Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 225 A moat on the prairie?

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

According to Rockefeller's intelligence, Gea can simply calculate the number of cavalry of the Soberen clan, which is probably more than 5,000 and less than 8,000.

On the other hand, Gea also has a very clear account.

Because of the mastery of the [Beast Blood Pill], the Black Nuruk giant-tooth wild boar carefully selected by Geya is not only a few circles larger than the general giant-toothed pig, but also has an overall superiority in strength, endurance, and speed.

In addition, Gea's biggest advantage is the success rate of cultivating qualified mounts. As long as it is a male giant tooth pig of more than three months, there is no congenital defect. After taking three beast blood pills, it will be promoted to the black Nuruk giant tooth wild boar. The probability is more than 90%!

But in terms of the mount itself, the combat power of the Black Nuruk Giant Tooth Boar can reach five times the number of ordinary Giant Tooth Boars!

That is, the algorithm of one pig becoming five pigs.

Even if the average strength of the slave knights themselves is currently weaker than that of the Soberen knights, after adding the advantage of the mounts, the overall combat power of the Henuruk cavalry can basically be compared to the three Soberen tusk cavalry.

However, the number of Henuruk cavalry in Gea is too small, only two hundred cavalry, even if one cavalry is three, it is only equivalent to the combat power of six hundred Soberen cavalry.

According to Gea’s estimate of the total number of cavalry of the Sobelen clan, even if the Sobelen clan leader took 3,000 of the most elite giant tooth pig cavalry to expedition to the east, the cavalry left in Sobelen’s tooth city would not be less than 2,000 ,even more!

It is precisely because he has an account in his heart that Gea hesitated when Rockefeller proposed to attack the Soberen clan, obviously lacking confidence.

If Mukron patted his chest to guarantee victory, Gea would not have agreed with Rockefeller's bold plan to take advantage of the fire.

During the long-distance training in the past few days, Gea was pleasantly surprised by the sturdy combat effectiveness of the player army under Mu Kelong.

In the case that the mounts are all black Nuluk giant tooth wild boars, players who have initially mastered the giant tooth pig riding skills and tactics can actually easily defeat the slave knights who cooperate better with the mounts.

If Gea's Henuruk cavalry and the Soberen cavalry compete, the horses are superior and the knights are inferior.

Then the seventy or eighty Neo-Nuruk cavalry in the Mukron Corps are not only excellent in mounts, but also in riders, let alone one to three, at least one to five, or even one to ten!

The seventy or eighty Black Nuruk cavalry under Mukron's command is enough to be worth a thousand Soberen cavalry!

In addition, there are hundreds of quasi-knights in the Mukron Corps who are not yet familiar with the riding tactics, but their personal strength is sturdy and can fight with pigs.

Gea made a rough calculation, and the overall combat power of his entire army was enough to compete with three thousand or even more Soberen cavalry!

In this way, Gyaton feels that the advantage is in me, and our winning rate is not low in this battle!

Soon, Gea, who was familiar with the grassland terrain, led two hundred cavalry and quietly bypassed several nomadic camps in the outer territories of the Soberen clan.

Like a sharp dagger, his army plunged straight into the heart of the Soberen clan.

Just when Gea's cavalry was about to approach Soberen's tooth city, a large ring of mounds and grassy slopes suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking Gea's sight.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of patrol cavalry soldiers on the circular grassy slope found a good guest!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Perhaps seeing Gea's Henuruk giant-toothed wild boar is too big, and the number is more than the patrol cavalry team, the cavalry captain did not hesitate to order the retreat.

At the same time, a rapid horn sound came from the horns in his hands, resounding through the sky in an instant!






Horns with similar timbres also sounded in the distance, and the frequency became more and more compact, so that people thousands of meters away could hear the warning meaning contained in the horn sounds.

Gea turned a deaf ear to this, waved his fluffy big hand forward, and decisively led the two hundred black Nuruk heavy-armored wild boar cavalry under his command to speed up the charge on the grassy slope.

At this moment, Gea's army seems to be turned into an arrow from the string, straight to the enemy's heart!

For old-fashioned tribes like the Soberen clan, the perimeter of the tooth city is very closely guarded, and all kinds of bright and dark sentries and patrolling cavalry are interwoven into an impeccable protective net.

The circular grassy slope with a radius of at least a few kilometers in front of him is very regular. It is very likely that it is not a naturally formed topography. It should be one of the special topographic obstacles outside the city of Soberenya.

The enemy is attacking from the outside, no matter which direction they come from, south, east, north and west, they will not be able to see the situation inside the high uplifted circular grass slope, but will be discovered by the bright and dark sentries and patrolling cavalry occupying the commanding heights of the grass slope.

