Fire House Tavern.

As the tavern in the quiet city on the edge of the Tula Leon forest, the Firehouse Tavern has a notorious reputation throughout the territory of Eri.

From the secluded city, continue deep into the Tula Leon Forest, passing a dead wood arch, crossing several cliffs, and walking along the Lucky Spring, you can come to the real forest holy land, the location of the Elf King City.

Whether it is adventurers seeking opportunities or communicating between elves, the quickest way to go to the Elves King City is to start from the quiet city and go all the way.

Of course, if you have a good sense of direction, you will always find a way to the Elf King City if you enter from any location in the Tulalian Forest. There is no unreachable situation, but it will take more time and energy.

In the Tula Leone Forest, there are a variety of fantasy creatures. Almost all the creatures that Elene can see can find their gathering places in this forest.

In addition, there are countless elven cities in the Tula Leone Forest, even including the main city of Eri, the Elf City. It just wants to lead to the Elf City, starting from any kind of Elf City, Not as fast as the quiet city.

In a few cases, Eri creatures will also choose such a more difficult way to go to the Elven King City. For example, the magic creatures make a pilgrimage to the Elf King, or the elves spend their leisure time and walk to the Elf King City on foot. Stimulate the fighting spirit of Eli Biological.

Perhaps due to the extremely complex environment in the Tula Leon Forest, the elves who are not old enough to communicate deeply with the creatures in the forest often get lost in the forest.

Over time, the secluded city that can directly lead to the Elven King City has gradually become known to the creatures of Eli, and the Fire House Tavern in the city, after gathering a large number of creatures, has also become a good place to inquire about the first-hand information from the Elven King City.

Unlike the thieves’ guild, which regards intelligence as a bargaining chip, the intelligence obtained from the tavern is often not so accurate, and even adds a lot of false information to it when it is narrated by the public, but the adventurer always enjoys it and prefers Spent half a day in the tavern, and did not want to go to the Thieves Guild.

In the Firehouse Tavern, dwarves are definitely the most numerous existence. Among their few hobbies, apart from hoarding gold coins in the tribe’s vault, the dwarves only love wine.

Although in the territory of Eri, in the tavern, the figure of the elves is not very common.

The elves often have a kind of resistance to the noisy and chaotic tavern. They will not spend a gold coin, order a few glasses of ale, spend time in the tavern, and will not drink like a dwarf like an adventurer.

The tavern is also a good place to recruit helpers, especially among the human city-states. The tavern has almost become the first choice for adventurers to receive tasks except for the freelance chamber of commerce, but in Eri, facing those pure enjoyment Alcoholic dwarves, this does not seem to apply.

At this time, a figure in the Fire House tavern looked extremely unusual.

A small cup of fruit wine was placed in front of him, and in the full glass, the liquid in it seemed to overflow at any time, and the fragrance of the wine drifted freely, but he had no idea of ​​drinking it.

The sharp ears and handsome appearance undoubtedly explained his identity. It was a pure blood elf, and the black outfit he wore on his body gave him a special aura.

There are very few elves who wear black clothes, let alone a strong black outfit like the elves in front of them. In the impression of Eri creatures, a pure black dress is mostly only seen on Diya's Necromancer.

The creatures in the tavern were all startled when they noticed the existence of this elf. Seeing that the big elves whose strength is at least Tier 5 or above will actually appear in the tavern, it naturally makes them feel puzzled.

Recalling the recent rumors circulating in the territory of Eri, they seemed to realize something, even the drunk dwarf could not help but vacate the distance with this elf.

The appearance of this elf undoubtedly brought a completely different atmosphere to the original tavern. The area where he was located was vacated by the surrounding creatures, which formed a sharp contrast with the original extremely lively tavern.

The only thing not affected by the atmosphere may be the dwarf sitting on the same table with this elf.

The dwarf is holding a wine glass with a cross-section the size of a bowl, and drinking the sparkling liquid that is bubbling in it. On the muscles of the bent arm, there are many tendons. If you want to change the wine glass to a handy weapon, he will be a strong Fighting dwarves.

After drunk everything in the cup, the dwarf threw the wine cup in his hand to the table, and the shock caused it to spill out the fruit wine that originally belonged to the elves.

The remaining half a cup of fruit wine dangled. Seeing this, the elf frowned first, then sighed.

After a burp, the dwarf wiped his mouth with his cuff, and made a vague voice: "So...Hose, you have been selected by that adult and become one of his men..."

Speaking of this, the dwarf glanced at the elf with his scattered gaze, as if he had confirmed something, and changed his words: "I have forgotten, your dress should only be members of the'Slaying the Undead' unit. To dress like this."

This elf called Hoth, UU reading didn't say much. He picked up half of the fruit wine and took a sip, which was regarded as acquiescing to the information mentioned in the dwarf's words.

The environment in the tavern will not be completely changed because of the arrival of an elf. The noise in it passed into Hoth's mind, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

Since the meeting place was chosen by the dwarf in front of him, Hoth could only endure his aversion to the surrounding environment and put his attention on the dwarf in front of him.

The dwarf in front of him, named Kadi Aimo, has been a good friend of Hoth for many years.

No one can explain how the arrogant elves make friends with the rude dwarves, just as no one can explain the heirs of the Witherbark Guardians and how the dryads are produced. Sometimes when Hoth himself recalls this, he will be in I felt strange for a while.

For Cardiamo's behavior, Hoth would not feel offended. If he was replaced by another dwarf, Hoth might just shake his hand and leave.

Recalling Kadi Aimo's words, Hoth couldn't help but appear in his mind, a special look of an elf.

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