Hill fort!

A miracle building sought after by heroes, its effect is very simple, that is, you can use gold coins instead of evolution crystals to advance your troops.

Evolution crystals are rare, but most heroes will not be short of gold coins. In addition to increased combat power after the arms evolve, many of them can have special abilities, which may transform the arms.

For example, once a third-level archer becomes a fourth-level marksman, his output will more than double in an instant, and the tactical effect will naturally be completely different.

The most important thing is that this is a permanent miracle building, which means it will not disappear.

Just like the Sequoia Watchtower, it can only be used once every time it accumulates energy. It can be called the miraculous building that all heroes want to occupy.

Priceless treasure!

Maybe this is the evaluation in the hearts of all heroes.

Because with this miraculous building, although the number of places for each evolution is limited, evolution does not distinguish between types. You can evolve any type of soldier you want, as long as you can evolve.

There is a huge gap between the arms before they evolve and after they evolve.

Just like a vampire and a vampire king, they seem to be only one level apart, but they are two completely different combat powers on the battlefield.

In addition to the hill fort, there are also some precious miraculous buildings, but they are not worth mentioning compared with the hill fort.

But no matter how coveted he was, Lin Feng also understood that his strength was far from enough. If he really dared to come forward, he would be taught to be a dragon by the opponent in seconds, so he could only retract his gaze unwillingly.

But he also understood what the hell tide explosion was about. It was obvious that the capacity of this area had reached the upper limit, so the excess hell creatures were driven away.

On a small scale, it is at best like a hell dog, but when it reaches a certain level, it is very likely that all the hell creatures in front of you will be driven away.

After all, this is the outskirts of the mountains. Being driven here means that you are at the bottom of the food chain. In this case, it is normal for you to continue to be driven away.

The army behind Lin Feng slowly turned around and left!

Facing an opponent of this level, he is far from a match now, but as long as his strength reaches a certain level, sooner or later he will be able to master the lairs, resources, and miraculous buildings in this area.

Especially those eleventh-level fire elves, compared to other ace units, were the most restrained by Lin Feng.

Because the red dragon is immune to fire, the opponent's attack method is mainly fire. After removing the fire ability, when the two sides fight hand-to-hand, he does not feel that the other party is his opponent.

As long as the group of ace-level hell creatures can be dealt with, no matter how many hell creatures are left, they will not be enough to be slaughtered by the army. And based on the speed of the World Tree Leader's explosion, this day will not be too far away.

Reluctantly looking away, he turned and left.

It didn't take long.


The nearest hellhound seemed to smell something and howled in the direction Lin Feng left.

Of course, it is impossible for hell creatures to swarm up. Cerberus dogs are not qualified. If it is a fire elf, it is still possible.

It’s just not that there are no responders.

Hell creatures naturally like chaos and destruction. Because there are superior demons like fire elves suppressing them, there is no way to mess around. However, there are naturally many responders to pursue the intruders.

Not many!

But the weakest ones are also the third-level Gog and the sojourner demon.

On the contrary, there are very few first-level hell creatures such as small monsters, because it is normal for them to be swallowed casually. If they don't mess around, there is no way to fight comprehensively, and small-scale battles will not be taken seriously by the fire elves.

The quantity is more than one thousand.

Most of them are hellhounds, and their number exceeds five hundred. Together with nearly a hundred seventh-level evil ghosts and horned evil ghosts, their quality is extremely powerful.

Lin Feng originally retreated cautiously.

I just heard a roar behind me and knew something was wrong, so I immediately sped away.

Fortunately, the army took a step forward and now they are out of the valley passage and back to the rich harvest basin. If they fight here and countless hell creatures join in, they will overwhelm his troops in minutes.

He glanced behind him from the corner of his eyes, and then put down the worries in his heart.

If the group of fire elves chased them out, of course he would take off and escape without saying a word, but of course he was confident of solving such a pursuit force.

It's a pity that there will be no other gains except experience from taking down the pursuing troops.

In the previous battle, no matter how much the loss was, it would be a loss of blood. However, if the loss in this battle is too much and exceeds the experience value brought in income, it will be a big loss.

As for escaping, it is difficult unless you are willing to give up the dwarves and deadwood guards, because these two units have strong defense, but their speed is definitely a shortcoming.

But Lin Feng was not willing to run away without a fight, especially when faced with an enemy that could be easily dispatched.

Although he can't use Dragon Breath now, the number of enemies is far less than that of the Hell Army where the Evil God King was before.

Feeling that now that he was flying, he didn't have to worry about being seen by countless hellish creatures deep in the passage, so Lin Feng spread his wings and took off, preparing to deal with the few resident demons on the opponent's side first.

There really aren’t many!

The number was less than two hundred. Even Lin Feng could kill them all alone, let alone a group of griffons to help.


Under the heroic command method of the soul network, the griffins quickly flew back to kill, and took the initiative to launch an attack.

There were no core-level hell creatures like the Evil God King in the pursuit force. The horned devils had no brains at all and came in a swarm without any tactics.

The sojourner demon pursuing from the air soon collided with a group of griffons of similar numbers.

A large number of corpses of hell creatures fell from the sky.

Compared with the fifth-level griffon, the third-level resident demon was completely crushed in all aspects, especially since it didn't even have a numerical advantage, it was a complete tragedy.

It only took less than two minutes for nearly two hundred units of resident demons to turn into corpses and fall into the sky.

The battle was an instant defeat, and the griffins did not even feel any resistance. In addition to having no disadvantage in terms of numbers, it was also because of their comprehensive attributes, size, and speed.

The air superiority fell into Lin Feng's hands, which at least ensured that the griffins could raid any of the opponent's troops.

More than 500 units of Cerberus, among the fastest troops on the ground, have already reached the front and are waiting in front of the army.



First came the torrent of attacks from wood elves and archers.

In the previous battle, the two armies did not suffer much losses, so their total number was nearly four hundred, and they still had nearly half of their ammunition. Their combat effectiveness was very complete, or it could be said that they had become stronger because of the upgrade.

Cerberus fell one after another. Although there were not more than a hundred, there were still more than half a hundred. Of course, there was no chance of missing such a target.

After two rounds of shooting, the wood elves and archers retreated slightly.

The battle was given to 93 units of seventh-level swordsmen. 7 units were lost in the previous battle, but it was nothing compared to the gains. Especially the improvement in level made the combat effectiveness more powerful.

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