【Claw Crit】!

(3x damage, ignore enemy defense!)


At this moment, Mu Kelong lost his soul and his face turned green!


"I'm playing with your uncle-"

The next moment, a certain blood dwarf ran away, activated the [Snow Speed ​​Skating] without hesitation, and flew 150 meters away, with a frightened expression on his face, and a sense of fluke for the rest of his life emerged in his heart.

"It doesn't matter if you are promoted by magic, what does it mean to instantly increase blood by 12,000?"

At the same time, a phalanx of 12 alpine dwarf shield guards strode forward and surrounded the "King of the Black Horn".

These dwarf shield guards were fully armed, with steel helmets and armor from head to toe. They raised heavy shields taller than themselves in front of them, and then slammed on the snow to form a defensive circle.

At the same time, a purple lightning shot out from the flame scepter of Jimus, the Mugul patriarch and flame rune priest behind him.

——[Soul Chain] (Intermediate)

At this moment, the life of the twelve dwarf shield guards is shared, and unless they are killed collectively, each of them can take two fatal injuries.

Immediately afterwards, Jimus released a flame rune again, but this time the target was not the enemy, but the twelve shield guards surrounding the enemy.

——【Flame Shield】(Intermediate)

Bless the target with a fire shield rune, increase defense by 8 points, and increase HP by 500 points. When the target suffers a melee attack, 25% of fire magic damage is reflected.

(If the target is in Soul Chain, all life-sharing targets can get the melee bounce effect.)

The next moment, a circle of flame runes appeared on the body of the twelve shield guards.

"The King of the Black Horn" saw the damn dwarf escape, and he was surrounded by a dozen dwarf shield guards. After being demonized, he lost his sense of reason, and he directly grabbed the nearest dwarf shield guard with his paw. go.




The moment the claws fell, a huge flame shield suddenly appeared in front of the dwarf. Although it could not resist the attack of the giant black claws, it gave the enemy terrible flame rebound damage.


At the same time, the three golden Pegasus knight sisters in the sky were still shooting continuously, and the crimson flying fire stars bombarded the enemy one by one.



Lucky Strike!


On the other side, Mu Kelong, who had only residual blood, raised his head and drank a bottle of great life restoration potion, trying to raise his blood line to prevent him from being teleported to seconds by King Black Horn after 60 seconds.

[Great Health Recovery Potion] (cyan quality magic potion) can instantly restore 2000 health points after taking it, and within the next 45 seconds, restore 40 health points per second.

This bottle of great life restoration potion was actually obtained by him from the hands of Sir Hambani.

It is said that Anton Dani, the Archmage of Bluefrost Castle, was very satisfied after receiving the [Crown of Withered Bones], and specially entrusted Sir Hambani with a small gift to Mukron.

I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time today.

Soon, Mukron felt that he had returned to a safe bloodline and began to play again.

At this time, the 9-second duration of Soul Chains has passed, and the dwarf shield guards begin to suffer casualties.

The next moment, Mu Kelong returned to the battle formation and let the shield guard retreat.

After the demonization, the movement speed of the Black Horned King increased to 1200, and reached 1300 on snow, but Mukron still maintained the advantage of 200 movement speed.

Relying on the advantage of speed, Mu Kelong was like dancing on the tip of a knife, attracting King Noire to turn around.

At this time, the Miss Golden Pegasus Sky Knights who were summoned for the first time had run out of ammunition.

Adhering to the principle of "use of waste", Mu Kelong originally wanted to direct them to dive down from the sky and attack King Noire.

But on second thought, Mu Kelong suppressed this not-so-good idea.

Because he found out that each of the young ladies and sisters of the Golden Pegasus Sky Knights that he summoned was different——

Although it is a summoned unit, it may have some connection with the real Golden Pegasus Sky Knight.

In order to ensure the favorability of the Pegasus clan, he decided to repeat the summoning!

The next moment, the other three Golden Pegasus Sky Knights appeared in the sky.

Sure enough, the appearance of the three newly summoned elf sisters is different from the previous three.

At this time, Mu Kelong controlled all the long-range troops to surround him, and concentrated his firepower to deal with the demonized King Black Horn.

For this reason, Mu Kelong has already played all his cards.

In any case, he will take down the super boss of this seventh-order elite template tonight!

Thanks to the powerful flame rune effect of Jimus, the head of the Mugul clan, the Golden Pegasus Sky Knight has enough ammo.

After a fierce battle, the Demonized Black Horned King, who swelled to nearly eight meters in height, was finally killed.

During this period, more than a dozen dwarf shield guards were killed in action, and Mu Kelong himself was chased and killed by the Black Horn King twice.

Fortunately, the enemy failed to hit the piercing attack and the claws crit these two times, otherwise Mukron would not have survived at all.


"You have won an extremely difficult victory!"

"I can't believe it, you led a weak army to kill a seventh-order elite monster leader!"

"You gain strategic experience..., combat experience..."

"Your strategy level has been raised to level 20!"

"Congratulations, your Junior Commander Token (Tier 1) is automatically upgraded to Intermediate Commander Token (Tier 2), and your Dominance will increase by an additional 10 points."

"Your combat level has been raised to level 20!"

"Congratulations, you are automatically promoted to Tier 2 Berserker."


In addition to the surprise, Mukron was a little disappointed-

"I have worked so hard to kill the seventh-order elite super boss, and rewarded me with some experience?"

Although Mu Kelong knew that upgrading to level 20 in both the strategy profession and the combat profession was already a very rich reward, which brought his level back to the ranks of first-class players.

But since ancient times, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and it is normal to be greedy and greedy.

But soon, a new round of surprises hit Mukron's head.

In between, Jimus, the patriarch of the Mugul clan of the alpine dwarf tribe, held a flame scepter and walked slowly to Mu Kelong, touched his chest with one hand, and gave him a salute.

"Dear Commander Mukron, you are a great hero..."

"You killed the leader of the iceberg snow monster on the Sacred Mountain of Kuye - the King of the Golden Horn. The Mugul clan will always be grateful for your kindness."

"Following the prophecy of our ancestors, I - [Jimus Mughur], on behalf of the Mughur clan, devote my allegiance to you. I hope you can accept our small tribe of only a few hundred people."

Mu Kelong nodded and laughed loudly: "The ancestors of the dwarves are above, I—[Mu Kelong Hegel], on behalf of the glacier dwarf Black Iron Tribe and the Hegel clan, will form an eternal alliance with the alpine dwarf Mugul clan! "

"From now on, our two clans will be as close as one family, as brothers and sisters, regardless of each other, sharing the blessings and sharing the difficulties..."

There was a hint of joy on Jimus' face, and he smiled and said, "The Mughur clan will always follow your footsteps."


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