Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 131 Turn enemies into friends?

Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 131: Turn enemies into friends?

The Black Emperor nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, you are my scroller, and the Jinshan Hou family is my descendant. You can indeed become friends and partners!"

"But the grievances between you, if you want to resolve it yourself, I won't intervene."

Soon, the skeleton general Luist appeared beside the Dark Emperor and bowed to him.

I haven't seen each other for more than half a month, and the purple soul fire in this skeleton general's eyes seems to be more condensed. I think his ancestor, His Majesty the Black Emperor, gave him a lot of benefits.

However, the skeleton general Luist did not have a good face towards Mukron. After listening to Mukron's request, he snorted.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

"Hehe, McLaren is my cousin, his strength is a thousand times stronger than you, and now he has the Seven Devils Golden Sword in his hand, if he really wants to kill you, he doesn't need a second sword!"

Mu Kelong quibble: "Actually, I have no intention of being an enemy of the Jinshan Hou family."

"At the time, I was trapped in the underground world, and I just wanted to use your two worlds teleportation array once."

"In any case, General Luist, you also met His Majesty the Black Emperor through me, and fulfilled the wish of the Jinshanhou family for tens of thousands of years..."

"So, both of us can completely clear up the misunderstanding and work together for His Majesty the Dark Emperor's return plan, isn't it?"

Skeleton General Lewis wanted to ridicule the dwarf in front of him, but in the face of his ancestor, Dark Emperor Li Orleans I, he finally nodded.

"Well, I can pass a word to McLaren for you to stop him from pursuing this matter."

After speaking, Lewis broke off a little thumb bone, muttered a few words to the phalangeal bone, and blessed a piece of golden magic power in it.

He handed the phalanx to Mu Kelong and said solemnly: "You find someone to deliver my phalanx to McLaren, and he will naturally understand what I have to say!"

Mu Kelong was overjoyed and said: "If General Luist has anything to pass on in the future, wrap it on me."

Lewis nodded and said nothing more. After bowing to the Dark Emperor, he silently retreated.

After Luist left, the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I spoke to Mukron.

"Okay, your trouble has been resolved, you can leave."

Mu Kelong immediately offered a bunch of flattery, such as wishing His Majesty to be ordered by the sky, and longevity and longevity, which made the Black Emperor very useful.

"You little guy, your strength is not very good, but your speech is quite nice..."

The next moment, Mu Kelong felt a surge of power pouring into him, and vaguely felt the blood in his body boiling.

Before he could open his mouth to ask, he saw a darkness that was neither smoke nor fog nor light covering him...

When the light reappeared, Mu Kelong found that he had returned to the "back garden", and the dark pyramid mausoleum in the sky had disappeared.

Mu Kelong felt that he was full of power, opened the attribute panel, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his basic strength increased by 100 points!

You must know that players in the hero template can only get 5 free attribute points for each level of combat occupation level.

100 points of strength, this is equivalent to adding 20 points to his full strength!

Coupled with the 50% increase in the hidden blood skills, Mu Kelong's power has skyrocketed by 150 points!

When Mu Kelong's eyes shifted to the bloodline skills, he couldn't believe his eyes!


——[Bloodline Skill]——

【Hidden Unknown】(Power Direction)

(10% unlocked, after meeting certain trigger conditions, it can be automatically upgraded to the primary bloodline stage)


At this moment, Mu Kelong's mind was spinning rapidly.

He began to think, what kind of flattery should he prepare in advance to flatter him the next time he sees His Majesty the Black Emperor?

I have to say that His Majesty the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I really gave too much!


Mu Kelong came to his senses. His relationship with the Dark Emperor was actually similar to the relationship between the proletarian workers and the boss capitalists.

He reminded himself that bosses give employees benefits only to exploit more residual value.

So you have to keep calm at all times and not be hit by sugar-coated cannonballs for "petty profits".

The correct way to deal with it is - peel off the sugar coating and eat it yourself, then bury the shells deep, or use them against the enemy!

In addition, the words of the old yin pen of the skeleton general Luist can not be completely believed. He is the blood descendant of the Dark Emperor, and he is also his biggest competitor!

In case he left some conspiracy and tricks in his phalanx and deliberately wanted to kill himself, he had to guard against it!

If you, the Dark Emperor's curler, dies in the hands of others, then the Dark King's cloak will most likely be transferred to Lewis's head!

Once you lose the Dark King's cloak, your "back garden" will also change hands. The result is unimaginable, and you can't take risks anyway!

After much deliberation, Mucolón decided to send Gugrero on the task of delivering the phalanx to McLaren.


Back in the underground world, Mu Kelong took out the golden phalanx that the skeleton general Luist broke off and handed it to Guerrero, earnestly instructing.

"Guerrero, you take this phalanx to the man named McLaren and tell him it was given to him by his cousin Louise, who let him put the Lorenville clan miners in the Leeds Iron Mine. !"

"Also, tell him that I will send someone on the ground to keep in touch with the Jinshan Hou family..."

"Finally, your own safety is the first priority. If the other party changes, you should leave immediately!"

Gugliello nodded, took the golden phalanx, turned into a shadow, and left the Karoli tribe.

It didn't take long for Guerrero to find a few dark cattle guards in another caveman tribe who were catching the caveman patriarch.

By following these dark bull guards, Guerrero, who was hidden in the shadows, once again saw the man named McLaren.

He hid in McLaren's shadow and made a small noise.

"McLaren, your cousin Luisetteto I brought you something, you find a place with no one, and I'll give you something..."

McLaren was immediately taken aback when he heard this, and almost couldn't help pulling out the Seven Demons Golden Sabre.

But he quickly understood that the other party didn't dare to show up in front of him at all, so he said something to the captain of the dark cattle guard beside him.

"I noticed some abnormal breath just now, and I went to the neighborhood to find clues."

After speaking, McLaren did not wait for the commander to answer, and a few dodged to a secluded place in the distance, coldly facing the air in the darkness.

"Friend, you can come out now!"

At this time, the voice of the mysterious man came from his ears again.

"I can give you something, but you have to promise me a condition."

McLaren smiled and said, "Please speak."

"I want you to agree to get the things, and find a way to let the Lorenville clan in the Leeds Iron Mine be absent from work!"

McLaren thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter was not difficult to handle, so he nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I promise you!"


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