Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 220: The Reincarnation of the Prairie Empire

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

It has to be said that Mu Kelong's invincible and terrifying strength displayed in the fierce battle just now has completely conquered all familiar and unfamiliar players.

Even the original heartless players, after being imprisoned in this "weird and incomparable" virtual game world, lost their freedom and infinite resurrection ability at the same time, and also lost the old way of being the best in the world. The arrogance of birds.

At the same time, the players began to have an unprecedented awe of the powerhouses in this world!

A strong man on one's own side can protect his own life, and a strong man on the enemy side can easily take his own life—no matter which side the strong man is on, he has to be awe-inspiring!

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Therefore, in the end, the Ranger Love, who was the first to follow Mukron, came forward to wake up their boss on behalf of everyone.

Of course, Mu Kelong, who had just woken up from his delusions, didn't realize this.

And the reason why he opened his mind inexplicably was actually related to his own occupation in reality.

After all, as a writer, even if it is a street writer, having the ability to open your head is one of the basic skills!

How can you be a writer if you don’t always open your mind and think wildly?

Seeing the concern on the faces of the players around him, Mu Kelong first smiled, and then thoughtfully said his feelings.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, I just went through the review after a big battle, I didn't expect to fall into it if I didn't pay attention."

The players breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, many people really thought that Mu Kelong was possessed by an evil spirit, so it would be difficult to handle.

Is it hands-on? Still don't do it? Or decisively?

At this moment, someone deliberately muttered aloud in order to ease the atmosphere.

"Boss Mu, this broken game is getting more and more stingy. We worked so hard to kill monsters and won a big victory. In the end, apart from the black and gray, we didn't even leave a single woolen thread for us. It's too much!"

Mu Kelong nodded first, and then shook his head slowly. He seemed to think of something and couldn't help sighing.

"Alas! To tell the unpleasant truth, those of us who have fallen into the current situation are lucky to be alive these days!"

For a time, all the players present nodded with empathy.

Even Xie Xiaofeng, Xie Sanshao, who has become an ordinary sheep head man, still laughed at himself for more than one season.

"I just accidentally hung up after the drastic change, and I lost my heroic template and became an ordinary goat head, but fortunately, I am at least a smart race, and I can still talk to you..."

"I can't even imagine what the consequences will be if I hang up again?"

"What if I hang up a few more times? What will I become?"

"A man? A dog? A stone?"

"Or turn it into spring mud to protect the flowers?"

"I believe that I am definitely not the worst, because you can still see me, hear what I say, and know that I am still here, even if I am just an ordinary sheep head!"

"But, those players who are more unlucky than me, where are they now? What are their identities?"

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"Then no one will know!"

At this moment, the audience was silent, and the needles could be heard falling!

Including Mu Kelong, everyone felt an unknown fear lingering in their hearts, and shuddered all over!


At this moment, no one knows that there is another epic powerhouse with terrifying strength hidden in the fog of war.

Hear all their conversations.

Even from the beginning of the alliance between the players and Mukron in the Bluefrost Castle, the Great Chief Murador was a bystander hidden in the dark.

Fortunately, the vast majority of Mu Kelong's group are from the Tang Dynasty. Even if their nationality is not the Tang Dynasty, they are foreign Tang people or those who admire the Tang civilization and can use the Tang language proficiently.

Otherwise, this group of people would not report to the group to keep warm, and formed a team to go to Mu Kelong not far away.

It is because of the convenience of their daily communication with each other that they habitually use Tang language——

Therefore, although the Great Chief Murador is extremely powerful, he can't understand what Mukron and the others are saying.

Under normal circumstances, Warchief Murador would have doubts about the strange language of this group of people.

But now he is in the perspective of a father role, and naturally he will not have any doubts about his son.

As a result, the great chief Murador automatically made up his brain as a slang communication between his son and his close companion.

It has to be said that it is logical to place the word preconceived in any world.


After a night of rest, the next day, the Mukron Corps advanced at full speed. Hundreds of people escorted 20 iron carts to their destination before sunset.

And the wild boar hero, the slave liberators on the Xiluer Prairie, and the member of the Western Prairie Rebel Alliance - Gea and his more than 100 confidants and followers have long been here waiting for their arrival.

