Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter two hundred and nineteenth think carefully

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

All of this begins with a migration of the dwarves a thousand years ago...

There are various theories about the origin of the dwarves, and there are different opinions, but there is one legend that has been recognized by most dwarves.

That is, the dwarves originated from the creation of the ancient Titan, and the hometown of the ancient Titan was on the top of the sacred snow mountain in the northwest of the Titan continent.

The legendary place where the Titans originated, the Sacred Snow Mountain is located near the capital of today's Holy Titan Empire.

Therefore, more than a thousand years ago, the three tribal leaders of the dwarves who lived in the western forest of the Titan continent unanimously decided to lead their tribes to the sacred Daxue Mountain on a pilgrimage to their ancestors.

At that time, the patriarchs of the Dark Iron Tribe, Bronzebeard Tribe and Wildhammer Tribe not only participated in the operation in person, but also brought the sacrificial utensils passed down from generation to generation by the three tribes.

These three sacrificial vessels representing the highest heritage of the dwarves are the crown of the dark iron dwarves, the shield of the bronzebeard dwarves and the warhammer of the wildhammer dwarves.

Later, after the ancestor worship ceremony was over, before the three chiefs brought people back to the tribe, they each left a clan to worship their ancestors from generation to generation.

These three tribes left behind in the Holy Titan Empire are the originators of what is called the Glacier Dwarf in later generations.

At the same time, the three highest heritage ritual vessels of the dwarf clan also returned with the three patriarchs.

As a result, not long after, there was a major civil strife in the headquarters of the Black Iron Tribe living in the western forest.

What is even more regrettable is that even the re-engraving manufacturing process of the crown of the dark iron dwarves has been passed down among the forest dwarves.

On the contrary, it is left in the Northland Ice and Snow World Glacier Dwarf Dark Iron Tribe branch, and also retains a high imitation replica of the Dark Iron Dwarf Crown.

And this high imitation replica Dark Iron Dwarf Crown is now worn on the head of the Great Chief Murador.

Although it is a replica of the Dark Iron Dwarf Crown, it has been passed down to the hands of the contemporary Great Chief Murador, after the meticulous maintenance and sacrifice of the Great Chiefs of the Dark Iron Tribe of the Glacier Dwarves. The power is infinitely close to the original.

The secret of this is that the master of the crown of the dark iron dwarves in all dynasties will not only baptize and maintain this ritual vessel with his own blood essence and blood mixed with various heaven and earth treasures every year, but also invest his own soul before his death. Among them, turned into a soul.

In other words, in the dark iron dwarf crown on the head of the great chief Murador, in fact, the heroic soul of the great chiefs of the glacier dwarf Dark Iron tribe of all dynasties is sleeping!

Because it is the highest inheritance ritual vessel of the tribe, only the descendants of the direct descendants of the great chiefs of all dynasties can use the secret method to borrow the power stored in this black iron dwarf crown.

Now Murador, although Mukron did not know what secret method he used, actually caused the energy fluctuation of the Dark Iron Dwarf Crown.

But this is enough to show that Mu Kelong's blood has been recognized by the heroic souls of the great chiefs of all dynasties.

At the same time, it can also prove that Mu Kelong is his own son, which is unquestionable!

At this moment, the fact that [Mukelon Hegel] is the illegitimate son of the great chief [Muradol Kaelsaro] is basically a real hammer!

Because the Hegel clan is also known as the royal blood descendant of the Dark Iron Tribe, but it is a royal title passed down from the forest dwarf era.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In fact, among the glacier dwarves and the Hegel clan, there has never been a great chief of the Dark Iron tribe.

In other words, in the crown of the dark iron dwarves on the head of the great chief Murador, there is no heroic soul of the ancestor of the Hegel clan at all.

Therefore, [Mukelon Hegel] could never be the son of his nominal father [Musa Hegel],

Nor can it be the descendants of other people in the [Hegel] clan!

In a sense, the Hegel clan among the glacier dwarves has been cut off after the death of the previous patriarch [Musa Hegel].

Having said so much, in fact, all this is just a moment of thought in the mind of the Great Chief Murador.

When he discovered that Mukron could mobilize the power of the ancestors of the Dark Iron Dwarves' crown, the Great Chief Muradorton decided to help.

