Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 224 The Soberen Clan

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

So Mu Kelong found the goat head warrior Xie Xiaofeng in private and told him his guesses and worries.

"...Things are probably like this, and the success rate is probably like this..."

"Three [Beast Blood Pills] I've already asked you from Gea, whether to eat it or not, you decide when to eat it!"

At this moment, the sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng was full of disappointment and embarrassment, and Mu Kelong's guess was too far from his beautiful imagination.

After bowing his head and being silent for a long time, he lifted up the elder's pair of pointed white sheep's heads, and said a word to Mu Kelong with a firm expression.

"Boss Mu, thank you for your loyalty!"

"Don't say anything, you can take those three [Beast Blood Pills] for me first, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself if I hold them..."

"For the three prerequisites you mentioned, I will work hard and ask for your help when I feel almost ready."

Mu Kelong nodded and comforted: "Okay! As expected of the former little prince with a silver gun, he has courage!"

"In the next period of time, I will plan to launch several wars with the steppe nomadic tribes, and even confront the regular army of the Boar Khanate..."

"War is very dangerous, but it is also a good opportunity to train people. Do you think about joining the war?"

The sheep-headed man Xie Xiaofeng replied without hesitation: "Of course, I, Xie Xiaofeng - live as a hero, and die as a ghost!"

"Boss Mu, you must take me with you when you fight!"

Mukron nodded and agreed.

"Okay! I will arrange for someone to take care of you when you go to the battlefield in the future."

This time, Xie Xiaofeng, the goat-headed warrior who just finished saying "Be a hero in life, be a ghost in death" did not refuse.

He's just a little weaker now, but he's not a heartless fool.

Shortly after turning around and leaving, Xie Xiaofeng, a goat head warrior, immediately found his cousin, Zhang Zicheng, a player hero and a third-order human swordsman.

After telling Zhang Zicheng of his troubles, he said something sincerely.

"Cousin, I'm in tears when I talk about my physical condition now. We are two brothers. Whether my cousin's dream can come true depends on you to take care of me!"

Zhang Zicheng said nothing immediately, patted his chest and agreed.

"Cousin, don't worry, I will not do anything in the future, I will concentrate on protecting you!"

In fact, deep in Zhang Zicheng's heart, he really didn't have much affection for this distant cousin. After all, they had never spoken in the real world.

But the two are now both fallen from the end of the world, and the two have no conflict of interest.

It is not a big problem to take care of the life and safety of this unfortunate cousin as far as I can.

More importantly, in Zhang Zicheng's eyes, Mu Kelong, a mighty boss with a high probability of promising future, also seems to be a man of loyalty.

And my cousin and Mu Kelong once shared life and death and shared weal and woe. They charged for Mu Kelong on the road of the ten thousand-mile expedition. After the disaster, they went to Mu Kelong and were treated well. It is estimated that they can be regarded as the other party's close friend and friend, and it is worth investing in betting.

On the other hand, if they are fortunate enough to be able to return to the original real world in the future, and Xie Xiaofeng, his cousin, still remembers this relationship, then he will not have to worry about anything in the rest of his life!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Xie Xiaofeng's father was the eldest man who was the richest man in Jincheng. Are you kidding me?


It didn't take long for the brothers and other players to receive a new notice that Boss Mu was going to convene a meeting outside the valley.

In addition, there are warm reminders, remember to bring your own wild boar!


Four hundred and eighty players either led the pigs or rode the pigs, and left the valley one after another, heading for their destination.

When I arrived at the scene, I saw Boss Mu riding on the back of a majestic and wild black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boar.

Gea, the leader of the wild boars, also rode a black Nuruk tusk wild boar, wearing a full-body armor with flaming flames on the surface, majestic and domineering, standing side by side with Mukelon.

"Fairy Wood"

Another two hundred fully-armed boar knights lined up neatly behind the two, majestic and solemn, with extraordinary military appearance.

It's a pity that these players under Mu Kelong's command are all old mercenaries who retired from the northern battlefield. They are trying to fish in the muddy waters between the two great powers. What big scene has not been seen?

Even many players can see that the two hundred cavalry behind Gea are not comparable to the high-level knights of the Angel Empire, I am afraid that even the ordinary knights may not be comparable.

It's just that people are tough, and everyone is silent for Boss Mu's face.

Mu Kelong is also a person who has seen the world, and his vision is naturally no worse than that of the players.

