Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 46 Guerrilla Warfare?

Shortly after returning to Bluefrost Castle, Mukron unexpectedly received a private message from the "old comrade" Rophis in the game.

"Boss Mu, is the [Crown of Withered Bones] in your hands?"

As long as there are players other than me in this game, there will be no secrets, so Mukron replied easily.

"Well, you also know, the things are indeed still in my hands, and the bottom of the box is positive pressure."

Luo Feisi immediately reminded: "The president of the Heluo Hero Association asked me to tell you that the skeleton hero you killed was a local tyrant, and people are now all over the world looking for the masters of the tower camp to kill you, you have to be careful. ."

"It's best to transfer the [Crown of Dry Bones] in a high-profile way, which can reduce the risk a little bit. Anyway, that [Crown of Dry Bones] is useless to the heroes of our tower camp. It's better to throw the hot potato out and take it lightly."

Mu Kelong smiled and said: "Okay, I know, thank you brother for reminding me, I will find a way to deal with it immediately."


The next morning, Mukron carried a black iron box into the barracks of the Bluefrost Castle guards and asked to see the commander, Sir Hambani.

After seeing Mukron, Sir Hambani asked with a smile.

"Mu Kelong, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Mukron came with his eyes open and his mouth open——

"Dear Commander, a few days ago, I encountered an army led by an undead hero on the snow. After killing the opponent, I won an evil skull crown..."

"I think this is an unknown item, so after thinking about it, I decided to leave it to you to dispose of."

Hambani took the iron box that Mukron handed over, opened it, took out the [Crown of Withered Bones], glanced at it, and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, this is a very evil bone crown. If it falls into the hands of evil heroes, it may bring a lot of hidden dangers..."

"I will hand it over to Archmage Antondani in Bluefrost Castle. With the profound knowledge and wisdom of His Excellency the Archmage, I will be able to handle it properly."

Hearing that Sir Hambani mentioned the name of knowledge and wisdom, Mu Kelong looked solemn and praised with one hand on his chest.

"Praise the god of knowledge and wisdom!"

"Your Excellency Commander, I admire your wisdom and wisdom. Please accept Mukron's sincere thanks."

Commander Hambani smiled and nodded. He stood up suddenly, walked over to a beautifully decorated bookcase, and took down a thin notebook.

"Mu Kelong, you have proved that you are an excellent fighter and commander, but there is still a lot you need to learn..."

"This is the diary and combat experience I recorded when I was a junior commander in my early years, and I present it to you now, hoping to help you grow."

"In addition, I have prepared 50 elite soldiers for you. I hope you can lead your team to make greater achievements."


Immediately after leaving the residence of Commander Hambani, an adjutant took Mukron to a small camp.

There are 50 elite soldiers in full uniform waiting for their squad leader.

[Glacier Goblin Bomber] (Tier 1 Soldier, Level 19, 3-star White Ordinary Bomber)

Health: 160

Attack Power: 8 (27)

Defense: 2 (3)

Damage: (25~55)

Range: 12 meters

Ammo Capacity: 24

Morale: 2

Lucky: 3

Movement Speed: 500 (800) Snow Race +100, Snow Speed ​​Boots +200

Skill 1: [Chain Missile] (primary) When attacking from a distance, after dealing damage to a single target, there is a 50% chance to bounce to the nearest target. The damage result is reduced by 25% for each bounce, and can bounce up to 3 times.

Skill 2: [Cowardice] (Weakness) Melee damage is reduced by 75%; after being approached by the enemy, there is a 25% chance to escape; resistance to mind control skills is reduced by 50%.


After reading the attributes of his soldiers, Mu Kelong was surprised and happy.

Surprisingly, Sir Hambani should have seen through the fact that he has mastered the Guidance Art at a glance, so he specially prepared such a strange unit for himself.

The good news is that although the Glacier Goblin Bomber has obvious weaknesses, they can fight five scum in close quarters.

But if you are fighting against the wind, the skill of serial missiles is undoubtedly more powerful than the Snow Fairy Mage, and the amount of ammunition of 24 is enough to ensure continuous combat effectiveness.

All in all, a really good soldier.

——Combined with the transmission effect of his golden guidance technique, is it really fun?

After being stationed in the barracks, Mukron began to read the diary and combat experience that Commander Hambani had given him.

"Ding - congratulations on mastering a new strategic career skill."

[Guerrilla Tactics] (Elementary: When marching or fighting, the movement speed of the entire army is +50, the stamina consumption is reduced by 50%, and the long-range troops can shoot while moving, but the hit rate and maximum damage are reduced by 25%.)

Guerrilla tactics are very rare strategic skills that cannot be learned through normal means. I did not expect Commander Hambani to be a master at this skill.

Mobile shooting is a very practical skill, which is generally only available on some special long-range units.

The vast majority of long-range arms need to be stationary when shooting.

After mastering guerrilla tactics, Mukron's use of long-range arms tactics and tactics has risen to a new level.

His army not only moves faster, but more importantly, reduces physical consumption, which lays the foundation for long-distance raids and long-lasting tactics.

Immediately afterwards, Mukron posted the game video of himself presenting [Crown of Dry Bones] to Commander Hambani on the forum.

Title: "What rewards can you get for offering treasures to your boss? 》

Mukron Hegel: "Haha, I accidentally harvested a [Crown of Dry Bones] on the northern battlefield a few days ago. Since I am a tower camp player, this thing is tasteless to me, and it is a pity to abandon it—— It's like tasteless!"

"So I had an idea, and I was lucky enough to give this chicken rib to Sir Hambani, the commander of the city guard in Bluefrost Castle. I didn't expect to get a skill book, hehe!"

"As for what skill it is, it will be kept secret for the time being, but I can reveal a little bit. This is a special skill that cannot be learned through conventional means!"

"Praise for the wise, wise, generous, and heroic Commander Hambani!"


Soon, some players on the forum broke out the basic information of Sir Hambani.

[Mark Hambani]: Commander of the Bluefrost Castle Guards, nicknamed the Silver Knight, and also the military meritorious Sir of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire.

His father is a powerful lamp god elder, and his mother is a high-level archmage of the snow-land humans known for his wisdom. He himself is a 79-level champion knight, a 39-level senior commander, in the surrounding area of ​​Bluefrost Castle. Owning several manors and a few scattered territories...

In addition, in his early years, he served as the knight of the guard of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire and the contemporary Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Kuntmoke.

Mu Kelong never thought that there are players so good, who can dig the background of the mysterious and powerful Sir Hambani to such an extent?

That's fine, the 79-level champion knight, with a solid background, must be enough to make some people give up, right?


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