Another old friend and good brother of Mu Kelong, the snow fairy businessman Rockefeller was also waiting in line with more than a dozen followers.

After the two sides met, Mukron and Gea hugged tightly and laughed in unison.

"Brother Gea, long time no see!"

"Brother Mukron, long time no see!"

The last time we met, Gea was just a homeless stray slave wanted by his slave owners.

Even, unfortunately, he was besieged and defeated by a group of rat-man robbers, and then imprisoned in the depths of the underground labyrinth.

But this time, Mu Kelong found that Gea was like a different person. Not only did he look taller and stronger, but his face was radiant, and his words and deeds revealed a bit of a heroic temperament of scolding Fang Qiu.

All of this starts with some major events that have happened on the Ruhr Prairie in the past year...

Since ancient times, the eastern part of the Ruhr steppe has been dominated by centaur tribes, and the central and western areas have been dominated by boar tribes.

In addition to the two major races of centaurs and boars, the Ruhr prairie is also populated by large werewolf and half-wolf tribes, sheep-headed tribes, tauren tribes, lion tribes, leopard tribes and other human races or half-orcs. They all belong to the nomadic race in a broad sense.

Among them, the Lion Tribe was once the oldest ruler of the Ruhr grassland. At that time, most tribes, including Leopard, Werewolf, Boar, Centaur, etc., unconditionally obeyed the rule of the Lion King.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Later, the old king of the lion clan died, because of the war for the heir to the throne, which triggered a tribal division on the Ruhr steppe.

In this prairie war that lasted for hundreds of years, the high-level aristocrats of the lion tribe killed each other, causing the population to plummet, and they were no longer able to suppress other powerful and large populations of other large orc tribes.

For a time, a group of heroes rose up on the Ruhr prairie. The centaur tribes and werewolf tribes in the eastern region, the leopard tribe and the tauren tribe in the central region, and the wild boar tribe in the western region successively encircled the land to establish a country and split the earth. king!

Even later, the Lion King clan, who originally ruled the Ruhr prairie, was strangled by the tribes of all ethnic groups who had a tacit understanding, so that the country and the species were destroyed.

This is also the reason why there are almost no living lion people on the Ruhr steppe.

Later, after hundreds of years of grassland and Warring States generations...

In the end, the Boar Khanate in the west unified the western Ruhr steppe and the central Ruhr steppe.

The centaur tribe in the east also annexed other large and small tribes on the eastern Ruhr steppe.

Later, the two major Khanates fought in the central Ruhr steppe for decades, and they both won and lost, and neither could do anything to the other.

Later, with the mediation of the Holy Angel Empire, the two countries stopped the war and concluded an alliance of brothers.

Because the Boar Khanate is stronger and has a larger territory, the Boar Yale Khan is the elder brother, called the Great Khan, and the centaur Gili Khan is the younger brother, called the Khan.

Both sides jointly honored the Emperor of the Holy Angel Empire as the Khan of Heaven.

Since then, peace has been maintained on the Ruhr steppe for decades.

But the good times did not last long. With the death of the two kings who formed the blood alliance, Yale Khan and Gili Khan, their descendants started a new round of war.

This time, the Emperor of the Holy Angel Empire, who was the Khan of Heaven, did not intervene again, and mediated in the middle.

As a result, disputes have continued on the Ruhr steppe since then. The Wild Boar Khanate and the Centaur Khanate fought and killed each other for generations, exhausting the waters of the East China Sea, and unable to wash away the blood feud between the two Khanates!

This situation continued until more than a hundred years ago, and the Centaur Khanate finally couldn't hold it any longer.

And although the strength of the Boar Khanate is stronger, it can't stand it after fighting for so many years.

Yin Zhiyu Khan, the Great Khan of the Wild Boar, saw that the Centaur Khanate was soft-spoken, so he went down the slope and accepted the proposal of a truce.

On the other hand, although the Centaur Khanate is slightly weaker, it only obeys the rule of the Great Khan of the Boar in name, but it actually does its own thing in the territory.

The Great Khan Yin Zhiyu of the Wild Boar Khanate knew that the blood feud between the two countries would be fought again sooner or later, but he also needed time to rest, so he turned a blind eye to Yang Fengyin of the Centaur Khanate.

