Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 179 Small pills, big energy?

Staring blankly at the back of Ser Chloe's departure, Loharg said - I was stunned when he was awake!

Could it be that the legendary dark wolf knight training method is actually a small pill in a black bottle?

Besides, he and Sir Croyin are neither relatives nor related, just a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, why is he so generous?

Could it be that Ser Chloe was really eager for revenge and didn't care to reveal the secret of his talents?

Although Loharg didn't know the true thoughts of Sir Croyin, he was always alert and felt that this matter was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Going a step further, the "Dark Wolf" Schwarzenegger] Earl's family is famous for training dark wolf cavalry.

Moreover, it is said that the dark wolf cavalry trained by this family is always loyal, and has never had a record of betraying a superior, and has never even heard of the situation of escaping.

This shows that Ser Chloe and his family must have mastered special means to control the dark wolf cavalry.

Thinking of this, Loharg looked down at the black slender-neck round-bottomed bottle in his hand, and a sneer appeared on Loharg's face.

"Want to control my soldiers this way?"

"Then—as you wish!"

To Loharg, whose hands were covered in the blood of the soldiers of the Barbarian Empire, the lives of a thousand elite wolf knights were nothing.

Even this thousand elite wolf knights are now his soldiers!

"When I was a child, I once heard my mother say a proverb - it's called being reluctant to let your child catch a wolf!"

"At that time, I was terrified, thinking that my mother was going to use me as bait to hunt the big bad wolf..."

"Later, I learned that it was a metaphor."

"Today, I gave up these thousand elite wolf knights in order to trap Sir Croyin, you big-tailed wolf!"

"Hmph, what about the bloodline descendants of the Dark Demon Wolf? What about the children of the Earl Family?"

"As long as you are human, you will die if you are killed!"


After making up his mind, Loharg immediately asked his personal soldiers to call the ten centurions under his command.

Because he knew that this matter could not be postponed and had to be done immediately.

Hesitating for too long may cause Ser Croyon to doubt himself.

After all, no one would refuse to own a Dark Wolf Trooper!

In the presence of the ten centurions, he took out the bottle that Ser Croyin had given him.

And tell them that this bottle contains 3,000 mysterious little pills, which can transform ordinary wolf cavalry into dark wolf cavalry, but there is a risk of failure, and then let them make their own decisions.

- To eat or not to eat, it is up to them.

The result was not at all what Lockharg had expected, and the ten centurions became excited on the spot, screaming that they wanted to take medicine and turn black...

These people didn't notice that at this moment, the commander Rohag looked at them with a playful look, as if he was looking at a group of undead!

Different from these new subordinates, the dozen or so personal soldiers that Rohag brought to Monsa City were all tried and tested confidants.

These soldiers knew many secrets and belonged to their real people.

Naturally, Loharg will not let his true confidant take medicine and become someone else's minion.


That night, the howling of wolves and the howling of people in Rohag's barracks continued throughout the night.


Facts have proved that the 1,000 wolf cavalry soldiers deployed by the Monsa City military for Rohag are indeed very good.

By the early morning of the next day, the ten centurions and their thousand subordinates who had tossed the night before had all turned into dark wolf cavalry!

1,010 people, 1,010 wolves, 2,020 small black pills, none of them was wasted, the collective blackening success rate is 100%!

—Small pills, big energy?

At this time, their attributes also changed and became stronger——

In addition to special units converted to white gilt quality, their base health has been increased by 100,

The base attack power increased by 2 points, the base defense power increased by 1 point, and the base damage increased by 10 points.

Finally, a special exclusive skill called Dark Web] has been added.


Elite Dark Wolf Cavalry] Tier 2 29 special wolf cavalry, white gilt three-star ordinary dark wind knight

Health: 6501300 / Thousand Commander Token + 650

Attack Power: 1552 / Thousand Commander Token +15, Hero Attribute +20, Sand War +2

Defense: 1032 / Thousand Commander Token +10, Hero Attribute +10, Sand Battle +2

Damage: 5989

Morale: 1

lucky: 0

Movement Speed: 9001200/Barbarian Race +100, Centurion Token +100, Sand War +100

Skill 1: Dark Web] Elementary, special, exclusive to release a dark web, trapping a target in the field of vision, unable to move, unable to use skills, unable to perform long-range attacks.

If the target is a flying class, the target cannot fly and is pulled to the ground, but does not inflict fall damage.

The Dark Web skill effect lasts for 7 seconds, and the cooldown of the skill is 15 seconds.

Skill 2: Combo] Elementary...

Skill 3: Sneak Attack] Elementary...

