Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 178 Not only has a grudge, but also a painting

General Marlos immediately made a final decision and issued a military order.

"I'll leave this matter to Chloe. This kid is a soldier I picked up by myself. I can rest assured that he will do things!"

At this time, Viscount Avayinder glanced at Rohag beside him, and while General Marlos was present, he made a recommendation.

"General Marlos, Rohag is also an old man in the army. This time he escaped from death and provided us with important information, which is rare and valuable."

"It's better, let him be the deputy of Captain Chloe Yin Qian. As long as the two of them cooperate sincerely, they will definitely be able to make great achievements!"

General Marlos glanced at Rohag with a low brow, and then at the Viscount Avainde who recommended him. After pondering for two seconds, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, he nodded slowly.

"fair enough!"

"There are still many wolf cavalry soldiers in Monsa who have retreated from the front line and are waiting to be reorganized. Let Loharg gather a thousand cavalry."


After leaving the conference hall, Viscount Avainde glanced at Loharg, who was following behind him, and said something sullenly.

"Roharg, appear at the beginning, you are the official commander, work hard and don't embarrass me!"

Loharg immediately straightened his body and replied solemnly.

"I swear allegiance to the Viscount to the death!"

It turned out that, just as Croyin was the former department of General Marlos, Lohag was actually the former department of Viscount Avayind.

However, when Rohag first joined the army more than ten years ago, he briefly served as a soldier under Viscount Avayinder for less than half a year.

Later, Viscount Avayind, who was from a noble family, quickly rose to the top, and there was not much interaction between the two from then on.

Even if Viscount Avayind hadn't accidentally noticed that this Loharg had a familiar face and took the initiative to inquire about the other party's qualifications, Loharg would not have dared to take the initiative to get into this relationship.

However, Viscount Avayinde is not stupid. The reason why he recommended Rohag, the defeated general, in front of General Marlos was for his own benefit.

After all, re-establishing a military base in the desert requires a lot of human, material and financial resources. If it can be done properly, the profits will be huge.

In addition, recommending his old team to partner with General Marlos' old team is to have a good relationship with General Marlos.

There are two major forces in the city of Monsa, the city lord Count Beksam and the force of General Marlos.

Prior to this, the powerful general Viscount Avayind, who held some military power, had both sides between the two forces, and had never completely fallen to one of them.

Taking this opportunity, Viscount Avayinder made up his mind to formally join the line of General Marlos.

Therefore, Viscount Avayinde first proposed the old department of General Marlos, and the commander-in-chief, Sir Cloyn, presided over the plan, and then cast out his old department, Rohag, as an addition.

And General Marlos also understood the meaning of Viscount Avainde, so he did a favor, and promoted Rohag as a thousand commander on the spot, and also expressed his gratitude to Viscount Avainde.

However, neither General Marlos nor Viscount Avayinder could have thought of it.

The chess piece that the two of them traded, the defeated general named Rohag, was actually an out-and-out anti-bone boy!


In fact, Luo Hag himself could not have imagined that he had been in the army for so many years without waiting for the opportunity to be promoted to commander, but after betraying the barbarian empire, he was promoted so quickly!

Before that, Rohag had traveled to and from this desert passage countless times. It was not that he did not know that Viscount Avayinde, the commander of the Monsa City Guard, was his old boss.

But unfortunately, the status of the two is very different. One is a high-ranking noble commander, and the other is a grass-roots low-level military officer with no background. The two sides are not on the same level at all. Lohag did not even have the opportunity to take the initiative to talk to Viscount Avand.

Sometimes, even if he saw the figure of Viscount Avayind from a distance, Rohag had no chance to take the initiative to climb up...

After so many years,

The Viscount Avayinde, the commander of the city guards with heavy troops, already has his own confidant. Which onion is Rohag?

At this point, Loharg, whose hands were already stained with the blood of the barbarian soldiers, had no way out. He could only follow Mukron to the dark.

Moreover, Menley and those people are still under the control of Mukron, as long as Rohag dares to betray, he will die without a place to be buried.

Going back, it is impossible to go back!

In this life, he will never have a chance to look back.


Early the next morning, Rohag brought the token of Viscount Avaynd to the barracks, and read out General Marlos' password.

With the appointment of the two military chiefs, everything went smoothly, including receiving his coveted Thousand Commander token.

