Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 176 Between the embarrassment, hit it off

On the other side, Loharg led three hundred wolf cavalry to the front of the stronghold and began to call the door.

I saw him pacing to the gate of the city on a desert giant wolf, and he took the initiative to shout.

"The soldier above, I am the commander, Rohag, and immediately ask your commander, Menley, to open the door and come out to meet me."

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and the view on the city wall was very good. The soldiers guarding the city wall had actually seen the wolf cavalry of Rohag.

It's just that they saw friendly troops, so they didn't warn them in advance.

Hearing Loharg's shouting and accurately saying the name of the commander, and seeing the other party wearing the armor of a wolf cavalry commander, the leader of the barbaric goblin warrior on the city wall did not dare to neglect, and immediately agreed. , send someone to call the officer Menley out.

Menley, who was sleeping in the city, couldn't help but feel a little strange when he heard the guard's report that the commander Rohag was coming.

The location where he is located is relatively remote, and under normal circumstances, Loharg would not come here.

Also, isn't Loharg the Deputy Commander?

When did he get promoted to commander, why didn't he hear the announcement?

But Lockharg was his old boss, and when Menley was still the captain of a squad of twenty soldiers, Lockharg was already a centurion.

So he asked the soldiers to wait for him to get up, put on his armor, and strode out of the barracks.

Soon, Menley asked someone to open the gate of the stronghold. Sure enough, he saw his old boss, Rohag, riding a gray-black desert wolf outside the door.

After Loharg saw Menley, he immediately called him to him and asked in a low voice.

"Menley, there is a big deal, would you like to do it with me?"

Menley was stunned for a moment. His brain, who is also a barbarian hero, is not as flexible as that of Rohag, so he thought too much at once, and just asked a question subconsciously.

"What business?"

Loharg smiled, with a bloody tyranny in his eyes, and squeezed a few words out of the gap between his teeth.

"Murder, set fire..."

Hearing that Loharg said he was going to betray the Barbarian Empire, Menley was stunned for a moment, and the pair of brown boy holes quickly enlarged and shrunk, almost not suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"Sir, you—you're not kidding..."

Loharg sneered and said, "Menley, let me ask you, how many years have you been a centurion? How long have you been in this scumbag stronghold?"

Menley immediately felt a little embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "This, this..."

Rohag did not reluctantly, but continued to ask.

"Well, let me ask you again, do you have an advantage over those centurions on the northern frontline battlefield?"

For this question, Menley answered calmly.

"I am weak, and I am indeed far inferior to them."

Immediately afterwards, Menley said another sentence.

"However, sir, your strength is far superior to mine, but you are stronger than most of the thousands of commanders on the front line."

Lockharg nodded and said something sullenly.

"You're right, I'm stronger than most of the captains, but I can't even get ahead. So far, I'm just a deputy captain, how can you Menli be promoted!"

"So, if we want to change our destiny, we must change our thinking!"

"Now, I can show you a whole new path..."

No one knew what Lockharg had told Menley, only that Menley had agreed to work with Lockharg.

After being successfully brainwashed by Lockharg's "shortcuts" theory, Menley began to ask his own questions.

"Sir, what should we do next?"

Luo Hag nodded and laughed: "It's very simple, go to the next stronghold, kill people, and grab the wolf!"

Menley's eyes suddenly lit up. His subordinates are all experienced savage goblin warriors. As long as he grabs the desert giant wolf, he can be gorgeously transformed into a wolf knight!

If the first-order savage goblin warrior is just a cannon fodder in the barbarian army, then the second-order wolf knight is one of the core arms in the barbarian army.

Regardless of combat power or maneuverability, the Wolf Knight is definitely an excellent existence among the second-tier arms of various factions in the Titan continent.

Especially in the advantageous terrain like the Gobi Desert, the Wolf Knight is definitely a frightening existence.

And ordinary barbaric goblin warriors jumped into wolf knights, the core problem is not riding skills, but the lack of desert giant wolves.

Although the barbarian empire has a large number of desert wolves in its territory, the barbarian goblins are more numerous.

In fact, the lifespan of desert giant wolves is only a dozen years, far less than that of intelligent races like barbaric goblins.

Moreover, the golden period when the giant desert wolf can really fight on the battlefield is actually only about six years.

In addition, the desert giant wolves suffered a lot in battle, so not one of the ten barbaric goblin warriors could become a wolf knight.

