Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 951: Tetaglia

Located on the ghost dragon flying at full speed, Lord at this time was gradually moving away from his territory in Verning.

After finishing the test with Rowling, Rod believed that relying on the corpse kings he left behind, during the time he was gone, his subordinates could accumulate a lot of corpse witches. At the same time that the battle needs to come down, it can also attract the attention of other necromancers.

Rod did not personally deal with the legendary mage who came to Vernin. Although the legendary mage is powerful, there is only one. Relying on the accumulation of corpse witches, the creatures in the territory may not be unable to compete with them.

Compared to killing this legendary mage, Rhodes still has more important things to deal with.

At this time, Rhode's own attention has been placed on another thing, that is the last artifact part of Titan's Arrow.

Relying on the rewards of the inheritance mission, in Rhodes's perception, the location of the last artifact component is on the edge of the continent. According to Rhodes's understanding, it should be the area where Tetalia is located.

Under Rod's signal, the ghost dragon was flying rapidly toward this position. Because he could sense the location of the artifact parts at all times, Rod saved a lot of time to distinguish the direction.

Taitalia is located at the extreme edge of the continent, bordering Crullod, where barbaric creatures exist, and was once enslaved by the wizard empire Bracada for a long time, even dating back to the time when the wizards were rampant.

According to Rhodes's understanding, Taitalia's environment at this time is also inseparable from the former magician.

The appearance of the wizards brought great changes to the original mage empire. Even if they were finally expelled by the magic guild, this change still existed deeply in Bracada.

When the sorcerers themselves were forced to enter the underground world under the ouster of the magic guild, how to deal with the creatures created by the sorcerers through the rituals of magic also troubled the members of the magic guild.

There are different types of creatures created through witchcraft rituals. Among them are violent, bloodthirsty, not human-like, but also sane and sound, combining the specialties of multiple species, and their attributes are extremely perfect.

The simplest way to deal with it is naturally to rely on the existence of spells to wipe out the lives of these creatures, along with the traces of existence, with the wizards. Under the spells cast by the legendary wizards, these alien creatures with low ranks, But there is no resistance.

However, the mage at the time did not want to see this happening.

The extremely ugly and extremely perfect creatures are also the products of witchcraft rituals, and the mage naturally cannot treat these creatures equally.

For these alien creatures created by the wizard, the wizard showed great tolerance, did not deprive them of their lives, just exiled them and expelled them from Bracada.

Among them, most of the alien creatures, where they were exiled in the surface world, eventually pointed to a small area on the edge of the continent, which was the target of Rhodes's trip, Taitaria. Taitalia also relied on the arrival of these alien creatures to gradually develop and grow from the original wild land.

According to the players in the previous life, some of the wizards who were unwilling to enter the underground world also followed these alien creatures to Taitalia, carrying out their own plans, and attempting to one day launch a counterattack against the wizard empire.

At the same time, this area is also where the player first discovered the existence of the underground passage.

Underground passages are directly connected to the underground world, and are the most common way for creatures from the surface world to enter the underground world. Most of the underground passages in other regions will not appear in the underground of various forces until the third expansion period, but in Taitalia, they have existed from the beginning.

The existence of the underground passage undoubtedly proved to the players at the time that the enchanter had an extremely close connection with this area.

Under the supervision of the Magic Guild, the sorcerer may not be able to establish his own power in Taitalia with great fanfare, but some small actions are inevitable.

In Rhodes’s impression, Titania’s environment is extremely harsh. Although the terrain is relatively flat, there are poisonous swamps inside. The threat posed by various flies and insects far exceeds any other area, and this is the beginning The changes made by the magician of this area.

Due to this extremely special environment, the alien creatures in Taitalia are more or less infected with some poisons. As the battle progresses, some poisons may only weaken various attributes, and some Toxicity will directly cause a lot of damage.

To survive normally in Taitalia, resistance, a special skill, is indispensable.

Resistance can provide excellent resistance in the face of some special conditions, such as poisoning, and can even be completely immune to less strong toxicity. At the same time, the special skill of resistance can also reduce the direct hit by a spell. hurt.

Before that, Rhode had acquired the special skill of resistance by consuming skill points.

Rhode's resistance, although only at an elementary level, is stronger than not having this special skill at all.

The formation of a special skill often brings about extremely significant changes. Whether or not this special skill has resistance can completely change the player's own state in the environment of Taitalia.

Due to the special environment inside Tetalia, some extremely precious refining materials only grow in this environment.

In addition to, some biological materials with special effects are often obtained from alien creatures in Taitaria.

There are very few pure-bred humans in Taitalia, and most of them are heterogeneous creatures that have adapted to the environment.

Above the poisonous swamp, the lizardmen and the werewolves build a walled city here, fighting for the most primitive survival. These alien creatures are of different ranks, and they are considered to be the largest number of existences in Taitaria.

More powerful than these two creatures, they are everywhere in Taitalia.

The giant dragonflies lurking in the weeds above the swamp, ready to attack the surrounding creatures at any time, are enough to make any creature feel scared, not to mention the petrified monitor lizards rampaging around the poisonous swamp, the two-legged wyvern that feeds on both, and Hidden in the deepest part of the poisonous swamp, the nine-headed monster was the peak creation of the magic ritual.

Compared with these ordinary alien creatures, Rhodes felt more concerned about the existence of a kind of animal trainer in Taitalia.

Rod believed that on his trip, he would inevitably have to deal with this special existence.

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