Wolf Cavalry Thousand Commander Token] This is an exclusive officer token issued by the Barbarian Empire military. After wearing it, you can effectively command an additional 1,000 wolf cavalry without occupying your own strategic command value.

Strategic attributes:

When you command the Wolf Cavalry and other derived units of the Wolf Cavalry, according to your strategic class level, the unit's HP, attack power, defense power and movement speed will be increased.

Note: The value of HP, ATK, and DEF can not exceed 100% of the unit's own attributes, and the movement speed is fixed by 100 points.

When your strategy class level is greater than or equal to the combat level of the unit, the boost value reaches the maximum.


After getting the centurion token, Loharg carefully selected a thousand of the most elite wolf cavalry, and the people in the military also matched ten powerful centurions to him.

As for the dozen or so cavalry that Loharg brought to Monsa, they were turned into his personal troops.

Well, the commander, he was considered to be a mid-level officer anyway, and it was normal to have more than a dozen personal soldiers, which completely conformed to the rules.

Because it is going to perform a special mission, the wolf cavalry of the newly promoted commander Roharg is not only armed to the teeth, but each soldier is also equipped with a repeating steel crossbow, as well as 36 special steel. Crossbow.

Elite Evil Wolf Cavalry] 2nd-level 29th-level wolf cavalry, three-star white ordinary level wind knight

Health: 5001000 / Thousand Commander Token + 500

Attack Power: 1348 / Thousand Commander Token +13, Hero Attribute +20, Sand War +2

Defense: 930 / Thousand Commander Token +9, Hero Attribute +10, Sand War +2

Damage: 5989

Morale: 1

lucky: 0

Movement Speed: 9001200/Barbarian Race +100, Centurion Token +100, Sand War +100

Skill 1: Combo] Primary 45% chance to deal damage to a single target twice, and the damage result of combo is reduced by 25%.

Skill 2: Sneak Attack] 5% chance to ignore enemy defense during primary attack.

Skill 3: Sand War] Special, primary When fighting in desert and Gobi terrain, attack power +2, defense power +2, movement speed +100.

Skill 4: Archery] Primary has long-range shooting ability.

Skill 5: Barbarian Military Repeating Steel Crossbow Light II] When shooting with a special military steel crossbow, it will gain 5075 basic long-range damage and an effective range of 25 meters.

If necessary, it can fire up to three arrows in a row, but the damage and hit rate are reduced by 30%. The standard ammo capacity is 24, and the maximum ammo capacity is 36.

15% chance to deal piercing damage and an additional 5% chance to deal double damage.

The piercing damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense decay effect is halved.


It is also a wolf cavalry. The thousand evil wolf knights under Rohag's command now have stronger basic attributes than the soldiers before him.

Perhaps, this is the difference between elite soldiers and ordinary soldiers.

With the idea of ​​​​not having the right to use it, and scrapping it after expiration, Loharg found the quartermaster and replaced the equipment for himself and a dozen of his personal soldiers.

Perhaps it was because he saw that Loharg held the token of Viscount Avayind, and knew that Loharg had a backer on it.

Even Rohag and a dozen of his personal soldiers were replaced with more advanced boutique equipment.


After finishing his own affairs, Rohag carried the token of Viscount Avayind and traveled unimpeded in the barracks, and soon contacted his titular boss.

Another Wolf Knight Commander - Ser Crowyn.

However, unlike Loharg, who came from the grass roots, Sir Croyin came from a noble family.

This Sir's full name is Chloe Schwarzenegger, an outstanding young officer in the Schwarzenegger family, known as the "Earl of the Dark Demon Wolf" in the Barbarian Empire.

In fact, Chloe is not a direct line of the family, and his succession number in the Schwarzenegger family is at least 50, but this does not affect his quick knighthood after joining the army.

Because, among the younger generation of children under the age of 40 of the "Count of Dark Demon Wolf" family, except for Chloe, only two other people have awakened the special bloodline passed down from generation to generation by the Earl of Dark Demon Wolf, and mastered the ability to transform ordinary evil wolf knights. Transforms into the special strategic abilities of the Dark Wolf Knight.

Therefore, when Croyin led the Dark Wolf Knight to appear in front of everyone for the first time, it was only reasonable for him to obtain the title of Jazz.

The status of a knight is below that of a baron and cannot be hereditary, so it is also called a quasi-noble.

But in any case, the title of jazz and the status of a quasi-noble were once very longing for the grassroots barbarian Roharg, but could not ask for it.

