Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2424: rekindled war

Before the waves came, a large group of roaring dragons.

"By the order of the Dragon King Ino Tower, you are all our food, so be easy to capture!"

A huge golden dragon roared, Deken stood in the shadow it cast from the sky, but his expression was very calm: "Dragon... I can't think of that Rhode, he can still get the assistance of the dragon, it seems that he Teamed up with the dragons that threatened Brakada. But I remember the king of the dragons, it should be called Moriel."

Having said that, Durken didn't think too much about it. Whether the dragon king was called Moriel or Enota, it didn't matter to him. Deken has plenty of experience in dealing with giant dragons. Even the holy dragon entrenched in the country of dragons is not his opponent, and he has won the reputation of dragon slayer heroes. Those giant dragons who dare to attack the magic school, In the end, it was all broken in his hands: "Bring up our weapons!"

Following Deken's order, the magician opened a pale golden portal, and many golems pushing large ballistas slowly walked out from the portal.

Looking at the magic ballista that Deken took out, the golden dragon Lacant shrank his eyes, and Inota released the bloodline control on them, but it didn't mean that he lost the memory since he was controlled by Moriel. .

Lacante clearly remembered how many of the dragons under Moriel's command were damaged on the seemingly ordinary ballista. Opening a big hole, even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned him can't stand such an offensive.

"The magic of those mages can't hurt us, and we will give priority to destroying those ballistas!" Lacante shouted, then unfolded his wings and quickly rushed towards the magic ballista.

"It's too late." Deken said slowly, with the help of space spells, these magic ballistas were loaded with crossbow bolts in advance, and even the dragons that rushed at full speed would eventually take a beat.

The fiery dragon breath spewed out of Lacante's mouth, and the dragon breath swept across the sky, pointing at the ballistas on the ground. The purified dragon breath breathed out by the golden dragon could suppress all spells, even the Aegis of Hercules. It will quickly dissolve under the purification of the dragon's breath, and it cannot last for a while. For the mages of Brakada, this is a dragon's breath that is more terrifying than the destruction of the black dragon's breath.

The dragon breath of each color of the dragon has different effects. The purification dragon breath belonging to the golden dragon is precisely the best dragon breath to deal with the mage. Any spell can only be quickly washed away by the purification dragon breath. Dissolving, this may be the reason why Moriel is assured to let Lacante be the general.

However, in front of many magic mages, the purifying dragon breath breathed out by the golden dragon could not stop one person from dispelling the magic. Before the dragon breath touched the ballista, it was completely dispelled, and at this time, those golem puppets also According to the order, the pull rod of the ballista was pulled.

The next moment, Lacante only felt a chill in his body. He lowered his head slightly, but saw a hole in his body that was bleeding. He could even see through the hole and see the scene behind him, the magic crossbow arrow. He was castrated unabated after passing through him, and he also shot a green dragon behind him.


Lacant endured the pain on his body, and those magic mages opened the portal again, and a large group of titan giant puppets also appeared on the battlefield. They were holding magic-driven dragon hunting blades. As soon as they appeared, they made Lacant I feel deeply threatened.

"Not good..." Inota, who was flying above the huge waves, seemed to have found something at this time, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes, "Those giant dragons are in danger."

"Don't worry," Rhode comforted. "With me, they won't die."

Gu Jian "That's fine." Thinking of Rhodes' ability, Inota felt relieved.

At this time, Tanan seemed to have heard something and stared at the fairy dragon below: "You mean to turn them into undead creatures? Are they not your subordinates?"

"Does it matter?" Inota gave him a strange look, "I won't despise those undead creatures."

"That's not what I meant." Tanan said helplessly, he couldn't understand the thoughts of the fairy dragon, maybe that's why she got along with the equally unpredictable Necromancer.

Tanan looked at Rhodes, who was staring at the battlefield in the distance. To be precise, it was on the dark blue teleportation monument beside Deken. It was derived from the mage's combat experience, and Rhodes guessed Deken's thoughts at once. Deken actually wanted to use the teleportation monument to directly teleport this huge wave away.

If it was just a normal teleportation monument, it would be fine. In front of Tanan's forbidden magic field, those teleportation monuments could not operate at all. However, from the teleportation monument in front of Rhode found a clue.

The dark blue vortex in the teleportation monument is not a space gate condensed with magic elements by conventional means, but a real space crack, just like in the sea before, sending the remains of Tanan to the space of the water element plane Like cracks, it will not be affected by the effect of forbidden magic.

Rhode took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Durken found a way to defuse the huge waves of the elemental monarch. It is worthy of the magic school famous for its magic technology.

Different from the magic guild, the mages in the guild may be able to cast more powerful magic, but they will never come up with such magic technology that can change the situation of the battle.

Looking at the giant Titan puppets who were fighting with the dragons, the dragon hunting blade in their hands also attracted the attention of Rhodes. It was the powerful weapon developed after the magic power ritual matured. I believe the thief leader discovered this kind of weapon. After the weapon, there will be no time to wait to speed up the action.

"I'm going to support those giant dragons first, you stay here to ensure that the waves will not be melted by the mage."

After realizing the effect of the Beyond Teleportation Monument, Rhodes would not let those mages dissolve the giant waves easily, and immediately said.

"You have to be careful..." On the side, Rowling seemed to have thought of something, and took the initiative to remind her that the knowledge of spells she had mastered could allow her to perceive the horror of those magic mages.

"Help me catch some live ones." Inota smacked her lips and made a request.

"Kill them all!" Tanan glared at the mages, no matter what the undead creatures were, and only hoped that the undead mages in front of them could kill them all.

With a flash of fire, Rhode was walking on the sky of the battlefield, surrounded by wounded dragons who barely kept flying, and the dragon hunting weapons of the Magic Academy, causing them devastating damage, and what Rhode had to do, It is to completely destroy those weapons.

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