Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2456: reinforcements arrive

"Protect Tanan!"

Looking at the precarious situation of Tanan, the members of the nearby legion were anxious, even the corpse witches rushed forward at this moment, just to resolve the predicament of Tanan.

However, the enemy would not give them this chance. The neatly lined golem puppets surrounded them and stood in front of the undead creatures, not to mention the angels on their heads. Once the undead creatures were found to break through the blockade of the golems, wait Against them will be the blow of an angel.

As an allied army of giant dragons under the orders of the Dragon King, Lacante had a bad premonition in his heart. There were already a few giant dragons that were damaged under the siege of the angel. Accumulation, a little bit makes the dragon into death.

Maybe a single angel is not as powerful as Andorra, but it can't stand their large number. There were only a dozen giant dragons rescued by Inota together with Lacante before, but now there are nearly a hundred angels along with Andorra, and more than half of them are archangels. Even if they cannot cast spells, their power It is not something that undead creatures can match, and defeat is only a matter of time.

Hearing the news, Fareze, who came from the southern theater, was anxious. After extending the battle line, the Mage could certainly be overwhelmed and achieve greater results. However, when the Mage fought back and fought with all his strength, the tactical disadvantage was revealed.

Due to the restraint of the academy mages, Fareze could not draw more power from the southern theater, and could only call in people from the rear of Sau City.

"Do you really want to do this? It may have an irreversible effect on other nearby undead creatures."

"Just ensure the safety of Tanan." Fareze nodded in the face of the sorcerer's question.

"Well, I'll let those alien creations come to the battlefield."

With Farezer's approval, the summoned sorcerer, Alama, said slowly that he, who stayed in Sao City, never gave up his investigation of the filthy blood except for the research on the Eternal Magic Eye.

As a master of alien creatures, Alama deeply understands how to transform alien creatures so that they can better exist as a weapon. In the underground world, the meaning of the existence of most alien creatures is to fight for the underground lords and sorcerers.

At the edge of the battlefield, at the temporarily pulled up teleportation monument, alien creatures belonging to Alama came out. It was a group of foul and evil scarlet angels. Huge pustules swelled up behind them, which looked like sarcoid one by one. , you can only find it when you get close, it is the swollen heads of other angels.

Not only that, but their arms have also been remodeled, no longer the usual palms, with soft tentacles like trunks on one side, and sharp blades buried deep in the flesh on the other.

In the underground world, sorcerers need to comprehensively consider three aspects in the evaluation of alien creatures, namely beauty, strength, and practicality. Without any score, it is not a perfect alien creation.

Alama hates creating creations according to the ratings of those sorcerers. He has always been free to create alien creatures. His alien creations can get full marks in strength, but only one failing score in the other two, okay Lord Rhodes, whom he is loyal to, doesn't mind it. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the amazing power of the alien creatures that he is valued by Lord Rhodes.

"Contaminate all enemies with your blood."

Following Alama's order, the nearby filthy angels let out a terrifying shriek, and the strong impact from the scream made Faarezer's mind dizzy. Fortunately, the filthy angel rushed into the tower and rose in the next moment. the forbidden area.

"what is that?"

The sudden appearance of the filthy angel also made the real angel who cleans up the undead creatures puzzled. From those strange-looking creatures, they faintly felt a crisis.

"That's the alien creatures under Rhode's command. Their blood is highly polluting, don't touch it!"

In the rear, Eli, who had once felt the power of the filthy angel in the battle of the Treasure House in the Clouds, obviously found a problem at this moment, and loudly reminded the creatures in the field.

However, his reminder was still a beat too late, as the filthy angel stretched the soft tentacle on the left, a large amount of dark blood sprayed out from it, and shot towards those angels with an unimaginable directness.

Although they realized that it was not good, there were still many angels who could not avoid them, and the surface of their bodies was stained with a little blood.

In just a short time, they lost control of the blood-stained part of their body, and their skin began to tremble, as if something was bred in it, but they could not feel any That part of the body no longer belongs to them.

Not only the angels were eroded by the filthy blood, but the undead creatures they had slain before fell down in large numbers at this moment, and the erosion of their filthy blood was even more serious, and terrifying mutations were on their bodies. It happened, but Alama didn't care. He had already explained the consequences to the commander, and those undead creatures had no right to complain.

From the mutation of the undead creatures, those angels realized what would happen to them next, and could not help but show despair.

They saw that the members of the legion eroded by the filthy blood first grew huge sarcomas on their bodies, and then split more heads. Even the few big demons who could not escape were not spared. In pain, those big demons directly cut off the heads of other legion members and placed them on their bodies, which seemed to make them feel better.

"No... save me, merciful God..."

An angel who had been corroded by filthy blood and had a sarcoma on his back cried out in despair, but the next moment, his head was beheaded by his companion, along with the sarcoma that had just grown on his back. It was taken away by his companions, and he put it on himself with a look of enjoyment.

"Those sorcerers are as disgusting as ever. To be born in Bracada with this kind of thing is an insult to the **** of wizards."

In the rear, Somra, who has been watching the battle between the Holy Inquisition Angel and Tanan, is contemptuous at this moment. He looked at Alama, not far away, with complete disgust in his eyes.

Alama, who was observing the fighting methods of the filthy angels on the edge of the battlefield, and was looking for ways to improve, suddenly felt a tightness in his heart, and a sense of fatal crisis spread in his heart. He quickly looked in the direction of the crisis, but saw a positive direction. The giant monster that is approaching rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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