Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 177: Insufficient greed

The cavemen of the Dark Prison are slightly less physically built than humans, and are similar to the stronger savage goblin warriors of the goblin race.

Therefore, in terms of body weight, the cavemen of the dark prison are actually suitable for riding desert giant wolves.

Of course, it takes a while for the two to settle in.

Before that, even if they rode on the giant desert wolf, these dark prison cavemen tribe warriors could only be called infantry and archers riding on the back of the wolf.

Fortunately, with the experience and skills taught by the commander of the wolf knight, Rohag, I believe that the formation time of the caveman wolf knight will be greatly shortened.

Although the cavemen are blind without eyes, they are blind and not blind, and they can still gallop across the battlefield while riding on a giant desert wolf.

Mu Kelong suddenly realized that after the caveman in the dark prison rode on the desert giant wolf, he turned into a rare cavalry archer, and it was still the kind that could burst bone spurs, which was absolutely amazing!

So, Mu Kelong quickly adjusted the small goal of the next stage, taking plundering more desert giant wolves as a new strategic point!

At this time, after some integration, Loharg's subordinates had gathered more than 700 wolf cavalrymen.

Among them, 300 wolf cavalrymen belonged to Rohag's old army, plus more than 100 newly recruited wolf cavalry soldiers, and more than 200 quasi-wolf cavalry soldiers under Menley's command.

This is already a cavalry regiment with considerable numbers and combat effectiveness!

In the next few days, the strong Rohag led his seven hundred wolf cavalry to "backstab" and sneak attacked several other small strongholds in the desert.

At this point, the nine small strongholds in the northeast of the great desert in the northern part of the Southern Wild World, Hakaragan], south of the Ruth stronghold, and north of the city of Monsa were all destroyed by the Mukron army.

At this time, the "puppet army" under Rohag has expanded to more than 2,000 people, and they are all wolf cavalry!

Among them, in addition to Menley, there were seven other centurions who chose to surrender in desperation.

With the participation of these eight centurions, the organizational structure of the Wolf Cavalry Regiment of Rohag has been initially established.

As the big boss behind the control of this wolf cavalry, Mu Kelong's harvest is also very impressive.

First of all, the weapons, food, and water in these nine small desert strongholds were all collected by Mu Kelong and became his trophies.

Secondly, six of the nine small desert strongholds temporarily imprisoned varying numbers of war slaves. Now these innocent residents of the Golden Dragon Empire have all accepted the protection of Mu Kelong and have become his "good friends".

Among these good friends, including but not limited to elves, dwarves, humans, goblins and other intelligent races, together with the Marker clan, the total population exceeds 50,000.

In the end, the first strategic goal of Mukron was completed, and the thousand-mile desert between the Rus stronghold and the city of Monsa became a no-man's land!

After these strongholds were destroyed, even the regular army of the barbarian empire, in the absence of drinking water, no supplies, and nowhere to rest, might not be so easy to travel across the thousand-mile desert in one breath.

In fact, not long after Mukron surrendered Loharg and Menley, a wolf knight commander escorted tens of thousands of war slaves to the location of the small stronghold closest to Ruth's stronghold.

This small stronghold is the place where Lohag "uprising".

However, when the commander of this savage goblin clan came to the location of the stronghold, he saw only a piece of yellow sand.

This strange scene made him unable to believe his eyes.

"The base!

! "

"Where did the base go?"

As the commander of the wolf cavalry, he has traveled in and out of this desert countless times. He knows the location of every military stronghold in the vast Gobi by heart, and he will never make a mistake.

It's just that he wouldn't have thought that after he captured this stronghold, Mu Kelong immediately dispatched a caveman demolition team to dig a huge hole under the stronghold.

Subsequently, the sand was artificially controlled and timed to collapse, so the entire stronghold was buried under the dunes.

After just waiting for a piece of wind to blow, the gravel will level itself, and there will be no trace of it in place.

At this time, the battle-tested commander of the wolf cavalry began to realize that something was wrong, so he began to send several teams of wolf cavalry to investigate the nearest strongholds in the southwest.

It was not until the next night that the wolf cavalrymen who had gone out to investigate came back, and the commander realized that something big had happened.

He made a decisive decision and ordered the entire army to escort the war slaves back to the Russ stronghold.

In addition, he also sent an additional messenger to rush to the Ruth stronghold at full speed to inform his superiors that there may be an emergency military situation of the enemy in the desert.