So, he used the orthodox secret method to cooperate with Mu Kelong between the lightning and the fire, and used the power of the ancestor's heroic soul as a bridge to extradite part of his power to the past.

This is the truth that Mu Kelong slammed down with a hammer and struck a shocking blow.

In other words, the hammer that Mukron just dropped from the sky actually combined the power of an ancestor heroic soul in the crown of the dark iron dwarves, as well as part of the additional power provided by the contemporary great chief of the dark iron dwarves, Murador!

The golden-armored black lizard knight, the big boss who was extremely difficult in Mukron's eyes, was nothing in the eyes of the great chief Murador.

A dark ghost at the peak of the ninth order, even if it is a quasi-epic existence, in front of the epic high-level chief Murador, it is not a problem at all.

As long as he transfers a small part of his own power to Mu Kelong with the help of the ancestral heroic soul, it is enough to severely damage the golden armored black lizard knight!

Of course, then again, as the ruler of the Dark Iron Dwarf crown, if the Great Chief Murador doesn't want to help Mukron, he can use Mukron's inexplicable wild way to summon the magic door. obtained in the crown.

Even if there is a heroic soul of an ancestor in the crown, the current Great Chief Murador, who is in charge of the crown of the Dark Iron Dwarf, does not agree, saying anything is useless!

On the other side, Mu Kelong, who didn't know the truth at all, rushed into the sea of ​​red flames without hesitation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that these flames were not only harmless to him, but also provided him with positive state blessings.

Not only the recovery speed of attributes such as health, strength, and stamina has increased significantly, but even the continuous negative effects caused by the strange damage of the Golden Armor Black Lizard Knight, the big boss, have been purified and eliminated by the flames.

At this moment, Mu Kelong was bathed in raging flames, as if he felt like he was back in his father's warm embrace!

The Golden Armor and Black Lizard Knight, who was also surrounded by raging flames, was severely damaged, and even his strange ghost physique was restrained by the raging flames.

In the flame enchantment, Mu Kelong showed great power and went on a few combos to directly take away the remaining health of the big boss, the Golden Armor and Black Lizard Knight.

When the big boss, the Golden Armored Black Lizard Knight, turned to ashes in the fire pit, the other ghoul Black Lizard Knights on the battlefield also lost the leader's strategic attribute bonus.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

For a time, the ghoul Black Lizard Knight, whose strength was greatly damaged, could no longer pose a great threat to the player army in the hill camp.

Soon, Mu Kelong, who had freed up his hands, struck the iron while the iron was hot, and killed the remaining special ghouls, the Black Lizard Knights, around the big boss, the Golden Armor Black Lizard Knight.

Behind him, the player legion in the hill camp also started a large-scale counterattack.

When the outer ranger Love waited for the scouts to return to the hill camp, a thrilling battle had entered the endgame stage.

The player legion should cooperate with the outside world, and with the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, it didn't take long to kill all the ghoul black lizard knights on the battlefield.

In this battle, the player corps fought with less to more, with low-level and high-level, and the result was a complete victory. Almost everyone was injured, but no one was killed.

In fact, in the first half of this war, the players were actually on the defensive and at the disadvantage.

As we all know, if you defend for a long time, you will lose, because the health, magic and willpower of the defending player’s legion are limited. As long as the attacker has enough troops and can continuously output pressure, it is difficult for an isolated defender to achieve good results. of.

The key to changing the outcome and reversing the outcome lies in the death of the local leader. After losing the bonus of strategic attributes and effective command, the ghoul Black Lizard Knight immediately fell into a disadvantage, and in the end not a single one escaped.

The results of this battle have once again proved the important strategic significance of the game Heroes Invincible, or the world of Heroes Invincible, a powerful strategic professional hero for the overall war.

On the other hand, it also proves that the personal combat power of the player hero is indeed sturdy.

An average Tier 3 army with less than 500 people actually defeated a Tier 5 special arms numbering over a thousand.

Even Mu Kelong vaguely felt that the sudden loss of control of the game system may also be related to the influx of hundreds of millions of players who are like "hacks" to the aborigines.

Simply put, the existence of hundreds of millions of players has seriously disrupted the balance of this heroic world.