Unless the attacker can be invisible, there is no way to avoid the eyes of bright posts, dark posts, and patrolling cavalry.

In addition, this ring of grassy slopes outside Soberenya City also functions as a city wall!

Because the main force of various forces on the Ruhr Prairie is cavalry, and a large part of the reason why cavalry is powerful is the huge collision force contained in the high-speed movement of knights and mounts when charging.

A heavily armored cavalryman in full iron armor can often overwhelm a small army formed by ten infantrymen, relying on collisions.

There is no need for the knight's superb combat skills, as long as he closes his eyes and rushes over, the infantry on the opposite side will be difficult to resist.

Relying on this circular grass slope that suddenly bulges on the level of the grassland, the defending side is condescending, and the downward charge can gain more acceleration and impact—

To explain in the words of modern science, part of the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy during subduction, which makes the inertia larger and the collision power even stronger!

On the contrary, if the attacking party charges up from the grassy slope, it is a vertical attack, and it will definitely be very difficult and disadvantageous.

Compared with the dominant dive, not only is the upward attack difficult to accelerate, but the inertial impact force is also dragged by the backward gravity.

Soon, hundreds of patrol cavalrymen gathered on the grassy slope in front, and under the leadership of several squad leaders, they whistled towards the Gea cavalry regiment at the lower end of the grassy slope and launched a dive.

And Gea didn't even blink his eyelids from beginning to end, still maintaining the state of the whole army sprinting at a high speed, as if the grassy slopes under his feet were not low enough to have no effect on his cavalry.

Because this is the first appearance of his Black Nurugutooth Wild Boar Cavalry, he must show his majesty and imposing manner no matter what!

Soon, the two armored cavalry collided head-on.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

But the next moment, a surprising scene appeared——

The swooping Soberen clan patrol cavalry was actually knocked back by the Heinuruk cavalry attacking upwards!

In an instant, people turned their heads, and at least more than 30 Soberen patrol cavalry died under the iron hoof, including two unfortunate Soberen patrol cavalry captains.

The fundamental reason for this is that Gea's Black Nuruk tusk wild boar is much larger than the Soberen patrol cavalry's mount!

Ordinary adult male giant tooth pigs weigh between 3,000 to 5,000 pounds, and particularly large individuals can grow to weigh more than 6,000 pounds, with a body length of more than three meters and a shoulder height of more than two meters. They are already called giants on the grassland. beast.

On the other hand, Geya's Black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boar weighs more than 8,000 kilograms on average, and the largest individual weighs more than 10,000 kilograms, with a body length of more than four meters and a shoulder height of more than two meters and five. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are like elephants!

The difference between the two is clear at a glance!

However, after the first frontal impact, the speed of the Henuruk cavalry who attacked upwards was also reduced by more than half.

The rest of the Soberen patrol cavalry immediately swarmed up, and the two sides began to fight.

Soon, Gea's Heinuruk cavalry also began to suffer casualties, but he ignored it and forced his cavalry to continue to break through!

The disadvantage of attacking from the top is too great, he must rush to the top of the grassy slope in one go, and grasp the commanding heights.

After paying the death price of more than 20 Heinuruk cavalry, Geya and the others finally rushed to the top of the circular grassy slope and mastered the commanding heights.

But the next moment, Ge Ya's eyes widened, his eyes fell into a dull moment, and he couldn't believe it!

It turned out that the Soberen Tooth City that appeared in front of them was not the traditional nomadic tribal camp composed of hardwood fences and animal skin tents as imagined—

It is a stone city standing in the middle of the circular grassy slope!

A large circular castle that covers an area of ​​more than 1000 meters, with a circle as high as 30 meters, and all of them are made of countless gray stone slabs!

What's worse, there is a moat that is at least ten feet wide in the outer circle of Yacheng and the inner circle of the circular grassy slope!


Gea is not someone who has never seen the world. As a war slave, he was escorted to the royal family of the Boar Khan at the junction of the central and western parts of the Ruhr Prairie. He witnessed the majesty of Saxya, the capital of the Boar Khanate with his own eyes. .

After successfully fleeing, Gea traveled to various parts of the Ruhr steppe in the west. He also heard that some large nomadic tribe camps in the south of the Ruhr steppe and the Angel Empire would learn from the Angel Empire to build castles with stones.

But he never imagined that in the northwestern border area of ​​the Ruhr prairie, there are nomadic tribes who would build cities with stones, and even the legendary moat was created!

He had even heard the exhausting rumors!

You must know that there is no stone mountain within a hundred miles of the Soberen tooth city. Where did the Soberen clan get so many stone fortifications?

Not to mention building such a tall, majestic, fortress-like castle?

How much stone does this need?

If it is quarried and transported from hundreds of miles away, how much financial, human and material resources will it cost?