Skill 4: Sand War] Special, Primary...

Skill 5: Archery] Elementary...

Skill 6: Barbarian Military Repeating Steel Crossbow Light II] Special...


Dark Web] This skill is precisely the terrifying magic that restrains all long-range and air forces!

Because it can trap all targets within the caster's field of vision, and it's still four unreasonable letters—

Seal the movement, seal the distance, seal the skills, and seal the flight!

According to the legend, whoever glared at Huai Street Yun-maybe that's what it was talking about!

In fact, the reason why Sir Chloe was targeted by the military of the Golden Dragon Empire was that as soon as he went to the front line, he would be surrounded and suppressed inexplicably.

So much so that he was talked about as unlucky by his colleagues in the army behind his back, in fact, it was because the Dark Web of the Dark Wolf Cavalry under his command was too disgusting.

This special dark wolf cavalry made Ser Chloe a thorn in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Empire army when he appeared on the battlefield.

If it wasn't for the fact that his family was quite powerful in the barbarian empire, and was often secretly cared for by his superiors, I'm afraid it would be a real question whether he could survive until now?

In fact, Ser Crowyn knew exactly why he was hating himself.

His family is known as the "Dark Demon Wolf Earl Family", and the blood of the family members does indeed flow with the blood of the Dark Demon Wolf's inheritance.

However, not every descendant of the Schwarzenegger family can successfully awaken the special bloodline.

Even if the special bloodline is successfully awakened, it is only one or a few talent skills of the Dark Demon Wolf.

It does not necessarily include the innate skill of being able to train the dark wolf cavalry.

Even if you master the talent of training dark wolf cavalry, the trained dark wolf cavalry may not necessarily master the exclusive of the dark web], it is likely to be other dark-type exclusive skills.

Generally speaking, similar exclusive skills are fixed, what is the first time, what is next, the skill level can be improved in the future, but the skill type will never change.

Therefore, it is actually his luck that the dark wolf cavalry trained by Sir Croyin can obtain the innate skill of the Dark Web.

At the same time, it is also his misfortune!

Because the dark wolf cavalry under his command mastered the special skill of the dark web, Chloe quickly became famous, and was named a knight commander in the first battle.

Because of being targeted and attacked by the enemy, Sir Croyin's military career was not smooth.

He can't show a proud record, so far he is only a thousand commander.

Although his Thousand Commander Token is special and advanced, it can exclusively command 3,000 wolf cavalry.

The vast majority of the Thousand Commander Tokens can only exclusively command a thousand wolf cavalry.


In fact, few people know the details of Sir Croyin. His bloodline has actually awakened twice, and he has mastered two innate skills and specialties.

The ability to train the dark wolf cavalry who mastered the Dark Web is only the second talent skill he acquired when he awakened his bloodline for the second time.

When he first awakened his bloodline, he mastered another talent skill called First-Order Dark Magic Control], which could convert any first-order magic into dark magic and obtain advanced effects.

In this world, magic and skill systems are divided into five major tiers.

The effect or power of the first-order magic/skill corresponds to the white ordinary level.

Second-order magic/skill, corresponding to the cyan Extraordinary level.

Tier 3 magic/skill, corresponding to blue rarity.

Tier 4 magic/skill, corresponding to the purple epic level.

Fifth-level magic/skill, corresponding to the orange legendary level.

Among them, a small number of fourth-order and above magic/skills, because of their powerful and unparalleled power, are also known as Forbidden Magic]/Forbidden Magic Skills].

In addition, each magic/skill has five stages: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Holy.

Even the lowest first-order magic/skill cannot change its own skill level.

But if it is strengthened to the sacred level, it can have the power and effect equivalent to, or infinitely close to, the primary stage of fifth-order magic/skills!


Sir Croyin's first talent is the first-order dark magic control], which allows him to directly control a high-level effect of dark magic, and it is the kind of instant magic that does not need to recite a spell!

Although only one first-order magic of any type can be specified, the advanced effect of first-order magic is no less than the primary effect of third-order magic.

The third-order magic is a powerful force that can only be controlled by professionals above the seventh-order level of 70.

However, once a certain magic is selected and fixedly converted to darkness, it cannot be replaced in the future, which is equivalent to locking this talent magic position.

In other words, he has only one chance to choose.

Later, he chose a first-order strategic magic called Movement Acceleration.

The effect of this magic is that it can designate several friendly targets within a small range, and increase the movement speed by a certain percentage within a certain period of time...

Movement Acceleration] This magic is very common, because when the magic is cast, there will be a whirlwind effect on the battlefield, so it is affectionately called "Blowing Technique" and "Whirlwind Technique" by players.