However, it was too late. At this time, another air force under Mukron's command had caught up.

From the very beginning of the plan to sweep the stronghold, Mukron knew that a new batch of barbarian troops would soon appear in his rear.

As a result, he left behind the deputy hero Meng Lu, as well as five hundred blood-winged eagle female guards and two thousand harpy soldiers, full-time responsible for intercepting and encircling the enemy in the rear.

The harpies, like the wolf knights, are second-order conventional arms, and the difference in strength is not large.

In melee combat, of course, the Wolf Knight is stronger.

But the harpy can not only fly, but also a long-range unit. Under the leadership of the heroic powerhouse Meng Lu, it can completely suppress the same number of wolf knights.

What's more, Meng Lu still has 500 blood-winged eagle female guards in the third-order blood rage form under Meng Lu's command, which is enough to deal with some special situations.

Originally, the barbarian empire kept a certain number of long-range weapons in these desert strongholds, such as hard bows and steel crossbows, as well as supporting arrows and so on.

This is also the reason why Roharg's wolf cavalry can fire crossbow bolts when Mukron attacks the stronghold.

But now these things have all been taken away by Mu Kelong!

In the absence of long-range weapons, the wolf knight holding a machete faces a group of winged and flying archers, and the outcome of the war is doomed.

After the one-sided slaughter, including several reconnaissance teams and messengers sent before, the thousand commander and his thousand wolf knights were completely wiped out.

On the battlefield, there were only nearly 800 giant desert wolves that had lost their masters.

These surviving big bad wolves looked around at a loss in the wind and sand, shivering.

Adhering to Mu Kelong's will, Meng Lu, while rescuing these war slaves, also properly placed the desert giant wolf, and temporarily found a place to keep it in captivity, waiting for Mu Kelong to receive it.


On the other hand, at the suggestion of Rohag, the greedy Mukron has already begun to plan to attack the city of Monsa.

According to the information provided by Loharg, the Barbarian Empire has a large number of defenders in the desert city of Monsa all year round.

As the only main city in the center of the Hakaragan Desert in the northern part of the Southern Wild World, the geographical location of Monsa City is very critical.

This city has always been a strategic location that the Barbarian Empire's military attaches great importance to.

Because this place is the largest logistics base for the barbarian army's northern expedition to the Balsais Peninsula, and it is also the material operation hub of the northern theater of the barbarian empire. There is no one of the most core ones.

Even under the current war situation, the main army of the Barbarian Empire has all entered the Balsais Peninsula, but the city of Monsa, as the strategic rear, still has an army of more than 100,000 people stationed in the city, led by three generals.

These garrisoned troops were not the second-tier or third-tier miscellaneous troops, but the main force composed of the third-tier half-orc flying axemen, the fourth-tier ogre heavy-armoured infantry, and the fifth-tier sand lizard cavalry.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of second-tier elite wolf cavalry soldiers who retreated from the front line to rest in the rear.

With Mu Kelong's current military strength, if he wants to toughen the defenders of Mengsa City, it can only be an egg hitting a stone and bursting in situ.

But since ancient times, forcibly attacking heavily garrisoned cities is not a strategy that a good strategist and military strategist would take.

You can't beat it, but you can outsmart it!

Moreover, Mu Kelong's strategic goal is not to capture the city of Monsa, what he wants is a large number of war slaves in the city of Monsa.

Send Luo Hag into the city of Monsa openly, lied about the military situation, and tried to get the war slaves out of the city, so that the problem can be solved perfectly.

Of course, there is another way, that is, Mukron himself sneaked into the city of Monsa through a secret march...

However, this method is too risky. Invisibility is not a panacea. In a military town like Monsa City, it cannot be said that there is a high probability that there will be treasures or people who can break invisibility, but it is definitely there!

Mu Kelong doesn't do anything about meat buns beating dogs.

As a result, the important task of rescuing the slaves of the war fell on the head of the "big leader of the puppet army" Rohag.


That night, Rohag, the deputy commander of the Barbarian Empire, came to the city of Monsa with a dozen or so embarrassed soldiers in ragged clothes.

After showing the token token, Loharg successfully entered the city, and was summoned by the highest commander of the city gate guards, the commander of the 30,000 city guards, Viscount Avand.

As soon as Loharg saw Viscount Avainde, he immediately lowered his head in shame and began to cry about what had happened to him.

"Your Excellency the Viscount, Lohag, the low-ranking deputy commander, was responsible for escorting a group of war slaves from the Rus stronghold to the city of Monsa a few days ago..."