In the past, everyone was a comrade-in-arms in the same camp, and they could only be jealous and dare not grab it.

But now, hehehe...

——Let go of that big bad wolf and let me ride it for a good time!

Just like the commander of the stronghold and the centurion Menley himself, the three hundred barbarian goblin warriors in the stronghold are all three-line troops in the barbarian empire.

These soldiers were dispatched to this remote little desert stronghold. They could neither get promoted to fortune, nor could they go home with their wives and children to heat their heads on the kang head. They had long been angry and had nowhere to vent.

Loharg has been in the barbarian army for more than ten years, and has served as the deputy commander for more than three years. In addition, he often travels to various strongholds in the desert, and he is all too familiar with the grievances of the soldiers.

This is also one of the key reasons why he is sure to pull his old subordinate Menli against the tide.

However, what neither Roharg nor Menley expected was that the other two savage goblin centurions in the stronghold were unwilling to "take shortcuts"!

Fortunately, Menley is the commander of the stronghold, and most of the barbaric goblins in the stronghold are willing to obey his orders.

At this time, the gate of the stronghold has been opened again, and Loharg and more than 300 wolf knights under his command have been put in. Together, the two have an overwhelming advantage.

Soon, the two savage goblin centurions who were stubbornly resisted, along with a small number of their cronies, were brutally murdered by Loharg and Menley.

Don't look at Rohag and his wolf knights, who are vulnerable in front of Mukron, as if they are very weak.

But in fact, with Rohag's strength, most level 30 players are probably not his opponents.

And the two barbarian goblin centurions, who are not even heroes, can only be regarded as the weakest elite leaders, how could they be Rohag's opponents?

In fact, in the low-level armies of the major camps, only the middle-level officers who reached the level of thousands of commanders began to appear in large numbers of real hero-level powerhouses.

Among the centurions, they are basically quasi-elite leaders who are stronger than regular soldiers of the same rank, but weaker than heroes of the same rank.

For example, Menley, his strength is stronger than the other two centurions in the stronghold, but he is obviously weaker than Rohag, and he is barely an elite leader.

In fact, the elite-level boss template is quite special, because it is divided into many grades, the weakest grade is only a little more powerful than the regular-level arms, and the strongest grade is even stronger than the hero-level professional of the same grade!

Menley, on the other hand, is only a relatively weak rank among the elite leaders, far from the strength of the hero-level professionals of the same rank.

The reason why these non-heroic centurions can lead troops and provide strategic attribute bonuses is actually due to the special tokens granted to them by the military.

This kind of token, under normal circumstances, can only affect a certain type of arms, and the number is limited.

For example, Menley's centurion token can only command a maximum of 100 barbaric goblin soldiers. No matter how many soldiers, he can't command directly.

Of course, if the soldiers are willing to take the initiative to follow Menley, they can also take them to the battlefield, but the super-stuffed part cannot get the strategic attribute bonus of the Centurion Token.

In addition, nearly half of the regular army centurions of the fourth-tier and above arms are real hero-level powerhouses.

Even if it is not a hero, it is an elite-level leader above the middle level, and its personal strength is no less than that of a hero-level powerhouse.

The only difference is that it relies on special military tokens to provide strategic attributes.

And when it comes to the regular army centurion of the seventh-order and above arms, there is a high probability of being a hero-level powerhouse.

Even if it is not, it must be a high-level elite-level leader, and his personal strength can be called a boss-level existence.

After all, the higher the race, the greater the probability of heroic powerhouses appearing.


A situation like Rohag, who is already a heroic powerhouse, but only serves as the deputy commander, is actually a common pattern in the comparison field.

Because of the limited positions, only after the real commander was killed, it was the turn of these hero-level deputy commanders to take the post.

It is a pity that Rohag has waited for more than three years, and he has not waited for the opportunity to be in the position.

After the battle in the stronghold was over, Mukron brought the dwarf scout Sherlock into the city.

Lockharg immediately brought Menley up to meet him.

At this time, because of Menley's surrender, Mu Kelong can also see the attributes of the opponent and the opponent's soldiers.

Savage Goblin Warrior] Tier 1 and 19 Berserker, three-star white common-level arms

Health: 175

Attack Power: 726——+7+10+2

Defense: 38——+3+2

Damage: 2959

Movement Speed: 700900 Barbarian Race +100, Sand War +100

Morale: 1

lucky: 0

Skill 1: Savage Power] Attack power increases by 5 points during primary active attack, but it can only last three attacks.

