Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 93 Underground Castle (1) Nomadic Camp

Mu Kelong replied indifferently: "Although I am just an ordinary person in reality, I have read some books..."

"I know there is one thing in the Three Kingdoms period. After the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao was able to burn the correspondence between the traitor and Yuan Shao to gather people's hearts, and finally unified the north and laid the foundation of the Great Wei - although my ability is not as good as that of Emperor Wei Wu. A hair, but can’t copy the wisdom of the ancients today?”

"Now that the matter has passed, everyone has not lost much anyway, and I don't want to pursue it..."

"The next journey still requires everyone's concerted efforts. If there is another infighting, it will only harm everyone's interests, and it is unnecessary."

"All of us are grasshoppers on the same boat, and we all have the same expedition mission. I believe that the few friends who didn't understand before will also understand after this incident. Is this the truth? "

"Brothers, let go of the old hatred, join hands to create the future, upgrade and make a fortune together, isn't it delicious?"

After speaking, Mu Kelong sent a big red envelope of gold coins in the legion channel.

At this stage, the market value of a gold coin has dropped to 500 Datang Tongbao, but it is still equivalent to about a week's salary of ordinary migrant workers, and the purchasing power is still strong.

Mu Kelong once wrapped a big red envelope of 200 gold coins, which is equivalent to 100,000 Tang Tongbao. He can buy a medium-grade new energy vehicle, which is enough to prove his sincerity.

As a result, a flattering sound of wolf crying and ghost howling suddenly sounded in the legion channel, and the player with the best luck even drew 18 gold coins, which was a win.

"System prompt: Your gold coin red envelope was robbed in 0.58 seconds!"

Love: "The boss is big!"

Duco: "Thank you boss!"

Anonymous A: "Boss, I was wrong, and I won't betray everyone if I kill you in the future!"

Anonymous B: "Me too, woo woo woo..."

Uhtred: "The boss is mighty and domineering!"

Onlookers: "Boss 6666~"


During the journey south from the Leo Town area, the actions of the Mukron Corps became much more low-key. He didn't want to attract the attention of the official forces of the cemetery camp, so as to reduce interference in finding his strategic goals.

One day, the scout reported that there was a nomadic camp besieged by plague zombies ahead!

Although the main body of the cemetery camp is called the undead ghost empire, it does not mean that this country is all undead. In fact, there are many intelligent creature races and tribes in the cemetery camp, and the number of humans is even more than the number of undead. .

It's just that people here often believe in the gods of darkness and undead, which can make people eternal, which is incompatible with the angel empire that believes in light.

The conflict between the two camps is not so much a racial conflict as it is a battle of beliefs and a struggle for living space.

And those necromancers and death lords in the cemetery camp actually seldom kill the people in their own kingdom.

In fact, most of the undead army under their command came from a different world called the Netherworld, which belonged to magical summoned creatures, and only a few were transformed from enemy soldiers who died on the battlefield.

As for those weak civilians, their bones after death are actually worthless, not even cannon fodder—after all, they are weak chickens when they are alive, so why are they strong after death?

And those famous powerful undead arms, such as Nether Bone Dragon, Death Knight, Dark Warrior, etc., are actually transformed from the death of the very powerful dragons, great knights and great warriors!

These iron-like facts have once again verified a truth - only the more powerful beings in life can be called higher undead!

When Mu Kelong heard the report from the scouts and saw the information of zombies besieging the nomadic camp in the cemetery camp,

He thought this situation was a bit strange, and immediately decided to go and have a look.

As the mercenaries of the Angel Empire, these people from the Mukron Corps are hostile to the undead Nether Empire, but it does not mean that they can slaughter the civilians of the enemy country recklessly - if they do, not only will it not be of any benefit, On the contrary, it will lead to bad consequences.

Before that, the small towns and strongholds that the Mukron Corps attacked on the northern border of the cemetery camp were actually border posts, not settlements where civilians lived.

Only when they crossed the [Las Noah River] and continued south, did they really enter the effective ruling area of ​​the cemetery camp, which is why Mukron became low-key.

Because after entering the hinterland of the cemetery camp, any official town has a defense force that cannot be easily captured by the Mukron Corps, let alone those heavily guarded military strongholds and fortresses.

There is no benefit to killing civilians, and the military strongholds and most towns cannot be captured, so they can only choose to sweep the wilderness in a low-key manner.


It didn't take long for the Mukron Corps to arrive at the nomadic camp that the scout mentioned was besieged by zombies.

The next moment, Mu Kelong laughed, because the number of these zombies is not too many, there are about a hundred zombies, and only about one third of them are plague zombies.

As the second-tier conventional arms of the cemetery camp, the zombies have lower attack and defense, and the damage is not much higher than that of the skeletons, and the movement speed is very slow. The only advantage is that the health of the zombies is higher than that of the regular second-tier soldiers. Not very high-

Therefore, zombies have always been ridiculed by the enemy as a mobile experience package. After all, the combat experience and strategic experience of this game are related to the HP of killing the enemy.

[Zombie] (Level 2, level 25, one-star white common level)

Health: 325

Attack Power: 6

Defense: 8

Damage: (35~70)

Movement speed: 300 (150) snow reduced by 50%

Skill 1: Undead are not affected by mind control skills.

Skill 2: [Curse] (primary) 25% chance to cause the target to be cursed when attacking, reducing attack by 3 and damage by 10.


[Plague Zombie] (Tier 2, 27 units, 2-star white common)

Health: 375

Attack Power: 7

Defense: 9

Damage: (40~80)

Movement speed: 400 (200) snow reduced by 50%

Skill 1: Undead are not affected by mind control skills.

Skill 2: [Curse] (primary) 25% chance to cause the target to be cursed when attacking, reducing attack by 3 and damage by 10.

Skill 3: [Plague Virus] (primary) It carries a deadly plague virus, and enemies close to it will be infected with the plague virus, reducing health by 1~25 points per second.

(Undead, element, machinery and other races are not affected by the plague virus)


Correspondingly, the nomadic camps that can be besieged by more than 100 zombies but are unable to fight back, the combat effectiveness of the nomadic warriors in the camps can be imagined.

After judging that there was no risk, Mukron ordered the whole army to attack, and A went up.

In his team, there are hundreds of long-range troops and long-range professional players alone. Can three fights be lost?

As a result, in the eyes of the people in the nomadic camp, a powerful army suddenly fell from the sky, like a gust of wind sweeping leaves, and in a moment, all the zombies outside the camp were wiped out.

There are even some white-robed "priests" in this army who cast magical magic to disperse the deadly plague virus from the zombies.

Although they didn't know what the purpose of this army was, after some hesitation, the nomads in the camp finally walked out of an elderly herdsman leader with a bitter face and a haggard figure.

"Respected general, my dear [Kev Khosla], on behalf of the Khosla clan, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your generosity!"


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