Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 104: The Last Battle of the Underground Castle (12)

This damage is directly on the table!

More importantly, this special effect is too cool!

To be honest, Mu Kelong felt a little sour at this moment——

Killing three dark warriors and hundreds of zombie soldiers in one move, Mu Kelong, who can be called a "hanging dog" in a divine suit, can't do it at this stage!

On the other side, a certain player who became the focus of everyone's attention looked around, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

His name is [Aldous Laffer], and his real identity is the youngest son of a coal mine owner in the Hedong Road of the Datang Empire. At level 21, he won the auction at the super high price of 2.33 million Datang Tongbao within the legion. This golden giant treasure box burst out of the [Skeleton King Kezia's Dragon Bone Silver Spear].

Just now, he successfully rose to level 23 and was equipped with a silver keel gun. As a result, he immediately shocked the audience with the first shot—

More than two million, it's really worth it, it's so fun!


In the ensuing battle, Aldous was nailed to the bridgehead like a chicken blood.

He is also one of the warrior players who successfully advanced to the hidden profession in the high mountain fortress in the past. His profession [Burst Furious Warrior] is mainly based on high attack and high attack speed. Just killing it!

Every three seconds and five seconds, there will be a dragon roar resounding through the audience, and then a silver-scaled white dragon will appear above his head, instantly clearing all the enemies along the way in a certain direction, not even the dark warriors. Survived - the onlookers nearby felt their eyes and ears numb.

Only the Roshan-like [Dark Abomination] can withstand the damage of the Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash. After all, it is a special arm of the fifth rank. Its strength is not only stronger than that of the [Dark Warrior], but even stronger than most fifth-order troops. Arms and even some sixth-order arms are powerful.

[Dark Abomination] (Level 5, Level 59, Special Undead Soldier, Three-Star Cyan Extraordinary Level)

Health: 6000

Attack Power: 27 (37)

Defense: 36 (46)

Damage: (180~270)

Movement speed: 700 (800) dark scene +100

Skill 1: Undead have no morale and are not affected by mind control skills.

Skill 2: [Dark Damage] (Intermediate) Regular attack damage is converted into dark magic damage, each effective attack corrodes the target's defense by 2 points, which can be stacked up to 9 layers.

Skill 3: [Plague Virus] (Intermediate) It carries a deadly plague virus, and enemies close to it will be infected with the plague virus, reducing health by 10~75 points per second.

(Undead, element, machinery and other races are not affected by the plague virus)

Skill 4: [Stomp] (Intermediate) 20% chance to cause 150 pure damage to all enemy targets within 5 meters, and reduce the target's attack speed and movement speed by 50% within 3 seconds.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Skill 5: [Reaper's Hook] (Intermediate) When attacking, there is a 15% chance to release the Reaper's Hook on a single target, stun the target for 2 seconds, and convert 100-600 points of the target's maximum HP into its own HP.

(Unless the unit that cast Reaper's Hook dies, the hooked maximum health cannot be restored.)


Abomination is a middle-to-high-level special unit of the undead. It is said to be a super stitched monster stitched together with the skin and bones of various creatures.

In a broad sense, [Dark Warrior] and [Dark Abomination], even [Mummy] and [Dark Knight] belong to the zombie soldier system. After all, the undead camp is carefully classified into four types of arms——

Those with only bones left belong to Skeleton Soldiers, those with bones and flesh belong to Zombie Soldiers, and those without bones and meat belong to Ghost Soldiers.

And other half-life, half-dead, strange arms.

These [Dark Abominations] in front of them are typical images of fat Roshan, with a dark green plague cloud lingering around their bodies, holding a deboning knife in their left hand and a large iron hook with chains in their right hand. Fear can be used to treat children crying at night.

More importantly, no one has seen this kind of [Dark Abomination] before this—this shows that the underground castle in front of me is really not simple, I am afraid it is really the ninth of the legendary [Dark Emperor] Li Orleans I. One of the hidden tombs!

Fortunately, Mu Kelon stayed a little more careful, and discovered the strangeness of the four white obelisks on the central square of the underground castle in time...

If all the undead soldiers in the central square of the underground castle were directly emptied with a single tendon at that time, instead of removing all the outer urn cities first, I am afraid that the Mukron Legion would have to face [Dark Abomination] with higher offensive and defensive attribute points. !

The only way to face such terrifying Roshan-type monsters is to keep them stuck in the zombie army and become a living target of long-range firepower.

I don't know how long it took, even [Aldous Ralph], who was playing handsome with a gun, felt numb and crooked. He had to end the game and rest for two rounds. The number of zombies on the other side of the bridge finally stopped. increase and start to really decrease at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, everyone cheered up and knew that the final battle was coming to an end, and the real test was coming.

To this end, after Mukron ordered the threatening [Dark Abomination] and [Dark Warrior] to be eliminated, a small number of low-level zombie soldiers were retained and the entire army entered a state of repair.

Ten minutes later, the last zombie soldier was killed by the player, and everyone in the outer square raised their alertness to the highest level, silently waiting for the final BOSS to appear.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and everyone began to be surprised.

Someone began to speculate on the legion channel: "If this underground castle in front of you is really one of the nine tombs of [Dark Emperor] Li Orleans I, then will there be a mysterious confinement that prevents the owner of the tomb from leaving this place? Castle?"

"It's very possible, after all, the legendary [Dark Emperor] was betrayed and killed by his courtiers before he died. Those people will definitely not let Li Orleans' tombs be ignored, and maybe they will use magic to seal the nine tombs... "

For a while, there were different opinions, and everyone put forward their own opinions based on their own game experience.

In the end, everyone unanimously came to the conclusion that if you want to break the game, you have to go in and see.

The leader of the investigation team, Dark Ranger Love, volunteered and asked to enter the castle to investigate the situation, but was rejected by Mu Kelong.

"If everyone guesses correctly, even if the owner of this tomb is not the [Dark Emperor] Li Orleans himself, he is a more powerful BOSS than the Skeleton King. You can easily get killed when you go in, so let me do it. Easy to die!"

"Every corps is in its place, don't cross the bridge, I'll go ahead and explore the way."

After explaining, Mu Kelong picked up the hammer and axe, strode up the suspension bridge, and waved back to everyone before entering the castle gate, quite a bit of a moody mood.


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