Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 52 The Valley of Storms

Mukron suddenly thought that he was sent here by the fog of war, so he said something to Guinness.

"Chief Jimus, I was patrolling near the Blue Frost Castle in the northwest of the Titan Continent, but I lost my way in the fog of war, and I came to the east of the Titan Continent."

"If the Mugul clan wants to return to the Northwest Snow World with me, I'm afraid it will take a long-term plan."

Jimus smiled and said: "I believe that all this is the arrangement of the ancestors, we don't need to worry about it."

Hearing what he said, Mu Kelong also nodded.


Soon, Mu Kelong took the army to set off, and the goal was to go to the camp of the Mughal clan.

After the war, Mukron counted the number of soldiers.

There were only 64 of the original 100 snow goblin mages, and the 50 goblin bombers were unscathed.

In addition, 115 dwarf shield guards also sacrificed 21 people, plus 5 elite hunters and patriarch Jimus, no more or no less, exactly 100 people.

Now that his Dominance Point has reached 41 points, he can command 410 Tier 1 soldiers, or 205 Tier 2 soldiers. Even if he incorporates all of them into his team, there will be remaining Dominance Points.

In addition, if he summons the Golden Pegasus Sky Knights, he can already summon four at a time.

As for the corpses of "King Blackhorn" and the other four iceberg snow monsters, they were all taken as trophies, and were collectively carried back to the camp of the Mungul clan by the powerful dwarf shield guards.

That night, almost all the warriors of the Mugul clan went out to fight, and there were less than two hundred dwarves left in the camp, most of them were old people, women and children.

All the dwarves shed tears of excitement as the bodies of one, four, and five Yeti were brought into the camp.

These icebergs and snow monsters on the holy mountain of Kuye have been infesting the Mugul clan for thousands of years.

In particular, the king of the iceberg snow monster, the King of the Golden Horn, is a lingering nightmare in the hearts of all the small and medium-sized tribes and clans of the dwarves around the sacred mountain of Sakhalin.

This big devil-like monster was finally killed tonight by a hero from thousands of miles away in the West.

Moreover, this hero, like them, is a dwarf!

That night, in the camp of the Mughal clan, a grand bonfire was lit, and everyone sang and danced, celebrating this great moment with food and spirits.


After a night of revelry, the sun rose from the east, and the fog of war between heaven and earth quickly dissipated.

The dwarf warriors guarding the sentry tower suddenly discovered that after dawn, the environment outside the camp became completely unfamiliar!

Soon, Mu Kelong and Jimus got the news and led people out of the camp gate.

They were surprised to find that the snow under their feet was located in a huge valley.

Looking around, there are high mountains all around, a huge thundercloud of deep purple that cannot be described in words, slowly rotating over the valley...

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and in an instant, countless blue thunderbolts flashed out from the purple thunderclouds and slammed into the surrounding mountains.

Seeing this magnificent natural wonder, Mu Kelong and others looked at each other in dismay——

"Is this the place of the gods?"

Among all the people, only Jimus, the old patriarch of the Mughur clan, had a thoughtful look on his face.

He said slowly: "I heard from the old man in the clan that more than a thousand years ago, the camp of our Mugul clan was originally located in the territory of the Holy Emerald Golden Dragon Empire..."

"Later, the camp suddenly shifted in the fog of war and came to the foot of the holy mountain of Sakhalin on the east coast!"

"Now, the things of the old days are happening again, which shows that this must be the arrangement of the ancestors."

Mu Kelong nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that the ancestors wanted the Mugul clan to settle in this valley,

I just don't know what's dangerous around here. "

Ranger Love inserted a sentence beside him.

"I seem to have heard people say that in the south of Bluefrost Castle, at the junction of Kazlodan County and Solent County, there is a mysterious valley."

"That valley is shrouded in storms and thunder all year round and is known as the Valley of Storms."

"It is said that the Valley of Storms is very mysterious and dangerous. It is difficult for outsiders to find the route without knowing the route. Moreover, the storms and thunders in this valley can only be seen from the inside, and the storms and thunders cannot be observed outside."

"It seems that we have been transferred to the interior of Storm Valley by the fog of war?"

Mu Kelong nodded and said with a big laugh: "Since it's here, let's be safe. I originally wanted to relocate the camp of the Mugul clan to the vicinity of Maple Leaf Ridge to be neighbors with the Rockefeller family."

"Since the ancestors have made arrangements, it's better to settle down in this storm valley."

Next, Mu Kelong led a quick search in the valley and found no danger.

The storms and thunders in the sky look terrible, but they don't seem to have a bad impact on the valley.

Because, they did not find traces of damage caused by lightning strikes and hurricanes in the valley.

Finally, Mukron came to a conclusion.

"This Storm Valley is really an excellent camp. Not only are there mountains and dangers, but there are also storms and thunders for protection. It's not only easy to defend but difficult to attack, it's just a man who is a master and a man who can't open it. It is definitely a natural base."

At this time, Master Du Ke raised a question.

"So, how do we get out?"

"How do you get in after you go out?"

Mukron and Ranger Love looked at each other - yes, how to get out?


Half a day later, Mukron and the others found a cave grotto hidden in the snowy forest in the east of Storm Valley.

After walking through the grotto for 40 minutes, the eyes suddenly became clear, and they came to a snow field outside the valley.

Opening the game map, they found that they had left the unknown coordinates and came to the Rosenberg area of ​​Solent County, Viscount Kate.

The three-dimensional coordinate positioning point of the world map at the exit is - [Rosenberg] (23333, 66666, 404)...

"Halo, these coordinates are really awesome!"

"The designer is a genius!"


After settling the Mugul clan, Mu Kelong took his army to the north to return to the Bluefrost Castle.

This time, in addition to 64 snow goblin mages and 50 goblin bombers, he also brought 5 Mughal elite hunters.

In the last battle, the output of these elite hunters was very powerful, which made Mu Kelong very envious.

It is a pity that the black powder shotgun of the elite hunter gate has only 6 rounds of ammunition, which is too small to carry out long-term combat.

This time, Mu Kelong returned to Bluefrost Castle, in addition to returning to the Hegel Blacksmith to get the [Wrath of Wind and Thunder] skill book, he also saved a little bit of careful thought.

That is to ask the old Musa, the master blacksmith, to help him and see if he can improve the manufacturing process of the black powder shotgun and its supporting ammunition.

He even wondered if he could come up with black powder short-handed guns and equip all his dwarf shield guards.

Just imagine, a row of dwarf shield guards armed to the teeth are facing the front. The enemy thinks it is a meat tank, and a large number of Wu Yian rushed over, only to find out that he was greeted by a dark musket muzzle...

Even if it's just one bullet, that scene--don't be too good!


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