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Is this a tooth city that a nomadic tribe with a population of tens of thousands should have?

It is no wonder that the tooth city of the Soberen clan has never allowed outsiders to approach!

No wonder the patriarch of the Soberen clan dared to lead 3,000 elite cavalrymen to march thousands of miles away from home!

No wonder the high-level nobles of the Soberen clan lived in Yacheng all the year round, unlike other nomadic tribes who moved every year and lived by water and grass!

At this moment, many mysteries about the Soberen clan were revealed one by one in Gea's mind!

It turned out that the tooth city of the Soberen clan - it is really a castle, not a tooth village!

And the essence of the Soberen clan that has been painstakingly managed for hundreds of years is likely to be in this stone tooth city surrounded by grass hills and beside clear water!

No matter how strong the Black Nuruk cavalry of Gea is and how hard the armor is, there is no way to smash into the boulder fortress with flesh and blood!

Not to mention anything else, how did the sparkling, bottomless moat outside the city of Soberenya flow through?

You can't undo the armors on humans and pigs and swim there, right?

Then shouldn't the guards in the valley of the city wall be shot as a living meat target?

Just when Gea was stunned, the suspension bridge of Soberen Tooth City in front fell, the city gate opened wide, and a silver-armored giant-toothed pig cavalry rushed out from inside.

The weapons and equipment and even the mounts of this cavalry are much better than the patrol cavalry outside the city!

Under the sunlight at noon, the silver armor of the cavalry radiated a bright white light, majestic and solemn, shining brightly!

The next moment, Gea reacted and immediately ordered the entire army to retreat.

It's not that Gea is timid and admits counsel, but that he discussed it with Mukron in advance.

If Soberen's Tooth City is easy to fight, just rush to fight and overthrow the enemy in one go!

If it doesn't work, then retreat in sheep's clothing - if it can draw out the enemy's fresh army, it is even better.

So Gea, who had already occupied the circular grassy slope outside the city, immediately gave the order to throw off the entangled Sobelen patrol cavalry, speed up and run along the curved runway of the circular grassy slope, and then suddenly swooped out to withdraw.

In fact, at this time, the hundreds of Sobelen patrol cavalry on the periphery have been basically crippled. In order to stop Gea's Henuruk cavalry, they paid a heavy price of more than half of the casualties.

Therefore, after judging that the enemy was ready to escape, the fighting spirit of those patrolling cavalry to defend their homeland immediately decreased a lot.

In their opinion, Gea and the Heinuruk cavalry under his command are very powerful in combat, and the mounts are quite fierce, and their size is particularly huge and sturdy...

Now the enemy retreats in spite of difficulties and takes the initiative to flee, that is the best thing.

On the other side, the leader of the cavalry rushing out of Soberenya City led a thousand elite heavy-armored cavalry to the top of the grassy slope.

Seeing that the patrolling cavalry on the periphery suffered heavy losses in just a few minutes, he was secretly surprised.

Seeing dozens of black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boars lying on the grass again, the cavalry leader took a deep breath!

What a big black mane tusk!

And it's not an exception, almost every black-maned giant-toothed pig can be called a behemoth!

I'm afraid, even the average size of the Chinuruk giant-tooth wild boar outside the golden tent of the wild boar people is not that big, right?

Where did these black pig cavalrymen who raided the clan tooth city come from?

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

So weird!

For a time, the originally aggressive and murderous knight leader who wanted to destroy the enemy also began to hesitate.

"Would you like to chase?"

At this moment, a blood-colored fang pennant was raised from Soberen Tooth City, and it danced left and right in the hands of a wild boar Hercules, which seemed to be a semaphore.

Another knight leader brought his head closer and reminded the other party.

"The big boss of the left, the blood tooth flag is raised in Yacheng, the eldest young master ordered us to catch up immediately with the flag language, and kill all the enemies who offended the Soberen clan just now!"

In fact, without the need for unnecessary explanation, the leader of the knights [Herman Soberen], who is known as the great leader of the left, has already read the order of the slogan of Yacheng.

Danghu is an official title of the Wild Boar Khanate. It is slightly lower than a thousand commander, and generally commands an army of about 500 people, while a large family is slightly higher than a thousand commander, generally commanding an army of about 5,000 people.

In fact, the total strength of the Soberen clan is less than 10,000 people, so the patriarch is at most equivalent to the captain of 10,000.

The Soberen clan's army, in addition to the patriarch, has two other powerful men, one on the left and one on the right in charge of part of the cavalry.

At present, the patriarch of the Soberen clan accepted the order of the Great Khan of the Wild Boar, and took the right dang household and 3,000 elite cavalry soldiers to the east to cheer, leaving his eldest son and the Zuo dang household to guard Yacheng.


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