Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 47 If you walk too much at night, you will be scared silly!

At the same time, a certain skeleton hero was so angry that the soul fire in his eyes turned green.

He gritted the teeth on the skull and finally couldn't help but burst out.

"Mu Kelong, you bastard, ruined my [Crown of Withered Bones], and even showed it off in public, I want you to die!"

Beside him, the caveman hero known as "Old Liu" remained silent, with a look of helplessness on his face.

It seems that the [Crown of Withered Bones] is over, and it falls into the hands of the academic archmage, and the outcome of the decomposed research is almost doomed.

Mu Kelong's move to publicize the video is like a loud slap in the face of Huang Shao. Huang Shao has lost face in the circle, and he will definitely be with Mu Kelong forever.

On the other hand, Mukron received another private letter from his old friend, Rofes.

"Mr. Mu, you are really big!"

"Such a sassy operation, as expected, only you can do it."

"Also, I heard that the original owner of [Crown of Withered Bones] is now saying that he wants to kill you a hundred times until you delete your account."

Mu Kelong smiled and said: "It's not that I underestimate the heroes of the world. At this stage, there are people who can catch up with me on the snow. There should be few who can beat me..."

"There should be few people who can kill me faster than me..."

"The person who can kill me on the snow and guarantee that I can't run away is not someone who can just ask to move!"

"Since that fellow refuses to accept it, let him invite someone to kill me a hundred times and try?"

Luo Fei Si: "It makes sense, I'll take it. In any case, Mr. Mu, you have to take it easy, don't capsize in the gutter."

"By the way, the president of the Heluo Heroes Association asked me to tell you that if you can join the Heluo Heroes Association, Mr. Mu, he will come forward and guarantee you will help you settle this matter, why don't you think about it?"

Mu Kelong thought about it for a while and smiled: "Thank you for the kindness of President Wu. For the time being, I don't want to join any game guild. It's good to be a small boss and be free."

Taking into account the principle of staying on the front line in everything and seeing each other well in the future, Mu Kelong added.

"Please tell President Wu to thank him for the news. If the situation is really bad, I will go to him as soon as possible."


In the next few days, Mukron quietly left the Bluefrost Castle with the Ranger Love and the Mage Duko and 150 soldiers under his command, and began to wander into the distance.

Of course, this action was approved by Commander Hambani.

Because the reason Mukrone took 50 soldiers under his command was for long-distance field military training, Commander Hambani, as an expert in guerrilla tactics, expressed his appreciation for this.

This time, only Mu Kelong's real purpose is clear to him, and he actually went out to avoid disaster.

This guy said it quite wildly, as if there were no players in the world who could kill him, but in fact he was still cowardly.

The northern battlefield will not be gone for the time being, and it is not a problem to nest in the Blue Frost Castle, so let's wander around looking for opportunities.

If I don't know where I'm going, it's even less likely that the people who come to kill me will find me!


As the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, sooner or later you will encounter something scary.

Mukron is no exception-

One day, he and his army got lost in the fog of war?

Of course, this lost is not really lost, but astray, he and his army are transported to another part of the world by the strange fog of war!


There was still a blanket of white snow at the entrance, but Mu Kelong understood that he had been passed through.

Because, through the fog of war, everyone can see an incomparably majestic snow-capped mountain in the distance.

Such a tall snow-capped mountain stands alone on the endless snow field—not to mention that there is no such situation near Bluefrost Castle, and such a mountain cannot even exist in Kazlodan County!


Ranger Love leaned over his head,

Muttered softly.

"Boss, the situation is not right, where did such a big snow-capped mountain come from?"

The mage Duke looked serious and put forward his own guess.

"Are we going to cross the Sierra Mountains?"

Mu Kelong shook his head slowly, and said something uncertain.

"It doesn't feel like it. The Sierra Mountains are a natural barrier in the eastern part of the Titan Empire. They are a thousand-mile mountain range extending from the Northeast Ice Sea to the southwest..."

"And the snow-capped mountain in front of me is so independent, it's like a super big bamboo shoot emerging from the snow."

Ranger Love nodded and said with a smile: "It's not ruled out that this Snowy Mountain is a certain peak in the Xuelar Mountains."

"Now that the fog of war covers the earth, and the vision is not too far, let's go over and take a look."

Mu Kelong smiled: "Okay!"

Just in case, Mukron divided the troops into three square formations and arranged them in a zigzag pattern.

There are 50 soldiers in each phalanx, and the three Mu Kelongs each lead a phalanx, keeping a distance of hundreds of meters from each other, and can support each other in case of emergency.