Of course he knew that the two hundred boar slave cavalry under Gea's command was in the initial stage, and there was a big gap between the regular cavalry of some major military forces.

He even knew that he couldn't blame Gea. After all, Gea himself was just a slave-born animal trainer. He didn't have much military experience, and he had never heard much about the art of war.

The two hundred cavalry under Gea's command was even more difficult. All of them were slaves with humble status, and they were almost indistinguishable from livestock in the eyes of slave owners.

If it wasn't for Rockefeller's tongue-in-cheek trick to fool the slave owners and buy them out with money, I'm afraid they might not be able to travel far in their lifetime.

As for their own strength, they could only reach the middle level of the second-order, which is similar to the rank of the current goat head warrior Xie Xiaofeng.

Later, everyone ate the three [Beast Blood Pills] given by Gea, and their physique and strength were enhanced to a certain extent, and their strength was roughly equal to that between the strong second-order ordinary arms and the weak third-order ordinary arms.

With such a relatively "weak" strength, even if he wears sophisticated full-body armor and rides on the fierce black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boar, it is far from being comparable to the [Chinuruk Heavy Armored Wild Boar Cavalry] under the great sweat of the wild boar people. Compare.

After all, the Great Khan of the Wild Boars ruled over half of the Ruer Prairie, with more than 80 million troops under his command, and even if he picked one out of a thousand miles, he would be able to select thousands of high-ranking soldiers!

The real [Chinuruk Heavy Armored Wild Boar Cavalry], it is the leader in the fifth-order special arms, and its strength is no less than half of the sixth-order arms, and it can even be comparable to some weak seventh-order arms. The ghoul knight is much tougher.

More importantly, the knights themselves are elite soldiers above the fifth rank. On this basis, they can assemble excellent heavy armor, and then ride on the giant-toothed wild boars who have been trained for a long time and cooperate with each other. Prestige!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

These giant-toothed wild boars are no less than elephants in size, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and fierce temperaments.

Just imagine the situation where thousands of heavy armored elephant cavalry charge overwhelmingly, even the elite tauren heavy armored infantry regiment in the underground world has to retreat and dare not face the front.

Today, Mukron called the players to gather for a meeting, the purpose is to let them learn how to communicate, communicate, and cooperate with their wild boar mounts.

In this regard, Gea and his slave cavalry are quite experienced.

After all, they are native wild boars themselves, and they are born from the same parents as wild boars. They are indeed relatives who can no longer be kissed.

They were born in pig pens and have been familiar with how to get along, communicate and communicate with wild boars since childhood.

Of course, their actual combat experience is definitely not as good as that of professional knights, but at least at this stage, they are enough to become the players' wild boar riding teachers.

Players with rich experience in actual combat can also become actual combat training teachers for slave knights.


Over the next few days, the two teams marched out of the valley while teaching each other riding and combat skills.

The destination of their trip was the tribal camp of the Soberen clan three hundred miles away.

During this period, the players' riding skills and the combat skills of the slave knights have been significantly improved.

It's just that riding and combat skills can't be mastered in a few days.

When Mu Kelong and Gea led two wild boar cavalry to the vicinity of the Soberen clan tribe, among the 480 players under Mu Kelong’s command, those who could truly cooperate with the giant tooth wild boar mounts in battle, There are only seventy or eighty people, including Mu Kelong, less than one-sixth.

As for other player heroes, they can only be proficient in riding an elephant-like giant-toothed wild boar.

What Mu Kelong did not expect was that Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed man, performed very well in riding. He was the weakest player among the players and was one of the first to master combat riding.

Even Zhang Zicheng, the cousin of the sheep-headed Xie Xiaofeng, a third-order swordsman known for his agility, failed to become a qualified wild boar knight in just a few days.


The Ruhr prairie is vast and sparsely populated, and it is not uncommon for people to be invisible in a radius of ten or even dozens of miles.

And some nomadic clans and tribes often have several camps with lush water and grass, which rotate continuously throughout the year, and live a nomadic life of living by water and grass.

And the area where they carry out their daily production and activities is generally considered their territory.

The Soberen clan has been inherited for thousands of years. It can be regarded as an ancient clan. Its headquarters has a population of tens of thousands and thousands of cavalry. It occupies more than a hundred miles of grassland. It is famous in the border area of ​​the western Ruhr grassland. Is the regional overlord.

As a nomadic clan of wild boar people, the warriors of the Soberen clan are all gigantic pigs. In addition, they also graze cattle and sheep as the tribe's assets and daily food.