Assuming that the world of Heroes and Invincible that I am currently in is a real plane world, then the "brain server" of Bixue Games may be the creator of this plane world, and the players are the foreign invaders of this plane world.

Even, these invaders are still wearing the identity skins of the indigenous residents of the Heroes of Invincibility world, and they can be reborn infinitely...

As these alien invaders, which can be infinitely reborn, become stronger and stronger, they will eventually become the masters and destroyers of this heroic world.

Therefore, the "Tiannao Server" will limit the player's ability to regenerate again and again, and take sanctions - this is exactly the opposite of traditional online games!

From the perspective of capital business operations, Jade Blood Games will definitely not do the crazy thing of limiting the infinite rebirth ability of hundreds of millions of players for the balance of a "virtual game world".

Because the capitalists want to eat, Bixue Games wants to make money.

It is impossible to reconcile this kind of contradiction between the two sides, so this is why the game can operate normally at the beginning.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Because at that time, the power of players individually and collectively was still very weak, and this contradiction was not obvious, so everyone could play games happily.

However, as the player's individual strength increases, the player's collective strength begins to influence the general trend of the Heroes of Invincible world to a certain extent, and gradually destroy the original balance of the world.

Therefore, when the contradiction began to become prominent and could not be reversed, the "Heavenly Brain Server" with subjective intelligence directly intervened violently.

"Tiannao Server" kicked out its manufacturer and designer, Bixue Game Company, and simply cut off all the plug-ins of all players in a single stroke-

As a result, although players thought they were still playing games, they suddenly lost the ability to communicate without barriers, digital panels, unlimited free trading platforms, and infinite resurrection and rebirth of current characters.

Even hundreds of millions of players have been deprived of the qualifications to make the decision to quit the game!

Hundreds of millions of souls are forever imprisoned in this heroic world!

In the end, the hundreds of millions of players who have lost all plug-ins will become the same as the aborigines in this world...

As time goes by, hundreds of millions of players will die one after another, either by accident or by death!

And these "foreign invaders" after their death will lose their powerful hero-level abilities. Except for their personal thinking, everything will be lost to everyone!

Even the hundreds of millions of players who were originally foreign invaders, after going through countless reincarnations, will eventually lose themselves, completely integrate into this world, and become part of this world...

Although all this was just a delusion of Mu Kelong's sudden brain opening, he couldn't help shivering.

Such an ending is an ending that neither he nor any player can face and accept!

These are billions of living people!

If God gives him another chance to choose again, he will definitely accept it when he sees it. The big deal is to abandon the game character Mu Kelong and guard the tens of millions of Tang Tongbao he has earned, which is enough for him to live his life comfortably. The rest of my life!

It's a pity that the old saying "people die for wealth, birds die for food" is still vivid in his mind, but he has already entered the game without hesitation, and there is only one way to go to the dark!

At this moment, Mu Kelong, who unconsciously assumed the delusion in his mind as reality, began to formulate an ultimate goal for his future.

I——【Mu Kelong Hegel】must be the most powerful pair of existences in this world!

Eternal and immortal, everlasting!

He wants to become an immortal legend that the creator of this world cannot destroy!

If there is such a day, he will choose to face the creator and say a word to him.

"I control my own life!"

If there is such a day, he may even break through the operating rules of this "virtual" plane world, jump out of this realm with his real body, and let his mind and will come back to the human world!


At this moment, Mu Kelong felt someone tap his shoulder lightly, and a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Boss Mu? Hei Da? Are you all right?"

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

He came back to his senses and stared at it, and found that he was surrounded by players in circles and circles at some point in time.

The closest to him was the Ranger Love who slapped his shoulders to wake him up just now.

It turned out that after the big victory, the players saw Mu Kelong standing alone in the center of the battlefield, as if in a daze for a long time, even with his eyes open, but he didn't even turn his eyes.

This scene terrified many players, because those ghouls and black lizard knights just turned into black ashes after they died, and at a glance, they knew that they were not flesh and blood.

So everyone was worried that Mu Kelong was possessed by an evil spirit, so they gathered around to check.

But for a while, no one dared to stand up and wake up Mu Kelong first.

If it was placed in the past, such a situation would never happen to players.

Someone must have shouted loudly from a distance: "Hei Da, what's wrong with you?"

But now, everyone has scruples and dare not speak indiscriminately.



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