Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 103 Underground Castle (11) Bridge! bridge! bridge!

Just when everyone was stunned, Mukron's thunderous roar sounded in the Legion channel.

"Everyone, go south and cross the river immediately—"

"Our battlefield is on the other side of the bridge!"

"As long as we hold the bridgehead, we will win!"

At this moment, all the players reacted——

Yup! The entrance to the ancient castle is a flat ground. Isn't it cerebral palsy to fight the zombie army in such a place!

There is a bottomless moat outside the city. As long as you defend the bridgehead, you can lock all the enemies on the bridge, which is too good to fight...

Taking ten thousand steps back, there is another huge square on the other side of the bridge, which has enough strategic space. If the bridgehead cannot be defended and is rushed by the army of zombies, you can still fly kites in the big square!

——After all, he is still the leader of his own regiment commander, Hegel!


Soon, the entire Mukron army crossed the moat on the bridge, and Mukron himself blocked the passage of the bridgehead with four shield soldiers, forming a flesh-and-blood city wall that the zombie army could not pass.

I don’t know if it is because of the special secret space, or because the building of this underground tomb adopts special material technology, the city wall and the suspension bridge outside the moat cannot be destroyed, which gives the Mukron Corps the possibility of using the suspension bridge to implement tactics.

The moat is more than 20 meters wide, and the bottom is dark and bottomless, but the suspension bridge above is only about four meters wide, and four or five fully armed shield warriors are enough to block the way of the zombie army.

When the road ahead was blocked, zombies continued to appear at the gates behind, and soon the other side of the river was crowded with zombies.

The dozen or so four-meter-tall, burly, hill-like Dark Abominations were also trapped in the chaotic army by their own zombies, and they could only look at the bridge and sigh.

The agile dark warriors took a different approach. They stood out from the zombies, stepped on the heads and shoulders of the zombies, and quickly rushed to the front of the suspension bridge where Mukron was.

However, this time is different from the other. After the destruction of the four white obelisks in the center of the underground castle, the offensive and defensive attributes of these dark warriors have dropped by 20 points each, and the total attribute has dropped by a huge 40 points, which greatly reduces the threat to players. .

With the support of a large number of Hei Yao gargoyles and professional healer players, the shield wall on the bridgehead is indestructible, and the zombie army cannot move forward at all!

On the open square in the south of the bridge, two hundred snow goblins and blood rage mages unleashed their blood rage magic without hesitation.

At this time, Mukron saw that the battle situation had stabilized and began to consider the next move...

The number of zombies is too large, and it is impossible to see the head. If you only think about defense, you can actually try to block the door just now at the city gate.

But the Mukron Corps is now trapped in a mysterious underground castle, and there is no way to retreat, but to fight a bloody path.

What he wants is not defense, but to kill the zombie army and force out the last guardian of the tomb, or the legendary dark emperor Li Orleans I.

Therefore, he chose the battlefield here on the suspension bridge, considering that the special terrain of borrowing the moat and the suspension bridge can not only block the enemy, but also effectively expand the killing surface and killing efficiency.

Now the defensive position of the bridgehead seems to be completely stable. Even if he withdraws himself, a dozen shield warriors can be divided into three groups and take turns to defend.

And the zombie army on the other side of the moat has piled up into a sea of ​​corpses, and the long-range soldiers of their own can directly bombard the enemy on the other side of the river across the moat of more than 20 meters!

The only thing that needs to be considered now is the issue of ammunition. After all, there are too many enemies, and the zombie army is different from the sea of ​​​​skeletons. The health value of the army of zombies is much higher than that of the sea of ​​​​skeletons under the same number.

Fortunately, the two hundred Bloodrage mages and dozens of legal professional players under his command,

It's actually infinite ammo at a range charge of 100 Blackflare Gargoyles.

As for the Black Flare Garbage itself, it can also achieve a complementary perpetual motion state—the obsidian statue with depleted mana can be restored to a flesh-and-blood state, and it can receive the same kind of life and magic recovery.

Soon, Mu Kelong adjusted the formation of his own soldiers, divided the two hundred Bloodrage mages into two corps, arranged four-stage formations along the river on the left and right sides of the bridgehead, and bombarded the zombies on the other side of the river with intensive firepower. army.

As for the players of the legal profession, they are distributed behind the bridgehead, and cooperate with the melee profession to attack the enemies on the bridge.

With the passage of time, the number of the zombie army on the other side of the river began to decrease rapidly, and even those fifth-order [Dark Abominations] like a mountain of flesh gradually fell under the magic of Bloodrage Mage with hatred.

But the army of zombies in the city continued to spew out like a tide, filling the bridgehead position again and again.

There is no concept of time in the secret space of the underground castle, and no one knows how long it has passed. Facing the endless army of zombies, everyone in the Mukron army is numb.

Bloodrage Mage’s ammo (health) can be replenished infinitely, the magic value of legal professions can be replenished infinitely, and obsidian statues can complement each other forever, but everyone’s stamina can’t be replenished continuously, especially players’ energy. will continue to consume.

Fortunately, the position of the bridgehead is as stable as a mountain, and Mu Kelong will arrange for each unit to take a rest from time to time to restore their physical strength and energy.

In the process of the fierce battle, the battle level of the players has actually increased by one level!

At the beginning of the Thousand Mile Expedition, most of the players in the Mukron Corps were around level 18. After many battles on the long journey, most of the players had risen to level 20 or above.

But in this underground castle, because the number of enemies killed is unprecedented, many players have risen to level 22, and Mu Kelong himself has even risen to level 24.

When everyone felt numb, a loud dragon roar suddenly resounded throughout the audience, and a huge silver-scaled white dragon suddenly appeared on the bridgehead!

In an instant, the silver-scaled white dragon with a length of ten meters and a thick calf danced above the head of a certain warrior player, roaring forward in the direction of the suspension bridge, and instantly emptied all the distance from the suspension bridge to the south gate of the ancient castle. Zombies!

[Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash] (Special)

Passive effect: When using this weapon to attack, there is a 10% chance to summon a Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash, causing up to 8 times weapon damage to all targets within a 6m wide and 120m long range in the designated direction as pure damage.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

-1748, -1809, -1935, -1666...

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

An instant explosion in the Legion channel!


"Cow beer!"

"Kneel down!"

"True blue-eyed white dragon!"

"There used to be an artifact in front of me, but I didn't cherish it, no reason, just because I was shy..."

"This - is this the power of Datang Tongbao?"

"That night, the tears of the poor fell from the corners of my eyes..."



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