
Yes, he is in urgent need of a drawing of the magic spring for the barrier.

In the past, he had no trading items and no channels.

But things are different now. This strategic treasure is naturally more than enough for trading, and they can even ask for another third-level hidden camp blueprint.

There was no channel before, but Tianhai University is a powerful force. The other party will definitely have the drawings he wants. Even if the other party does not have them, there will definitely be a way to get them.

It was impossible for Falina to get the high-end lair blueprints he needed.

But Tianhai University is different. As a famous school, it is extremely powerful. Even if it is not in stock, it can definitely be obtained quickly. The value of a strategic treasure is enough to make the other party crazy.

Yes, strategic treasures are something that can make people crazy, and their value will increase as time goes by. How many heroes have a lot of money, but have no way to get strategic treasures. Tianhai University must have many strategic treasures, but they will definitely be in short supply.

No force would feel that there are too many things that represent power, and no matter how much they have, they will never be satisfied.

Of course.

The premise of the transaction is to have equal communication status. Otherwise, if one party is too weak, just grab it directly.

Now the combat power of Lin Feng's men is far greater than before, and it will be Monday soon. When the number of soldiers increases, he will have the upper hand, and the one who prevents him from grabbing them may be the other party.

But there’s no need to wait, because it’s already Monday.

A faint line of handwriting slides across the system interface, and there is no sound prompt. If you don't pay attention, you will ignore it.

【This week is Centaur Week, and Centaur production is doubled! ]

Slightly surprising news.

The week with the nine major factions as the main force is the most common, so it is not uncommon. However, Lin Feng actually hopes to have a Wood Elf Week, so that the benefits can be maximized, but it is not bad to have a Centaur Week.

After reading this week’s tips.

Lin Feng looked towards the huge entrance passage ahead.

He led the army, which had gone through the baptism of battle and was a little smaller in number, but its combat effectiveness was not reduced, and continued to advance.

The decrease in number is due to the heavy losses of dwarves and centaurs. The reason why the combat effectiveness has not decreased is because the levels of the arms have increased, which can fully make up for the lost combat effectiveness, and maybe there will be an improvement.

The ground is undulating, so the field of vision cannot easily see things hundreds of meters away.

And if you fly for reconnaissance, you are looking for death in such an extremely dangerous place.

The outer reaches of the mountains alone are so terrifying, and now it’s not surprising to encounter core-level flying demons.

Of course Lin Feng would not give up if he encountered one or two core-level hell creatures, but if there were a few, or even more than a dozen, it would be a huge problem, so he could only advance from the ground.

Because there is no hero team, and there are no reconnaissance players or heroes under his command, Lin Feng can only flee.

However, with such a huge body, the scene looks a bit inconsistent when conducting reconnaissance.

Now his shoulder height is over three and a half meters, his head is over five meters, and his wingspan is about ten meters. Such a huge body is really not suitable for reconnaissance. If it weren't for the sharp eyes of the dragon, which can detect the target in advance, reconnaissance would have been impossible.

After leading the army for about half a kilometer and crossing the small slope in front of them, Lin Feng, who was walking at the front, froze.

Because the scene in front of him was a little too shocking.

The entrance passage, which was almost a kilometer wide in front, was now covered with red.

It's because the ground is occupied by mainly crimson hell creatures and there is no open space at all, which makes it look like the ground is covered with crimson.

The number is meaningless at this time, because it is completely innumerable. The number of monsters that Lin Feng saw in front of him must be at least ten thousand as a unit, and this is only what he can see, and the number of monsters that he has not seen is small. It is dozens or hundreds of times more.

There is a 100-meter-wide river of magma in the center of the channel.

The high temperature emitted by the boiling magma spread the hot breath, and the hell creatures who were accustomed to this environment showed their comfort.

And there are no hell creatures in the magma.

Fire elf!

Fire elves and fire elements don't sound much different, but they are actually very different, because fire elements are seventh-level elemental creatures of the elemental camp, while fire elves are eleventh-level ace creatures of the hell camp.

Ace creature!

What is this concept?

It means that even on the battlefield between two countries, it can be used as a trump card. It is not impossible to defeat ten thousand people with one person. It is a basic operation to use it well to reverse the outcome of a large-scale battle.

And the trump card creature that appears in the real world after crossing the gate of the world is exactly the kind of monster that can destroy cities and destroy countries, which can cause the authorities to put the highest level of vigilance, and at the same time, the whole army to attack against it.

If the ace creatures weren't so terrifying, Tianhai University wouldn't be able to become a first-class university just by relying on those two rows of ancient tree spirits.

The group of fire elves in the magma.

The skin is red, and the top of the humanoid body has a pair of white sharp horns. The upper body alone is almost five meters tall. The lower body is not a body, but a ball of flame, as if the flame is combined with a human.

This hell's ace creature can control fire, and is also immune to fire damage. Needless to say, it has combat prowess. It can at least sweep through Lin Feng's troops without taking a breath.

Especially one group!

It means that there is not only one fire elf, but at least a dozen or more, and this is just the entrance to the mountain area. It goes without saying how dangerous it is deeper.

At this time, Lin Feng also understood why the previous final fortress was so strong but failed to solve the problem of the entrance to the hell plane in the mountains. It was not that he did not want to solve it, but that he could not solve it at all.

At the same time, the waves of hell that often break out are just losers who are squeezed out of the mountainous area because there are too many.

And even those losers can show such terrible dangers to the surroundings, not to mention these strong ones who can stay. If Lin Feng dares to attack with his army now, he may be resurrected in the territory in only ten minutes at most. It still has to be on the premise that the other party's fire elves don't take action.

Looking at the terrifying scene diagonally below that the main force is not as good as a dog, elites are everywhere, cores are everywhere, and only ace can show off, Lin Feng feels that he has seen another world, a world of strong people.

Fortunately, the hell creatures had no intention of moving, and occasionally there would be hell crawlers crawling around the resources, as if this was their hotbed.

Lin Feng also saw a large number of scattered resources and nest buildings distributed among them.

There is even an evil ghost gate in the lair that can recruit seventh-level evil ghosts, but the soldiers and guards are refreshed just to serve as food, and they are eaten directly by these hellish creatures.

Especially in the corner of the passage, there was a huge building like a castle with a spire, which made Lin Feng stunned because this thing was so rare.

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