However, the nomadic clan of the wild boars rarely raise horses, not because they do not have the skills and conditions to raise horses, but because they do not like them.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Compared with the giant tooth pig, the horse eats a lot of grass, the meat does not grow fast, and there is no advantage in running speed and endurance. It is not as rough and fleshy as the giant tooth pig, and its vitality is tenacious.

More importantly, a sow can give birth to a dozen or more piglets in one litter, and pigs are omnivorous animals, and they grow quickly with whatever they are fed—this is far less than that of horses.

Of course, the wild boar itself is a beast of the mountains and forests, especially the giant-toothed pig, the blood relative of the wild boar. It is naturally wild, fierce and irritable, and ordinary people cannot raise it, but the wild boar does not have this problem.

Because the wild boars and the giant tooth pigs come from the same source and have a common ancestor, they can communicate well with the giant tooth pigs, and it is more convenient, efficient and worry-free to raise them.

In this way, the horse, a creature regarded as an important strategic species by other forces and countries, has become tasteless and a viable existence in the eyes of the wild boar nomads, and it is worse than a chicken rib.

According to the intelligence detected by Rockefeller, the Soberen clan is different from the general boar nomadic tribe.

This clan owns an old lair that has been in operation for hundreds of years, called Soberen Tooth City.

Yacheng, also known as Yazhai, is the exclusive title of the most important and longest living camp of the wild boar tribe.

The general nomadic clans and tribes live in one camp, even the most important city of Ya, but the tents or houses where the patriarchs live are more spacious and luxurious.

But among the Soberen clan tribes, only the clan chief's direct line and the near clan and their vassals such as guards and slaves are qualified to live in Yacheng.

Even, no matter how the reincarnation changes from season to season, those who live in Yacheng will not leave Yacheng to live in other camps.

In other words, the high-level nobles of the Soberen clan have actually abandoned the ancient survival mode of nomads living by water and grass.

This Soberen tooth city is their long-term home.

As for the middle and lower-level members of the Soberen clan tribe, Ze still retains the ancient way of life and traditions, moving several times throughout the year according to the weather and climate, and living by water and grass.

Therefore, outside Soberen Tooth City, the Soberen clan tribe has several other relatively fixed camps in its territory for the middle and lower classes to live in rotation.

Rockefeller told Mu Kelong that the tooth city of the Soberen clan was very mysterious, and outsiders were never allowed to approach the tooth city.

Rockefeller himself visited the Soberen clan in the name of a businessman in the early years, and wanted to enter the city of teeth to visit.

As a result, before he got close to Yacheng, he was stopped by the patrolling cavalry outside Yacheng and was not allowed to continue to approach.

Therefore, Rockefeller only roughly knew the location of Soberen Tooth City, but he failed to enter the Tooth City.

Even because a circle of grassy slopes blocked his view, Rockefeller didn't even know what Soberen's Tooth City looked like.

This time, it was suggested that Mukron and Gea take advantage of the fire and attack Sobelen's tooth city. Rockefeller also had a trace of curiosity and revenge in it.

But what Rockefeller knew was that the Soberen clan kept at least 50,000 giant-toothed pigs in several camps outside of Yacheng, and the rest of the cattle and sheep were even more numerous, no less than 100,000.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The peripheral assets are so spectacular, it can be seen that the Sobelen clan has a very rich family background, and there is no know how much treasure is hidden in the mysterious Sobelen tooth city.

As long as the Soberen Tooth City is laid down, the material basis for building the Little Ice Lake base should be ready, and even a lot of new war slaves can be harvested!

At that time, Gea, who was pushed to the front of the stage by Mukron, not only became famous, but also organized a considerable number of slave cavalry legions!

Gea told Mukron that not all tusks were suitable for cavalry mounts.

Sows can’t do it, old pigs can’t do it, and piglets and young pigs are naturally not good enough. Even male giant-toothed pigs that are not strong enough have to be eliminated and can only become meat pigs.

The criteria for cavalry to select giant tooth pigs are that the bigger the body, the better, the tighter the muscles, the better, the thicker the mane, the better, the wilder the better, the fiercer the temperament, the better the temper...

Generally speaking, among the ten giant-toothed pigs, only one qualified male and prime-aged giant-toothed pig can often be selected as the mount for the cavalry.

This is because the wild boar cavalry is different from the general horse cavalry. The wild boar mount itself is very powerful. Not only can it run and bite, but its huge fangs can even pierce iron armor with ease!



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