Genuine Movement Acceleration], there is no doubt that it belongs to Qi magic, although the skill level is only one level, but the effect is very powerful.

Especially after mastering high-level air magic, and then using Movement Acceleration], it will affect all friendly forces in a large area - referred to as "big blowing technique", "big whirlwind technique"...

Who knows the effect of that!

Ever seen a zombie running faster than a cavalry?

The principle is very simple, an advanced mobile acceleration] can do it!

It is a pity that special skills such as air magic and water magic can comprehensively enhance the power of magic, which are very rare in this world, and even high-level professionals have few opportunities to learn them.

Even if you are lucky enough to learn it, you will start to master it from the initial stage. If you want to further improve your skill level, it is difficult and difficult to rely on yourself. You must have great luck and great opportunities.


A few months ago, while patrolling the vicinity of Bluefrost Keep, Mulkron had sabotaged Ser Chloe's plan to capture the Golden Pegasus Guard.

At that time, Ser Chloe, who chose to retreat after weighing the situation, released a dark version of the movement acceleration magic on the spot.

At that time, countless dark whirlwinds swept the entire battlefield, and Ser Chloe and his dark wolf cavalry disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This one-handed operation scared the dark iron dwarf Mu Kelong's scalp into numbness, and the Golden Pegasus elf knight captain Nina Huazhi trembled.

Both of them thought that Sir Croyin was a strong man who had mastered advanced dark magic, but they were just unwilling to provoke the Holy Glacier Titan Empire and left.

In fact, it is true that he does not want to provoke the Titan Empire.

But it is also true that Sir Chloe's own strength is not as strong as Mukron and Nina imagined. He withdrew because of helplessness.

In the situation at that time, because of the intervention of Mu Kelong's troops, Sir Croyin could no longer achieve the strategic goal, and retreat was an inevitable choice.

Afterwards, Sir Croyin, who failed to perform his mission, returned to the battlefield in the southern part of the Balsais Peninsula through the City Return Scroll.

Relying on this "big black wind technique", he himself escaped from death countless times on the battlefield, and every time he was injured but not dead.

Until one day, he encountered an epic elf general on the battlefield.

The other party was separated from him by thousands of troops, but suddenly he opened his bow and arrow from 10,000 meters away, and the arrow pierced Ser Chloe's chest!

If it weren't for the fact that Ser Chloe's life-saving treasure was automatically activated by a fake death substitute, and most of the damage was transferred to his beloved mount, a ferocious red-flamed tiger, I'm afraid he would have become an undead at that time!

Even so, Ser Chloe passed out on the spot and lost consciousness.

And his mount, the poor red tiger died violently on the spot, exploded in situ, and turned into blood in the sky.

It was also after that battle that Sir Croyin was seriously injured and his vitality was greatly damaged. He could no longer participate in the battle and had to lead his cavalry back to the rear.

Moreover, he spent some time recuperating in the city of Monsa, which is absolutely safe in the great desert.

A few days ago, Ser Chloe was just recovering from a serious illness when Loharg came to Monsa to lie about the military situation.

During the convalescence, Ser Chloe was not idle. He secretly made many small black pills, that is, the kind of thing that can transform ordinary wolf knights into dark wolf knights.

The night before yesterday, when he learned that a group of Golden Pegasus bandits had appeared outside the city of Monsa, attacking and destroying nine strongholds in the desert, the old and new hatred suddenly blocked his heart, and there was a sigh of resentment.

The dwarf suddenly appeared, sabotaging his mission and letting Nina and the other Golden Pegasus elf knights escape.

In the end, Nina successfully transported the same heavy treasures of the royal family of the Golden Dragon Empire to the Balsais Peninsula and handed it over to the Marshal of the Southern Theater of the Golden Dragon Empire, Meng Feila.

Memphella used this treasure to stabilize the battle line and defend the "Pearl of Balses", the famous city of Ammanscus], and this was the series of unfortunate incidents that Sir Croyin encountered on the battlefield.

For this reason, Ser Chloe blamed everything on the dwarf, and painted a portrait of the dwarf in his memory overnight.

Unexpectedly, I learned from Loharg yesterday that the commander of the Golden Pegasus bandits was actually a dwarf wearing a golden crown.

Moreover, Loharg recognized the culprit at a glance!

Moreover, the other party has bullied him to the door this time. Is he still a person if he has no revenge?

Sir Croyn said that he couldn't take this breath!

Therefore, he must turn that damn dwarf into a real undead with his own hands!


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