearly warned him not to be with those barbarians. People are walking too close... no, I can't die here..."

After that scribbled record, there were torn pages, stained with dust and blood.

"I survived, but became a slave to those barbarians... The barbarian leader who initiated the rebellion, the guy named Tanan, was still for the sake of my apprentice's intercession, so he spared my life, really Irony... Fortunately, all my research results are preserved, if only I knew the gate of time and space, but now it's useless to think about it, I must escape back to the Mage Empire..."

"Now I can only put my hope on Bracada's rescue. Those stupid savages, who didn't know who they had offended, dared to start a rebellion. They were just slaves, and they finally got their freedom. They did not scatter the birds and beasts, but instead gathered people and prepared to liberate other areas, just wait and see, the suppression from the Mage Empire will crush all their stupid ideas."

Deken shook his head, things didn't seem to develop as Hoyd expected, the mage didn't know that Tanan had done something that savage creatures could not imagine, and he was the one who shook the entire mage empire. people.

"Speaker Durken, the Beyond Teleportation Monument has been arranged."

At this moment, the reminder from the general of the Master of Trosa interrupted Durken's thoughts.

Putting down the tome in his hand, Durken glanced at the Alpha Rough Stone that had lost its power in the wooden box.

Although the people of the magic guild are not optimistic about Hoyd's, he succeeded in the end, but not on the golem puppet, but on another treasure. Ide himself, because of that research, was also named the sinner of Bracada. Ms. Ernie was willing to keep the research before his death because of his former friendship. The members knew that another punishment was inevitable.

"Very good, take me to the place beyond the teleportation monument."

After putting away the wooden box left by Heid, Deken said slowly.

Under the leadership of Trosa, Deken soon came to the open space outside the academy, and a huge teleportation monument appeared in front of him. There were also a large number of magic mages in blue and white robes gathered in front of the teleportation monument. , they will stay here to meet the coming enemy with Durken.

Looking at the teleportation monument, Deken slowly raised his hand, and the light blue starlight circulated in his hand. The nearby magician looked at this scene with admiration. They needed to work together to activate the beyond teleportation monument, Deken. Only with the power of one person, the opening can be completed.

With Deken's casting, the dark blue vortex revolved from the inside of the teleportation monument. The bursts of deep blue rays of light are not calm like the ocean, but mysterious like a starry sky. At a glance, the line of sight will be drawn involuntarily.

Recalling everything in the classics, Deken's expression became firm. He was not the magic scholar who couldn't even cast the gate of time and space. He was a powerful legendary mage, a dragon slayer hero, who led the magic academy to continue. The progressive speaker is also the commander of many magic mages. Even if the enemy comes, he will not back down.

"bring it on."

Deken looked into the distance, and at the end of his line of sight, there was a huge wall made of monstrous waves, which seemed to engulf everything in front of him. The terrible offensive of the enemy was about to come before him.

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