So don't look at the two now they are both captains, they seem to be equal.

However, a commander with a title is a real noble, while a commander without a title is still a commoner, but he has barely removed his grassroots hat.

When Loharg found Ser Chloe, the noble commander already knew his new mission.

At the same time, he also anticipated that there is a thousand commander named Rohag, his deputy, who will most likely visit him today.

After the meeting, Ser Chloe didn't say much nonsense, but carefully asked the details of Rohag's previous pursuit by the Golden Pegasus bandits.

When he learned that the person who commanded this Golden Pegasus bandit turned out to be a young dwarf wearing a golden crown, a trace of hatred burst into Chloe's eyes.

The next moment, in the dull eyes of Loharg, Sir Croyin took out a scroll he was carrying, and opened it to reveal a portrait.

In the painting, a black dwarf wearing a golden crown is standing in the snow. He is wearing silver armor, holding a war hammer and a heavy axe in both hands...

Before Loharg's stunned response could be heard, Ser Chloe's gnashing of teeth could be heard in his ears.

"Lorhag, look carefully, is the dwarf chasing you the one in the painting?"

At this time, Loharg just reacted, and secretly said--

Good guy, it's not that enemies don't get together!

On the bright side, Loharg nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "It's him!"

Immediately afterwards, Ser Croyin asked with a distorted expression.

"you sure?"

Loharg nodded fiercely and answered in a raised voice.

"yes, I'm sure!"

"This dwarf is very powerful. I almost died in his hands. Even if he turns to ashes, I will not admit it!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Sir Croyn nodded.

The next moment, he put away the picture scroll and tucked it into the side of his belt, the corner of his mouth raised, and he let out a bone-chilling sneer.

"If that's the case, then he's dead!"


After leaving Ser Chloe's residence, a strange expression appeared on Loharg's face, and he murmured a few words in his heart.

"I heard that Ser Chloe once carried out a very secret key mission..."

"Yesterday Viscount Avayinde also mentioned that Sir Croyin once fought against the Golden Pegasus Guards of the Golden Dragon Empire, and he had the upper hand, but he failed due to some accident, resulting in a total failure!"

"It now seems that the person who made Sir Croyin's accident is likely to be His Excellency Mukron!"

"Since the failure of that mission, Ser Chloe seems to have had bad luck. He encountered several consecutive sieges and suppression by the Golden Dragon Empire army on the battlefield of Balthais Peninsula..."

"His army suffered heavy losses, and he himself was seriously injured and in a coma, and finally had to retreat from the front line to the city of Monsa to recuperate."

"Ser Chloe is miserable!"

"If it's not too unfortunate, with his noble status and the special ability to train the dark wolf knight, as long as he makes a great contribution on the battlefield-"

"I'm afraid it's not a problem to be promoted to a baron or a commander. How could it be that he is still a commander like me?"

"It's a pity that this time the unlucky Ser Chloe met me again..."

"It is said that the bad luck of Sir Croyin is really true now!"


The next morning, the north gate of Monsa City opened wide, and Ser Chloe led 200 personal guards and 3,000 dark wolf knights and rushed out of the city gate immediately.

The same as the commander of the thousand, Loharg led his poor dozen or so personal soldiers and a thousand elite wolf knights to follow.

Immediately afterwards, more than 100,000 war slaves staggered out of the city of Monsa, carrying a large number of building materials and various supplies on their shoulders.

Under the escort of thousands of wolf cavalry, they will go to the depths of the desert two hundred miles away to start building a new military stronghold.

Shortly after leaving the city of Monsa, Ser Chloe came to Loharg on a particularly majestic black wolf.

Immediately afterwards, he took a black slender-necked round-bottomed bottle from the right side of the high leather saddle placed on the back of the mount, handed it to Loharg, and said something sternly.

"To deal with that dwarf and the Golden Pegasus bandit he commanded, it's not enough to rely on steel crossbows-"

"You must first cast a net to trap the opponent, and then focus on shooting them!"

"There are 3,000 dark magic wolf secret pills in it. Let your soldiers and desert giant wolf take one each. Within 24 hours, there will be a high probability that they will be captured and turned into dark wolf knights."

"If it doesn't work once, then take another one every other day."

"The success rate of the second time will be higher, but no matter what, no one and wolves can take the third one, otherwise they will all become undead!"


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