Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2425: way to resolve

Lightning pierced the sky and accurately shot at the magic ballista controlled by the golem puppet. The defensive ritual on the ballista started immediately, and a transparent barrier wrapped the entire ballista, blocking the magic attack that should have shattered.

After realizing the protective measures of the magic ballista, Rhodes just sneered. Perhaps relying on the defensive awareness placed on the magic ballista in advance, he could block the bombardment of a Titan Arrow, but if such an attack becomes dozens of , or even hundreds of channels?


Walking in the sky, Rhode's wrists trembled, and countless lightning bolts ripped through the sky, all of which bombarded the magic ballista. Rao was a defensive ritual on the magic ballista, but it couldn't stop the continuous bombardment of lightning. When the white light suddenly appeared, the lightning in Rhodes' hands seemed to be the only color on the entire battlefield.

"Rod, how can the Chijing Magic Academy allow you to be wild here! You and your ambitions will be wiped out under my magic!"

Rhode had just smashed the two magic ballistas, and a roar reached his ears. Looking at the sound, he saw the leader of the magic mage who was glaring at him and condensing terrible magic in his hands.

"Very good, I finally found you..." Looking at Durken, Rhode said slowly.

The next moment, a boundless sense of crisis emerged from Deken's heart, and the space seemed to freeze at this moment. The keen intuition from the mage made Deken have no doubts about the correctness of the warning, but he did not use teleportation to pull it. Distance, but continue to complete the cast.

The mirror image body exactly like Rhodes emerged from behind Deken, and the divine sword in the mirror image's hand was swirling with electric light. It had gathered enough mana, and it was about to burst together with the body.

The mirror image used the power of the ultimate lightning self-destruction, and even the Dragon King Moriel, who had lost his anti-magic ability, couldn't bear it for a while. Under this terrible damage, Deken had no chance of survival.

Mirror image self-destruction is Rhodes' strongest killing move at this stage. When facing the hero Deken, Rhodes did not hesitate to display it. As long as the academy leader can be solved, the remaining mages are not afraid at all.

Looking at Deken who was still casting spells, Rhodes had already seen the dawn of victory, and at the moment when the mirror image appeared, the spells in Durken's hands changed quietly. No one noticed this. Only Rhodes noticed a trace of it. It's not right, this kind of victory is too easy.

Rhodes did not stop the self-destruction of the mirror image, but turned on his perception to the extreme. Every move in the vicinity could not escape his eyes. Rather than just winning like this, Rhodes was more willing to believe that Deken had something to rely on.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the mirror image was completely blown apart. The turbulent current and the powerful impact instantly drowned Deken's figure, but Rhodes turned his face and looked back.

"Oh, why is the wind suddenly blowing?"

Inota's exclamation reached Rhodes' ears, and Rhodes happened to see her body being blown aside by the strong air waves and flapping her wings randomly.

The location where Inota originally stayed, that is, above the huge wave, did not know when a bright golden portal was opened, and the terrifying air wave spewed out from the portal.

Turning around and looking at Deken, behind Deken, there is the same bright golden portal. At the moment of the self-destruction of the mirror image, Deken changed the spell and completed the casting of the gate of different dimensions, transferring the terrifying lightning damage to Inota and others in the rear, and Inota was also far away under the air waves. Blow away.

What made Rhodes lingering in fear was that Duken passed through the gate of different dimensions, but he did not know that the impact of the air wave was so simple, and it also contained the terrible damage belonging to the ultimate lightning, which was enough to cause Inota and others to be seriously injured.

Fortunately, Rhodes also wears the Electric God pendant, which can make himself immune to lightning damage, and on the back of the fairy dragon, there is a hero Tanan who can isolate all magic, which makes Inota and others. Free from the self-destruction of the mirror image, there were no accidents.

"Does the door of another dimension..."

Aware of Deken's means of resolving the ultimate lightning, Rhode's expression changed slightly. The enemies in front of him were not the giant dragons who were huge and not good at casting spells, but the top mage in the world. Deken used it to resolve the self-destruction of mirror images. , and even returning the enemy's offensive to the enemy's own means, Rhodes had never even seen before.

The method used by Deken undoubtedly reminded Rhodes. Although the damage of the ultimate lightning is extremely terrifying, it is not omnipotent. In the face of a powerful mage like Deken, a careless one will in turn affect his own people.

"Is this your method? Necromancer?" After closing the door to the other dimension, Durken asked slowly. The characteristics of a allow him to ignore the consumption of mana and cast it at will Magic, this is very similar to those elemental creatures. Even if Rhodes wants to adopt tactics that consume mana, he can't do it a little bit to disintegrate the power of magic mages.

Thinking of this, Rhode let out a cold snort and raised his hand to release the dark clouds that covered the sky.

The billowing dark clouds seemed to be mixed with the roar of ghosts. The expressions of the nearby mages changed slightly, but Deken seemed extremely calm. He had already seen those methods belonging to necromancers and knew how to deal with them. , to avoid damage.

"Don't be afraid, just use Qi magic to blow away the cloud of death of the Necromancer!"

Following Durken's order, the nearby magic mages followed suit, raising their hands to release Qi-type magic that is extremely rare in normal times. The wind whistled for a while, and the dark cloud that Rhode had just released rolled back at this moment. .

If the massive ocean corpse witches wrapped in the huge waves spray the cloud of death together, Rhode may not be able to break through the restrictions of the magician's breath and magic, and use the cloud of death released by countless undead creatures to break through the strong wind blown by the mages, but Rhode There is no need to do this. He deliberately chose to cast Death Cloud at this time, and there are other reasons.

"I knew that you would definitely not help calling me."

Accompanied by a whisper in his ear, a figure that only Rhode could see clearly appeared in the deep darkness of the cloud of death. It was the figure of the thief leader Sally. Her appearance also brought something to the arena. deeper darkness.

The Cloud of Death is exactly the code that Rhodes agreed with him. As the controller of the Shadow Realm, Sally's ability to control the darkness is beyond doubt. Darkness appeared beside Rhodes.

The 2425th chapter resolves the method

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