Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 102 The real danger of the underground castle (10)

In the process of resting in Xiurngcheng Square, Mu Kelong asked the patriarch of the investigation team, Dark Ranger Love, to run out of the city gate to take a look, and the result was just as he guessed.

Another four white obelisks on the central square of the underground castle fell, leaving only the two obelisks in the due north and due east!

Next, according to the original plan, the Mukron Corps swept the inner square of the North Weng City and the inner square of the East Weng City successively.

The situation in these two urns is the same as in the western urn, they are all skeleton soldiers plus a skeleton giant.

The battle went very smoothly, because with each increase in the number of the four white obelisks on the central square that collapsed, the offensive and defensive attributes of these skeleton soldiers would decrease by five points respectively, and the strength of the skeleton giant that appeared at the end was also getting worse and worse.

By the time we reached the last square in the East Wengcheng City, the entire battle was almost devastation. The battle was completely over in less than ten minutes. Even the Mukron Corps had almost no ammunition loss. almost.

Unsurprisingly, after the death of the other two skeleton giants, they both dropped silver giant treasure chests, which are no longer as stunning as golden treasure chests.

The selection of the second silver giant treasure chest is still random, and more than a dozen pieces of equipment have exploded, but none of them are the best equipment that Mu Kelong really likes.

He picked up a piece of armor at random. It was a small and superb item that was slightly above the national standard. He threw it away and sold it on the free market for 2 gold coins. The rest of the equipment was taken away by other players.

As a result, when the total ledger was calculated, the money each player received was far less than the 6666 silver coins that were drawn from the first silver treasure chest.

So the third silver giant treasure chest, Mu Kelong, did not continue to bet on randomness, but chose a random number of skeleton soldiers. Unexpectedly, this time it gave him a lot of surprises!

"Congratulations on getting 30 [Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warriors]!"

[Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warrior] (2nd-level 29th-level special arms, white gilt three-star common level)

Health: 560

Attack Power: 12 (58) / Skeleton Specialty Amplification 120%

Defense: 10 (28) / Skeleton Soldier Specialty Increase by 120%

Damage: 60 (132) ~ 90 (198) / 120% increase in Skeleton's specialties

Movement Speed: 500 (1300) / Skeleton Soldier Specialty Amplification 120% + Advanced Guerrilla Tactics + 200

Skill 1: Undead are not affected by mind control skills.

Skill 2: [Crazy Strike] (Primary) No matter what method is used to attack, there is a 20% chance to cause double damage as pure damage.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Skill 3: [Anti-Magic Physique] (Elementary) Gain 20 points of magic resistance, magic evasion level +20, and at least 10% absolute magic evasion.


It's actually a tier 2 full-star special arm, or an undead arm of the dwarf giant family!

This time, not only Mu Kelong felt that he had won the lottery, but other players also became sour.

"Boss, in this situation, is it necessary to add a little money to the brothers?"

"Everyone must believe in the character of Hei Da, he will not eat alone."

Without saying a word, Mu Kelong directly sent a gold coin to each person as a hush money.

This time, except for a few players who were still muttering in secret, the other players were basically satisfied, and nothing happened to Quan Dang.

Some people even started to help everyone figure it out: "According to the current market price, the market value of the second-order special arms of the same grade as [Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warrior] is about 5 gold coins."

"Because the undead arms are not easy to mix with the arms of other races, the general value is 20% off. The total value of 30 [Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warriors] is 120 gold coins. Hei Da gave each of us a gold coin. money!"

"Boss atmosphere!"

"The boss is righteous!"


Mu Kelong smiled slightly,

He didn't feel that he was at a loss. After all, these 30 [Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warriors] were completely extra soldiers to him, and they did not occupy the command value of his own strategic occupation.

More importantly, with the blessing of his skeleton soldier specialties, the attributes of this skeleton warrior corps exploded, and it jumped into a high-attack and high-speed corps under his command.

The only shortcoming is that after the undead arms are mixed, the morale is reduced a little bit, but this is not impossible to solve. Finding a way to get a strategic treasure that increases morale, or having the opportunity to learn leadership skills can also solve the problem of insufficient morale.

In fact, there is a hidden solution, that is, if you can get a special treasure that balances morale, such as [Spirit of Imprisonment] (forcibly suppressing the morale of both sides to 0).

Other things in this game are easy to measure with money, but the value of soldiers is not easy to quantify, because the difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the same soldier in the hands of different heroes is too great.

If these 30 [Dwarf Giant Skeleton Warriors] are given to ordinary undead heroes, they may not be worth so much money, but in the hands of Mukron, because of the bonuses of the skeleton soldier's specialties and the exclusive control of the skeleton soldier, the value played out far higher than their actual value.

After the loot was divided, Mu Kelong walked out of the East Weng City with his troops and returned to the central square of the underground castle.

At this time, the four white obelisks in the center of the square had completely collapsed, leaving only a few dozen skeleton soldiers and zombie soldiers left around the obelisk.

After a wave of long-range bombardment, there was no more enemy in the entire underground castle.

But at this moment, a large black fog suddenly rose in the center of the square. The black fog expanded so fast that it enveloped the entire space almost instantly.

At this moment, everyone in the Mukron Corps is in a dangerous situation where they can't see their fingers!

In this regard, Mu Kelong immediately launched a plan, ordering the entire army to retreat back to the square in the city of Nanwu that had originally entered the underground castle.

Most of Mukron's armies are long-range and must never fight an unknown enemy in complete darkness.

Among the four urn cities around the underground castle, only the enemies outside the southern urn city have been cleaned up, and this has become the only safe escape route for the entire army.

Although the eyes cannot see, the coordinates of the secret map still work. Under the command of Mu Kelong, all players quickly and orderly retreated into the square in Nanwen City.

Regrettably, this place was also shrouded in black mist, so the Mukron Corps retreated south again, intending to always withdraw from the area of ​​the underground castle that was suspected to be the tomb of the Black Emperor.

Finally, after everyone evacuated the castle, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the black fog in the castle did not reveal a single trace of the southern gate of the castle. This situation seems to be that there is some kind of seal in this underground castle, and the evil forces inside. cannot penetrate.

But soon, everyone's faces changed!

Because they saw a large number of black zombie soldiers rushing out from the south gate of the castle, not only the ordinary second-order soldiers [zombies] and [plague zombies], but also the higher-order, never-before-seen [black iron zombies]. , [Venomous Zombies], and the scalp-numbing fourth-order special arms - [Dark Warrior]!

What's even more terrifying is that there are still higher-level units than the [Dark Warrior] in these zombie armies - the fifth-order [Dark Abomination]!

At this moment, everyone was afraid for a while in their hearts!

If it weren't for the slow speed of the zombies, and if the army commander Mu Kelong had not ordered the entire army to evacuate the castle immediately, none of them would have survived!

As the commander and commander of the army, Mu Kelong knew that the final boss of this underground castle in front of him is likely to appear!

The real test has come, and the final war is about to begin!

——However, the battlefield must not be in the flat and safe place at the gate of the city!


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