Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 130 The living baby!

Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord Chapter 130 Living baby!

On the other hand, Mu Kelong, who had just emerged on the Titan Continent, also noticed the abnormality.

Because anyone who wants to teleport into his "back garden" through the dark compass needs his permission.

After learning about the changes in the underground world from Roger, who stayed in the "back garden", Mu Kelong also broke out in a cold sweat.

It's been a month since the incident, and I didn't expect that the dark cow guard was still looking for him, and he really caught clues and came to the door!

Fortunately, Gugliello happened to be present at the time, and promptly eliminated the shadowy whistle of death released by the enemy, and decisively transferred the entire population of the Lorenville clan, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

Mu Kelong made a decisive decision and asked Chemus and Brother Roger to go down and inform Guerrero, and let him transfer all the [Caroli] clan and [Marilyn] clan to the "back garden".

In addition, if there are other closely related cavemen tribes, as long as they are willing to come, they will all transfer as soon as possible!

But the premise is that Gugliello himself and the dark compass must be kept safe!

Since Mukron had a "back garden", he actually had a plan to migrate some of the caveman tribes to his own territory.

It's just that people are living well in the underground world, so there must be a reason for people to move suddenly, right?

Now that the Dark Bull Guard came to the door, it just happened to give Mu Kelong an excellent excuse. It was really a blessing in disguise!

His "back garden" is similar to a three-dimensional space of a cube with a side length of 10 kilometers, not just a plane with a length and width of 10 kilometers!

The sky is five kilometers high, and the ground is five kilometers deep!

The surface area of ​​100 square kilometers alone is enough to accommodate millions of inhabitants!

Coupled with the five kilometers of soil layer underground, it can be provided for cave dwellers to live, at least 10 million cave dwellers can be supported!

The high-ranking black dragon lords often despise cavemen who are as humble as weeds, but in Mu Kelong's eyes, cavemen are rare goods!

One is able to fight, two is good at digging, three is able to grow mushrooms and wine, and has tenacious vitality and reproductive ability, it is a living baby!

Whether it is the "back garden" space or the Valley of Storms, which has been regarded as a territory by Mukron, a large number of cavemen are needed to open up the wasteland for development!

What is a lord's most important resource?

No matter what age, it is the population!

What's more, cavemen can live underground for a long time, not competing with the ground races for living space, which is absolutely amazing!


At this time, Roger supported his father, the old patriarch McWick to find Mu Kelong, and weeping.

"Lord Lord, my younger brother Maisel and the five thousand people are still at the Leeds Iron Mine. They're afraid -- I'm afraid..."

Mu Kelong knew what the old patriarch meant, he nodded solemnly and promised.

"This matter started because of me. I will not care about the life and death of my friends. I will definitely do everything in my power to rescue the Lorenville clan who stayed in the Leeds Iron Mine."

"In any case, I will have an explanation for the Lorenville clan!"

After speaking, Mu Kelong strode into the legendary formation on the ice platform.

When Mu Kelong entered the underground world again, Gugliello was organizing the transfer of the clan with Chemus in the [Carolli] clan.

After the meeting, Mukron asked Gugrero about his enemies.

"After all the members of the Lorenville clan were transferred, I stayed in the camp, and in less than ten minutes, I saw five hundred dark cattle guards rushing into the camp..."

"Besides the Dark Bull Guard, there is also a human race in gorgeous costumes. He looks in his thirties, but his status is very high. The captain of the Dark Bull Guard is very polite to him and calls him Master McLaren."

"Also, there was a special golden scabbard machete hanging from the man's waist. The surface of the scabbard was inlaid with seven colorful gems. Before the knife was unsheathed, I felt an unprecedented pressure from a distance. It was a horrible smell..."

"Later I heard that they wanted to arrest cavemen and harpy clan leaders in a radius of hundreds of miles,

I didn't dare to wait any longer, so I quietly left. "

After hearing this, Mu Kelong immediately sent a private message to the president of the Heluo Heroes Association, asking him to ask for information about McLaren.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Kelong's mind flashed, and he immediately added another sentence.

"This McLaren has a machete with seven colorful gemstones inlaid on a golden scabbard, it should be a very high-level treasure..."

Some time ago, through the relationship of old comrade Luo Feis, Mu Kelong borrowed President Wu's blue dragon cloak and a storage treasure to solve the urgent need.

At the same time, Mu Kelong also owed the other party a favor, and promised to help the other party fight once when the other party needed help.

After getting the Dark King's cloak, Mu Kelong returned the two borrowed treasures, and at the same time added friends with President Wu and established a direct connection.

As the so-called borrowed and returned, it is not difficult to borrow again. This time, Mu Kelong asked President Wu to help find information about McLaren, and the other party readily agreed to help.

Heluo Heroes Club is one of the top ten guilds in the Datang game world, with a wide network of connections. As one of the three presidents of the Heluo Heroes Club, President Wu is also a big old man with hands and eyes.

Mu Kelong didn't wait long when President Wu sent him a message.

"I asked someone to check. There are many people named McLaren in the game, and it is not easy to find."

"But the golden scabbard machete you mentioned with seven colorful gems is relatively rare. Maybe this clue I provided will help you..."

Immediately afterwards, President Wu sent Mu Kelong a screenshot of the player.

"This is a clue provided by a player in the cemetery camp of our guild. The skeleton noble in the picture is the elder of the Upper House of the Undead Empire, [Marquis of Jinshan] Winchester Hidado!"

"The golden sword on his waist is a divine weapon handed down from generation to generation by the Marquis of Jinshan. It is said to be an epic treasure of the twelfth rank, called the [Seven Evil Golden Sword]!"

Seeing the surname Hidado, Mukron immediately understood many things.

The person who was called Master McLaren by the Tauren Anniuwei Commander must be a master of the Jinshan Hou Xiida family!

The purpose of the other party coming to the underground world is likely to be the person who came to investigate the clues about the disappearance of the skeleton general Luist.

If so, there's room for action!

Mu Kelong returned to the "back garden", recited an ancient spell in the Gutriskru language he had just learned, and asked the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I in the void for help.

Since anchoring the world coordinates of Titan Continent, the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I in the Pyramid Mausoleum, although unable to break the world barrier and enter the Titan Continent, can project the projection of the Pyramid Mausoleum in this ten-kilometer space.

Soon, a huge projection of a pyramid mausoleum appeared in the air, sucking Mu Kelong into it.

In the imperial mausoleum, the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I asked Mu Kelong a little strangely.

"Little guy, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Kelong replied: "If I go back to Your Majesty, I have some small misunderstandings with my friends from the Jinshan Hou family in the underground world..."

"So, I'd like to ask General Luist a little favor."


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