As a result, the rare and precious peace came to the Ruhr steppe once again.

With the passage of time, and the death of the older generation of Boar Khan and Centaur Khan, a new round of war on the Ruhr Prairie has begun to be in full swing and cloudy...

The recent east-west division of the Angel Empire and the northward expansion of the Hell forces have made the situation on the Ruhr Prairie even more volatile, and the storm is about to come.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The new emperor of the Eastern Angel Empire, Caesar XV, used a lot of money to win over the centaur tribe in the east of the Ruhr Prairie, and named the centaur chieftain as the Eastern Ruhr Khan in the name of the imperial emperor "Tian Khan".

This move aroused the anger and strong dissatisfaction of the western wild boar Khan [Yin Muer], so [Yin Muerhan] decided to raise an army to conquer the East Ruhr Khan.

At the same time, [Yin Muerhan] submitted a letter of alliance to the Emperor of the Western Angel Empire [Wilson I] and the Demon King of Hell, hoping to gain the support of the two major southern empires.

This move was naturally approved by the Western Angel Empire and the Lava Hell Empire. Both of them were eager to extend their tentacles into the northern Ruhr prairie, and they naturally hit it off.

So the Western Angel Empire and the Lava Hell Empire added a new ally of the Boar Khanate to the alliance with the Barbarian Empire.

After receiving the support of the two great empires, the Wild Boar Khanate assembled 400,000 cavalry troops to go on an expedition, and fought several battles in the middle of the Ruhr Prairie with the Centaur Khanate supported by the Eastern Angel Empire.

In the western frontier of the Ruhr prairie, some small and medium-sized tribes were dissatisfied with Yinmur Khan's ruthlessness, and decided to unite to resist Yinmur Khan's tyrannical levy, forming the Western Tribal Alliance.

Even, Gea, the pioneer leader of the slave liberation movement on the prairie, was once regarded as a rebellious and wanted person by the Boar Khan, and now he has become a member of this Western Tribal Alliance.


That night, Gea held a grand bonfire party for the Mukron Corps who came from afar in a hidden valley in his own territory.

In fact, as the pioneer leader of the slave liberators, Gea's followers are less than half of the Mukron Corps, and the old and weak women and children together are less than 380 people.

After three rounds of drinking, Gea ate the roast beef shank and told Mu Kelong about his experience in the past year.

That night, Gea carried a box of gold and silver treasures that Mukron gave him, and walked into the fog of war alone, preparing to return to the Ruhr steppe to develop his slave liberation movement.

At the beginning, Geya's career went well. Through the money Dafa, Geya quickly bought and gathered hundreds of wanderers on the grassland...

Although he was born as a slave, he was gifted with extraordinary talent, and he was not an ordinary boar.

His mother is actually a female piglet raised in the animal farm of the Suchahar clan, and his father is a male breeding pig...

He has nine siblings in all, but only he himself is a half-orc, the other eight siblings are wild boars.

But on the day he was born, a red sun appeared in Baby Gea's mind...

Later, Gea discovered a magical pill called Beast Blood Pill from the red sun in his mind.

Every other day, Gea can receive a beast blood pill from the red sun in his mind...

Relying on the beast blood pills, Geya grew up safely in the cold and windy environment and became the most powerful slave and the most brilliant animal trainer in the tribe!

So, don't look at the fact that Gea was once defeated and imprisoned by the Rat Man robbers, but that was because the number of Rat Man was too large, and the ants killed the elephant. Asia naturally lost no wrong.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

But in fact, Gea's strength is very strong, and the wild boars themselves are a powerful fighting race, otherwise it would be impossible to dominate the Ruhr Prairie for so many years.

What's more, Gea is still a heroic existence among the wild boars.

In fact, his strength is no less than that of Mu Kelong at that time!

It's just that he was a slave with a single method of fighting the enemy, and he couldn't help but be a rat man robber...

But from the fact that Gea has been able to escape from the hands of the wild boar tribal cavalry and slave catchers countless times, it is enough to see that Gea's strength is extraordinary.

However, Gea is still too young, and he doesn't know that money alone cannot control people's hearts.


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