The team marched very fast on the snow, and it didn't take long for them to reach the foot of the snowy mountain.

Although the gray-black fog of war shrouded the earth, the moonlight was particularly bright tonight, and the reflective properties of ice and snow allowed them to clearly see the whole picture of the snow-capped mountain in front of them.

Ranger Love has money and leisure in reality, and often travels around. Seeing this, he couldn't help exclaiming in the chat group.

"Wow, this is really an independent snow mountain, so majestic and spectacular!"

At this moment, Mu Kelong, who led the 50 goblin bombers in front of him, froze in his eyes, suddenly shouted in the three-person chat group, and immediately ordered the team to retreat back.

"A monster has come down from the mountain, retreat immediately!"

Ranger Love and Mage Duko were more than 100 meters behind the left and right sides of the Mukron army formation, so their vision was not as clear as Mukron's. Although they could see the snowy mountains, they couldn't see any monsters.

After hearing the reminder, the two were surprised at the same time.

Seeing that the 50 snow fairy mages in their respective army formations began to move to the rear, they also followed the team back without hesitation.

The team had just evacuated a few hundred meters, and several big snowballs ran down the mountain and quickly caught up with Mu Kelong, who had changed from the front to the back.

At this time, all three players in the team saw the appearance of the monster.

These are five giant monsters that are over 4 meters tall. They are covered with thick snow-white long hairs, as if they are covered with a thick layer of armor.

Their heads are covered by thick white beards and hair, so they can't see the specific appearance. There are a pair of sharp horns over half a meter long on both sides of the top of their heads, white-faced fangs, and large bloody mouths, which look very ferocious.

They walk upright on two feet, with arms hanging below the knees, a pair of terrifying palms larger than grinding discs, and five silver claws a foot (30 centimeters) long at the ends of their fluffy fingers.

The headed monster is a circle bigger than the other four monsters, nearly 6 meters tall, and as tall as a two-story building.

Moreover, the pair of sharp horns on the top of the big monster's head are golden, and two blood-red pupils shine through the white hair on the face, making people shudder.

The next moment, the battle prompt appeared——

"Hint: Your party is under a terrible attack!"


[Iceberg Snow Monster Leader] (6th-level 69-level elite monster leader, golden three-star blue extraordinary-level berserker)

Health: 12000

Attack Power: 32

Defense: 40

Damage: (320~400)

Movement Speed: 900 (1000) Snow Race +100

Skill 1: [Puncture Attack] (Advanced) When attacking, there is a 35% chance to cause an additional 300 piercing damage to the target, while reducing the target's defense by 8 points.

(Puncture damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense attenuation effect is halved)

Skill 2: [Claw Crit] (Advanced) 30% chance to deal triple damage to a single target, ignoring enemy defense.

Skill 3: [Ice and Snow Physique] (Advanced) Water and ice magic damage is reduced by 90%.

Skill 4: [Frost Fur Armor] (Advanced) When receiving melee damage, ignore 50% of the attack power, when receiving long-range damage, ignore 75% of the attack power.

Skill 5: [Ferocious Roar] (Advanced) The base damage of friendly targets within 120 meters is increased by 40%, lasts 7 seconds, and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


[Iceberg Yeti] (5th-level 59th-level monster, three-star cyan extraordinary berserker)

Health: 2000

Attack Power: 16

Defense: 20

Damage: (160~200)

Movement Speed: 800 (900) Snow Race +100

Skill 1: [Puncture Attack] (Intermediate) When attacking, there is a 30% chance to cause an additional 150 piercing damage to the target, while reducing the target's defense by 4 points.

(Puncture damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense attenuation effect is halved)

Skill 2: [Claw Crit] (Intermediate) 25% chance to cause double damage to a single target, ignoring enemy defense.

Skill 3: [Ice and Snow Physique] (Intermediate) Reduces water and ice magic damage by 70%.

Skill 4: [Frost Fur Armor] (Intermediate) When receiving melee damage, ignore 35% of attack power, when receiving long-range damage, ignore 60% of attack power.


At this moment, Mu Kelong's heart was cold, and his heart was full of despair.

In front of this big four small five monsters, the skill attribute almost completely defeats one's own arms!

Especially the elite monster leader, a level 69 monster can almost be seen as a seventh-order unit!

What's more, this quasi-seventh-order monster leader, or an elite-level template BOSS?

This wave, if it doesn't work, the group will be destroyed!

Mage Du Ke was stunned, he was obviously frightened.

Ranger Love yelled in the group while running.

"Level 69 elite monster leader, this attribute, this speed, this skill - I will play your uncle!"


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