Skill 2: Sand War] When fighting in the desert and Gobi terrain, the attack power +2, the defense power +2, and the movement speed +100.


Menli Jietu] Tier 3 and 36 elite barbarian leader, two-star white extraordinary warrior

Health: 1080

Attack Power: 1729——+10+2

Defense: 1214——+2

Damage: 72108

Movement Speed: 700900 Barbarian Race +100, Sand War +100

Morale: 1

lucky: 0


Barbarian Goblin Centurion Token] Special version, only valid for non-heroic characters This is an exclusive officer token issued by the Barbarian Empire military. After wearing it, you can lead 100 barbaric goblin warriors.

After wearing it, you will gain fixed strategic attributes.

1. The basic attack and defense attributes of the barbaric goblin warriors you rule are doubled.

2. Strategic attack power +10

3. Morale +1


Skill 1: Heavy Attack] Primary 25% chance to cause an additional 2575 physical damage to a single target. When triggering a critical hit, there is a 40% chance to stun the target for 0.11 seconds.

Skill 2: Powerful] Primary passive effect: Increases attack power by 4 points and adds 15 points of pure damage to physical attacks, and deals an additional 15% pure damage to targets with defensive skills.

Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated.

Skill 3: Sand War] Special, primary When fighting in desert and Gobi terrain, attack power +2, defense power +2, movement speed +100.


Compared with the heroic Loharg, Menley's attributes are more than a little weaker in all aspects, but it is not bad.

In terms of personal combat power alone, Menley's attributes combined are similar to Sherlock, the dwarf scout who is also an elite-level template.

In a heads-up match, the two have a high probability of 55 to 50, and the outcome depends on luck.

But it wasn't this that Mukron was interested in, but Menley's current affairs.

As an officer of the Barbarian Empire, Menley was able to take the initiative to follow his old boss, Rohag, to surrender to himself in the "uprising", Mukron expressed great satisfaction.

People like Lockharg and Menley, the more the better.

Of course, Mukron knew that someone like Rohag must be an outlier among barbarians.

If the officers of the Barbarian Empire had this kind of virtue, they would not have made the Golden Dragon Empire complain, and they would not have become an existence that almost the entire Titan Continent, including the Hell faction, would be afraid of.

In fact, Loharg and the three hundred wolf knights he commanded can only be regarded as the second-tier army in the barbarian empire, otherwise they would not undertake the task of escorting war slaves.

And Menley and his soldiers were not even second-line, weak even in the third-line army.

Fortunately, the main force of the barbarian army at this stage is all pressed in the middle of the Balses Peninsula, thousands of miles north of the great desert, and is fighting fiercely with the main force of the Golden Dragon Empire.

The troops who stayed behind in the small strongholds in the desert were not very strong, and there were almost no mid-to-high-level strong soldiers, which left a considerable strategic space for Mu Kelong to make troubles in the rear.


The next night, under the supervision of Mukron, Rohag led a sneak attack on another stronghold.

Intentionally calculating without any intention, coupled with the backstab of a friendly army, the defenders in the stronghold were completely unable to resist, and all three hundred barbaric goblin warriors and three centurions were killed.

And temporarily stationed in the stronghold, another wolf knight responsible for escorting the war slaves also suffered heavy losses.

Seeing that the situation was over, the barbaric goblin commander who had only remnant blood left, decisively led more than 500 wolf knights to break out of the siege, and then slammed into the ambush pocket that Mukron had set up outside the city.

The half-blooded commander was beaten to death by Mu Kelong with a hammer, and most of his subordinates were wiped out.

In the end, there were only more than a hundred wolf knights left, surrounded by thousands of warriors of the cavemen tribe of the dark prison, and were successfully recruited by Loharg.

In this battle, according to Rohag's suggestion, the Mukron Army deliberately shot people without hurting the wolves, and as a result, they harvested nearly 600 desert wolves that were nearly harmless.

As a result, Menley and his two hundred and thirty-three barbaric goblin warriors all rode on the desert wolf and became half-hearted wolf knights.

Of course, as part of what was once a barbarian army, Menley and his men easily adapted to cavalry combat and quickly advanced to true wolf knights.

In addition, the remaining nearly 400 desert giant wolves were rewarded by Mu Kelong to the two cousins ​​Chemus and Roger, who had been with him since the underground world, and the warriors of the dark prison cavemen tribe under their command.


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