Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2457: Disintegration Hex

"Stop him!"

Aware of the rapidly approaching enemy, Alama immediately ordered the filthy angel to the side. The giant monster flying at full speed was like an approaching mountain, bringing a majestic momentum, which also shocked Alama's heart.

The turbid, foul-smelling blood spurted out from the palms of the filthy angels, sealing the way forward for the giant monster, but Somura couldn't avoid it and rushed straight ahead.

The filthy blood was sprinkled on his body, but nothing changed. It originated from the pollution in the blood, and it had no effect on the gods and monsters that were essentially magical elements.

In front of the giant monster, it is difficult for any creature to block. He only needs to wave his hands to sweep away all obstacles in front of him. Even the undead creatures piled up into mountains cannot turn any waves in front of him.

"damn it……"

Without more time to complain, Alama realized the intention of the giant monster. As long as he solves it himself, he can resolve the crisis brought by the filthy angels. Compared with eliminating all the filthy angels, this is undoubtedly the easiest and most effective way.

If he can cast spells, using space magic to spread the distance is undoubtedly the most suitable choice, but Alama suspects that perhaps the lightning of the giant monster will take effect faster than his space magic, but it will make him in a more difficult situation. situation.

Looking at the approaching giant monster, Alama's eyes widened. Without using spells, it is not so easy to destroy a fully armed sorcerer.

A moist black mist gushed out from Alama's body. It looked like the bat transformation that vampires used to do, but it didn't contain the breath of death energy. The effect was only to confuse the line of sight. Like the ability of organisms to evolve independently.

Somura's giant hand penetrated into the black fog, but grabbed it empty. The Allama he expected was not here. Somura exhaled sharply, and the strong airflow blew away the black mist instantly, revealing the true face shrouded in the black mist.

It was still Allama, to be precise, the body part that belonged to Allama. Before Somra's offensive came, Alama first disintegrated in the black mist, his feet, his hands, and even his head, all began to flee to different places.

If it were an ordinary mage, or even a vampire with astonishing vitality, who was separated from his body like Alama, he might have died a long time ago, but Alama, who is a sorcerer, has such an ability. As long as there is one body part that can be completely preserved, Alama can find a way to restore himself, but his own rank will be greatly reduced, and his memory will also be lost. He does not want to do it unless it is a last resort.

Since falling into a desperate situation in the Mausoleum of the Demon King and finally being rescued by Rhodes, Alama has put the direction of body transformation on disassembly and reorganization, and specially asked Rhodes for a lot of undead creatures for experiments, even One of the sea monsters, the undead sea monster that Rhode personally transformed, was also asked by Alama.

From the octopus-like sea monster, Alama drew full inspiration. Every tentacle of the sea monster seemed to have its own mind, and this was also the theoretical source of the disintegration magic.

Alama's own body is undoubtedly the best test item. By now, he has already completed the corresponding magic transformation, and the disintegration magic is only a momentary thing.

Looking at Alama, whose body was separated, the giant monster let out a cold snort. He slapped it with a palm with heavy pressure, and the entire lake was shattered. At least half of Alama's body was smashed into pieces. The remaining part hastened the speed of escape.

"Do not……"

Alama's head, which was still intact, was completely lost in fright at this moment, but his escape was not slow at all. He didn't want to die here, and he still had important research to complete.

On the side, Falezer also fell to the ground under the strong shock brought by Somura's palm. He showed unwillingness. In the realm of forbidden magic, in the face of such a giant enemy, only the same creature can compete with It is a pity that the creatures who are good at melee combat are all concentrated in the southern theater, and there is no way to support them here.

Despite the shroud of the Forbidden Realm, the mages of Brakada were not idle. When the reinforcements of the angels arrived, they retreated to a position outside the Forbidden Realm, and used spells to change the terrain of the entire battlefield. They rose up A thick wall of ice blocks the way for the undead creatures to retreat, adding an advantage to their own side.

Seeing that the giant **** monster was going to smash most of Alama's body, a few more strokes would completely eliminate the sorcerer. At this moment, secret-level crossbow arrows shot in salvo from outside the forbidden area. Thick crossbow arrows Nailed into Somra's arm, he interrupted his offensive.

"You..." Faarezer was slightly taken aback when he saw the people coming from outside the realm. The who came to support at the critical moment was the adjutant Trotsa and the ballista unit he led.

Not only that, Falezer also saw other legion members who were good at melee combat, the huge undead Beamon, other types of undead beasts in the depths of the ocean, and the body of Goliath who once belonged to the master, and now they have rushed to the battlefield. above.

"You shouldn't have come here, you gave up the southern theater?" After seeing the members of the legion who came to support, Farezer didn't feel much joy in his heart, but asked.

"No, we have already won in the south." Trosa let out a smug laugh. "Those academy mages retreated, leaving the entire south to us, all thanks to the master."

Seeing Farezer's surprised look, the magical corpse witch beside Trosa raised his arms and waved his fists and said, "The master and the Scarlet Mage are destroying behind the enemy, and with the momentum of thunder, they have successively won the defense of the empty Holy Crown City, Dolok. City, Yinya City and other six towns have added hundreds of thousands of legion members to us, and the academy mages in the south are all in danger and are no longer able to continue fighting with us."


Hearing this, Faarezer's expression also cheered up. This is really good news. If they can win in the east, the undead army will be considered a staged victory. In order to thwart the master's plan, the mages planned to eradicate the hero Tanan with all their might, but because they had drawn too much power, they gave the master an opportunity.

Faarezer took a deep breath. Originally, he didn't understand the master's intention to transfer Tanan to the eastern theater. Now it seems that it is simply a bait to attract the attention of the mage.

As the commander of the legion, Faarezer is very aware of how much the master paid to wake up the hero Tanan, but now, he directly regards Tanan as a bait to attract the firepower of the mage, and there is no hesitation when ordering. The decision also shocked Farezer.

(End of this chapter)

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