"I didn't expect to meet a Golden Pegasus bandit led by a dwarf on the way..."

"At that time, there were only five hundred wolf cavalry under the humble commander, and they lacked steel crossbows and could not resist, so they had to retreat and flee all the way..."

"I originally planned to go to the next stronghold, unite the defenders in the stronghold, and use bows and crossbows to retreat from the enemy..."

"But I never imagined that all the strongholds along the way would be gone!"

"Unable to do anything, I can only grit my teeth and hold on, and when I arrived at the city of Monsa, there were only less than twenty people left!"

Hearing that Rohag said that the strongholds along the route from Ruth's stronghold to the city of Monsa were gone, Viscount Avaind was shocked.

In desperation, even Loharg was not held accountable for his defeat.

"The disappearance of the stronghold is of great importance. You immediately follow me to see the city owner, Count Beksam and General Marlos!"

Before going out, Viscount Avainde took a careful look at Loharg with a strange look on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the barbarian noble shook his brows and asked a question seemingly inadvertently.

"Roharg, what year did you join the army? Which unit did you serve in the first place?"


That night, a commander-in-chief led 3,000 sand lizards to leave the city of Monsa and went to the northeast to investigate and verify the bizarre disappearance of the desert stronghold.

As a result, on the way, they were attacked by a small group of Golden Pegasus bandits.

However, in the face of the fifth-order heavy armored knights armed to the teeth like the Sand Lizard cavalry, those Golden Pegasus bandits knew that they were not inferior, and quickly spread their wings and fled...

Soon, the senior military and political leaders in the city of Monsa got the exact report, the real reason for the mysterious disappearance of the nine desert strongholds in the northeast of the city.

According to research, it should be an enemy with a mysterious origin that appeared in this area.

The opponent attacked nine small strongholds successively, killed the defenders in the strongholds, plundered the materials stored in the strongholds, and destroyed the stronghold buildings and buried them under the sand.

In addition, the other party also looted all the war slaves who passed through the desert stronghold during this time.

And the other party is very ferocious. Except for the remnants of Rohag who escaped to the city of Monsa, the rest of the army responsible for escorting the war slaves did not leave a living mouth, and no bones were left!

This result was the information obtained by the commander-in-chief, Hayin Lord, who led three thousand sand lizard cavalrymen to dig three feet in the original site of the stronghold.

Since then, the mystery of the bizarre disappearance of the stronghold has been completely revealed at this moment!

Immediately afterwards, the top military leaders in Monsa City were all angry!

The top military leader who stayed in the city of Monsa, General Marlos pulled out his saber on the spot, chopped the black iron table in front of him in two, and shouted loudly.

"I'm going to chop these chops into meat sauce!"

However, Count Beksam, the city lord of Monsa, suspected that this was a conspiracy against the city of Monsa, and did not agree with the idea of ​​General Marlos immediately sending a large army into the desert to sweep and hunt down the enemy.

At this time, Rohag, who was able to participate in this high-level military meeting following Viscount Avayind, made a suggestion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the other party's purpose is not only to destroy our stronghold in the desert and destroy our army's logistics support, but also to rescue those damn war slaves..."

"These hateful enemies are very cunning. If our army is dispatched, the other party is likely to avoid fighting and instead take the opportunity to attack the city of Monsa..."

"Why don't we set traps, send troops to escort the war slaves in the city to various places, rebuild the stronghold, and then quietly send ambush soldiers to ambush around the stronghold, waiting for the enemy to take the bait!"

As soon as Rohag's plan was put forward, it was immediately approved and strongly supported by Viscount Avand.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of Monsa, Count Beksam, also thought it was a good idea.

In the end, even General Marlos, the top military leader of Monsa City, agreed to this plan.

The next question is who to send to execute the plan.

At this time, Viscount Avand recommended a person.

"City lord, generals, I remember that the commander, Sir Crowyn, is currently repairing the city."

"Although Sir Chloe's position is not high, the dark wolf cavalry he trained is just right to restrain the flying troops."

"In addition, I also heard that he once hunted down the Golden Pegasus Imperial Guard of the Golden Dragon Empire a few months ago. Although something unexpected happened, he failed to completely wipe out the enemy army, but his army defeated the Golden Pegasus Imperial Guard. The army is an ironclad fact!"

Hearing Viscount Avayind recommending Chloe, the city lord Count Beksam and General Marlos nodded in unison.


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