Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 94: The Underground Castle (2) The Black Emperor?

Facing the cautious temptation of the old herdsman leader, Mu Kelong responded ingeniously: "We are an expedition that has lost its way in the fog of war, and we have no malice towards the undead ghost empire. We respect the beliefs of all intelligent races..."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Kelong changed the subject and began to inquire about the situation here.

"To be honest, this is the first time I've seen zombies attack the human camp. May I ask Patriarch Cave, does this happen often?"

Old Cave shook his head, a look of confusion on his face.

"I'm sixty-six years old this year, and it's the first time I've seen so many zombies around the camp, and even very few zombies in the entire Triskru area..."

Immediately afterwards, Old Cave seemed to have thought of something, and murmured to himself: "This scene that happened today reminds me of a story passed down by old people..."

"In the Triskru region, there used to be an ancient kingdom, which was ruled by a family called [Cyddados] until the reign of the forty-fourth king [Lee Orleans Cidados], Something big happened..."

"When he first came to the throne, King Li Orleans was still a wise monarch and was deeply loved by the people, but it didn't take long for his personality to change drastically. He was ruthless and ruthless. He killed people without blinking an eye, and became a terrible dictator. With the slogan 'I am the country'..."

"Later, King Li Orleans made another crazy move-he declared war on the six surrounding kingdoms in the name of the Kingdom of Cydados!"

"He summoned an army of countless skeletons and zombies from the underworld. He was invincible and invincible. He quickly annexed six kingdoms and unified the entire Triskru region, calling himself the [Dark Emperor]!"

"In his later years, in pursuit of eternal life and great power, the Dark Emperor Lee Orleans I ordered the construction of nine huge black mausoleums in the Triskru region, and frantically sacrificed more than one tomb inside each tomb. Millions of lives..."

"The Dark Emperor's atrocities aroused the anger of all, and in the end the ministers around him and the descendants of the royal nobles of the six kingdoms united to overthrow the Dark Emperor's rule, killing Lee Orleans I and destroying nine of the Dark Emperor's thrones. tomb."

"Although the Dark Emperor is dead, his influence on the Triskru region does not end with his death..."

"Since then, strange incidents of living people suddenly turning into zombies have often occurred in the Triskru region. Many people say that this is the curse of the Dark Emperor on the betrayer!"

"With the passage of time, the curse of the Dark Emperor has gradually weakened. In the past thousand years, there have been very few strange incidents of living people turning into zombies."

"More than a hundred years ago, a large-scale black crystal mine was discovered near my family camp. The official of the Necromancer Empire established a large mine here."

"In the beginning, all the work in the mine went very smoothly. The black crystals on the surface of the mine were mined out within ten years, and then the mine began to dig deep into the ground. As a result, there began to be a strange incident of a large number of miners mutating into zombies. …”

"Later, the empire officially dispatched necromancers to investigate the cause of the mine disaster, but they could not change the situation that ordinary people would mutate into zombies when they entered the depths of the mines. It can only be attributed to the fact that the curse of the Black Emperor still remains deep underground. reason."

"Since then, no one has dared to mine in the mine, and the black crystal mine has been abandoned."

Hearing this, Mu Kelong suddenly asked.

"Patriarch Cave, what do you mean - these large groups of zombies that suddenly appeared, probably originated from the abandoned black crystal mine nearby?"

Old Cave nodded and said worriedly: "This black crystal mine was abandoned before I was born, but in fact, many tribes and clans around here will face the crisis of survival and have no choice but to survive. Explore abandoned mines,

Hope to find black crystals and exchange them for gold and food to survive the cold winter in the Triskru region. "

Black crystal has many uses, especially black crystal is one of the necessary resources for dark and undead occupations to practice cultivation, but black crystal resources are actually quite rich, and it is not so precious.

The official reason for abandoning this black crystal mine is simply that it is not cost-effective to exchange human life for black crystals, but for ordinary people, the value of black crystals is not low, and under normal circumstances they are unwilling to exchange their lives, but in some cases Taking human lives will become cheaper than Black Crystal.

It is understandable that people in the vicinity risk their lives to pick up leaks in abandoned mines, as the saying goes.

So Mukron nodded and said thoughtfully: "So, these zombies who attacked the camp are likely to be the result of those poor people who have recently entered the Black Crystal Mine?"

Old Cave closed his eyes, tried hard not to let the tears flow out of his eyes, and replied with a very painful expression.

"This year's winter is extremely cold. Just two weeks ago, a rare large-scale ice storm swept across the Triskru area, freezing to death countless cattle, sheep, and frail old people and children..."

"Even--even my newborn grandson lost his life in this snowstorm... I believe the other tribes and clans in the vicinity are not much better!"

Mu Kelong understood in an instant that the natural disaster of the ice storm in winter caused heavy losses to the nearby nomads. In order to survive, these people had to venture into the abandoned black crystal mine to mine and make money...

If the curse of the Dark Emperor is true, then there will be more people taking risks in the underground mines, and there will naturally be more zombies!

About the legend of the Dark Emperor Li Orleans, Mu Kelong was very interested.

In particular, the legend that the black emperor had built nine mausoleums during his lifetime and sacrificed millions or even tens of millions of people is even more exaggerated, and it may be an important part of the world's story.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, he is determined to explore that strange black crystal mine.

"Patriarch Kaifu, can you tell me the location of the abandoned black crystal mine? I want to check it out. If the curse of the Dark Emperor really exists there, I may be able to try to rescue more innocents."

With that said, Mu Kelong took out fifty gold coins from his pocket and handed them to the hands of the Cave chief.

"I have twenty gold coins here, and I hope that the Khosla clan can survive this severe winter..."

In the game's settings, except for money, all other equipment items are physical objects, which should be considered weight-bearing, unless you have space on your body to store treasures, or you can directly sell them on the built-in free market in the game.

In battle, consignment trading is impossible, which is also the basic principle of killing and explosive equipment.

Money can be digitally stored on the player's body without taking up space, which is equivalent to the player himself being a bank card, and it is still the kind that can be withdrawn at any time.

In fact, Mu Kelong can easily change gold coins, but in pursuit of real details, he still made an extra action of taking money out of his pocket.

However, when the player dies, the money stored on his "bank card" will all explode in the form of gold coins, silver coins, copper coins and other entities.

Only the money stored in the system bank in advance will not be lost after the death of the player, but the money in the system bank can only be transferred directly on the system trading platform, and only cash can be used when trading and gifting with NPCs in the game world.

This is why almost everyone will leave some money on the "physical card" to facilitate transactions with others at any time. After all, it is very difficult to find a bank that can withdraw money in the wild.

Facing the temptation of fifty gold sparkles, Old Cave obviously hesitated, and finally the old patriarch accepted the gift of the dwarf general wearing a golden crown in front of him.

"You are truly an admirable general, and the Khosla clan will always remember your kindness!"

"The abandoned black crystal mine is not far from my camp. If you walk about ten kilometers west, you can see a barren mountain. The mine is on the south side of that mountain."

"I heard that the curse of the Black Emperor is very powerful, you have to be careful!"


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